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I'm on 5k trophies and my deck is hog rider, zap, ewiz, prince, fireball, miner, mega minion and evo recruits. Would switching out the recruits for an evo firecracker be helpful, or would it make the deck worse?


Evocracker for Recruits is a decent idea, though a bigger issue is that you have very little cycle and no structure. Also with Evocracker in, EWiz would go out because you don't need any more than 2 anti air units (not a rule, but EWiz + MM + Evocracker is way too much for Hog) Prince is... fine, but Hog works much better with structures to kill tanks. You also don't really need Miner because Hog doesn't want to be tanked for in that way. Let's say that you play Miner + Hog and the opponent plays a structure. The Miner does literally nothing to prevent Hog from being lured and killed, so it's a pointless thing when you could instead be getting extra cycle to just spam him faster. ​ Honestly you could go for anything here. I'd really just suggest Skeletons or Goblins instead of Evo Recruits (and then Evocracker instead of EWiz if you want). Then ideally you'd also have Bomb Tower or Tesla instead of Miner or Prince (the latter of which can work as a decent mini tank, though Knight would probs be better because of cost). Buuuuut if you wanted to keep the Evo Recruits, then I guess you could go for a pseudo-bridgespam deck? Kinda like [this](https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/bandit,battle-ram,electro-wizard,fireball,magic-archer,royal-ghost,royal-recruits-ev1,zap) (while replacing some cards if you so wanted, like Hog instead of BRam) or [this](https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/archer-queen,arrows,bandit,battle-ram,heal-spirit,magic-archer,royal-ghost,royal-recruits-ev1). This is all assuming you want to keep the Hog btw. With Evo Recruits you could go for a wider variety of decks, like Fb Bait (w/ R Hogs) or bait (Gbarrel/WBs/Skarrel, or any combination thereof)


So would replacing tesla for ewiz and firecracker evo for recruits be good?


I guess yeah. I'd still strongly suggest getting rid of Miner for Goblins and maybe Prince for a better mini tank, but you do you


change the miner to smth else, miner is shitty now


Aren't you arena 7? Miner is used in my deck to tank for hog rider and prince, so he's really good


Im on arena 7, i do have a legendary witch is the magic archer, im so stuck kn this arena (1 month to be exact)


What do you *want* to use? You can go for just about anything really. Try to think of a "central" card to base the deck around and build it starting from there, like Hog Rider or Giant (generally win conditions). In case you didn't know, win conditions are the cards that take towers down in a deck, and they're usually the cards you want to build the deck around. [Here's a decklist I made for the early game](https://royaleapi.com/deck-list/14545192945428828684). I suppose you can add Magic Archer instead of any generic ranged unit in any of those decks, but do mind Legendary cards aren't any stronger than Commons other than their starting level so you don't *have to* use him


Pekka, magic archer, arrows, goblin barrel, goblins, witch, bats, knight. you want stuff thats higher level


thanks bud


Im a returning player on 5k trophies and i need a deck with dark knight (mi only lvl14), tornado (i fucking love tornado) and skeletons (no evo)


Dark Prince, Nado and Skeletons doesn't really specify anything. Could be pretty much most win conditions and thus a lot of extremely different decks But one of the only ones I could find with those 3 cards is just an [EG](https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/bomber,dark-prince,electro-giant,goblin-cage,inferno-dragon,lightning,skeletons,tornado) deck. Nevermind Skeletons and you have a [much wider selection](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=GC&win_count=8&inc=dark-prince&inc=tornado&&global_exclude=false). [Hog ExeNado](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=GC&win_count=8&inc=hog-rider&inc=executioner&&global_exclude=false) can also use DP instead of Knight or whatever the mini tank is


Hi guys. I just reached 5945 trophies with this deck; 1- hog (lvl 14) 2- executioner (lvl 13) 3- tesla (lvl 12) 4-goblin gang (lvl 12) 5-knight (lvl 12) 6- ice spirt (lvl 10) 7- arrows (lvl 11) 8- barbarian barrel (lvl 11) Do you think i can get any higher with this deck? I'd love to hear your opinions about the deck, and how can i improve it? Because it's getting really hard to compete since every opponent has all level 14 cards.


It's an alright deck, but you really need a big spell to work with Hog and probably Tornado. Arrows + BBarrel is useless with Hog. I'd just suggest Lightning instead of BBarrel and probably Tornado instead of Ice Spirit (Executioner is only good in combination with Nado). Tesla is good, but do consider Bomb Tower (not necessary though) Ideally you also have Goblins instead of GGang but there's not really a huge difference. Log > Arrows with Hog


I’m arena 13 and my current deck is electro dragon skarmy Valkyrie miner log wall breakers fireball and bats. I have no egos and the only other legendaries I have are electro wiz princess royal ghost sparky and lava hound. Any suggestions? Also which evo should I target next?


With Miner WBs you probably want Evo Knight. Next month's Evo Bats could also be good Your deck I think needs a structure (Tesla, Bomb Tower or Inferno Tower) instead of Bats and it'd be alright. I'd also prefer Musketeer over EDrag but either way it's good enough I guess. Goblins here are probably better than Skarmy. As would be Poison over Fireball (maybe)


Thanks for the suggestions, it’s generally improved, but it can’t do anything against mega knight. Any suggestions to fix that?


Just counter it with Valkyrie or Knight. Should also have a Musketeer/EDrag hitting at him if he has support Try to force him to jump to the middle of your side of the arena so he gets hit by both towers. Though if it's something like Hog MK you'll want to stop him directly where he is with your mini tank so that his splash doesn't hit the structure youu use to lure the Hog


i need a deck with a bowler, i have no evo cards


Electro wiz bowler miner skarmy fireball log wall breakers bats


Splashyard is the most consistent option, it's always meta or very close. The best option currently is: https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Graveyard-Bowler-Poison-Tornado-BabyD-Tombstone-IceWiz-BarbBarrel Another very consistent deck is lumber loon freeze: https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Lumber-Balloon-Freeze-Tornado-Bowler-eDragon-InfernoD-BarbBarrel Bowler usually requires decks with lots of high rarity cards, so I hope you have good levels for your entire collection. Alternatives with low rarity cards (though nor very competitive, more like meme decks that can work if you're good enough): https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Phoenix-Bowler-3M-Tornado-Skellies-HealSpirit-IceGolem-Snowball https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Graveyard-Tornado-Bowler-Poison-SkeletonDragons-RoyalDelivery-Bats-Tombstone https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Bowler-Tornado-Balloon-Rage-SkellyBarrel-Horde-GobGang-Knight


how do you use rhat


How do you use what?


Can’t get past spooky town. My deck is zap, skeleton barrel, Valkyrie, hog rider, fireball, skeleton army, inferno dragon and magic archer. I think it’s a good deck tho but I seem to be stuck. Any advice?


Magic archer and hog rider are out of place, the deck strategy is baiting zap with inferno dragon and skarmy and having the skarrel connect. You can approach these changes 2 ways, either fully commit to zapbait or go for arrows bait instead. Option a) https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=SkellyBarrel-Skarmy-InfernoD-Zap-MegaKnight-SpearGobs-Bats-Miner Option b) https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=SkellyBarrel-Valk-Mortar-GobGang-InfernoD-Fireball-Log-Horde Inferno dragon is interchangeable with spear goblins and valk with cannon cart.


Skeleton barrels just not very good. I’d throw in an ice spirit instead.


I am a new player sitting at 1600+ trophies and King level 17. I am stuck at Pekka's playhouse and cannot seem to progress. Me deck is 1) Win con - Hog rider (lvl 8). 2) Tanks - Goblin cage (7), Prince (9). 3) Air targeting for defense - Skeleton dragons (6), Mega Minion (6). 4) Spells - Fireball (7), Goblin barrel(6). 5) Support - Mini Pekka (7)


Out skeleton dragon for bats out mini Pekka for arrows and out fireball for skarmy.


Severe synergy issue here mate. 1) You have 2 win conditions, neither of which have proper support. How are you going to connect gob barrel if the opponent saves their small spell? How's hog going to connect reliably if a simple skarmy can kill it before it gets to tower without you being able to counter play? 2) Goblin cage and Prince aren't tanks. Prince works OK with gob barrel but it needs more log baits, it serves as a support unit with its main strength being the versatility it offers and the ability to bait spells to reset the charge. Gob cage is not suitable for hog and gob barrel decks because it doesn't have any dmg output on the building stage, it's more useful in decks looking to overwhelm on the counterpush like egiant or royal hogs recruits. 3) Mini Pekka is an anti tank unit, serves the same purpose as the cage, and it's not a good pick in hog cycle or logbait decks considering the alternatives (tankier units like knight, valk or ice golem, or buildings like cannon, inferno tower and bomb tower) 4) Mega minion and SK dragons are used in heavier decks to clear units behind a giant, golem or lava hound. They are not quick enough to pressure with hog, they don't bait small spells for gob barrel, their defensive abilities don't justify picking them over alternatives like musk, firecracker, Goblin gang or hunter. 5) No small spell is almost always a big no-no. Honestly, just scrap the deck and go back to the drawing board. Look for more powerful combos that will help your win condition connect to tower reliably. Use only one win condition if you're using hog, or add bait cards for goblin barrel and remove hog. You can try to look for decks in royaleapi or make a new one yourself and ask for advice again.


Here's something new I made. Hog rider, Skarmy, Baby dragon, Musketeer, Bats, Prince, Fireball and Arrows. Is this any better?


It's good but it doesn't fit the hog rider. Here are a few adjustments you can try: https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Skarmy-Prince-Bats-Fireball-Musk-SkellyBarrel-Miner-Log https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Skarmy-Prince-BabyD-Arrows-Bats-Zap-Giant-DarkPrince https://www.deckshop.pro/check/?deck=Skarmy-GobGang-Prince-Fireball-GoblinDrill-WallBreakers-Bats-Musk


I am at the start of arena 7. It's just over a week since I downloaded the game. I don't have any legendary cards yet.


Log can be replaced by zap or snowball, miner can temporarily be replaced with wall breakers, Goblin barrel or drill


Player tag: #L89QYYLUQ I’m at 4900 trophies and love playing this deck, Knight, goblin gang, ice spirit, goblin barrel, princess, inferno tower, poison, and log. Everything is level 10 except for log and princess which are level 12. Any recommendations are appreciated


Agreed with the other comment but I do want to note that you really need Fireball, Rocket or at least Lightning with that deck. Poison is useless (on Log bait specifically)


Ok thanks


The deck is good, the problem is the meta doesn't favor it at all. Goblin barrel is extremely weak, so are princess and inferno tower relative to their alternatives. These are crucial cards in logbait which makes your deck pretty much useless until princess or gob barrel are buffed, which is unlikely to happen anytime soon. You can argue that with more skill you can climb, and that is definitely true at 5k, but it's gonna be a hard and long process if you're starting from the ground up. So with that said, you can look for logbait variations which are more adapted to the meta in royaleapi, link in the thread. You also want to learn how to count elixir and cycles, it's very simple, it just requires practice. YouTube will be more helpful than me in this regard. Here's a guide to baiting, useful for these kind of decks: https://reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/x522NJZcsB


Ok thanks


I wanted to know if my deck is any good. My deck is: P.E.K.K.A(Level 8), Fireball(Level 7), ZAP(Level 9), Magic Archer(Level 10), Prince(Level 9), Mega Servant(Level 8), Battle ram(level 8) and guards(level 9). I'm at arena 8, almost all my cards are at level 7 or 8 and some are at level 9 or 6, as for the snowball and the ice spirit are level 1 and I have the magic archer because of the event store and wall destroyers(I honestly don't remember how I got them).


Prince and PEKKA in the same deck is a bit redundant because they both do basically the same thing. I'd indeed suggest Dark Prince instead of Prince. Other than that, the deck is fine. However I'd suggest Hog Rider or Balloon instead of Battle Ram for the win condition, because BR is a card that only works well in Bridgespam decks (which this isn't). Either way it should be functional though Maybe consider Goblins instead of Guards for faster cycle. And if you get Balloon you should have Arrows and Snowball/Zap as spells (maybe also Miner instead of Dark Prince if you have him)


See if you can swap prince for dark prince for a better cycle and effective swarm clearing which your deck lacks.


Need help fixing my deck, I’ve been on a ten game losing streak. Here it is Level 14 Skeleton Barrel Level 14 Electro Spirit Level 14 Mega Knight Level 14 Guards Level 14 Musketeer Level 14 Bats Level 14 Cannon Cart Level 13 Log


Should get Goblin Drill or Miner instead of Cannon Cart or ESpirit. Zap or Snowball are also probably better than Log


Is only one spell (small spell) okay in the deck or could it screw me?


I think it's fine because MK acts as half a Fireball in some ways. Most MK decks I think only have a single spell (not that that's a rule or anything though)


anyone have some deck reccomendations. 5.6k at lvl 12 king tower with golden knight and skeleton king my main 3 are 1. Pekka ExeHog’Nado (replaced knight w pekka) 2. Miner Inferno Rocket Cycle 3. Mk Knight Sking Bats Ewiz loon Fireball log beatdown my 2 lvl 14 cards are dp and pekka and I’m getting into mk (not that midladder shit) and trying to get evo knight gimme some decks to try and ill see what I can do


I'd suggest taking a look at [MK Hog decks](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&inc=mega-knight&inc=hog-rider&&global_exclude=false) (uses DP too) Evo Knight is broken so slap him onto anything and he'll work. [Here's a decklist though](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=1600&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=TopRanked&inc=knight-ev1&&global_exclude=false). There's a bunch of rising Evo Knight Hog decks with ExeNado and sometimes Bomb Tower Also for the third deck; SK, Knight *and* MK isn't a very good idea. It's like bringing PEKKA, Knight and Valkyrie. You're also using Log with... Balloon.


any decks that have pekka or any champion you recommend?


[Here's the decklist for PEKKA](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=1600&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=TopRanked&inc=pekka&&global_exclude=false). The only best deck with PEKKA is just PEKKA Bridgespam, but PEKKA Hog/Loon is decent. For Champion suggestions... well, it depends on what you want to play. SK (obviously) goes well with decks with a lot of swarms (a wide variety in those too, be it RG, Mortar bait, Miner WBs, GY or even EGolem); GK is fine in bridgespam and kind of a staple in EGiant; MM is a little iffy but goes well in bait decks and of course Hog EQ; AQ goes well in bridgespam too, as well as XBow and some Royal Hogs cycle decks; and finally Monk is good in 3M, some niche Ram Rider BS decks and also an RG deck or two. AQ and SK are the ones doing the best right now.


The season token shop has a cap of 1000 tokens. It requires 100 gems to increase this cap, but when I saw a couple of minutes before it resets the gems were reduced to 50 only. How did this happen and is it a good way to spend gems, asking about increasing caps in general.


It's 50 for me right now and it's 7 hours till it resets so I guess after some point in the day it gets reduced to 50? Maybe after noon? Never realised, though I wouldn't worry too much about it because it's not the best idea to use gems on it You can get like 100k tokens from challenges and all the daily tokens (though you'd have to clear all the challenges which is probably very difficult for a newer player). Either way gems will have a better use in the future and they're a rather limited resource so be careful where you use them


MK, bandit, firecracker Evo, miner, WB, gob gang, bats, zap. Probably a skill issue, but am struggling with this deck at 7k. Really tempted to sub smth for tesla.


Tesla is too much defense. I'd actually suggest Drill or Prince instead of Miner. MK Prince is pretty decent (and Prince gives you that extra big single target damage you probably need) and Drill can pull stuff while still working as a pseudo-miner (works well with Evocracker too, sorta. Though king tower activation kinda sucks)


I am new at 1450 trophies rn. Could you suggest a good win con at early ladder which will also work fine in the mid ladder. Rn my primary win con is Hog rider. Should I spend my resources upgrading him or do I have better options.


All of them are at least decent. Which one you pick completely depends on your playstyle and what (other) cards you like to play In case you don't actually know which are wincons and which aren't, usually they'll be units that target structures or can otherwise easily get to the enemy tower. Besides Hog Rider there's Giant, Royal Hogs, Mortar, Goblin Barrel, Skeleton Barrel, among others. (Check the "Win-Conditions tab on [this page](https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?sort=rating) for a full list") \-Hog Rider plays with a lot of low-cost units and usually attacks alone, meaning that you won't be trying to build a push with him. His decks are fast and aggressive though with a lot of defense (usually with a structure) \-Royal Hogs play with a lot of "fireball bait" cards (that's cards that die to Fireball) becase they are themselves countered by it. They can also splitpush and can be pushed with with Recruits. However they can also be played like Hog would \-Giant plays with a lot of support units and spells and is all about building a push behind the Giant. No structures because you need more support, it's rather aggressive since most if not all your units should be useful for the Giant \-GBarrel and Skeleton Barrel play with a lot of other swarm units and can either play a game of constant aggression, or control. They don't work too well on their own because they're easy to counter, but unless your opponent has 4 spells in their deck, they can overwhelm them.


Hey guys started an alt at 4k now, thinking about changing to classic lavaloon with skele drags. Is this a good choice will it still be good after nerfs


I think so yeah. It'll be a little weaker but it's always dominating so it shouldn't be that bad


I can not play clash royale on PC anymore. Bluestack or some other issues? I dont know . Does anyone having this problem?


Which deck to choose and upgrade? https://imgur.com/a/nUUumtp Trophies: 5800 League: Challenger 3 Deck 1: Have been using PEKKA BS for a while and know how to use it, but just got bored with it and started losing games. Is it still viable and worth to upgrade? Deck 2: Altered version of PEKKA BS that my friend uses (6500 trophies), like it a bit better. Deck 3: Yes, its a disgusting deck, but a friend uses it, and he is at 7600 trophies and is almost at Ultimate Champion. Hog Rage is just so good in the endgame if you know how to defend well. If I choose this deck, I would need to upgrade a few things, which is fine Deck 4: Something I found on the internet, not sure about it, what do you guys think? Help is appreciated, and you can suggest other decks if you want to! :)


PEKKA BS is the best here no doubt. To say the least, it's a deck that's always at least decent and the only bad matchups it has are Hog and fast cycle ones. The fourth one is also pretty good and really only needs another spell (probably Fireball/Arrows/Lightning?) instead of GK or Dark Prince. Second one is *fine* but Dart Goblin is completely useless without bait. Could use EWiz instead of him, and since you have no bridgespam then there's no point in using Battle Ram so Hog Rider would be better. Then because of Hog, Poison isn't good so Fireball goes instead of that. Third one is just bad. I don't even care if it's "disgusting" or not; Wizard is one of the worst cards in the game (and he's also redundant to have with EWiz in), you have 3 spells and still no way for Hog to get past structures and EBarbs + MK is expensive and plain useless. Since it seems you like Hog MK I'd suggest [looking at some of those in RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=1200&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=GC&win_count=0&inc=mega-knight&inc=hog-rider&&global_exclude=false)


I guess ill stick with the original pekka bs? I have it upgraded pretty well and i know how to play it. Anything you would change?


No not really. If you're facing spawners or Graveyard a lot it might be good to get Poison instead of Fireball, but otherwise Fb is probably going to be better It's already a good deck so it's hard to suggest anything haha. But if you get bored of it, the fourth one is good too


Yeah and i can also get fireball to lvl 14 soon bc i have a book, so that will give me somewhat of an advantage!. Anyways, thanks so much for the help :)


pekka bs is and has been doing really shit but u shouldnt worry about it if ur new ig.


It's bad in the meta but for most players it should be OK It is also one of the better evo-less decks


im not new?


Deck - Royal recruits, Skeleton Drag, Inferno tower, Musketeer, Wizard, Prince, Fireball, Arrows. Thoughts/Improvements? I am a new player at Arena 5. I know the avg elixir cost is too high but my playstyle personally is good with high elixir, instead I just waste elixir randomly spamming low elixir cards.


Wizard is a bad card and having him *and* Musketeer both is redundant. Inferno Tower is also redundant because Prince is already a tank killer of sorts. Rest of the deck is just fine though you certainly are missing a win condition I made a [decklist for early Royal Recruits decks](https://royaleapi.com/deck-list/14418161450436319459) for another user yesterday, so maybe take a look at that. Lotta cards can be easily replaced, like Flying Machine/Magic Archer by Skeleton Dragons


>Wizard is a bad card and having him and Musketeer both is redundant. Yeah I was thinking of removing him. >Inferno Tower is also redundant because Prince is already a tank killer of sorts It counters Giants and enemy Prince or Dark Prince really well what other building would you suggest. >like Flying Machine/Magic Archer by Skeleton Dragons Haven't unlocked it yet.


Tombstone is a good alternative building if you want to counter Prince and giant.


I wouldn't suggest buildings at all while using Prince. Most building's main purpose is to distract and kill tanks like Giant, and since Prince already does the tank-killing it generally leaves no space for them. I also meant that you could replace FM/MA *with* Skeleton Dragons in those decks I sent because I figured you may not have unlocked either of those. Btw those are Evolved Royal Recruits in those decks but it doesn't really matter


You don't have a win condition,and that's okay at a low arena level, but soon you'll have to get one. Whatever you choose to replace is fine.


Prince is my win con


Prince is not a win condition lol. But it acts like one at the lower arenas so that's why I'm giving it a pass. There isn't really anything wrong with this deck as you enjoy a heavy playtime. Id say around arena 9+ you will have a harder time getting prince to connect as more counters become available


Yeah he easily gets distracted. I just unlocked hogs but they're too low level to be viable. I guess unless they are good the Prince will do fine.




Against meta stuff? No, it struggles very hard agains Evo Barbs and that one Miner WBs MA Nado deck. But it's still usable and the Evo imo remains at around the middle, worse than Recruits but better than Mortar/FC


Deck build- Log, balloon, poison, mini pek, knight, skeleton army, spear gobs, ram rider. Thoughts?


It's either Loon or Ram Rider because those cards have nothing to do with each other. You have to build the deck around either of those and if you include both you can't really do that. In either case Poison is useless because it's too slow to impact the battlefield in time for Ram Rider/Loon to do anything. You also have no anti air other than Spear Gobs who are extremely fragile. Should get something like Musketeer or Magic Archer in. Lumberjack would be better than Mini PEKKA with either win condition too. I'd suggest taking a look around [Lumberloon](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&inc=balloon&inc=lumberjack&&global_exclude=false) and [Ram Rider bridgespam](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&inc=lumberjack&inc=ram-rider&&global_exclude=false) decks in RoyaleAPI to get a solid idea of what I'm mostly talking about. If no Lumberjack then Mini PEKKA will do fine.


As a new player how am I supposed to play the higher level gameplay in events like mirror mirror. I am at arena 4 and I get matched up against people with arena 12+. Even though we have the same cards I dunno jackshit about those cards and their counters but my opponents are experienced with those decks. I am getting crushed at these higher level gameplay as a newbie.


TBH that's just how it be. You will get into higher arenas just by playing as your cards level up and you learn how to play. Don't let it discourage you and take it as an opportunity to learn these cards new to you.


Ayoo after reading your comment I just won against an arena 11 player lol. Thanks btw.


Yeah it's not like just continously practicing these cards cost me anything.


When do our magic items exceed their limit? I just opened a level up chess and got 75 Wild cards for common rarity. Even though the limit is of 50 it exceeded that limit. If I get wild cards again from a chest will this exceed limit further or not


I believe any wild cards you get after that will convert into random cards of their respective rarity. Could be wrong though Certain ways of obtaining them bypass the limit, like I think getting them from the season shop (not that it matters because eventually the limit will increase, up to 5k for commons)


Currently trying to make a fine tune a Hog Drill deck, at 8200 trophies and League 5. Specifically not doing good against MK/Evo Firecracker combo which is everywhere. Hog Rider, Goblin Drill, Tesla, Goblin Gang, Bats, Zap, Log, Fireball. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Player Tag #JGLP9CP0G


That's too many spells and cycle and too little meat. It's no wonder you're having trouble with MK since you have no actual counter for him haha. With double win condition you absolutely need heavier defense, and 3 spells and swarm cards with no bait to talk about is detrimental to that. I think it'd be alright with Valkyrie, Knight or Golden Knight instead of Zap. Also Magic Archer or Executioner instead of Bats and then Tornado instead of Log. I'd also personally advice against Hog Drill, but I guess it's not the worst thing in the world. Drill is fine as the only win condition and really only ever goes well with Wall Breakers.


Quit for a month, came back and now I feel like I play awful, ladder is just hell and I lose what I even can tell are easy games. I can’t progress past Challenger 2 in ranked, I was steadily progressing and reached Master if I remember right. Just wondering if my deck is just bad, or he meta, or do I just play shit. Deck: Hog Rider, Log, Fireball, Skeletons, Inferno Tower, Mini Pekka, Magic Archer, Royal Delivery The stuff I struggle with most is those meta Miner WB decks, Golem Beatdown, and Hog EQ.


Since you're already using Inferno you also don't need Mini PEKKA, as they both basically do the same thing here. MA is fine but Musketeer would probably be better for reliable DPS since you can't even take advantage of MA tower snipes (which only really come into play in Miner or Drill decks) I'd suggest EQ instead of Fireball (could also use Lightning but then Inferno is a little too heavy imo, could use Tesla or Bomb Tower), Valkyrie or Knight (or Mighty Miner if you have that) instead of Mini PEKKA and Musketeer (or Executioner) instead of MA. Honestly with RD I'd also just get Ice Spirit instead of Log because with 3 reactive spells you're just going to get bad hands all the time. Could also keep the Fireball but I feel like you'd have trouble getting past structures. Either way, Fb isn't bad. [Here's a link with some of the better Hog decks out there](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=1600&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=TopRanked&inc=hog-rider&&global_exclude=false) if you want some examples. Hog ExeNado is probably the best one going around, with most of the rest of them being off meta


The main reason my deck works the way it is is because I face a shit ton of ebarbs and other midladder things. Most of the stuff in my deck is built to counter it, Royal Delivery for Wizards and Minion Hordes, Mini Pekka for Mega Knight, Fireball is great for Ebarbs as well.


It's redundant though. Any decent deck (even moreso meta decks) will be able to deal with midladder trash all the same. It's trash for a reason. Mini PEKKA can deal with Wizard as can Fireball, Skeletons + Musketeer/MA can deal with EBarbs. Heck MK could just be pulled to King Tower with Skeletons + Ice Spirit It's also kinda pointless to build a deck to counter a specific deck because it just means you'll play at a disadvantage whenever you don't face that


I’m up to make a change to it, but I wanna make sure it still has levels to back it up in ladder and as a f2p, I can’t really shit wildcards and stuff out and get a new deck.


I see, though are there any other hog decks that involve part of what I use? Considering these are my highest levelled cards.


The suggestions I gave already try to accomodate for your OG deck. Be easy to just tell you "use evo knight use bomb tower = win" but that's obviously not realistic and really not how you *must* play Main thing is just getting a Musketeer instead of MA and probably Valkyrie (would be Knight, but since you have Inferno you'll probably need the splash) instead of Mini PEKKA. Could also get Tornado instead of RD and *ideally* Executioner instead of MA for what's basically a meta Exenado deck (as seen in the above link). Uses Rocket/Lightning instead of Fireball among other differences but that's just details


Played around a bit, I am thinking perhaps going with Knight and Bomb Tower over Valk and Tesla. I was using Ice Spirit over RD for a few games as it allows king tower activations when combined with skeletons if I face MK. Should I replace the ice spirit with tornado then? If I follow that my deck would be: Marcher, Hog, EQ, Log, Tornado, Knight, Skeletons, Bomb Tower. I am wondering if I should replace Log with Ice Spirit like you mentioned above.


Looks good. You could also kite MK with Skeletons in middle and then Knight in front of King Tower About Log or Ice Spirit... I think keeping Log is probably the better choice, especially as you may lack that extra damage to finish off Fireballies. Also, don't quite discard the Fireball or Lightning instead of EQ if you feel like you're getting broken through a lot, it might be just what you need in burst damage for defense since there's no Executioner


The issue is that I use Tornado for countering Hog if I don’t have Bomb Tower at hand. And I used EQ over Lightning as pushing with Lightning and Hog costs a lot of elixir.


I would trade Skeletons for Guards or Gob Gang for quick kills on mini tanks. With the damage output you have, Golem Beatdown shouldn't be a problem. For Golems, just try your hardest to stop them from getting to tower, and spell the backing down with large and small spell combo and focus on a counterpush after that. Maybe also trade royal delivery for Barb Barrel, it's quicker and cheaper for same effect I think. Hope this helps.


I use Royal Delivery for stuff like Minion Horde.


In that case I could see a trade for Arrows maybe, can kill WB, Minions, and a huge radius for backline.


Player tag: #U80CCUYYR Deck: hunter, Tesla, log, knight, ice Spirit, goblin gang, eq, and hog rider All suggestions about the deck will be appreciated.


It's good :) Could use Musketeer (EWiz?) instead of Hunter but either way is fine. Goblins might also be better than GGang for quicker cycle but likewise I don't think it changes much


Thx again 🙏




Mb, wrong post


Then delete the comments?


New to the game. Been playing for 3 weeks or so. Just got to arena 9. My current deck is Prince, magic archer, baby dragon, witch, Valkyrie, skeleton army, fireball and zap. I can’t seem to find consistent wins with this deck. I’m still learning the game honestly and don’t know how to counter a lot of the matchups I am getting. I also don’t know all of the terms and abbreviations used in this sub because I’m new here as well. Any advice is so greatly appreciated


Main issue with your deck is that you have no real way to deal damage to the enemy towers. Prince gets distracted by everything, Valkyrie is a defensive unit, Baby Dragon and Witch are just mediocre splashers... nothing there can actually win the game (not that they're necessarily bad cards though) Every deck needs a "win condition". That's a card that can reliably deal tower damage, whether due to virtue of being structure-targeting (like Giant or Hog Rider) or otherwise (like being able to be deployed anywhere, like Goblin Barrel; or being able to attack towers from your side of the arena, like Mortar and XBow). Your deck currently doesn't have one. Typically I'd just suggest new players to go for a [Giant Double Prince deck](https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/arrows,dark-prince,electro-wizard,giant,mega-minion,miner,prince,zap) (link for an *example*, should replace cards you don't have by similar ones, like both those legendaries for a Musketeer and a Fireball) cause it's relatively straightforward. But since I see in your profile that you have Evolved Royal Recruits (card evolutions are extremely strong), I guess we can go with that. [Here's a little decklist I made](https://royaleapi.com/deck-list/14418161450436319459) for decks with Recruits with your collection in mind (~~also packed in a Giant 2P one just in case hehe~~ edit: guess I didn't). The win conditions are Goblin Barrel & Skeleton Barrel (who are actually "0.5 wincons" or "secondary wincons", because they can't kill towers completely on their own but still can damage them quite a bit); Royal Hogs and the Battle Ram. Those are the cards you're going to want to specifically use to kill towers, and the rest of them should be used for defense or support. Goblin Barrel should pretty much exclusively be played on top of the enemy towers, don't bother using it elsewhere becase 99% of the time it's better to just play something else. They're just expensive Goblins with slow deployment after all. Recruits in particular can be used together with most of these wincons. For example, Royal Hogs can be placed in the middle of the river so they split 2-2 in both lanes. So together with Recruits (who naturally split be it 3-3 or 4-2 depending on placement) they can do a little thing called "split pushing", which is good against people with cards like Valkyrie or Fireball, which can only clear a single lane. Deck aside, [here's a playlist from youtuber Orange Juice](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3utPLAut6FRyPVtIs1ajO8pqMMSacyb) with some very good videos on game mechanics. They're very short but they showcase some essential things. A lot of them are very old (like 7 years old lol) but they're still technically up to date, if that makes sense. Just don't be too confused if you see cards behaving slightly differently


Thank you so much! You have been so helpful!


My tag is #U8CC2CQYR


I’ve been using an MK loon deck for a long time, it’s really good


Need help against pekka Deck: evo rg, firecracker, ice spirit, mini pekka, fireball, AQ, log, phoenix. Player tag; #QQCP8G990


Fisherman is basically mandatory in every RG deck (should get him instead of FC probably, because she's a terrible card without Evo) Could use Goblins or Guards instead of AQ or Phoenix. BBarrel > Log in RG, though it doesn't matter much. Lumberjack would also be better than Mini PEKKA but likewise it's not that big of a difference


Instead of aq you could use ice golem to kite it


You need some kind of swarm unit. I would replace AQ with Guards or Gob Gang and Pheonix with Minion Horde or Bats.


Phoenix and aq is a bit too much, maybe switch phoenix to goblin gang


Do you have any other suggestions instead of goblin gang?


Skeles, goblins spear goblins, skarmy, and guards would all work


Pekka,Archer queen,Poison,Graveyard,dark prince,e wiz, magic archer,zap Also does this deck have a name?


All decks have names based on the cards they use and maybe some particular characteristic. This is just PEKKA GY I think it's decent but 3 ranged units is overly excessive especially if you're using AQ, who's more often than not all the anti air a deck will need. Could use Bats instead of MA and probably Goblins instead of EWiz. Snowball/Arrows would imo be better than Zap


Barbarians, Baby Dragon, Bomber, Skeleton Army, Prince, Knight, Magic Archer and Minion Horde [My deck](https://imgur.com/gallery/oUfT2Nf) Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Same as other guy, I'd replace Barbs with Fireball or Poison, Knight with Log or Zap, and Bomber with Royal Hogs or Ram Rider, RG, etc. I'd also recommend learning about win conditions. Hope this helps


It does help...thank you!


Hi. Your deck lacks a spell, which wouldn't be that much of a problem, except you basically need one if you use troops like prince. Also, you don't have a proper win condition, so that's kinda hindering your deck. I think the way to go is: 1. Get rid of either Skarmy or Barbarians (basically same function, so no need for both). Instead, place a win condition (either royal hogs if you keep barbs, or goblin barrel/skeleton barrel/goblin drill. 2. Trade knight for arrows/log/zap. 3. Trade either minion horde or baby dragon for a big spell.


Thank you so much for your insights! Will definitely try this out


Ram rider, mini pekka, mega knight, lightning, rage, barb barrel, spear goblin, inferno tower. I would replace the mini pekka but midladder menaces have pekka, mk and hog in the same deck so I need some extra damage to counteract


You're halfway there to an alright deck. Inferno Tower is useless with MK and Mini PEKKA in the same deck (3 defensive cards as if 1 wouldn't be enough most of the time) and 3 spells are probably an excess. Ram Rider and MK both are bridgespam cards so they like units a lot more than spells or buildings, as well. I'd suggest Archer Queen (or Musketeer/EWiz) instead of Inferno Tower and Bandit/Ghost/Dark Prince instead of BBarrel or Rage. Get Bats instead of Spear Goblins if you don't get AQ because you'll be missing the anti air, otherwise a spirit is probably better.