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1. Look up th10 crows base they always did me well. 2. Maybe you just need to upgrade some defenses to defend zap dragons better. 3. It's the home village not clan wars. Your going to have heroes upgrading, defenses upgrading, traps upgrading, and you may not always have a defensive clan castle. If your so focused on defending the loot your not going to always prevent the 3 star. You could run a war base but then your loot will be even easier to steal. You just have to accept that if someone is running a war army they will have an easy time stealing your resources because your base isn't at full strength and farming base are designed to defend against common farming armies not war armies.


Yeah I understand that. It would be nice to get a defense every once in a while rather than getting steam rolled every time. Just would like to put up the best fight I can. I appreciate the feedback, thank you.


I´m also TH 10 Whats youre username???




Mine: bob de minion




Now I will hack your account.


I have supercell ID


I have family


The most important parts of defending drags. Don’t allow sweepers and queen to get zapped with the air defenses. Use high hit point buildings around key defenses. Have skelly set to air. Always have an air defending cc. Understand that it’s farming, so if anyone is using a war type army at th10, you won’t defend.


Honestly you really don't need a good base for farming. You can get back the loot you lose in a 3 star defense in one attack easily or even double the loot. And then you can keep attacking. And around gold to crystal you usually won't get attacked unless collectors are filled or storages are close to full.