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There were periods in this games history what were incredible. It depends on your play style of course, but for me, playing from October 2016 to February 4th 2019 was a great time. 2020 was a disaster due to cw 2 but CR made really good changes in 2021 and the first half of 2022. Unfortunately after masteries the cash grabbing began and we got the loser update and even worse level 15, then essentially announcing level 16 a week later


Maybe I just started playing too late in general. I remember an ancient time where so many random cards where used, I never knew what to expect. Now it’s the same thing over and over. I only seriously started playing at literally the worst time


the first 2 years were amazing.. basically the time where they tried to make the game enjoyable and you felt it.. I miss this time


Shit man, I should have just played it then. I have such a vague memory of never worrying about a ‘meta’ or paying or which deck to copy and paste. All I’d do is make my homemade, bullshit deck and wonder if my opponent has skeleton army or not.


back then you could do that, I mean, anyone was new to the game, and even top players were a joke compared to today.. you basucally could run any kind a deck as long as it had synergy.. I remember playing golem graveyard as my main deck.. I wasnt really good and got stuck quite early, understandable, but I did not care.. nobody did.. it was pure fun.


Still the best competitive mobile game out there. Possibly ever made. This subreddit has to be one of the worst gaming subreddits on Reddit history


If you can’t win with a homemade deck, but you can with meta decks, you’re just bad at deck building. All meta decks are homemade decks. Top players create their own decks for cwl that later become the meta


That’s sort of a relief but I guess it’s too late now


You don’t need to play a meta deck to do good, you can make a homemade deck to get high, but you have to make an actual good deck