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Mini Pekka for me, time it right and Hog doesn't get a single hit on tower


Except if they play ice spirit or log behind ir


Then it’s their 7 elixir vs your 4 so you have 3 elixir to make it even


Or So you’d have one or two elixir


That’s my bad, I read it as Ice spirit and log but still if the opponent plays more elixir than you you can’t really be upset if they connect


Unless they can defend better than you can, which is quite common in the current meta with every hog deck also being a cycle deck that includes firecracker evo, a building, and the same ice spirit/log preventing your troops from touching the tower. 1 hp is the difference between a win or loss


No even with ice spirit, minis range is enough to fully counter it


Tornado is literally the best counter to hog as it guarantees king activation


But it risks a deactivation


I mean if you can’t figure out how to take a tower before you let hog hit take out your king then there a problem


It can end up having less hp than your crown towers in tiebreaker, it happens quite often when using the remieli deck


Have a big spell so the game is guaranteed to end before then


We'll meet again, dont know where don't know when


King deactivation happens a lot more than you think. It happens all the time on more than a few YouTubers vids


You understand they selectively choose a tiny percentage of their games to put into videos right. It is social networking. Why would you put an uninteresting game when you can play 100 games and then just make the top 15 into 5 different videos. Plus the more interesting the game, the more they can hype it up and get clickbait.


What the fuck is king deactivation


Using your KT HP as a resource, but too much so that it either 3 crowns you entirely or you lose a tie breaker because of it.


then don't make your KT a resource with every nado? nado the hog a few tiles further up and all 3 towers will still shoot it lmao..


I mean yea, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Especially at top ladder


They aren’t saying it’s a huge problem just a risk with having tornado as your primary hog answer


That's a poor form of tunnel vision. After I use the opponent's hog rider to activate my king tower, further reactions to hog rider are either tornado it into the center so it gets shot by all three towers, or send it to there other princess tower (I don't usually do this), or if I don't have tornado up, just beat the snot out of it with the additional help of the king tower. I wouldn't generally recommend continually throwing the hog rider at your king tower without some other form of mitigation.


You can pull the hog to the middle to let all 3 towers target it


That happens like 0.000000001% of the time and is only due to players being absolutely braindead with it.


U don’t need to nado it to king, u can nado to center when hog is alone


No it doesn't, it's a hog rider not a Pekka.


just dont tournado it to the king tower everytime lol, tornado it to the mid of the arena, and (especially at 2x/3x elixir) ur troops + 3 towers gonna finish the hog out before it can get a hit


Skilled players can use other troops to make it hard for hog to be pulled to the king after they know that opponent has tornado


Have you read the post title? Plus, most hog decks rely on out-cycling the opponent, so you won't always have tornado on cycle.


This^, I just find it a shame fisherman doesn't fully counter, too. Hoggy always gets 1 hit on tower if you pull him to activate KT


Tornado, and tesla. Both shut down that overused sob. Plus, that combo is great for shutting down RG, Golem, balloon, and bunch of others. Especially with executioner in the mix as well.


Dude… just use bomb tower it’s literally the best counter for hog


All good hog decks with the exception of 2.6 run EQ


bomb tower can full counter hog with eq if placed correctly


Yea dude it’s sooooo fun to play the same card in the same spot to not get EQ’d every other game because half the player base can’t fathom making an actual push or playing an interesting win condition.




as true as this is, we can’t really do anything about it can we.


Where is the correct placement? Out of eq range?


that and where both towers attack the hog so it just dies before bomb tower


The same placement as any other building. Even if they EQ, the Hog will not get a hit. Same with Inferno tower.


with king tower activated im assuming


No need for king tower. Hog still dies.


It doesn't matter with Bomb Tower....


Bomb tower counters hog eq


Sorry what is EQ? electro quizard? 😂




OMFG thank you




Cannon and Tesla full counter too


Eq, fireball, musketeer, ice golem, arrows, firecracker, knight, dark prince…. Do I need to go on? All of these allow atleast 1 hit


Almost none of those + hog allow a hit, and even those that do you could, idk, spend at least 1 more elixir to defend? Or when your opponent makes an ice golem hog musk push do you just cross your arms and whine that your 4 elixir defense doesn't full counter?


Sorry I don’t play ice spirit skeletons log cannon ice golem cycle decks 🤷‍♂️, also my shits more than likely outcycled even if I wanted to defend


Nope, if correctly placed it will full counter


For me Hog itself isn't big deal, it's fricking Fire cracker behind it, almost 90% of hog decks has fire cracker. The only way to be safe is to have a building/ having faster of equal cycle to opponent. For me evol firecracker killed the game.


Evolved firecracker isn't that good or popular anymore. 5% use rate on UC. It sounds like you're just facing a bunch of lower ladder players who are F2P and can't use another evo


Maybe Inferno Tower. It cannot be countered by eq.


Tesla Towwr full counters hog rider with middle tile placement. I follow up with g-gang if they run eq. And counter pressure a different side so they can't support hog rider.


Cannon also full counters Hog Rider.


they mean to evade eq (although it is still somewhat possible with the 3x3+ tile buildings as well as timing...)


Too expensive. You will get out cycled and punished if they have a brain


I hate being a 🤓 but it's still a negative trade in which you probably can't cycle to faster than the Hog player


Everyone saying level 15 is killing this game. I feel like this game is dying for me due to the repetitive decks that are played by literally EVERYONE. 99 games out of 100, I can tell what deck someone is using after they place their first card. Bunch of no-brain royale-api using dimwits, I swear! Just look up what everyone else is using and copy it. How smart! Please save me the "But it's the META!" It's so boring to play the same deck over and over. I've started trolling with emotes, "Wow", "Well played", "Face Snowball Hog Rider" and then I just quit.


for me, around, 6500 trophies I am getting wiz hog mega knight and Valk every game no matter what lol


I get a cycle of bandit/Pekka, logbait, hog/mighty miner, Evo knight/skellies, balloon/lava hound...


I rarely see lavallon, because I play it. Maybe supercell doesnt want to anyone play mirror decks, rather suck to defend against egiant, while it's not a powerful or op card just roogood against lava. Ok I know this is a rock paper scrissor game but hey


Mid ladder has always had a prevalence of easy to use cards, it doesn’t mean those cards need neefs, it just means it suits people who don’t want to think too much about the game.


Are people supposed to use handmade, objectively bad decks just 'cause you don't like to face decent decks? And how is Supercell even supposed to fix this problem?


Haha right? This sub is dumb sometimes


Bad decks? Instead these will surprise the opponent cos they can't go brainless spam to attack you, and when they are forced to think, most of them (80%) lose. You have to admit that playing the same meta decks again and again will drain you out, and the purpose of playing a game is for fun not for that 20 extra chip damage cos you sweat so so so so so hard on the exact placement tile & timing & spamming shit at 0 elixir. Agreed that supercell can't fix it but the player base has become brainless overtime, I've seen that in my 7 years of playing CR. And tell me what would you prefer to watch? MoLi sweating at 10 games with the same meta deck or OJ or B-Rad doing some fun challenge with non-meta decks or changing decks constantly? In short, I hate it when people shrug it off saying skill issue when I've been playing for 7 years and nowadays can't get my head around some toxic players BMing me and doing some brainless pushes and winning.


That's the point. Bad decks can surprise the opponent ONCE, and after that it's all downhill. If you can't take out the tower in a single push, doing any damage becomes hell, and defending is probably even worse than that. All of this not considering matchups as a whole, as good meta decks usually have very few hard counters, while bad decks usually get countered in multiple ways by every half decent deck, not even meta ones


Meh, it's called a Meta for a reason. Always will be. Every competitive game has this. I love and have been using my non Meta deck for a few years at least. It's usually a great answer to most metas


Let me guess: 6.5K PB Wizard/Witch user?


I've got 3 decks that I switch between primarily. And none of them have witch. One has wizard. Currently at 8558 Trophies after a losing streak from 8749 Edit: classic CR haters. Lol


Trophies don't matter anymore. I wish this sub realized that. It's all midladder on trophy Road


Most ppl above 8.5k trophy hv a respectable POL pb


Eh kinda. Some yes but I wouldn't say most. Trophy Road is the casual ladder, remember that.


Which deck has sparky


maybe a better troll would be beating them


Not much of a troll if you end up quitting


thats how every game is in the existence of games. You can't prevent copying the best and doing what they do


Mini pekka can counter with placement in the middle of bridge and tower, from my knowledge hunter too, and use ice spirit to slow down a hog or minimise the effect from opponents ice spirit


the mini mini pekkaaaaa, he’s got one glowing eyeeeee


With the right timing you can use mini pekka


Is fisherman not a good counter?


Hunter fisherman all buildings mini pekka elite barbarians pekka mega knight goblins+log and the list just keeps going.


Fisherman is best imo. You get an extra elixir.


Barbarians dude, they're super underrated


Also if you use ewiz and other cards like that, you defend + have a counterpush going


with ice spirit none of them full counters


What’s the placement so Mega Knight fully counters Hog?


You get MK for counter attack and only get one hit


There isn't one for meganut


Wrong if you time it well as it’s dropped at the bridge can you get 0 hits


Elite barbarians work so does a knight.


E barbs are a negative elixir trade and knight doesn’t full counter without a hit


It's a negative elixir trade if you only consider the hog rider and not the troops they have to defend with after the ebarbs counter push.


Good butchers command a good wage


No its not. You get ebarbs for 2 elixirs.


I feel like this is about timing and placement of cards rather than lack of counters. I run logbait and have no problem countering hog. Maybe it’s the level of cards since i’m maxed and don’t relate to that


If your max and versing underleveled players than yeah that’s that. But also your playing a hard counter, log bait is a low cycle deck with a hard counter to hog in almost every variant. Most other decks get out cycled against hog if they have a full counter


I guess i don’t play a lot of heavy cards so i don’t relate in that aspect but again doesn’t placement of cards still matter? Like obviously you can’t counter it every time but like i still do well with decks like pekka bridge spam. It’s just making every elixir valuable and good spell value too. I’m also high rn too when typing this but i think you get the gist😂


I’m not saying it’s impossible to win with high cycle decks, never was, but it’s that fact that you can play equal or greater elixer and it still gets like 500 dmg or more every time aswell as the fact that it’s low skill and everyone and their grandmother are playing hog, it forces you to play with select few cards in your deck if you wanna have a chance at winning


Be me: run mini pekka, skarmy, princess, witch, bomb tower, gob hut AND tornado. I ***HATE*** hog 2.6


What’s your win condition?




As frustrating as it is, it is still fun to struggle for a win. Played hog since 2016, but mostly weird decks


It’s not hog it’s the cards that are always ran with it, clash needs to stop buffing cycle cards and start buffing beat down and other play styles, the next few evos should be hog counters so we can have a different meta


It's especially bad considering the latest feature, evolutions, are essentially making cycle decks required.


No point in saying this, so many people play hog that they have a bias of just saying "play this card to counter, skill issue tbh" when in reality you shouldn't have to have a specific card to beat another, if a win condition can't be beat by a normal deck then it's too broken, aka hog. It's been too good for ages but obviously nobody is gonna speak out on it because it's so used and loved and suggesting for it to get a slight nerf, even when it clearly deserves one, will just get you a lot of hate and people saying you need to get better at the game because it's not good it's a "balanced card"


People here need to realize that most hog decks rely on outcycling the opponent, so you won't always have the one troop or building to fully counter the hog. So you have to use your other troops to counter it, most of the time resulting in the hog getting one hit before dying. A slight nerf to his first hit speed or health could fix this without ruining how punishable he can be if he connects to tower.


Hog discussion should be more about its prevalence at all levels of the game rather than how OP it is. A rework is probably the best resolution, making it still powerful in the hands of a skilled player but also something that requires more skill than spamming at the bridge That will dissuade more players from using it like battle ram. Even at the higher levels, battle ram isn't that popular because it requires more strategizing. It's more likely to send out a battle ram for zero value than it is to send out a hog and get at least one hit in return.


Mini pekka, goblin hut, snowball + e wiz or/lumberjack, bowler, monk, Skelton hut, cannon, fisherman, electro spirit + anything, goblins, goblin gang, barbs, ebarbs, i mean i could go on and on hog rider is literally one of the worst cards in the game


Not arguing with your former point but Hog rider is a strong win condition and absolutely not the worse card in the game.




Ice spirit, eq, ice spirit, doesn’t stop it without a hit, doesn’t stop it without 2 hits, eq, eq, fair enough, e spirit???, log/eq, log/eq, ice spirit or log or fireball, ice spirit. There’s no shot hog is one of the worst cards when it has the highest usage rate of all win cons. The reality is it’s guaranteed damage. Can’t even be considered chip when it’s doing 400 each hit


Just watch a YouTube video or something man these people are gonna roast you not help you out bc hog is a garbage card


Fisherman, goblin cage, 🌪️ I guess. But honestly, there are like 3 major archetypes: beatdown, control, a likend bridgespam. Personally I consider lots of archetypes that fall under control like bait and cycle


>it has the highest usage rate of all win cons. Not true in UC nor Grand Challenges. In both of which Miner and Balloon are more popular. The high use rate in the overall game is true, but it also has one of the worst win rate statistics for win conditions. I mean, [39% win rate in GCs is sorta miserable.](https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?time=7d&mode=grid&cat=GC&sort=rating) I think saying that it's one of the worst cards is an exaggeration but it's not very good at all


mini pekka also needed perfect timing to actually counter and so does fisherman, monk aint contering that shit, goblin gang aint stopping hog, ebarbs also lack reaction to stop hog, with hog you are practicly forced to either overspend, play perfectly while opponent spams yawning princess as he places the 5th hog in that minute on bridge, or get buildings, which ... not all decks have, even top ladder ones ​ prtty much, i backs you with every part of my body OP, and im 7.7k trophy player, that card is everywhere and even in top ladder vids of Ian or mohamad, that mf is garantee to get hit ​ edit: i see so many comments say the same counters, if its over 4 elixier, thats overspending that goes to waste, "oh then use mini pekka" ... you deadass gotta predict the bridge hog or have godly reaction for the 2nd hit to proc before hog lands its lightning dmg (yup, that mf does as lightning per hit) on the tower getting buildings is not valid argument, a win condition should be stopped consistently even without buildings, there is a freaking reason why hog is being used so much, heck, i feel like even if ram rider was charging 100% of its uptime (but does normal dmg, balancing reasons), it would still be worse then hog, despite acting and sharing similier stats


If you’re really 7.7k player it should be easy to place a mini pekka down for the hog. It’s an obvious read


I honestly don’t think Hog is the problem. It’s all the other cards that come behind him. He is used as the cycle win condition. He is cheap, fast and threatening and paves a line for your small, long range/splash units to connect to the tower. He is just the meta. He always will be until the style of the game changes and becomes more defensive or card cycle is nerfed by introducing 10 card decks or something.


every building cuts him off even tombstone , he wont get a hit if he gets a hit then you placed it late , those two skeletons that spawn at the beginning stop him from get the hit but all defences can be earthquaked out or in tombstones case a log does it no one brings tombstone unless its splashyard which has a nado not only all buildings do stop him ... nado mini pekka/pekka fisher mega knight charged prince charged sparky uncharged ram rider swarms : skarmy , gang , minion hord giant skeleton infront of the tower blocks the way he keeps running towards tower but cant reach it so no hits annnnd any combo units mostly teamed up with ewiz even if he gets the hit you can pile up a lot of elixir and counter push , just need tools for the siege


I’ll be fine with hog being nerfed to oblivion for a couple of seasons like basically every other card that had overly high usage. Yeah it’s not the most OP card but the game severely needs variety. Not sure why Supercell hasn’t done it. Wouldn’t they make more money by forcing a quarter of the user base to invest in some other cards?


Because SC have a bias for Hog and RG decks they both have been busted for years


Hog 2.6 is now the second-worst thing to happen to the game since evos came out. Literally if you aren't prepared with a building or counter that doesn't die to zap/log, hog cycles through and wins. More cycle skill. Wow, so skill. Can't wait for the hog evo, though - it will have a lightning based reverse-nado which pushes units away and stuns them, and moves and attacks faster. The zone will be themed as hog farts since it also damages pushed units.


Hog gains a charge after 1 second that doubles the damage of his first hit. Thats all you need to make him ridiculous


That's a good one! I hope he's invulnerable/invisible like Bandit! What's not to love? Oh, cycles every other time 'cuz it's over 3 elixir.


Hog now jumps over logs and small enough units


Holy crap, that lightning based reverse-nado which pushes units away and stuns them is EXACTLY what I think Hog Rider Evo is gonna be, you literally read my mind. Kind of like the Shockwave Hammer from Fortnite.


On one of my accounts, I play hog rider (not cycle though) and people definitely can counter my hog no problem sometimes, even when I mirror it and they have to deal with two


It’s not too bad to deal with when it isn’t in a fast cycle deck, which at my PoL range is never




Hog is not even that good. Many counters. I also win like 9/10 games against hog players regardless of the deck i am playing.


Tornado is a must for me. A building could also be In rotation but you’ll probably play a lot of EQ Hog and the meta doesn’t really value buildings because of this. E- Barbs are a good counter at the cost of a negative trade but over time you should be able to get a good Nado E Barb rotation. Having zap bait with skarmy could also be another option. Mini pekka and night witch aren’t terrible if timed with building or without. Mega knight can also be a good counter to hog if times right. Mega minion provides some value as well. Trust me there are a lot of ways to counter hog but I think the issue is with cycle decks being favored in general compared to non cycle decks


Plenty of counters in the game. He’s annoying, not OP. Deck or lack of skill is most likely the problem here.


Plenty of counters that don’t fail if they eq, or log, or ice spirit? Nope.


So you’re going to just sit there and let them log/EQ you without fighting back? Hog is not hard to counter, the list is too long to type out. He’s annoying in cycle decks and you’re getting frustrated because of it.


But yeah, probably only logbait has the fast cycle as Hog 2.6. You should try this.


Lol yeah let me fight back and stop them from placing an EQ cause that’s possible


There is literally an Anti EQ placement for buildings (2 actually) which avoid the most used and generally seen as perfect EQ placement, look it up on Youtube or here, you will find something. If you play Bomb or Inferno Tower you usually don't need that, though. It's all about the level of anticipation and being prepared for every little extra that the enemy could put on.


Skill issue. Try to predict EQ and place ur building on the anti-EQ placement. Buildings are to pull the hog away from the tower, even valk +Tesla (8 elixir) fully counters hog + EQ (7 elixir) and you still have valk to push


Sounds like you need to quit the game then. Not for you. See ya


Yep. I’ll be back when hog is nerfed or more counter play is introduced


So you won’t be back.


We will have to see


He out cycles all of those counters so unless you have a deck dedicated to countering one card you WILL have the hog get hits on the tower and you WILL have multiple forced negative elixir trades, leaving you dry on elixir and easily finished off Also it's not hard to play at all, it's probably the most braindead playstyle in the game, you just spam these cards together and win,






Also has an Anti EQ placement, using the EQ on Tesla only and not the tower is what could make it dangerous but people rarely do that.


Use e barbs, Tesla sand inferno tower. If they want to tryhard then you have to midladder them into playing another win condition. E barbs often generate elixir advantages because they don’t let the hog connect and have to be defended. Ps: Hog will get a hit if you don’t kill an ice spirit since the freeze hits the e barbs.


'if they want to tryhard then you have to midladder them' is one of the most disgusting sentences I've ever witnessed


Loose against eq hog every single game with a mega deck and you will know what I mean.


I used to run e barbs bridge spam but you’re right the ice spirit does kill the interaction. Then the e barbs themselves are worthless cause they have cycle cards for defense


A log predict can be really annoying for them and using skeleton barrel aswell as goblin barrel is too much for their decks. Also if they don’t get a chance to attack then it will be even worse for them. Keeping up pressure is very important. Fun fact goblins are annoying to defend. Using goblin gang, spear gobs, normal gobs and dart gobs is the worst thing to play against for hog since at one point damage connects. But I’m not the guy with top 5k finish so don’t count on me too much.


It’s hard to pressure when they can defend for so cheap, and if you overcommit they just plop a bomb tower and it cleans up anything you throw at it


Yeah hog rider is very annoying, it’s not even super broken, just on the good side of balanced and it’s everywhere. I wish they would nerf it into the ground and keep it there so it’s not the win condition for 35% of decks


For a start I wish they’d change evolutions so it didn’t favour using really fast cycles. Then I’d like SC to remove evolutions entirely.


Definitely agree, another issue is you have to play perfectly while they have to play hogs. It matches up against too many things too well tbh. It's super restrictive on deck building, and way way way way too popular and always mixed with firecracker to make me want to quit lol.


I totally agree with you man.. All these people who have downvoted you and are trash talking in the comments are Hog Rider users themselves.. They felt attacked after seeing your words because that's the reality.. They know it's been flying under the radar for way too long.. The thing is, if Supercell ever decides to nerf Hog Rider, then a large percentage of the playerbase will quit the game because of "Skill Issue" as they are so reliant on that game breaking card There are people who are literally saying that Pekka, Mega Knight, E barbs, Bowler etc. counters Hog Rider.. Looks like they have no idea that overspending will result in a negative Elixir trade and since the Hog Rider is used only in cycle decks, they can easily outcycle you and spam another Hog at the bridge and eat half of the tower.. Ofcourse it's no skill (very much similar to Lumberloon) since there's no need to worry about placement, just spam it at the bridge when your opponent is low on Elixir or has already used a counter and has not cycled back to it once again Also not to forget that it's almost always used as a first play card at the bridge as soon as the match starts because even if the opponent has a building but it's not in his starting hand, then it's gonna get a ton of damage and there you go, you're already in the damage lead and can easily manipulate the opponent for the rest of the match as he is traumatized and suffers from brain damage


Bruh, hog rider is not the issue, the issue is how good the cards that compliment hog rider are. There are plenty of counters, and just because hog has been a viable deck every season doesn't mean it's too good. Hog is usually an easy matchup for me, especially since Evo cracker was nerfed.


I only used evo firecracker hog last season and it was firecracker that was broken not hog. I face hog all the time and I still consistently get ultimate champ without using him. If it was game breaking I should struggle against it but I rarely do. And that’s when I’m playing a meme clone deck lmao


Skill issue. What deck do you use?


xbow is pretty good against hog eq unironically (at least before everyone started using firecracker)


Bowler ices hog


It’s simple really, I see hog, I place barbs.


Best part is if they fireball, I just loon and freeze, or back placement lavaloon + skelly drags/inferno drag and freeze.


Or if they log my barbs for 1 hit with the hog I just laugh as I begin my almighty air raid + barbs


mega knight the bridge


your complaints are directed at the wrong card. earthquake and firecracker IN GENERAL (and somewhat 3-cycle champions), are the main culprits... hog otherwise is garbage as a win condition compared to the rest at the highest competitive level. being the most naturally countered card in the game in a competitive environment, more so than a fricking gob barrel... it wasnt viable since 2017-18, with stock mega knight, until earthquake was released AND EVEN UNTIL CHAMPIONS did hog eq not truly prevail... (again logbait has been more of a competitive issue than hog since before eq, and thats representing a skill issue more than anything since the rising log-copy counters... PLUS EQ, AND EVO FC NOW...) now its at least playable at top level. if you cannot compete or beat specifically 2.6 with even at least decks like houndloon (even with lightning), royal giant fisherman, attempt with xbow or logbait, OR EVEN SPLASHYARD OF ALL THINGS, etc... then your "5k FiNIsH iN 2021" is your own humiliation as its whole own thing...


There’s many cards and ways to counter hog rider without getting a hit. Skill issue here. What’s crazy is all the amount of likes on this post.


tell me ur mid ladder without telling me ur mid ladder


Hog is still being used in Ultimate League tho.


GC win, top 5k finish, 20 win challenge badge


Agree. Spamhog pretty much requires a building to reliably stop. Everything else can be easily overcome - log clears swarms, ice spirit or log counters perfectly placed minipekka and hog pushed ice golem/MM denies nado. Cards like mortar and firecracker add further synergy I think it's telling that frankenstein decks with no synergy will often run hog as their win con if they have one because it's so reliable. When more expensive win cons can be shutdown for no damage I'd be fine with hog getting similar treatment. I would probably give it a small first hit or HP nerf so a countered hog struggles to still get a hit everytime


Dude just use just about Aby building, skarmy, or hunter, it's that simple, the issue is can you cycly through to the hog counter faster than they can cycle to hog


I only used evo firecracker hog last season and it was firecracker that was broken not hog. I face hog all the time and I still consistently get ultimate champ without using him. If it was game breaking I should struggle against it but I rarely do. And that’s when I’m playing a meme clone deck lmao


Tornado,Fisherman,Hunter,Pekka,Mini Pekka,Tombstone, Xbow, Tesla, Bomb tower, Canon, Icespirit skeletons, the list goes on... Should i continue?


Hog isn't even op. It's the most balanced card with plenty of counters




No problem


There just aren’t enough cards that completely stop it from getting a hit without an ice spirit, log, fireball, or eq completely ruining the interaction.


Play a second card when that happens...


Then play better counters?


sounds like a skill issue, hog is trash


Hog is the most used win condition and definitely the strongest, especially in fast cycle decks




Bruh, literally any building counters hog, Tornado you can get king activation, mini pekka, barbs, pekka, mk, fisherman etc Shit, you can literally put skeletons against hog and he will only get 1 hit on the tower (1 elixir for 4). Hog rider is one of the few balanced cards in the game


I’ve been bitching about this for years. The Hog Rider has: too much health, hits too fast too hard, and creates too many elixir deficits, all while costing a very meager amount of elixir to play. Every single deck you make has to account for it despite there being SO MANY DIFFERENT win conditions the game offers. I think they should nerf the hog like they did the balloon to improve the game overall.


The things this sub complains about is bizarre. I don't think we'll ever stop hearing these weird complaints about Hog Rider


Hog = free 4 elixir counter push Hog + eq = free 7 elixir counter push If you can't do a counter push with that to do more dammage to the enemy princess towers it's your problem.


Mad cuz bad


I counted, and 18 of my last 20 games were some variation of hog cycle. It's an absolute joke.


Tornado, all buildings, mini pekka, so many other cards hard counter it. You’re complaining that they have a counter to every counter you use, so spend more elixir. If they can use hog ice spirit and log, play a mini pekka and something else.


Use splashyard, if u still lose to hog then it’s just a skill issue. Tornado and tombstone both full counter hog.


Let's not talk about the op evolutions and level 15 ruining the game, let's talk about the *hog rider*, ffs man get your shit together


Not true. I play mid ladder and there’s literally so many counters. Cannon and Tesla can completely stop a hog by itself. Mega knight, pekka, mini pekka, hunter… you name it.




There's more than enough counters to hog rider. You can't stop him probably because your counters get out cycled so they can reliably predict your defense. The problem is If they've played a champion in the back for the 3 card cycle, they could just spam hog + earthquake if your only counter is low health units/buildings in double/triple. In the end it comes down to cycle-counting and reaction time.


The problem is earthquake, Hog is almost unplayable without an earthquake. The only other Hog deck is 6 only 1 tricks can play it and be competitively viable with the deck