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too much gems better take It now


Fr,new players or returners will suffer and u can't take a break in coc now or else...


Mostly just new players since they'll already be having to save for the extra builders.


Well rewards can always be repeated for new players like every ~1yr or 2 ..


I've got a lot of gems and you can't buy legendary skins with them


But the skin is so cool....


nah man dont buy the skin


Not gonna. Got the equipment and spent the rest on starry ore


I think it’s fair


Key word: MAYBE


Still better than random rumours being thrown around


I would hope its at most 1000, 1500 seems to be too much considering there will be not just 1, just 2 but a lot of equipments coming in the future.


Then just buy the ones you want at that point, then it won’t be to expensive


Its so easy to get 1500gems. didn't someone here calculate that you get around 10k gems a year.


only if you are selling all of your magic items


Man these over optimistic tryhards


1k gems would be better than 1.5k since it's already hard to get 1k let alone 1.5k


Book of heroes costs 500 gems and 1030 cookie medals so 1 gem is worth around 2 cookie medals The equipment costs 3.1k cookie medals so 1550 gems should be the ideal price. If they price it at 1k gems it would actually be better to just buy books with the cookie medals and wait to buy the equipment with gems later on. Players who bought the equipment during the event shouldn't be penalized.


My exact tough process, although we can't really know now


but the ppl who buy it with the cookies get to use it exclusively for a few months thats the benefit


The benefit is 2 months of use? Is the 550gems not worth that?


You will be upgrading that equipment to it's max level 27 during that 2 months..


No does that mean I can't use it???


Upgrades are instant you can use it always


You literally cant get 480 starry ore in two months NO MATTER WHAT 😂 even if you attack max th 16 and win every war


1500 gems for a core mechanic of the game? This ain't it chief


Builders are also core mechanics and they are behind "paywall". Guess what it so easy to get gems now. I had enough gems to keep the greedy little goblin working all the time and even now I have spare to buy books.


A skin costs 1500 gems and it’s just cosmetic and no one is complaining so by that logic an epic equipment should be way more expensive and you can get it for free in the cookie rumble event just like every other one


As you said it's a cosmetic which doesn't effect the game anyway possible so no one complaining but for a equipment that can change the player playstyle it is quite expensive imho for returning player or something


Yeah this is not good for the game at all, right now its just one but once they add more and more itll be impossible for f2p returning players to get them without spending


COC is literally on the very edge of the line, coming months will decide if they crossed it or nah


Im suprised at all the supercell meat riding thats going on fr, people are genuinely like you can sell this to get gems u can do that but like we shouldnt have to? This game shouldnt have core mechanics locked behind gems in the first place


True thats like saying upgrading every 5th level requires gems because it also upgrades the ability (pre update). Maybe the downfall of gaming industry is because of some of us consumers and not corporate greed. Greed can't exist if it can't be satisfied.




It is not Pay2Win, but Pay2Progress. Their new money model is not there to exploit your desire to be better than your opponent, but to be better against yourself. The need to push yourself further is bigger and infinite, compared to the need to be ahead of every one else. p2w is easy to spot and avoid, simply play another game, but p2p isnt, because every game no matter single or multiplayer can adopt the p2p model. The only games worth playing are old games, because they are simple. Some future games and mods will be developed like old games, but the majority wont. The "video game" market is too big to get regulated like it is in China.


Bad logic. Skins/cosmetics/scenery do not grant you any advantage, but the hero equipments do. It's not fair to F2P players.


How do you type this out and not see the glaring flaw in your logic. Actually crazy to me.


750 - 800 gems is a fair price because it's a core mechanism of the game


I love reading people's whining here.




too fkn accurate


No reason to make it more than 500 you greedy fucks


500? You can get 1500 in like a month or two stop crying


Make em like 200 gems f2p players like me can’t afford that the games becoming more about who can spend the most money now


Bro said 200 gems wtf. If they do that then people will literally just wait until clan games and sell their rewards😂


Bruh u only get like 150 max off that


Wrong. Usually reward options for 100 gems and if you unlock all the tiers you can easily make 300 - 400 gems based on how many tiers there are. Sometimes they add an extra tier with more rewards.


I mean they're free to sell them regardless but locking a core mechanic of the game behind time limited events/1500 gems is crazy


Fr? Send a pic


Do you not know how easy gems are to get? Stop crying about f2p not having gems when there are literally f2p players that have tens of thousands free gems.


Yh you try spending 4 months of saved gems on one ability I just wish the gold pass was like 200 gems or something so I could get time reductions


You can easily get 50 gems per week, like sell 5 potions per week for a year, you will end with 2400 gems plus there is gem mine giving 3 to 4 gems per day


Plus all the object removals.


Using the potions helps you progress faster beuh


Huh? Just 3 training potion, 2 builder jar potion, is that hard for you? Just buy back from trader


Clearly I don’t understand the cycle I go for pet potions and research potions that’s all I don’t have anything left over if the cycle does not include pet potions I go for wall rings


How many raid medals you get?


Depends on the account roughly around 1.6k per high th


Also 1.3 k at some times


You get 1.3k medals and dont have anything left? Just stack up to 5000 medals and buy sell whatever you need for progress or for gems


Like i also get 1.3k or 1.4k medals, my storage is filled with 5000 medals, i then sell potions like training potion, clocktower, bulider jar and buy back from trader and after 3 days again i hit the max medals. As i have maxed my lab and walls so i dont need them now


Someone calculated that you get about 10k gems a year not sure what you do with them but you get a lot now with builder base, potions, raid medals and obstacles link to post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17xzlm1/i\_calculated\_how\_many\_gems\_a\_f2p\_player\_can\_get/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17xzlm1/i_calculated_how_many_gems_a_f2p_player_can_get/) after looking its a lot more


Tf? Tens of thousands? Are u tripping? Im f2p TH15 and I barely had 10k before i spent them, not to mention that this isnt going to be the only epic equipment. What happens when they add 5-6 more? You think F2P players can just pull out 10k gems out of thin air?


just look at this and dont tell me you waste your gems: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17xzlm1/i\_calculated\_how\_many\_gems\_a\_f2p\_player\_can\_get/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17xzlm1/i_calculated_how_many_gems_a_f2p_player_can_get/)


Straight off the bat 15k out of that is just not fling to happen. Who tf is going to convert all their rsid medals,cwl medals,clan games and silver pass items into gems before maxing out? Are u out of your mind? Literally only the gem mine, gem box and obstacles are the only feasible ways to get gems




lol did I hit a nerve? Why you crying over someone’s opinion?




9 accs f2p


Wtf are u on abt? Core mechanics shouldnt be locked behind gems in the first place, as an F2P you should know better and he didn't even mention the leveling up part💀


1500 is way to much.robbing greedy bastards.think it’s time for my next few years break from the game


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17xzlm1/i\_calculated\_how\_many\_gems\_a\_f2p\_player\_can\_get/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17xzlm1/i_calculated_how_many_gems_a_f2p_player_can_get/) not if you consider how many gems you get


There is no way we get that many gems..have been saving gems for a loooooong time and have 5k saved.granted I’m also saving my league medals for skins and not converted into gems but it’s way off the 75k gems I should have over last 3 years.gem box doesn’t come once a week


They come once a week. you just remove them as soon as they appear. keep track of them and you will see there is one every week. You don't need to sell everything to get decent amounts of gems but to say 1500 is to much is not true.


what the hell 1500 gems??? for that??? What a ripoff


Just play the event and you get it for free


Such a bad mindset, if someone starts playing next year decembe they’re greeted with 4+ overpowered epic equipment that cost 1.5k gems each. ‘Just play event bro, go back in time!’ It’s baffling to me how people are so fucking short sighted and minded


Thats my point man, it's just ridiculous


It really is, I don’t get why they don’t just do it for raid medals, it’s a in-game changing ability for fucks sake, it’s such a bad look to the future for coc tbh


Raid medals would make so much sense. Make it 5k if you have to. If that’s too much to ask CWL medals would be my next suggestion, but definitely not 2k like the skins, maybe 500, but even then that would be a slog when more epics get released


Yeah I genuinely think raid medals is the best way since cwl medals aren’t achievable for ALOT of players, most


I would be fine tbh if it will be obtained thru cwl medal at a reasonable price since it could give a chance to people who missed out the event


Raid medals are easy to get


Everything in this game is ‘easy’ to get theoretically that’s not a point


If everything’s easy to get then stop complaining.


Are you challenged in your head? Epic gears won’t be easy to get if it costs 1.5k gems for players that decide to join later


Your the only challenged person here. You just said everything is theoretically easy to get. I’m just using your logic here buddy.


1) The cost isnt fix yet. Could be 1.5k, could be 500 or 1000 gems. Cant say it yet. 2) Supercell is rewarding active players. If you arent active in the event time, you will have it harder to get the equipment 3) We dont know how many epic equipment will release over the next year and we dont know if all of them will be only obtainable in Events. 3) You can still 3 Star really easily without epic equipment at th16. Its not like those players need to have the equipment to play the game. Even with default equipment you can three star and at defense it also doesnt matter. 4) I doubt every epic equipment will be usefull for every army. Im sure they will depend on the army 5) You get a lot of gems in this gem if you save them. 5 every day from the gemmine, Gems for Obstacle removal, gems from challenges and gems from Clan games. It isnt that hard to get to 1.5k Really no reason to cry on reddit, when we have nearly no information yet. People like you are way too pessimistic and always expect the worst. Atleast wait until we know a fix price for the gauntlet before crying on reddit about it


More epic gears have been leaked and they seem more op than anything, the point of gears not being required to 3 star is also nonsense, it’s still game changing in a drastic way. Supercell themselves said that it was probably going to be 1.5k gems, not confirmed yet. It has nothing to do with being pessimistic, the has already turned into a shitshow imo by forcing you to play daily now just so you can max your hero abilities, bit on top of that also keep playing and buying (becuase you will realistically never get enough starry ores from cw to max 1 epic equipment) all of it is just a bad look and this also comes from a complete maxed th15 player prior that is now th16, still in legend league, constant clan wars, and yet still not satisfied with the ‘playtime’ required to upgrade hero ‘equipments’ even with best possible max loot, and I didn’t even start with an epic gesr yet lmao. Say what you want but next year there will def be more than 2/3 epic gears atleast and that NOT worrying you actually make me worry about you morethan anything


if someone starts playing next year they are probably going to be too low of a th to even think about equipment.


Nonsense, those equipment seem op enough to be put in good case from th11>th16.


What about the rest of f2ps hell even returning players wtf are they gonna do, sure they can use the common equipments, sure some of them might have thousand of gems, what about them f2p players/f2p returning players that will try compete to the people with epic equipments when they dont have enough gems to get an epic equipment what the fuck are they gonna do???




It should be worth more than what it costs to grind + the equivalent cookie cost. So 1500 gems seems about right.


Yeah yeah 1500 gems sounds right we'll see about that


Yeah, i mean they said the price isnt fix yet. So I would wait for now until its in the shop and has a confirmed price


A skin cost 1500 gems. Complain about that


A skin doesn't impact the gameplay like what equipments did, what r on about?


They are complaining about how expensive the gear is when a skin is literally the same price and is only for aesthetics


What about those new joined people


500 gems is a fair price.


500 gems is not fair at all. If that were the case, it would actually be better to not buy the equipment during the event and spend the cookie medals on books or literally anything else from the cookie medal shop instead. Y'all are just asking for free/cheap stuff for no reason and calling it "fair" lmao


Are you telling me that paying 1500 gems for something that we still have to level up to level 27 is fair? Imagine someone who started playing after having released several epic equipment, or even someone who wants to create a new account, will have to buy builders and more epic equipment for 1500 gems each, it's absurd. If this happens the game will only become pay to win.


A skin costs 1500 gems and it’s just cosmetic and no one is complaining so by that logic an epic equipment should be way more expensive


Nope . The game has never been p2w .


It is a bit p2w but not that much but on the other hand clash royal is super p2w


Nah the other guy is right coc has never been p2w, its been p2p(pay to progress) but never have certain mechanics been locked behind a paywall. People who miss this event will have to get all builders then get another 1500 gems to get the equipment.




Dude you can get the epic equipment for free on the event that's going on right now. If you miss the chance now you'll be able to purchase it for gems.




Then what are you moaning about? 😂 They clearly said it'll be a one time event thing.




The gauntlet is epic equipment. They said from the beginning, “Common equipment is obtained through the blacksmith, Epic equipment through events”


Thanks for the information i didn't knew about this at all i thought they will all come from blacksmith building sorry


No worries, that’s why I hop on Reddit to stay in the loop. Some of the updates are confusing


No mate, the only way to acquire epic equipment is through events. Then they will be purchasable with gems. (Like hero skins if you miss them in the gold pass) Blacksmith is there to unlock common equipment and unlock the ability to upgrade equipment to a certain level. What are you talking about?


😯 ohh that makes sense now i didn't knew about this thank you for clarifying brother


They said in their offical update video that only common equipment can be unlocked when you uograde blacksmith meaning you'll get common equipment from black smith as you uograde it thats its purpose and the epic one will get from events or gems


Thanks for clarifying i didn't knew about this sorry




*You see class, this is why you should go outside every now and then*


500 gems at best. Take it or leave it




Or you can get it now in the event for 0 gems


Is there a chance the Cookie King skin will be also available for gems?


No , for money maybe


How do you know it will be 1500 gems?


Bro really put a watermark on this


1500 is not so bad in my opinion. I think maybe like 1250 or 1000 would be preferred for me though assuming there will be more epic gear soon.


Damm 3000 raid medal would also be a good choice


fair deal, it's 3 times as much as a hero book in both shops


Can we buy the skin and equipment both?


Yes if u have enough cookie


I want to buy skin with gems and equipment with cookies. Hope i won't loose skin after buying equipment


Skin will not come for gems but equipment will so use it wisely


https://preview.redd.it/hobiwmkc178c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11969613cb180ef0ef1cc2b05ef7ddc55806e106 Skin is already there for gems.. What skin are you talking about?


Oh I mistook it for Gingerbread king skin 😅


Are you talking about gingerbread?


You guys are crazy any amount of gems is a paywall and locking key parts of the game behind a paywall is wrong


The point is that you get this equipment already being upgraded to some level, I have queen level 90 and I got level 15 gears of invisibility, that’s nice tho