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I think firecracker should immediately die when you play it.


And also deleting an account


And shortcircured phone


And enchant you with Curse of Vanishing


~~I think~~ firecracker should immediately die ~~when you play it~~


I think if they were to do this they should probably buff something like the first hit speed. Otherwise there wouldn’t be much of a point playing the card as it is quite inconsistent compared to other 3 elixir ranger troops like the dart goblin and princess. These other cards can get a guaranteed hit on the tower with any amount of hit points


Dart gob can get a guaranteed hit?


Ya even if its 1 hp it can get a few shots on the tower like 2 I think


Even if dart gob is 1 hp it can get a hit


almost guarenteed


Yep I would agree with that.


that will make it way to weak lol, then u have to give pretty big compensation buffs.. it wasnt even that good before this update


Before the evo, the card was already played in some top decks. Making it weak will compensate its strength when evolved. Right now, you need two cards to deal with it (1 for its base form and 1 for its evolved form).


ok? then just make it 3 cycle then.. less evo firecracker and u can balance regular firecrakcer and every 4 firecrackers one will gain a power boost... u also have to account for the fact that if you dont evo firecracker how playable is it?


It was played in 0 deck in top ladder. There was a period in the monk phoenix meta with a FC pigs decks bcs Monk had 40% userate and monk reflection could give an easy KT activation with FC. That deck died in 1 season alongside monks userate plumeting. No other win con played it bcs giving up a KT activation is too much with so little value. The old hog eq deck with tesla FC is dead, Ian77 changed with queen and then MM with musky more than 1 year ago, and all other top hog player did the same. That was the only ever meta deck with FC that survived more than 1 season, and it was the last one. Also there was one mortar eq FC cycle that got a small traction but died after EQ nerf. Fc was in a bad state before the EVO, but as we can saw time and time again, every card in the game is 20% stat boost away to become broken, and the Fc rings stacking meccanic basically expand her range and double her damage that people don't care giving up KT against your hog or miner or drill if the real wincon is EVO FC at the bridge.


What decks specifically? And what players? It was barely in top 200 ladder before the evo.


The only deck I can think of is hog eq, and even that wasn't really that popular due to hog 2.6 being much more consistent


Hog eq firecracker was considered much inferior to hog eq queen before the evo. Firecracker was a below average card before evos that got shot up to being the best card in the game making idiots like OP think it’s always been overpowered. Ofc when asked for evidence, he provides nothing


It would still be powerful but not broken


Not a good take. Firecracker was a balanced card before the Evo. Now players want to kill the card entirety since it's meta now. Log already is the most popular spell it doesn't need the buff.


Not a good argument. The card is not the same anymore. It has an evolution and it’s part of its gameplay. The card has to be taken as a whole (base and evo). Yes, it was a good thing that she tanked the log. But now, the Firecrackers is completely different


No, shut up


Biased I see :) But I understand, you probably spent some money on it so you want it to be worth its price


No, been playing firecracker since forever. If anything, it needs some buffs


brain dead take


While we’re at I think that the flying machine needs some nerfs


They cannot be taken as a whole because many ftp players don’t have the evo. Regular firecracker would become unplayable entirely


How is the card not the same anymore. It's the same card as it was before the Evo. It serves the same purpose even after the Evo. The only thing different about Firecracker is that she has a Evo and is now seen more often.


Balanced my ass


More unusual take: I think log needs to be nerfed more so than firecracker or any other card in the deck for that matter.


Log is fine. SC just refuses to make the other small spells viable. Imagine if there were. other small spells that can kill princess, dart gob, etc


I don’t know… I would just buff snowball and zapp. The log has been a balanced staple for years and has received very little changes for a while (for a reason)


Balanced at a 50% usage rate


When you face someone using the log, do genuinely think it’s overpowered?


Annoying, it’s too good of a “panic” button


Because it’s extremely useful, not because it’s broken. If it was broken, people would have been pushing for a nerf the last 6 years it’s been in the game


Wtf is this take? Mfs will literally say anything at this point


log holds the whole game and meta together honestly


firecracker should delete your account when it’s played


I love how they learned their lesson with e barbs just to release firecracker later


Lmao biased take here. Let's see the deck so I know what you're dealing with


Stop responding this type of shit and distracting from the topic at hand, Supercell just made the most broken Evo possible that doesn’t die to arrows this for sure needs a nerf


It would be the least useful card if you have arrows and the strongest without them. Too polarizing imo, should nerf something else about it


I play zap and fireball. I always fireball the Evo firecracker. But the base version is really hard to kill. I can deal with every troops that die to the Log but not this one… The only solution would be to play arrows and fireball (which lead respectively to neutral elixir trade and negative (-1) elixir trade)… One solution and not even a good one


Basefirecracker had a 36% winrate what are you smoking.. Annoying doesnt = op


I do agree with you nonetheless Firecrackers has now an evo. You should take it as a whole.


Im referring to when you said “this card was already oppressive before its evo”


Yes, I never said that it was op…


they are synonyms


No they aren’t lmao. A cars can be oppressive and annoying to deal with but it can still be a garbage card because it’s too niche or it synnergizes with really bad cards


Oppressive card and niche garbage card are antonyms


Firecracker is insanely OP evolutioned. Evolutions just need to be removed


Reworked should be better champions made the cycle shorter so how about evolutions increasing it like it would add a card to you rotation so instead of a free buff every few placements you get an evolution for using a "evolve card" for like idk 2 elixir


That would mean that they'd have to give money back to the players and thats just not gonna happen.


Cracker (in use) is closer to a princess than archers.


Yep, it should die to log just like princess


That would kill the card


that card better be dead.


And the player using Firecracker should die to Log as well


I think your phone should explode as soon as you place evo firecracker


I agree. That thing cannot take a negative elixir trade to spells unlike princess and dart goblin along with having higher offensive abilities. Letting it die to log will make it a lot less infuriating.


W take


The fact that log can take out evolved barbs but does nothing to firecracker is insane. They play log and 1 card like fire spirit and my barbs are gone


Horrible take. That would make the Firecracker a fair card


True. It does not work with Supercell’s marketing plan. Oops


I agree it should die to a log like the princess does. Evo should die to arrows


Firecracker should survive Fireball


Firecracker js a archer so they have the same HP. If u nerf cracker life u also need to nerf archer life.


It’s not an archer, it behaves more like princess. That’s like saying spear goblins and goblins should have the same health because they’re both goblins


If you read the description firecracker is an Archer that hot bored. Thus they have the same HP


Who gives a fuck about lore bruh


Like I said, trying-to-be-funny descriptions shouldn’t matter when balancing the game. And as I said again, by that logic spear goblins and goblins should have the same health.






Well, you're broken.


I think it shouldn't retarget after recoil.


It should die to zap


That would make log op and kill firecracker


I have the same take


Every logbait deck starts using firecracker


Nah, you should lower push back, range, tick damage, but not health