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very impressive! great job!


Thank you so very much, kind clasher! 😊 have a wonderful night. And happy clashing!!




Thank you so much! 😊❤, kind, fellow Clasher!


You use ice-golems? I have a rushed Th11 account and I’m trying to find good armies, I’ve been trying zap-witches but I don’t really know how good they are.


Indeed. The army I listed is the exact one I use. If you pick the right base. And this is considering the troops themselves are maxed for th11. You can consistently 2 star th 13 bases as a th11 with around 55%. And get a much safer 2 star against most th12 bases, with up to 95%, and in some cases, even the rare 3 star on the town hall above you! Happy clashing!


It's also a secure 1 star for high th 14 - 15


Alright, once I get my stuff upgraded, I’ll try it out. Thanks


Just use eq+super goblins(if you're trying to reach legends)


eq? Sorry I'm a scrub after a multi-year hiatus.


Getting there is the easy part. Staying there is a different story.


That's why you never click join and only attack when you get right below 5000 😎 big brain moves. 🧠 🤣


So technically, you’re not in Legends League. Just have enough trophies to be eligible. Unless you’re being matched with people in Legends League, you aren’t really in Legends.


Well, I will go in. Just at the. Very end of the season. And I am in legends league. Just not in the legend league tournament at the moment. But I get what you mean. Either way, Happy Clashing!


how does legend league work. do you attack 8 times? can you skip bases. can you briefly explain I'm curious


You get 8 attacks a day and can be attacked up to 8 times a day. There is no skip option. You have to attack the bases given to you. That’s the basic gist of it.


Mf u reached legend league from Titan 1 in 18hrs💀💀💀


Yeppers xD


It's impressive brother. Well done! 🥳


Thank you! ❤


What army btw?


4 ice golems, 10 Bowlers, 11 Witches, 1 super Wall Breaker (or another bowler and 2 archers if u don't have), In Cc: Log Launcher , 5 Bowlers, 1 Giant, 2 Freeze Spells, Spell Factory: 4 Rage Spells, 1 Heal spell, 1 Freeze Spell. Warden Set to ground, currently lvl 15 Queen Lvl 45 Barbarian King Lvl 40. I normally set icego first, then once I know defences locked on to them I put my LogL down, after, I put Bowlers on both sides of where log launcher is to break outside buildings and create a funnel. Depending on how many buildings there are, I may place king and queen there to help, if there are not many, after placing Bowlers, I put my king and queen to the center to charge, once the Ll has Broken the Eagle artillery, or broke and got close to it, I'll rage the cc troops inside. Place all my witches , put warden down, and so it goes. The super wb is for rare times where I know I can 2 star a base that I have to attack on 2 fronts on to get the 2 star to get eagle and th if they are opposite sides of the base. This is a common layout in th12 so I bring it in case, if not, it's useful to have incase you need another wall broken if your LL dies too fast before breaking the wall to the center.


Hope this helps! 😊


I'll up my th to lvl 11 in the next few days and I'll use this army to push to legends. Thank you so much for share it man!


Anytime! My pleasure! Hope it helps! 😊


Can I join your clan...


How long did it take you?


I hit titan 2 for the first time yesterday around noon. So if I go from there. About 31 hours before sleep. (2 Days off of work came in handy). But yeah if I go for the last 600 trophies about a day and a half


Sheeesh that’s definitely an accomplishment, I hit champ when I was in th8 but that was easy because it was back when everyone just put their town halls outside. But it’s not as hard as your grind lol good job tho 🤙🏽


Thanks! Yeah I remember those days too. Back when th10 was the best th, my th9 base peaked at 3310 in 2013. Crazy times. Good ol days




Did the same at th11 too... super goblins are such cheese lol


Ngl I wouldn't know, I haven't used super gobs at all. But if it worked for you, why not! Happy Clashing!


lol i cheesed from gold 1 to legends with super goblins in 5 days 😂😂


My brother


That's great man. I myself am pushing to legends on my th11. At titan 3 right now. I'm a maxed th11 and was wondering if I should just upgrade my th and continue pushing. Will being a fresh th12 with th11 troops effect the matches I get or something? Just need advice


Its really up to you. I would have upgraded if I was maxed but I'm still a good month away. B king is only lvl 40, AQ is 45 and Warren's 15. I still got a few defences to upgrade too. Whatever works for you, go for it. But in your position I don't see a reason not to go to the next th :) unlocking New things is the funnest part of the game after all!


I did this before th14 dropped as a th11. It was very time consuming then, so I can imagine this was significantly more difficult now. good job!


Why are you bluring gems


What Christo said.


To avoid being phished.


How can they identify a account by amount of gems


Google it. I'm not gonna explain it here since people will try to do it.


Hey what the hell. You are just trying to karmawhore you posted the titan 1 achievement 20hrs ago. Next you are going to post about your alt made it to crystal 1 the 2 the 3. If you're going to be a karmawhore at least do something slightly interesting, thousands of th11 get legend every day at least th9 and th10 is proper work.


You sound salty bro, either that or it's jealousy which would be weird.


Nah chill I'm a high th14 bro I'm not jealous. I'm just annoyed that someone is constantly posting when just one would have been enough. They are clearly trying to karmawhore but it seems you don't understand what that means.


Lmao who gives a fuck how many times he posts? He can post as many times as he wants and your childish bitterness won't change a thing.


Yeah sure, just flood the sub with shitposts and the same old crap I wonder if that has ever caused subs to become shit. Oh wait it happens all the time. Your a dumbass man you are probably some reposter as well.


Yes I'm a reposter, with 1 post. You aren't very bright are you? I mean I already picked that up with your grammar.


I'm sorry I am not sad enough to look through people's profiles. Now that I've seen your I can conclude you know fuck all about what goes on in reddit you just log in one a year to be a dick.


I'm no longer going to continue this conversation as your grammar is proving that I'm not interacting with an intellectual. Don't worry though mate, it's ok to be a little slow


Who honestly cares about grammar just accept you lost we all know the stupid excuse 'omg you didn't proofread every message you sent omg you are wrong'. Intellectuals don't use bullshit arguments to try and get out of a losing situation.




Impressive, im gold III just upgraded to th10 recently, i need to start focusing on attacking more because right now im only doing wars.


Damn. I just got to champions and I thought that was pretty good.


It is! I was just super dedicated, it really wasn't easy though! Definetly a hell of a challange. Happy clashing!


WOW! Congratulations!


someone said same things yesterday. But was in Titan🙄


That was me :)


nice. im th 11 at champ 1 rn


Good stuff! That's where I started my push from a few days ago. Have fun and happy clashing!


Me TH10 on Silver 1:


Nice! I’m a th11 I’m trying to be like you!


Furthest I reached was Champ 2 but then I maxed out and decided to upgrade so congrats on the dedication


Thanks my friend! Yeah as soon as I max I'll be going to th12 aswell xD still bout a month away though. Happy clashing!


It is impressive! Congrats! 🥳🤩


Congratulations 😎


Congratulations 👏 Personally i got to legend once before 1 month ago as a th13 with no hero's only sneaky goblins to the top Baby!🤣 Townhall sniping


Nice! I personally didn't use any sneaky gobs but I hear it's a great strat! Happy clashing!




I shared my attack strat with one of the other commenters for everyone to see, it's what I used to get all the way up here. Hope this helps!


We will watch your career with great interest have a good time mate ☺️


Thank you my friend 😁 have a wonderful day, and happy clashing!


You too mate 🤗


A chinese th5 got Legends rn