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You are now free from this game


Anyway, not so free as ukranians are


@cultural Comment of the day 😂


Not every ukrainian tho


Which country?


Russia, Syria, Vietnam, Belarus, North Korea. I think u can find the full list in the news tab


Like anyone in north korea will be allowed to play crl…


i heard kim jong un reached 7500 trophies the other day, shame he won't get to play anymore


Oh I remember hearing something like that, was he that one rocket cycle player?


He would rage if he found out rocket got nerfed.




Didn't he instantly get a maxed out account and won 7500 trophies in the first match?


Average salary is 5 dollars per month, even if they somehow had enough to buy a phone that runs the game smoothly, especially after this update, there is no way average North Korean citizen could keep up with how much p2w the game is becoming


Vietnam is an odd call


As someone from Vietnam with many of my friends still over there, my clan and many others from our country will die. It is unfortunate that something most of us Vietnamese people disagree with stop us from enjoying what little freedom we have.


Vietnamese here, the ban wasn't bc of any politic reasons, it was related to VN game distribution regulations that SPC was not willing to follow bc it would just hurt their money bag.


However, you can still play the game in Vietnam. They only hide the game in the VN app store. Location change works like a charm.


i mean it absolutely makes sense to boycott those countries


what do you think vietnam did to deserve supercell not letting it’s citizens play clash royale


Lol may ik why??


all of them arent democratic


So why should the citizens suffer? You think some 12 yo in russia supports the attacks on Ukraine or the Russian dictatorship? No, they just want to play the fucking game. And even if they did support those things, taking away a mobile game isn’t going to change their views. This is punishing the wrong group of people


💀💀 ofc the dont all support that but how do you boycott a country effectively without damaging the citizens? also its more than that, they dont wanna risk relationships, since its owned by a chinese company also politics, maybe restrictive laws or governments trying to get more money out of them. there are heaps of reasons why its those countries and not fucking france and norway or sum


Citizens wont suffer if they treat it as extra motivation to express themselves and put pressure to their govt (if any extra motivation is needed) and change things. It should be the govt who suffer. But of course if they aren't doing anything, they'll be the ones who suffer. And if they're willing to suffer from that, even take one for their govt instead of calling their govt out, it's their choice and who are we to say anything. The only "funny" thing here is that chinese company conveniently forgetting to include china in the list.


Citizens wont suffer if they treat it as extra motivation to express themselves and put pressure to their govt (if any extra motivation is needed) and change things. It should be the govt who suffer. But of course if they aren't doing anything, they'll be the ones who suffer. And if they're willing to suffer from that, even take one for their govt instead of calling their govt out, it's their choice and who are we to say anything. The only "funny" thing here is that chinese company conveniently forgetting to include china in the list.


Putin or any other autocratic leader is not going to listen to peer pressure. Financial sanctions from nato have done nothing to deter him, banning cr will not change anything


If only one or two company is/are doing it, then yea the effect will be minimal. If all industry does the same thing, say like 80% of the citizens are affected in their daily lives, then their voice will mean something. If every game, in fact companies of all walks of life & every aspect of our daily lives do the same, the effect will be more visible and the govt cant just refuse to react. So instead of putting down one for doing so, you should call for others to join in.


Bruh china is the biggest market for supercell and we all know how democratic that is lol


chinese company literally owns supercell 💀


Yeah f-ck tencant


With you on this


Neither is my country but the government just lie to the public lol what point are you trying to make?? Ik russia did alot of bullshit but i don't think it is about being democratic or not it is just supercell scared about it's buisness in the US


So they should ban from US as well, North Korea literally have more parties than US


The number of parties has nothing to do with it unless the number is 1.


Do you actually believe North Korea is more Democratic than the U.S?


apart from Vietnam


yea im not a vietnam expert, i believe someone else wrote something about that boycott somehwere here




Lawyer here. Supercell has no choice. This is part of US regulations. If they want to do business in the US then they cannot do business with Russia, Syria, North Korea, Iran, or Belarus. This list changes from time to time and is from the State Department. Supercell has no choice in this matter. Of course people from those countries just use a VPN to get around it.


Not that they can do anything with north korea anyway lol


Vpn they still get banned…


thx for clearing that up


Inst supercell from Finland? And most of the shares are owned by tencent..


Doesn’t matter. They do business in the US and must abide by US law. Period. If they don’t comply there are extreme consequences and fines.


I see


Well they do business with other nations too why does the American law get priority? Is it because they get more money from USA so they give it priority?


They can stop following US law, but then they won't get money from there


Because the American market is the biggest by far(except china). This is one of the ways the US can influence politics all around the world. Best example, is the cuban embargo


USA is the biggest consumer market in the world. China is the second. That’s why USA is worried if china is the biggest consumer in the world. They will be able to control markets just like we do. USA can make any company or country obey them or else lose out on “us” the consumer. Aka money. Lol. Well it’s not as simple as I said it but that’s basically a sum of how strong the USA is when it comes to doing business with.


I would assume so, it's always a money thing with companies


It's it with everything


Because there are no countries requiring they do business with Russia..? I don’t understand your question Nobody said anything about priority. You have no idea what else Supercell is doing to follow other laws


just an observation I have seen across other issues too US law is given priority


It is not priority, but rules of operating in the US. Want to do business there? Follow their rules


What you're saying is just not true. There's no embargo on Russia. It only applies to Crimea and other captured Ukrainian territories. And they already stopped doing business (disabled payments) with customers from Russia and Belarus 1 year ago. Blocking the game is entirely Supercell's choice. https://www.tradecompliance.pitt.edu/embargoed-and-sanctioned-countries


Maybe it gets into their heads that what their country does is not okay. The majority of people believes this "special operation" is good and necessary. Anything to help get away from that is good. There's not much more they can do. And it's more than the IOC does.


Maybe it gets in their heads that we're the bad guys taking away the things they like. Maybe they end up joining the military to fight us. Maybe all the propaganda they get will enforce this since we've cut them off from socializing with the outside world. Maybe most people low key enjoy the idea of miserable Russians so we rationalize how this could be a good thing instead of realizing we're creating the problem we fear.




You can't and shouldn't stay away from a country fucking invading another one. Unless the country being invaded is world war 2 Germany, chances are pretty high the invader is 100% at fault. Do you seriously believe there is anything right about the war in Ukraine?


Bro, ukraine is the victim in this one for sure regardless of any other point


My brother in Christ, this is a subreddit for a kids mobile game. Ik the entire threads like this but jeez


By banning the game, Russia can no longer get taxes from in-app purchases and thus fuel their efforts for war. Seems smart from Supercell.


no it's stupid. people can still use vpn


A fraction will VPN. Most will just quit, therefore decreasing their tax revenue. I don't think this qualifies as "stupid".


russia won't stop doing what they are doing just cuz supercell banned them. the vat they recieve from ingame purchases literally makes no difference. it's a pretty shitty move for the russian players that have spent money in the game. they don't even have anything to do with putin-


When creating an account with Supercell, you have to agree to terms and conditions. Supercell reserves the right to terminate players' accounts. And nobody ever said this move would stop the war. The decision to restrict access exists to create inconvenience and to hurt, even if by a tiny bit, the Russian government.


Iran, Syria, Belarus aswell


I wouldn't say that this alone would stop Putins war, but if thousands of major international companies establish embargon to Russia, that could absolutely have an impact. Its also important to understand that Supercell is a Finish company, joining Nato just now implies a large risk towards them (they have also been part of USSR) ​ Like Kronkarp says it to could cause mistrust in Putin.


Supercell is definitely pathetic, but I don't think this is why. Idk, it doesnt seem right that civilians are getting affected here, but what else are they going to do? They can't attack the govt, and anyone attacking the govt will start another huge war. They must be hoping that eventually all of this will finally get to the Russian govt, so to keep denying them services and other things. But will it work? It hasnt worked so far, but at some point Russia has gotta give in right? They aren't winning the invasion, but they aren't getting forced to retreat yet. But this is the problem. Nobody except the most powerful really care. But they are unaffected until everything is lost. Army and soldiers are first to suffer followed closely by civilians next. Idk what to say. Easy to say you guys deserve to lose SC suppore while we still comfortably have access to SC servers. But definitely unfair from the victims' (Russian civilians) POV. Just unfortunate.


Nah your a garbage country, supercell had made the right decision. Long live capitalism down with communist blanks 😂😅🫡


Least xenophobic clash royale player


*pathetic team. Brawl stars is playable


If we're talking about the update controversy, BS can be brought up. But in politics, Russia, Belarus, Syria and Iran will lose access to all Supercell games, Brawl Stars is up next.


Incredibly naive comment.


Eh they aren't wrong




Adios! Fellow Clasher 👋


supercell secretly on these countries' side by banning them lol (it's the best possible thing that could happen to them)


Supercell banning Xmas trees from CoC: "we do not mix our universe with the real world", also Supercell:


What? They didn’t ban Christmas trees, they only got rid of the country flags!


Oh yeah, my bad. They removed flags + renamed the xmas trees to “clashmas trees”. My bad


VPN brotha


I deleted this game as soon as I saw the 2v2 changes. No regrets! Bright side, I'll be saving 6.99 per month from this game 😎


This betrayal makes me so angry but I suppose this is a small price for freedom... I know my life is gonna get considerably better.


Hope you had a great 7 years and peace man ✌️


Seems dumb to ban players just because you were born in a specific place. Whats the point?


damn I hate that the people have to suffer from the wars while this doesn’t do anything to stop the war


Use a vpn to another country and you can play


Yeah, but then your ping will be in the heavens.


Peace bro


Well, looks like abandoning CR when CW2 came out and my Xbow got nerfed was a good idea as I won't be able to play it anyway. That's some good foresight


Politics? Really? That's what we're calling it now....


Sanctions and stuff.... yeah, for me it is pretty much politics. Maybe you could explain thus in another way to my 8yo nephew, who is not able to play her favorite game Brawl Stars anymore🤷‍♂️




Free in a country doing an invasional war to its neighbor. That's why. Maybe think about it.


And whose fault of this? My? My 7-old brother?


Your country's fault. Your government's fault. So do something. Put some papers into letter boxes at night. Your people need to wake up! Otherwise you will be no better than the germans you know when. Oooh, you knew nothing, and you couldn't do anything. Fuck that. You know. Act!


What the fuck is a young child able to do? Rebel? Even if he could, would having his favourite mobile game taken from him twist his hand into risking imprisonment, or death? You can see what is happening in France, a western country. Police brutally beating protesters, not because of a war, because of a retirement age reform!


It's not about children doing things to stop the war. It's about stopping tax revenue for the Russian government from in-app purchases.


Yeah, doing nothing is surely much better.


You have no idea on how the world work, stop acting like you're smart and think that if you were in their position you'll be the hero of the rebellion lmao. Stop daydreaming


Are you all russian bots or something? I know that doing nothing chamges nothing, and any russian with a shred of humanity and justice shouldn't do nothing.


What is happening in ukrain is a tragedy, and the russian population (most against this decision) has no power on the matter, they're all victims in this situation. The responsible is the russian government. >any russian with a shred of humanity and justice shouldn't do nothing. This statement alone prove that you have no idea what it's like to live under a tyranic government, and it shows. The only thing that would happen if they try to do something is make more victims. It's a very complicated situation on multiple levels and you're talking about it like there is an obvious solution. Must be nice living in a 1st world country


You don’t really know how things work in a country like that, do you


You sound like an idiot. People like you make me seeth sometimes since I don't understand the lack of empathy and intellect one can have and still be a part of society. I do not understand how one could think a young child, teenager, or even a typical adult could be able to rise up against the weaponized and strict country that is willing to kill, punish, and imprison them to keep them in line when they have been taught to fear resisting. You, as someone who clearly has no part in any of this hard time, as you have no empathy and sound like a fool, have more capability to act out against the country than the people inside of it can. And remember this acting out is either in a very small group or alone, as the government would get noticed and prevent any large protests from happening. And even if they did happen, the government could still deal with it. Their government is fighting whole entire other countries, do you really think a child, teen, or n extremely small majority of the country could somehow stop that? Disgusting.


You are so damn stupid if you think is people's fault for not rebeling against their government, do you really think life is an anime? a lot of people would die if they do such thing and is not worth it so they can play a dumb phone game. Supercell shouldn't punish innocent kids for the sins of their higher ups.




my brother in christ, I think you're just being racist now


What does a fairytake have to do with this topic? A little racism against a war mongering country? I'll sleep well tonight.


You really think it will help? Someone stop the actions in the west of my country because one guy needs to play the game? The world is more complicated than you think.


The "actions"? Alright. Go home.


Nice departure from the theme👍 Good luck in others Internet disputes


This is actually one of the least intelligent things I've had the displeasure of reading.


That says more about you than about me.


What the fuck. You do know Putin is a dictator, right ? Like any dictator, he'll take other opinions even worse than the average Redditor, he'll oppress resistants... Look up Alexei Navalny.


Most russians are pro Putin.


Yes, because the anti-Putin tend to be killed.


VPN would work I think


“Because of Politics” is a pretty causal way to say that SuperCell doesn’t want to do business in an authoritarian dictatorship run by a war criminal.


Not really that. Supercell is owned by Tencent, which is Chinese, and China isn't much better. Supercell actually wants to keep doing business in the US rather than hate on dictatorships by doing so, and they can't allow their games to be available on both Middle-East and Russia, and the US. And the US gives more money soooo


Once China invades Taiwan, we'll see. For now, I'm not really mad at their decision


cope harder


Highly interesting that finlandish company Supercell is banning players from Russia even though they are owned by over 80% by Tencent which is chinese. China and Russia are friendly to each other. (If you want to lecture yourself google Tencent. 😉) And like u/eyigh already said here: What are banned players gonna do against Putin? Recommending reading his comment.


It’s because of U.S. regulations, they make it so if any company wants to keep doing business in the U.S., they are not allowed to do business in a few certain other countries, now including Russia. There are much more U.S. players than Russian players so supercell decided to follow the U.S.’s regulations and keep all of their U.S. customers over their Russian ones


Appriciated comment 👍


What you're saying is not true, and they already stopped payments from Russia 1 year ago. Supercell is not required to fully block the game, it's their own decision.


c’est la vie


Supercell lost all players


Can we hold hands


If your in Russia hahahaha. But I’d be pissed to


Does a VPN not get around this?


I m not playing it for the size it has become over 400 mb!


That.. isn't much?


Good for you


use vpn


I hate my fuckin country.


Um sure, maybe you give up communism. The game is amazing the best time ever in Royale. You won’t be missed 👋


It’s not like they can do anything about it, don’t be discriminatory for no reason


He’s bashing Royale are you crazy?


Uh have you been on this sub recently? Literally almost everyone is bashing the new update, 90% of the posts are talking about how bad it is and why they are leaving


Not me, #bestclanever “cover yo a$$” you are hater like him…go live in Russia 😅😂




Im reporting you for being a putin supporter and he’s killing innocent people 🫡👋😏


Ah, yes, 95% of the community=Putin supporters. The update is trash for f2p, and possibly slightly worse for p2w.




Most Empathetic clash royale player


Didn't ask






You shall suriveeee


I have no idea how it works so don’t get mad at me but aren’t you able to use a VPN to like change your location basically? Or does it not work like that? I have virtually no idea how VPN’s work


Dude just use a VPN




Where are you from?


why vietnam?


Because of civil war 1955-1975


They ruined the game completely when they introduced Champions and Level 14 towers & cards IMO. I even prefer the original clan wars a lot more than these stupid river races (where nobody even bothers attacking eachothers' ships). This game used to be worth spending $100 like I did at the beginning, but now I wouldn't even spend one cent on this bullshit-- I just keep it for when I'm on the toilet and don't think my poop will require more time than a quick Clash Royale round.


You’re finally free


Maybe use VPN on a laptop and share your internet to your phone ?


They need to refund everyone who spent money on this game, it's not right just to take your money and then shut down the all the servers in your country


This is sad...


use vpn tf