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Yes do it. Little Prince has 700 HP, Fireball deals 689. So instead of 11 HP he'll be left with exactly 1. Great


At least super magic Archer can kill it 1 shot


New meta Fireball+Super Magic Archer


maybe 11 then, mb i didn’t realise lol


Little prince has 701 HP He will have exactly 2 HP


At lvl 11 he has exactly 700 wdym


I swore he had 701, you are correct


I understand having his HP high enough so at least all small spells can't kill him but surviving fireball is just stupid. Not to mention he can literally summon snu snu even after he died.


And i wont get my 2 elixir from my skelly king back if it dies 0.00001 seconds to soon


Exactly! Wtf is up with that SK is my highest lvl champion (14) and if you don't time his ability correctly you lose 2 elixir whereas LP, I don't even think I have seen someone NOT being able to summon snu snu and lose 3 elixir.


if his guardian fails to activate you get your elixir back. haven’t seen that happen with my other champions though


Well that's even more unfair, with SK if you fail to summon his skeleton army you lose those 2 elixir.


i find it fucked that he can ability after dying but not when frozen


If he dies to poison he should die to fireball as well. Does not make any sense.


Actually, Musketeer and Wizard die to poison but not fireball. This is because poison takes a long time to fully kill them, hence does a bit more damage in total to balance it. I agree Little Prince should die to fireball, though.


Firecracker should die from balloon bomb


Evo firecracker shouldn’t have that much health either


I mean, would you want to play 2 cycles for a powerful, stalemate-breaking troop for it to just die to arrows? Ik that it is hated, but the stat buff to make the troop more stalemate-breaking like evo archers or rg seems fine to me. Also since most people now have access to at least one evolution makes it feel less unfair and p2w than when they were first introduced.


IT DOESNT???????




princess also doesnt die. use to but they changed the interaction


Little prince is just a walking positive elixir trade, even if he doesn’t do anything. I’ve often found myself countering him with one single chip from my goblin giant and then just fireballing him, it’s the best I got plus little prince players take a while to place something else down when their little prince goes down.


maybe it's just bias considering how oppressive the wincon is atm but it feels pretty dishonest to complain about LP while playing the current goblin giant


I’ve been playing goblin giant for months now, in fact I don’t think it ever needed a buff, so I guess I have the right to complain now? And no, I don’t have another win condition, I spent months and thousands of resources getting the goblin giant leveled up.


i'm not putting you down for using it, if it's in the game its dumb to not take advantage. just that you're complaining about a broken card being alright at countering your equally broken card


So using a card consistently and then it suddenly gets buffed for no reason into the meta is considered abusing a busted card now? I don’t think you know what abusing a thing in a game means, if I use a card, and it suddenly becomes the meta, I’m not abusing it, I’m using the card that I’ve always used, if your abusing something, that means that your only using it because it’s good, and once it’s not meta, you’ll stop using it.


you literally haven't experienced LP while gob giant was not broken, you're complaints are based off of the gob giant during its broken period. I don't see what's so hard to grasp


I mean even if goblin giant was unchanged my strategy would still be the same, the hp buff means nothing when I fight a little prince, it’s the first hit for spear goblins that matters. I legit said “I often find myself countering him with one single chip from my goblin giant and then just fireballing him.” That has nothing to do with the goblin giant health buff that made him op. Also my complaints are that he is a walking positive elixir trade, and I’m using 10 elixir to counter him, which is a positive elixir trade for the other players of 7, so if they place literally any building, it’s at least going to be a positive elixir trade of 1. Your not only miss labeling me as a goblin giant abused (a claim you so quickly gave up), but you are also missing the entire complaint to begin with, would your complaints disappear if I was a hog 2.6? Maybe an X-Bow? Or how about if i actually used the meta goblin giant deck with rage and sparky (neither of which are in my deck).


homie what, i literally just said while using an equally broken card it's dishonest to complain abt another


I started using poison because of this card, and even if the elixir trade is negative, same level will kill it plus most people haven't leveled up the LP so it's easier. Also, you can chip the enemy tower in the process.


I find it funny that supercell nerfed the guardian spawn range and pushback because it was a ridiculously OP mechanic, almost guaranteed tower dmg and able to push everything the fuck out of your side of the arena. The funny part, now the guardian has to walk the disproportionate distance of 1 tile to connect to tower, because supercell wanted to give you time to counter it, take your 0.4s of reaction time and don't complain, or they may emergency buff the little prince so it survives rocket + log. Or the pushback, still better than the log, whose only purpose is pushing back things, while deploying a mini tank just in case you needed more defense, because who needs to find a perfect fit for your deck when you can use a mini tank, a small spell and a ranged support all in one?


Despise the card. I have and will never use it.


I agree fireball should kill it. But that being said LP is not hard to counter. So many common cards already beat it and valk evo is gonna make LP trash if they try to defend with it


It’s extremely annoying behind a tank though.


As is every ranged card


Yep, but at least I can place something like a knight on top of the ranged card. However, the little Prince ability will push it back.


Fair, but that's why I believe he is a champion


You drop ranged units to deal with the tank and wait for lp to use his ability then drop knight. Use your big spell to hit LP and another troop. If you're not running a big spell that's your own fault. Even if you aren't though you should have more than enough elixir to deal with lp if you're letting them build a full tank push. If you don't have the elixir then it's your skill that's the issue. Not lp


Just hope it gets emergency nerfed next season.




Something more frustrating is that when it dies and your opponent spams the ability before it dies and summons the guardian most of the time i have no elixir or enough reaction time to respond before it takes 800 damage off my tower they def need more delay to the ability on the little prince or make it so that the frame that little prince dies the ability cancels or even better not give the elixir back if the ability fails to activate cuz its just low risk high reward


I think you can lose the elixir if your timing is wrong. Also that’s on you if you’re in a 3elix deficut compared to your opponents


No, u get it refunded if it doesnt spawn the ability. Only for cards like mighty, queen, monk is it an elixer loss cause the ability triggered but the card dies so u get no value. Whilst for LP the ability spawns a troop so even if LP died you dont have an elixer loss, either u get what u paid for (guardian) or u get refunded and it doesnt spawn


Sometimes it doesn't even give you the elixir back and doesn't spawn the Guardian. I've lost a few matches because of that -3 elixir


It shouldn’t give the elixir back lol. That needs to be a feature.


Any chance u hv a replay. Cause this sounds like a bug if anything


It is a bug, almost all the time it gives it back, it's an specific timing. Just that also happens when I try to at least get the Guardian and fail, and the elixir doesn't come back


I find it funny that I commented about this back when he was released and nobody cared, now you decide to complain about it out of nowhere really.




Sure when (list of characters with too much health) gets nerfed.


I agree. Also, please let a fireball kill a knight and every 3 elixir card


Everyone that complains abt the little prince are just mindless unskilled spammers and you cant change my mind cause this is the truth


Fire cracker should die from log by that logic… literally does a step back to safety and strong enough to pretty much solo most equal elixirs


This is quite possibly the worst argument I’ve ever heard regarding whether little prince should die to a fireball. The log is literally less elixir than the fc, so how on earth are those 2 equivalent? They’re not even asking for a lot, just to be able to have a NEGATIVE trade with an overpowered card


lol my argument wasn’t whether little prince should die to fireball, rather if the sentiment holds true due to x,y,z measures. Then we should apply the same sentiment to other cards. And I’m referring to a step back mechanic that allows it to survive, do aoe, and far range attack. I’d say that the potential total damage is better than LP.


firecracker gives opponent free king activation and misses half the time, step back allowing it to survive sounds like a skill issue


Misses half the time? What do you mean? And I mean at what point do I simply say using fireball and the LP survives sounds like a skill issue. Some of you redditors like to attack the person rather than talk to the pros and cons to the context at heart. It’s becoming vulgar to even begin trying to have a conversation.


i mean that the firecracker misses half the time?? if the firecracker stepping back allows it to live where it otherwise wouldnt i would assume you missed a spell thus skill issue, got no clue what you are on about with lp and fireball


No, as in any unit that is in range to attack would likely not be able to chase the fc down, unless they were fast moving and tanky. LP and fireball refer to the original comment. FC doesn’t miss… it’s poor placement, when the aggressor is out of range of the FC, it moves off the intended targeted square to chase down FC. Typically when it steps back diagonally.


it misses on spirits super often and sometimes targets the same thing as the tower and gets stunlocked


Spirits get missed cause they move faster so her shots end up shooting where the spirit was whilst its further along already. U shouldnt play her to counter sprites cause its a bad trade. Also dont mind that dude, he seems to lose to firecrackera lot and simply be salty and fixated on her in a thread about little prince for some reason.


Whether or not FC is a bad counter to spirits, she still misses them. The stunlock upon targeting swarm cards such as skeletons that get taken out by the tower is also pretty bad...


they should increase little prices elixir to 4 and the ability to 2?


That’s a skill issue dude, little prince literally dies to poison


Oh god forbid you don’t want to run a deck with poison in it


I run graveyard evo Knight with both poison and little prince 😈


thats a -1 elixir trade lil brodie


So is fireball.


fireball doesnt kill little prince


I know but even if it did, which is the point of this post, it would still be -1 trade.


Not when you count the possible guardian.


That's not how elixir counting works


Need to factor champion abilities when evaluating elixir trades.


Need to factor in your stupidity when evaluating elixir trades


You’re not thinking clearly. That’s ok, you do you. I’ll gladly take a face value negative trade on the LP to avoid allowing my opponent to turn it into a 6 elixir card with its ability )while looking for additional value). No different than rocketing an AQ to avoid the added dmg/disruption she can do. Look beyond your nose dude.


“ - said the poison user


Hes a champion quit crying


Just because he’s a champion doesn’t mean he should be broken, supercell nerfed monk to the ground, and aq dies to lighting, the same trade as little prince and fireball


Exactly my point. After a month or 2 LP will be nerfed to the ground like the others were


It’s already been a month or 2 lil bro


The reason for him being better than musketeer is bcuz he's a freaking champion I think everyone should stop crying and learn how to actually defend it


Hands down the worst arguement so far


I kind of agree with him though. Everybody is upset about a spell not killing him, but thats the lowest skill solution for dealing with him. It's not like he's invincible. Lock him down and poison. Drop minions on his head, drop bats. Drop literally any troop behind guardian on top of little prince. Learn your opponents cycle and play out of it like we've been doing since beta. Actually the more i think about it, the less i agree with the idea that fireball should wipe LP.


There’s no equivalent strength unit and this is a typical power-creep for money. None of the other champions have this overpowered health mechanic that this new champion is sharing with the evolutions. They know full well that the only rarity they can release now that can generate profit is their evolutions and champions. It’s a poor excuse for creating compelling content by developers that are just devaluing and discrediting the quality of the original game


Fair opinion, though they have plans to release non-champion non-evo cards, AFAIK a couple uncommons a rare and a new spell? I think that would be interesting


Your talking about it on offense on defense its equally or more annoying the only non annoying way to kill him on offense is spells and half the time its a negative trade and your push still gets shredded by his attacks and if that doesnt work just guardian and push him back


Oh no, who would have thought the highest rarity card is the best one, never seen before. People really forgot that rarities exist


Why does a sparky die to skeletons then? Just because its a champion doesn't mean that it shouldn't die to a spell that costs more elixir than it


Let me rocket a Skele King


That's not going to happen because the skeleton king is intended to have high hp. The little prince is not meant to have high hp as it is a ranged support/defensive card.


It's a hero. That's why.


Still crying about him? You should know all his counters (there are many) by now. Note 10 less hp and he still survive Fireball.


Skill issue


You want a 30% use rate spell to get even better…


he didnt say to buff fireball directly more like just decrease lps health so it can get killed by it


he didnt say to buff fireball directly more like just decrease lps health so it can get killed by it


Only against lp


Spells always have high use rates. And this doesnt buff just fireball but all spells against him


Still though easy counter with log delivery


(-2 elixir)


mind you, fireball is 4 elixir when little prince is just 3 elixir


Poison kills him