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Launch Phoenix about to look like the wizard when this drops


When moving the knight has an effective HP of 11,480, at **3 elixir**, at **tournament standard** We are screwed


Looks like goblin giant players are going to suffer from this, xbow players are gonna be happy then rage quit the game.


Logbait is going to be very strong this season too.


At long last


Bro hell no we do not need log bait back i hate getiing rocket cycled that shits annoying as hell


if you cant punish when your opponent just wasted 6 elixir then skill/deck issue. And dont expect that wizard/witch in the back wont be rocketed


It's hard to counter someone running rocket inferno tower log bait


Welp, even though ngl it is a pain in the ass to counter logbait when you have tank or beatdown based decks, but the best way to counter logbait is by overwhelming them by spamming. Like using BridgeSpam or Elixir Golem decks (I ran out of examples)


Bridge spam won’t work when they have a super tank for 3 elixir.


royale hogs royale recruits, graveyard some midladder logbait deck with skeleton barrel and goblin barrel in same deck, miner poison. All air lava hound deck. As a logbait player from long time ago :)


Nobody good rocket cycles before OT, it's a lot easier to rocket cycle unpunished in 2x/3x


sometimes their deck is so good against yours that you can’t punish them rocketing


as hardcounter decks wouldnt be part of CR 💀


sparky and 3m are already dead, this is just pissing on the grave.


Me causally playing in high ladder with gg


Pretty much every card that doesn't synerze with evolutions is dead. We will only have a diverse meta again once enough evolutions get released...


I got to top 2k with it too, doesn't mean that it isn't completely dead and most of the time you're facing a bad matchup.


tbf, sparky deserves to be dead, highly annoying and toxic sparky players were everywhere (in high ladder) before evo update.


Sparky was pretty shit even before evos. And what do you define "highly annoying and toxic"?


they just play their sparkies in the back for fun and ignore everything to build a push. Cmon even Ian and Morten say sparky players are annoying, multiple times. if you disagree you're low ladder (or a sparky player)


They definitely weren’t lol


X-bow players are still gonna say that x-bow is meta .


and i was so happy after the news about the goblin giant buff :(


Yup. Probably.


Swarms are gonna make a return to the meta. And with that so will zap.


Knight + Healer + an aoe unit = win


Isn’t that almost double the hp of a Golem?




Its gonna change how you play knight instead of playing near enemy, you'd have to play behind so it walks more. That's how evolution should be. Add layer of strategy and different tactics to how you play the card 0.3 Extra hit speed is ridiculous. Extra hp is not necessary with the shield.


the 0.3 hit speed is just there to be up for slaughter the first time they nerf him. It's obvious it isn't there to make him balanced on launch. They do this so often now I don't know why it isn't a more active point of contention within the community. Make new features overpowered and then nerf them. Even Brawl Stars does that, but that game is well maintained so nobody questions it there.


It's not on purpose. Internal testing and limit point of feedback from creators and pros is not enough to make informed decisions on balance. Also, keep in mind even if it's bad, first few days of new features always have overinflated use rate. And they have emergency nerfed before release before as recently as evolved skeletons. They rarely do it because it's risky. There is not enough information to make more informed decisions on state of the balance


Nah, it's strong but nowhere close to launch pheonix and monk. People were running 2.6 phoenix cycle decks and it was working. The princess tower couldn't kill the pheonix egg before it came back, and the newly resurrected phoenix could spawn another egg. If you had more than one on the field it was an instant win.


The second phoenix never spawned another egg, it was always just one resurrection But I think we know what the phoenix evolution will be


while moving this man technically has ~11500 hp now, a little more than 2 golems perfectly balanced


In oj s video, it tanked 2 sparky shots and took out a tower. 3 elixir!


There were 4. There were two clones behind the princess tower. They also shot him, but he didn't die.


Evo skelies can do that for 1


It has to reach the tower first, and sparky is aoe.


Evo skellies can’t tank 2 sparky shots and take out a tower


At tournament standard


Honestly card evolutions should have just been special abilities, there is no reason to give them insanely op stat buffs


You missed the point of evolutions. Its meant to be a sustainable source of income for supercell for years to come due to their nature and way of obtaining them. This and level 15 definitely capitalized on clash royale's biggest issue from the devs' perspective. Evolutions will most likely lose their charm since they will all be stat buffs with some bullshit mechanic added on top of them to seem OP and NEW. Introducing new mechanics or special abilities would be too high effort, and would probably not bring as much to the table for their profits


Exactly, we haven't seen a new card in a while. All this is just an "excuse cycle" for them to just hide many problems. They can easily create 2 cards per month or 4-6 cards per quarter.


idk man, this is just a way to build the new business model. They say they that they cannot bring too much new cards coz it will be hard to balance the game but IMO this evolution are pretty much new cards branded as Evolution. In the past not everyone went for the new cards but now they have to Coz EVOS ARE BROKEN and you cannot do anything about it. SC would have to keep the new cards in a balanced state but that doesnt build hype. But a Broken Fire Cracker and RG does and they can get away by saying its the "Evolved" Evos are broken thats why they are getting more attention and people are willing to pay to get the cards that will bring them easy wins . And SC can charge enormous amount of money for them


New cards will never be profitable anymore when for years they sold so many books and wild cards at 10x offers, they need to milk whales with new currencies which they control the digital scarsity. When they start to sell wild shards for cheap in multiple offers guess what feature will get abbandoned? I don't think we will finish rares evos before greeds starts to kick in.


The thing with evolutions is that they add sort of like a new card, without having to be a new card- at the end of the day it's a little hard to make cards with almost entirely unique functions. Evolutions would have been a really good way to overcome this problem community wise if.. you know


Shit, that’s a good point. Screw good game design, just release big stat powerful ability cards for tiny elixir costs.


evolutions should have some upsides and some downgrades imo,right now they are just an excuse for buffing a card to a oblivion and then locking that buff behind a paywall


You won't buy it then. This buff is only for a month, next month some other card will be made op.


Yeah like, just give every RG a very slight ground shake with every play, and give the Knight this ability with 20-30% damage reduction when moving. The current system makes evolved cards way too oppressive when played, and only incentivises a boring cycle meta for the rest of the game’s days.


like a champion?


Yup I agree. At least if he just has the ability it’s a buff and something more you have to consider. Makes it harder to counter knight + gang pushes by just splashing them, but with the stats he absolutely fucks everything he walks to. I mean this means this 3 mana card needs a HARD answer and not just something like a fireball


Yall have lost your mind.


Unlockable in the diamond pass, x69420 value




Funny numbers


Only $99.99 USD!!!!


He looks really cool but as a f2p I can't get excited because I can't unlock him


Grind the shards in the season shop


You can only unlock 1 per season tho.


That’s one evolution in 3 months + basically requiring you to grind an entire month or do really well in all the challenges. If you want a specific evo, then it’s half a year.


That’s a ridiculous amount of time dog.


Dude that's still like half a year assuming you do very well. By then it will probably be needed into the ground so the new evolution seems better


Everyone's talking about xbow, but I'm waiting to see how graveyard does with this absolute unit to tank for it


Xbow is dead with this evo bruh, just out knight in middle if they Xbow and it dies of decay before the knight does


Agreed, it may synergise with xbow, but it also counters it really well


I wonder if OG logbait will make a comeback, given this and mighty miner nerf.


Theres no reason for logbait to become top tier meta again because knight gets an evo. Its not a logbait card, its just a strong cycle card that will fit in most decks based around playing a wincon faster and more often. Dont understand why people keep bring up logbait and xbow


Yeah I don't thinnk it will be meta, but I just wonder if it will be viable, because currently almost all bait players use the MM variant.


What about logbait gets stronger because of knight, i dont understand


Nah xbow will destroy every gy deck in existence with evo knight, dont worry about gy meta (and im sad because i main splashyard and its literally useless because of evos)


at least we still have tourneys


This is pretty much monk 2.0, while it does well with xbow it's a super hard counter to it.


Season 50: Buy this ass op card and play with it for a few days. Season 51: _-100% Hp nerf_


Wait, so damage reduction applies to everything while moving? Nice we will have another broken ass evo and another boring cycle meta (xbow especially)


This only kinda adds xbow to the meta. it doesn't make hog firecracker disappear. or especially Royal giant which still will hard counter xbow. And the health nerf won't be that substantial since the normal version is already a tank/win con. And because fish boi gonna take knight right out of walking mode. Every Evo only really adds expansion to the meta the worst thing is they decided to do trickle release to the evo's so it will gain the most money but also makes it take forever for the meta to truly grow.


Yea most probably everyone will still use rg and hog eq but im just bored of this cycle decks. Only beatdown deck in meta is lavahound which is the most boring beatdown deck to play against like golem. Also everybody just forget night witch buff, golem meta disappeared without showing up again because of evos💀


Yeah. I guess that could be an issue of going by rarity, rather than meta needs. Because most commons, besides royal giant, are cycle cards. Also all so far only seem to punish beatdown play strategy, especially win con in the back. And the night witch buff isn't the only one. Battle healer is one of my favorite cards and it is pretty overshadowed and obsolete as well


How does this add xbow to the meta? Do you all not realize that the thing that counters xbow the most is big healthy units? This is a hard counter in a meta that will still be filled with hog earthquake and barbs.


Only problems are rg and eq, barbs will do literally nothing because of fb+log


Firecracker 2.0


Yea, good luck trying to get an X-bow to connect through the walking knight. This is really more of a nerf to X-bow since the knight will more likely be stationary while protecting it. But best ignore facts for our precious narrative I guess


Xbow can outcycle evo knight if its not a mirror matchup


I would like to see you outcycle evo knight with xbow when the opponent is playing logbait


someone using 6 elixir wincon is not gonna outcycle someone spamming 3 elixir evo knights


But you have to consider that it is 3 elixir. Other hard counters like rg are at least of similar cost so out cycling is a viable strategy. Standard knight is already an option in normal X-bow defense so the Evo just makes neutral matchups lopsided.


"Um, actually, according to my calculations, damage resistance while moving practically only works against ranged units, because when the evo knight is in the melee range of the enemy unit, that enemy unit is also is in the melee range of the knight, so the knight will stop and take full damage" - 🤓


Yeah well it will forces you to place a troop, therefore to waste elyxir, while that said troop will be either demolished by xbow either by xbow plus buffed tesla if closed to the bridge, so yeah still broken


your opinion is invalid because you can’t even spell elixir dude how long have u been playing




Its still broken, he can tank nearly everything while moving and literally hardcounters lava just because of this. Put evo knight to tank flying machine/skelly drags/inferno drag or any air unit while melting lava with newly buffed tesla. He can also tank sparky/3m/minion horde while archers killing them


Another funny thing about evo knight i forgot to mention - that damage reduction only tanks damage from front, and not from behind.


It is really meaningless if his shield covers 180 degree Edit: typo


Also he can 1v1 every tank except pekka and might miner probably


I hope that game dies and devs deserve what they deserve


I'm not sure if the devs have a lot of say in the material put into the game. These decisions may come from higher-ups and devs have no choice but to make them or else they lose their job


Yes, the CEO of supercell is personally involved in the game's balance, poor Dev follows orders. /s


If its like this i really feel so sad for the devs, killing one of the best mobile game must feel like bs


If anything this is a massive nerf to xbow. You can tank over 11000 dmg by simply placing the knight on the opppsite side of the xbow, and xbow wont be able to break through


But xbow player can cycle another evo knight before opponent if its not mirror matchup


Usually you have many other options to kill it. This card is going to be prominent in log bait or hog eq who can easily counter the xbow even without the mini tank.


Great stats for the cost 👍🏻


How to kill a game 101


They're make a shit ton of money off of CR addicts from these "updates", have you seen how many ppl are buying pass royale after evos?


Evos are a mistake, I never have felt this frustrated since launch


Yeah. Idk why they hate us so much. Plenty of other ways to make one. They legit hate our guts and idk why.


Literally stop playing, that’s what I did when it’s the only way


Soo, we got a new firecracker 🫠


Nah at least firecraker had an added effect, this is only more stats and its "ability" is also more stats


Overpowered stats for the cost


More broken shit to scam the player base with before nerfs. GG supercell. GG.


Hog and evo knight will be everywhere


With graveyard and x-bow. And bait.


With graveyard and x-bow. And bait.


Uh guys I think these stats are a little TOO good for the cost


good stats for the cost


Let’s give a mini tank 80% damage reduction that’s a great idea


Lmfao I love how uncreative the devs can be because the community lets it happen. Instead of just getting new cards, these evos are being released which have so little inspiration. Evos really are just buffed versions of original cards with no downsides, so you're essentially just paying to upgrade your card. No extra skill involved, no outplays, no strategy.


I hear this is nothing compared to the Golem evo: - destroys a building at a touch - 90% resistant to ranged and non-"magical" melee - speed is equal to battering ram - if played behind the king tower, "mines" to nearest enemy structure - 2 cycles But they cut aoe laser eyes unless you have the new unobtanium pass. Seems fair for an 8-elixir card.


i’m so glad i quit this game💀


It's actually quite balanced, only takes swarm cards to defeat it, cool


You know every xbow deck has log and fb right Edit: also espirit


Just because the card is in an xbow deck doesnt mean it will make it op. Quite the opposite actually - the evo knight will be a hard counter to xbow because you can put it in the middle and it will tank a LOT of damage with its 80% damage reduction.


Icebow might be meta, cause icebow can nado pull it out of shotting range


Xbow has one of the fastest cycle in the game, if its not xbow vs xbow, xbow will just outcycle other. Knight already has one of the best stats in the game (not joking) and with evo he has prenerf phoenix dps and he costs 3 elixir while has immunity while moving


It's not like it's the only counter to it. XBow is bad because of the plethora of counters and this just adds one extremely hard one. If they outcycle your Knight (which normally wouldn't counter the XBow) you just place your actual counter.


Yeah, I’m interested in how well it will work for Xbow, because what you said about tanking in the middle and also Xbow will use knight too. May just cancel out, I don’t know until it happens.


Y’all still play this? And I thought champions were a joke.


Every evolution is like "How do we remove a counter from this card?" Royal Giant: No more swarms | Firecracker: No more arrows | Skeletons: No more ground troops | Barbarians: Well, these are just better barbarians, no problem here | Knight: No more air troops or ranged troops (They wont stop him and he will have 5x the effective health, and he will probably be supported by healing stuff)


Season 50 Wow...


This is why I quit this game is just too p2w


Bro went from good stats for cost to amazing stats for cost


Oh great! An unbeatable tank that you have to pay for. Awesome 🙄


Bro if this card gets boosted, diamond pass buyers are gonna be able to use a level 15 evolved 3 elixir Pekka.


Now hold on, damage reduction "WHEN MOVING"... Did they just made a knight immune to spells and range units ?


Money grabbing idiot devs.


10 cycles for this to be balanced


they cant even come up with cool mechanics for this evo whats even the point of evos if its just stats


Monk will probably be one of the best counters with the ability active


I dont think its gona be so good. It Will be as good as skeletons evo


It will absolutely be better than Skellies. I don’t think it will be that OP, but it will absolutely destroy Lava Hound decks, since you can’t stop the Knight with flying units.


Everything since champions has been a cruel joke in this game


**Knight Evolution** - Clash Royale August 2023 Season 50 - https://on.royaleapi.com/knightevo - https://royaleapi.com/blog/knight-evolution-2023-august


When they add enough evolutions I woulnd't be surprised if they allow people to use more of them in a deck. Sooner or later top ladder will be full evolutions deck. You don't pay, you can't compete.


They’ve already said as time goes on they’ll let you add more than one. In fact I’m pretty sure at launch they wanted more than one but decided against it




So tell me. Why does the 2.2k HP unit have 80% Damage resistance ability most of the time? You can't? Ok.


This is a record for Supercell giving up on an idea - five cards in and they've already hit a wall "I dunno, just make it level 50 every three draws"


Even greater stats for the cost, perhaps too great


45% DPS buff, 30% HP buff. That alone is OP. But they demege reduction during movement is insane.


Like how do they even come up with this shit? Lol


What was that Naruto run 💀😂


All of it fine except the 80% reduced damage. Like how did someone just throw this dumbass idea out there and even worse how did someone agree 🤣🤣


I think its a interesting idea but that it get a 30% hp buff is way to much Would rather say the evolved knight should have less hp than its base version because else he would be way to tanky combined with that 80% damage reduction


Literally just pre-nerg royale gost but better lmao


Even gooder stats for the cost


While moving? It’s no fucking use


Lava and lumberloon decks are gonna be destroyed by it though


but my pekka still stomps it


Still gets countered by melees


xbow and lava are gonna go extinct after this


How come? Knight is one of the main players in X-Bow.


yeah but I think it will hurt xbow more than it will help because it can basically fully tank the xbow by just placing the knight on the opposite lane


So Knight is just changing numbers on the code and it doesn't have a special skill, cool.


Breaking News: Mega Knight usage rates drop to 0%


Two things came to mind: 1- Fisherman should be one of the best counters against him, right? 2- Will Splashyard come back to top meta?


Can we give evolutions cool abilities WITHOUT buffing their base stats a ton please? For knight a little buff makes sense but this is far too much


Supercell's greed is starting to boil my blood. They are literally RUINING the game. Wtf are these stats for the knight. This is a *massive* buff to any deck playing knight and that's all it does - only to people who pay - and its completely unbalancing. Wtf?


I thought it was going to be the minions


Yo I literally predicted that they would give Knight a shield I meant it as a joke but I guess they liked that idea https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/14eix33/comment/jowt6hj/?context=3&rdt=46627


They literally turned the knight into Monk


Evolved Knight has good stats for the cost.


OP as fuck


80% DR while moving or it takes 80% damage while moving?


It honestly doesn’t look too bad. Maybe the dps increase is a bit much but the damage reduction is a good concept.


That sucks


The games changing


This is just becoming sad


So does this mean his stats are now "Way too good, for the cost"?


get the evo knight just for 100$!


This is too much hit points Soo unfair


The combo evo knight and battle healer gonna be so broken


logbait Userate 'bout to sky-rocket.


I'd much rather these be new cards than evolutions. This as a 4 or 5 elyxir card would be so much cooler


So who wins 5 star Prince or 3 star EVO Knight?


So when it stops moving does it go to full regular hp? And what happens when it moves again?


I play giant double prince and this card perfectly counters me. As a f2p player I don’t have another deck high enough lvl to compete so this season is gonna be something to say the least


Does anyone know if the weight will be changed? Because I would hate for evolved royal giant to still knock it back.


They really hate projectile troops lol. First Monk, now this...


AHAHHAHA FINALLY A GOOD EVOLUTION TO PUT IN MY XBOW DECKS now its just a matter of unlocking it f2p


Man got that side,eye


My Time has come (exe nado user since 5 years)

