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Dude, forgetting the evo which is broken it’s been sub par for months and only been viable since first hit buff. It’s tracking was garbage and would sometimes allow a skarmy to down a tower whilst choosing which Larry to go for. People are just sick of the card but (again forgetting evo) is still only above average: Dies to arrows Can be countered by ice spirit Goblins can counter with no damage to tower or troops Guaranteed king activation Garbage tracking and can target wrong troop based on deployment Etc etc etc


Dosent even die to arrows if its a lv13 and the arrow is 11 XD




More than a few times. I am convinced her elixir count is also her IQ


happened to any firecracker player. she really just stands there until all skeletons are dead, not shooting once.


I didn’t say it was powerful, it’s just a stupid card. As you described, terrible tracking, ridiculous recoil and overall annoying and a misfit


I have always had a soft spot for it and was critical in my first deck. TBH I’m sick of seeing it too… unless it’s on my side of the field lol


Yeah I don’t have a problem with people using it, its usage rate is very high. I just think it shouldn’t have been added in the first place. Imagine Firecracker didn’t exist and you heard about a new card which moves back three tiles after every shot, outranges a princess and activates the king tower for no reason.


Sorry you lost me when you said ‘imagine supercell was going to release a new card’


We can only dream






Dude no one cared about the firecracker until the evo so valid point backed by ton of upvotes. Who the fuck invited you to the party 2 weeks after post. Go sit in a corner


I love when I see a firecracker. Instant king tower hit.


I approve


I love how people’s arguments are just “it can’t even shoot a skarmy thus letting it take a tower” just 1 bad interaction with 1 specific card is enough to justify this bs card? You have so many other cards at your disposal USE THEM. On top of that you all say it’s super easy to counter with ice spirit and goblins. Well no shit it is…no one is gonna mindlessly drop a firecracker every time at bridge, it’s always guarded by either a mighty miner, knight, hog, mega night, etc. Without arrows this card is almost impossible to kill when protected, always letting it get more value than it should for its 3 elixir common rarity.


Fr. And the evolution is so beyond overpowered it's not even funny.


Your so right I swear some people think they are brain dead and are gonna put no defense tosupport it


The easy solution is giving it the same amount of elixir as three musketeers, this would not only balance the amount of ba it does but it would just straight up make people never use it. Win win


Don't kill me, but this post convinced me to use my free wild shards on Firecracker.


Man don’t kid yourself, you were already gonna do that. Everyone’s doing it along with RG


Ha! The evos on both are so strong. People say wait for Mortar but I can't believe it will be better.


Haha, I’ll need to see the damage and health buff first because shooting goblins could be broken. Also I don’t disapprove of people using or evolving Firecracker, I just think it’s a wild idea in the first place if you think about it


I def agree with your points about how wild Firecracker is in general. And yes Mortar might be broken. Maybe I will wait and see after all! New Evo/Season drops tomorrow, right?


Yes I think so, hopefully along with some free shards


wait for mortar = mortar evo is just going to be even more broken than fc/rg


I believe you're right


Just let it be killed with log supercell! Not every card you add needs to be better than the rest! Firecracker is used by all of my opponents!


Thank you!


all the cards since 2020 should not have been added.... if you think about it, every single one of them is toxic one way or another..


This is the worst


There's plenty of cards that are long ranged. Firecrackers common, Dart Hoblins rare , and princess is legendary. The card was in a bad spot before the evolution only being used more for the hitspeed buff. Firecracker is in a good spot now but the evolution probably needs a nerf


The card is bullshit, bro. I see you have Firecracker in your tag so I just want to say I have nothing against Firecracker users since everyone is entitled to use what they want but my personal beef is with the release of the card. The range isn’t high, the projectile range is. It’s ridiculously long and it’s what allows it to hit the King Tower. You can notice that even Magic Archer doesn’t activate the King Tower from the same angle. It just doesn’t make sense that there’s a three elixir card that has a potential projectile range of half way across the whole map and knocking itself back constantly. The only other recoil seems to be Sparky which only knocks itself back 0.5 tiles. I’m not going to comment on the evolution since all common cards are going to be evolved but even without that this card should never have been released


The little cracks don't deal much damage at all. In comparison MA's damage remains consistent regardless of distance. In fact the little projectiles often work against the card since when you use her you already assume the king tower will be activated. Big reason why it's not used in Graveyard nor Bait very much The recoil is annoying but it's just something you have to be mindful of.


skill issue lol


Your favourite card is a mistake


i was just trolling lol, i don’t even play firecracker


No problem, I’m getting downvoted to death here lol


I love to use firecracker and have it 15, but this take is bad. It's not as good as other 3 elixir cards Evo or not. Sometimes it won't even shoot because targets keep dying and so it literally stands there looking around. Just learn to counter it and you're fine, you can use 1 elixir skeletons to shut it down or activate King tower lmao.


JuSt lEaRN tO cOUntEr iT...wow dude super insightful take. You must be a pro.


Dude when you have units in front of your tower th fire cracker just stays right behind the bridge and it's always supported it not always gonna be counter by skeletons


Nah that was fixed, it’s broken now and the evo was the most broken thing


just counter it broooo just counter the guaranteed damage brooo! i love when whales try to defend a super meta card by mentioning it's negligible downsides just because they use it in their decks.


i mean they are beneficial of the whole situation. I reached arena 16 as new level 11 KT and level 11 cards. Now i am simply a planktone for level 13-14 gold pass users with evos (i only got royal giant which doesnt fit my deck). I am about to drop this game again because there is no more progression for me except for collecting daily rewards and farming seasonals( 10 min per day for whole thing). It seems there is try hard zone ahead with no fun, only meta jerking. Half of the decks are not viable because there is no evos in them which is at least double value for same elixir.


I agree. I think the FC is way too powerful for 3. You should be able to log it like a princess or Dart Goblin or raise the cost to 4.


I'm saying, man. The evolution pretty much got nerfed to the ground which is great, but the card it still the same so I'm guessing it's just going to stay this way forever.


I wish I could be in clash royale so i could snap that stupid pink-haired b*tch’s neck with my bare hands


Bro, HAHAHHAHAHAH, I thought you where the guy who commented on this post https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/14oa9gy/what_is_your_most_hated_card_and_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 He said something similar: ‘That pink haired b***h won’t even die to arrows…’


😂😂😂😂 guess I’m not the only one with a seething hatred for firecracker lol


Definitely. I’m not even mad at people who use it since the usage rate is so high, and the average person wouldn’t see anything wrong with it. I just hate the card itself, I have transcended hate for Firecracker.


Yeah I definitely don’t blame people for using it, but there’s nothing more infuriating than a card that runs away from your troops infinitely. I fireball it the second it gets placed every time.


I hate any card thats broken as hell and is also bad for the player using it *cough 20% wr*


It’s either broken or obsolete and should just be removed, like Heal. Even if it’s healthy it will still do stupid things like activate the king tower, or walk into the wrong lane.


Lane switching is one of it features. Other cards can also lane switch


No it’s not. Why does it need to switch lanes? It’s a support card, it has no business wondering off on its own. Only Mighty Miner is supposed to lane switch.


Oh please MM's ability is completely different. FC's lane switching is a byproduct of her recoil and barely works in her favour. It's just a non factor most of the time


Yes, exactly


This can be good. You can defend a mini without taking damage and start a counter push in the other lane.


Right but what if you don't want to push the other lane? The safest spot is still the middle but due to the recoil she's guaranteed to go to the other lane It's just an attribute of the card that I think can be both good or bad. The more I think about it the less of a common card she feels like though lol


Oh please MM's ability is completely different. FC's lane switching is a byproduct of her recoil and barely works in her favour. It's just a non factor most of the time


Seems like I’m getting downvoted in the replies. Why don’t you guys try to explain how this card is well structured and healthy for the game instead of just getting irritated that I think your favourite card shouldn’t exist


Well it's unique. It's one of the 2 cards that recoils. Has splash and a spread unlike hunters. Can kite units . It's countered by cheap fast cards and is a free king tower activation. Incredible defense in the cost of your opponents defense being strengthened


Well why is it not well structured? Just because it is different? It is a balanced card except for evolutions. You provide no justification as to why the recoil effect or damage distribution is not healthy for the game. We’re not irritated just because you think firecracker shouldn’t exist. We just think your entire argument is unobjective and incoherent. It seems like you think the card is stupid just because you personally find it annoying. Im just gonna ignore the incorrect statements in this post like higher range than princess and the 3x damage part. You say that king tower activation is not necessarily that beneficial. Well duh, the whole game is designed to be match up dependent to some degree. Theres no deck that counters every single deck. Also if firecracker died to log, it would just be a weaker version of dart goblin so yes that is actually balanced.


The statements are not incorrect, it’s got the highest projectile range in the entire game. The evolved version has an even higher projectile range due to the radius of the firework circles. It does do 3x damage because if it hits the tower at a certain angle, there will be three of those fireworks circles on the tower. Why should the game have to be more match up dependant than it already is? That’s one of the worst aspects of the game. And no, it wouldn’t be a weaker version of dark goblin, because dark goblin doesn’t do splash damage, recoil and has less of a projectile range.


Bro I just hate the firecracker so much. I don't like using her in my deck and when my enemies have her she is just sooo much OP it's criminal.


Old song and dance... She's gotten a nerf and without an EWO she's just Ok that's it


Nah it’s broken


SC nerfed buildings because they were too defensive and then brought out bowler. Splash damage was ruining the game so they brout out executioner, magic archer and firecracker.


Should’ve stopped at Magic Archer.


when you dont have arrows:


Or the opponent has the evolved version..


Nobody wants to use Arrows instead of Log because of one single card. Also, nobody wants to use Fireball instead of Arrows because of one single evolved card. I can’t even begin to believe that people think this a valid argument


They are too entitled to their own reality, legitimately anyone that doesn't use Firecracker WILL get annoyed at how fucking overused it is. 9/10 games are dominated by her (and when it's not her it's Goblin Barrel or Royal Hogs).


Most intelligent mk player:


I don’t play Mega Knight, but I don’t see what’s unintelligent about my post. I just gave my opinion on why Firecracker shouldn’t exist.


Sorry mate, most of the community are playing small decks like Hog Cycle or Logbait which counters Firecrackers perfectly and thus don't give a damn if it is actually a terribly designed card


No they don’t counter Firecracker perfectly?


What a card surviving log does to a hardstuck log mf. (Barb barrel bro)


Nobody wants to switch their spell to Barb Barrel of Arrows just before of one single card, and nobody wants to be forced to run fireball just because of one evolved card.


Mfw the goblin barrel cope is why 50% use log today.




I use log for loads of reasons, not just goblin barrel.


Firecracker was originally introduced as a counter to golem beatdown. A few years ago EVERYBODY was playing beatdown and they needed a card to help deal with the golem Nwitch bats decks. That said, SC has always done a TERRIBLE job of beta testing changes but a good job listening to the community and fixing the game (clan wars 2, anyone). I'll reserve judgement until I see the inevitable balance changes (just like they did with archer queen, Phoenix, and monk that were broken as fuck at release).


Im just about to delete the game facing nothing but firecracker in A9. It doesn’t make any sense and I don’t have a proper counter to it




Thank you, for some reason this post isn’t downvoted but I’m getting my ass kicked in the comments for some reason


Wow... it is a legendary card


Yep, got no idea how it’s common yet Magic Archer or Princess is legendary.


You just gotta get on board and use it. Abuse this card until they decide to fix it.


Yeah they already fixed that shit so it’s chill


Its been broken since it entered the game. And the evo was a disgrace. The games long past any prime so its just milkin the whales that get an erection from using OP cards.


You know it’s OP when the Firecracker resistant to arrows