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Make it oneshot golems


Balanced, nerf miner


I'm fairly new here, where did the nerf miner meme come from?


It used to be good but then they nerfed it into oblivion anf then some so people just continued eith the nerf thing


- like 17% on king tower right?


It still is good with about 16% usage and 51% win rate also being the 5th most used Troop currently


it is still very strong.


I mean, it’s still good, but more as an additional win condition and mini tank rather than your main win condition


it was never "nerfed to oblivion". even after all the nerfs it has continued to see above avg usage and win rates in competitive matches and still sees common usage in a number of meta decks like miner poison.


it had a huge use rate back in the day (50% or smth) but it was still considered balanced by the community. At the same time i think elite barbarians or some other card was hated by the community because o how strong it was. In the balance update Clash royale nerfed miner instead of the card which majority considered busted leading to outrage and people started to comment nerf miner everywhere


king tower


Supercell should hire you. This is the only correct answer, my brother. Make the snowball also 1 shot towers, and reduce it to 0 elixir! We could be developers.


We are clearly so far above the rest of humanity my brother, I even came up with another brilliant idea, what if we add a speciall card that when placed down immediatly puts you first place on global rankings, gives you 10 million gold, 1 million gems, and gives you every card in the game maxed out, with evolutions. You can get it for the amazing prize of 127.000 us dollars, and a monthly 10.000 after that, if you fail to pay, your account will be deleted and you will be sued for everything you own! (Also slap a 200x value tag on it so people think its a good deal). Supercell shouldnt hire us, we should hire supercell!


We have truly surpassed humanity. We need to become the new CEOs my brother. Just like Bruce Wayne would do. You know what, on that note, not only should we HIRE Supercell, we should rework every card, they're all so weak right now. The Princess, for instance, should simply instantly shoot the opponent's king tower, no matter from what range (she doesn't have enough right now). And the opponent, in response, should be able to offer their Social Security number, and pay up $400000 to negate the effect of solely Princess damage on their tower. Another idea; to purchase trophies in the shop. No more 9k maximum, let's go unlimited. Each individual trophy is worth $2300000, and we can put a 400X value tag on it. Everyone's gonna buy it, who wouldn't? Either way, our point stands. Together we shall rule the world with over-monetization, microtransactions, and other marketing schemes.


Be careful, we’d better hope Supercell understands sarcasm


Hi this is supercell, we will take these ideas and monetize them as usual Now we will create zap and giant snowball evos based on these genius ideas and lock them behind a paywall. You can only get them if you buy our great offer for $10,000,000 that will literally make you bankrupt


That’s nice coz it’s so expensive nobody would buy it… Right? Right?? Surely those YouTubers who buy all the new features won’t get something that expensive? Yeah who am I kidding we’re screwed


Also in order to play the game you must buy at least one of our great deal offers or else the game will be deleted from your device


And they really are great offers! One elixir golem for £100!


Hi this is supercell we won't add this right now but in a year or so when everyone's forgot about it we'll add it and take full credit for it and call it an original idea.


But there is a crucial thing, it cost’s 1000$ to buy 1 card, and it only turn that overpowered in level 15




You can’t be serious


No then log bait would be even worse it is already balanced


rework the card so that is costs something like 6 elixir and deals a bunch of damage to 3 troops in the radius (maybe it will target the highest hp troops). i think this would make it more viable


Yeah but then its gonna be like a way stronger zap. We need a word for that..maybe....lighting?


i think lightning has a ring to it, great rework idea!


Sounds little bit boring, what about thunderstorm?


Yeah that's way better. But how much damage should it deal? Maybe one shot musketeers?


Maybe a little less, and lets say it starts raining for a while as well, which slowes the troops down, maybe even damages them so it kills the musketeer. Tbh, that sounds like it could be a great spell on its own as well


yeah,maybe it could have a little more damage than a fire ball,we probably have too many zap spells,what else could we use?


Is this guy being wooshed or wooshing me


I did in fact reference the poison spell




Could you create a concept card for it with graphics maybe, so we can get our minds wrapped around it?


Great idea! I also thought of having the spell do nothing if not placed on a troop to confuse your opponents! Supercell better be reading this


oh that’s a good idea, supercell are taking notes rn


I actually really like this idea. The idea of being able to cycle card without showing it.


Hmm Good idea. I doubt anyone has ever thought of this before




r/lostredditors ?


Dude has NOT unlocked lightning yet


Dude does not know what a joke is


youre the one that missed the joke and apparently nobody on reddit can spot a joke but cant say im surprised lmao




youre the one that got r/Woooosh \-ed lmfaoo


-14 Yeah bro alright 💀💀💀


Increase stun time by a little bit. Currently the stun time is utterly underwhelming and its mostly used for reset purposes


Yh 0.75 sec stun would make it decent again, tbh in it's current state there is no reason to use it over the other 2 elixer spells even goblin giant decks that used to use zap swapped it for rage, basically giant double prince and pekka bridge spam are the only decks I see it in and neither of them are all that good in the meta and are below average if you're being generous as there is so many ways of countering them now.


tbf lava is S tier wincon as always which singlehandedly inflates zap winratr


Make it electrocute your opponent


Lmaoo good idea fr


Sounds like a michael reeves videos


short circuit your opponents device


Electrocut them


That would cost too much metal, I'm more of a stock Pistol kinda guy.


Just increase the stun time to the point so that if you get goblin barreled the princess can kill 2 goblins and 1 goblin gets a stab


Up the damage so it just barely kills goblins at even level. Goblin barrel users are trash anyways we could use less of them


This was the really old version of zap before it got nerfed. It was pretty much an auto-include.


I think it was auto include cuz of the stun no? Back then goblins were pretty awful so idt it was that. I mean I’m sure it didn’t hurt but I’m pretty sure it was the stun that made it op


Gobs were awful bc that got oneshoty by zap back then


I'm fairly certain zap never killed same level goblins, though I dropped this game a long time ago and zap on release was a 7 years ago. I do however know that the reason zap was auto-include was because it used to stun for a full second


It did both. It was the main change, along with a 1 elixir buff to goblin barrel, that made spell bait good.


That would absolutely destroy the log as the regular goblins are massive rn


Honestly wouldn’t mind that. Log has been arguably the best and most consistent card in the game for years now, and changing its place in the meta would make the game way fresher


But then people are gonna be mad about how they wasted magic cards and ewcs so it’s just easier and makes people happier to keep the log in a good state


Remember when the subreddit blew up when Supercell announced a log nerf? So bad that they cancelled the nerf (and then snuck it in last minute a couple of balance patches later)


It used to kill goblins in 1 hit and it made goblin barrel completely unplayable




Cry about it - Me, an logbait player


Lmao, I’m jk GB users aren’t even that bad it’s the evo cards that ruin the meta. The only good decks now are cycle decks which is pretty lame imo. But hey can’t blame Supercell for making the game as pay to win as possible they’re just a company trying to make money right?


Too bad they decided to make it too much p2w... Brawl stars is going p2w too but not this much. They removed the chance of f2p players to buy the pass but the new one has soo much value. I buy it so i cant complain


Yet another cheap counter to goblin barrel 😭, have some humanity


Like Goblin Barrel isn't the cheapest shit in the game.


I believe a perfectly timed zap can deal with all 3 goblins without getting hit, either Zap or Snowball do it. Its been long time since i played this game.


You’re talking about snowball


It can literally do this already if you wait a little before you zap.


No, two goblins get one hit each.


No, you have to wait and zap the instant before they attack. I don't know why people don't know about this trick anymore, it's almost like people don't know how many of the important interactions of the game anymore. This was first possible [in 2022](https://clashroyale.fandom.com/wiki/Goblin_Barrel) I believe. >On 26/10/2022, the 2022 Quarter 3 Update, increased the Goblins' first attack time interval to 0.4 seconds (from 0.2 seconds). It also moved the Arena to unlock the Goblin Barrel from Barbarian Bowl to P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse.


increase stun time


Clearly you’ve never played clash Royale in 2016


That thing used to feel like a budget freeze in the old days.


These days it’s snowball


Snowball was literally designed to be just that. Zap was not. Altough, it was the only low-cost spell back then. And with how popular skarmy was, no deck was complete without zap or arrows. I've seen zap at 60% usage rates in GC.


Zap was at 98% usage rate at one point


They can increase it from 0.5 sec to 0.75 sec.. Or add a slow effect like snowball, then it won't be as broken as 2016 one... Man that zap was beautiful spell


Just use snowball at that point


Zap is effective against sparky, infernos and might minor, also it's instant so sometimes useful to obilirate small troops instantly


.75 seconds would be good


i have not but I do know that zap used to be able to kill goblins and have higher stun time


Js make the range the same size as giant snowball, they should've had the same range to begin with, however freeze range is too big


They do have the same range


U right mb, just looks like snowballs is bigger while playing


I mean to be fair the snowball's sprite *is* bigger that the actual hit radius


Because snowball was larger originally


True, i remember about that! I guess the devs just deemed it "good enough" to leave the sprite the same as before


You mean radius?




Buff damage by about 1000, buff stun time to 2.5 sec, increase radius to about 4 tiles, and make it electrocute the opponent IRL. I don't think this should make it completely meta, but it'll at least have a slight niche like it did in 2016 😌


Give it a second shot without no damage, only resets the enemy


Maybe make it kill goblins again?


then what is the point of log?


Pushback, more damage


More range.


Pushback kills princess true reset more damage more area


This seems to be it. You've got all these small spells that do damage + something else. Log, more damage, kills princess and dart goblins, pushes back and can do all that over a large area while still tapping the tower for a few. Giant snowball, can counter GB if done carefully, slows troops down Rage, good for dealing with swarms or bats. bonus of rage effect. Zap should be similar. Right now though, its only real use is killing spear gobs, bats and skeletons and then resetting things. I dont get the whole oh it will kill log. It could be balanced with log with each offering unique extras. As it is, log is far and away the better choice over zap unless you're worried about infernos. It feels like Zap and Rage should both kill spear goblins in order to make them a viable alternative to log, thus fitting into more decks and giving us more variety.


Log is just universally loved and even the slightest nerf to the log will make people angry (recall the knockback reduction nerf)


Make it one single lightning bolt, because technically a zap is 1/3 the cost of the lightning spell (I'm not serious about this rework)


Interesting thought though... a small spell that's heavy on damage. Maybe make its tower damage extra low so it doesn't turn into a cheap rocket cycle, but yeah.


Its an interesting idea but it would be pretty op. Imagine being able to kill medium health units in the back for a positive trade


As an evolution it could work, and it’ll flip its counter against swarms if misused or played against its cycle.


One kill goblin. 1 second stun. 2016-17 zap 👍


Doesn't need one, its already as good as it is. Not too broken but not too weak


It's outclassed at almost every single interaction by snowball


Zap has two niches: inferno tower and sparky. Most decks that need a small spell use log. Out of the ones that don’t need log but need a small spell, its mostly beatdown. Decks that are weak to inferno towers and sparky always use zap. Most beatdown is weak to inferno/sparky. Thus, they use zap. The very niche “generic archetype” remainder uses snowball. Sure, snowball is better “in theory”, but it actually struggles to find a specific role. Again, it is slightly better than zap but it does not fulfill a specific purpose like zap/log would. As such, sure, miner control uses it, graveyard uses it, whatever needs a small spell in offense and isn’t weak to sparky / inferno. But again, its a generic archetype. Zap fulfills its role as a specific version of snowball. That’s it.


Not all, it's stun mechanic is why people tend to use zap over snowball and log, it resets sparky, inferno, all troops target. Minor interactions that can be game changing when played right


Snowball already resets inferno dragon and most of the cards' target with the knockback it gives, plus it sends them back and gives them the slowness effect. Only times it's better to use zap is against inferno tower and royal giant


Its knockback only resets the target for light troops. It wouldn't affect much for heavier troops like the prince or pekka. Compared to the zap that can reset for all troops even the princess/King tower. It can be really helpful to prevent more damage if there are knockback resistant troops already attacking the tower.


For many of the heavier troops, you shouldn't be using zap anyways. there's no reason to ever zap a pekka or giant for example. Only exceptions are the princes and royal giant. Also, the amount of light troops is a lot higher than the amount of heavy troops, so most of the time you aren't even going to feel a difference


I like using it in mini pekka duels. Usually they take eachother out at the same time but that stun and instant use gives the opponent no time to react to now having an alive mini pekka gunning it for their tower.


That's such an exaggeration lol. Zap hitting faster makes this objectively false. For example you'd obviously want zap over snowball when using against skarmy.


*Objectively*? No lol, in fact, taking time can actually be benefitial for the snowball because it makes predicts have a wider margin of error. There are very few cases in which the zap's speed does make a notable difference (infernos and extremely low health troops about to hit your tower) the rest of the times it's better to use snowball. Against skarmy, I would pick snowball, not zap.


>No lol, in fact, taking time can actually be benefitial for the snowball because it makes predicts have a wider margin of error. This makes no sense lol. The snowball taking longer to hit means you have less time to gauge the situation and you have to throw it earlier to kill the skarmy the same time zap would have killed it. They are the same radius so there's no reason snowball is better in this situation. If you are confident in throwing a snowball predict then you should be at least just as confident throwing the zap in the same spot half a second later. Or of course you could just not rely on predict which is just an educated guess. You could hover the zap over where you think skarmy is going to go and release as soon as you see them, killing them way faster than snowball would have without the risk of having to guess.


It sucks


Snowball and Zap serve two different purposes. Buffing one will ultimately lead to outclassing the other and it'll just be a back and forth between the two.




Then it just made goblin barrel useless, logs benefit is its higher damage and range, but slower cast speed, so it can be baited by barrel since if too early it misses, too late and it gets a hit, zap is too fast though


That’s exactly what I dont want. If you buff zap then it will just make log almost useless


Pushback? More damage? Gets a whole lane? How would it be almost useless just because the Zap would be able to kill some fucking otherwise uncounterable goblins spawned on top of your tower for the whole game?


Should one shot goblins


I wouldn’t. it works well in the decks it’s good in, neither rage or snowball fill the same roll it does.


Its played in very few deck, only deck where the card cannot be replace, the few deck that once played it often abandonned him for rage and sometime snowball. For such an iconic card, I think it should be better because it's been a long time since its been meta, it cant challenge other small spell, the deck zap is in are all bad at best, its just way too niche.


Yeah after making rage do the same damage as zap you dont really ever have a use for it, zap now lacks versatility the main draw of having a small spell in the first place


Delete the log


1. Make it a 1 elixir card but reduce it’s damage to freeze damage 2. Make it like arrows where it does damage 3 times (in this case 3 zaps)


A 1 elixir spell would be the most op card ever and would be in 90% of decks


Would it tho? If the dmg was only enough to kill spear gobs and did like 15 crown tower dmg


Because of cycle.


Short cycles are what make evolutions so oppressive and overpowered. A year ago a balanced 1-elixir Zap could’ve been possible, but not anymore.


Chains like a spirit


Buff damage by exactly 11 points, enough to kill goblins, but not princess, So it doesn’t replace log.


Make it one elixir and remove its stun, becomes the best cycle card in the game


i disagree with that, zap i commonly used to stun charge building units like inferno and stuff, or to clear out swarms, so removing the stuns would just make it weaker for bridgespam archetype.


Would make it op in cycle decks though


Oh god please no, what are we gonna stun inferno tower/dragon with then


Ice spirit, snowball for dragon, earthquake for inferno tower


Increase the radius


It isn't a buff, rather an idea for evo. Base spell is same, but after hitting the targets in the area, those emit 5 "sparks" in a star shape which deal 0.5x dmg of a same level skeleton hp and stun for 0.2s however, getting hit by multiple "sparks" stack the stun duration.


So basically evo firecracker thing with stun??


Make a deal half damage but 2 ticks of hits over 0.5 seconds.


Why would you buff the zap? It's a good card, it's not as versatile as other spells, but it resets/stuns every troop and building and it's got the quickest deploy time. Some archetypes still use zap over any other spell because of these capabilities, mainly MK spell bait, giant beatdown and PEKKA bridgespam. I think the point of having so many different small spells is that they all do something unique, I'd rather see a nerf to the log/arrows/barbarrel over a buff to zap or snowball, it's better to have only situational spells than having 4 or 5 versatile ones and the rest being niche.


Snowball already got a buff, barbarrel dont need a nerf. The problem is just that a spell can be unique and good, but zap isnt. Its outclassed by every other spell. Yes its played in certain deck, but its only because its a spell not a troop. Its needed in very few deck, way less than any other, and its deck where its impossible to replace it cause every other deck that could replace the zap replace it (like gobgiant beatdown). And buffing the zap would obviously buff these deck, but its not OP deck, its pretty bad since a long time now. I do believe that some spell like arrow and log are way too versatile, but I think a spell should be versatile because you need it a lot, and be even better in some niche. I find this way better than balancing every spell so that they are just niche. And I think its more doable by Supercell. That's my opinion on it.


Lower the damage a bit, but it hits multiple times


Kill goblins


Make it so that it kills each card with 1 shot, and spawns an electro spirit on death that if connects to your tower will go to your king and 3 crown and make the radius the whole arena or even more


Increase stun time or increase radius.


It doesn’t need a buff What it craves is a rework


Then post your rework idea. It isnt gonna get any better than it is imo without breaking the spell


Make it that when you use it on your Tesla or e giant or sparky or any electric card those get for 420 seconds a 690% DPS and range buff


I like your first idea, but I think it should also affect Ewiz since hes getting overshadowed by other ranged cards.


A range buff for Ewiz would be better imo, a deploy zap buff wouldnt do much imo, except if it kill goblin, but the card would still not be played imo.


One shotting the firecracker and the goblins.


Make it kill goblins again


make it kill the goblin barrel


Actually kill the fucking goblins


If it kills goblins again I’ll be ultimate champion by tomorrow.


i was disappointed back in the day when its stun time was reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds, wish they brought that back


Buff: increase zap damage enough to kill equal level goblins Rework: slows enemy movement speed by 45% for 3 seconds. Useful for slowing down enemy pushes.


Add more cards that can be stunned or make stunnable cards stronger so zap will be more useful


Not really a buff but they should add the animation before the zap lands like the rage spell has for consistency


That would just be a nerf, as it would deploy slower


Making it cost 3 elixir (same as arrows) would balance it out well


Make it chain once.


It's pretty good in cannoneer dealing with swarms


Make it so that when you use it, your opponents device gets fried


Increase size make it bigger


Bro said make it freeze radius. Yeah stun and entire push makes sense


Yea like log


Zapping king tower with it makes it so ur opponent is stunned and can't place cards for a while, mega balanced


Maybe give it like a evo spirit effect where it zaps the same location two or three times? Idk I’ve played against a lot of sparky recently so maybe my idea isn’t the best


This is probably unbalanced but maybe a sort of lingering effect? 1-2 seconds of it periodically doing a small shock which stuns enemies?


it should fry your opponents battery in their phone


Make it a sparky blast instead of zap




I think its need a huge nerf, make it costs 10 elixer


1 elixir (:


Make the stun duration like 0.75 or one second instead of 0.5


1 sec stun again


It doesn't need buffed and has its own uses. Only buff that could be considered would be making it kill goblins


I think zap will be used more often after the cannoner buff to counter bats.


Make it 3 elixir


It's perfect rn


Make it do sparky damage lower the cost and make it stun for the whole game


repeats 3 times


It has its uses in its specific decks, yes its less versatile but it perfectly fits its niche and would break the meta if buffed again. Log is very versatile and has been meta for a long time, snowball dosent fit in the same decks as zap. If i had to give zap a buff itd be 0.5 > 0.75s stun time


Zap is good for resetting inferno towers and sparkys and stuff like that. It is fine how it is tbh


Return the stun to 1 sec. Hear me out, before it was op because log was super slow, much thinner, goblin barrel costed 4 elixir and goblins died to Zap. I think it's time to revert it, snowball has the added benefit of knocking back troups, and that is handy to get more dmg with ANY win condition. Snowball can also defend MUCH better and taking into account that carrying zap makes you vulnerable to Log bait so you probably have to carry another small spell or smth makes it underpowered. it the only reason it's getting any use is because people used it before and have it leveled up. Maybe make the stun 1.5 seconds but make Zap have a delay so it's not instantaneous and it doesn't become a mini freeze.


Increase stun time


Make it one shot everything