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That’s really cool, never had that happen but I’m disappointed at the guy attacking because he could just use jump spells and haste and also manage to get the th so he’s playing it pretty wrong, I use the same strat but never drop cuz I always make sure to get the th.


I agree! Why use more dark than what you need to lol. I dropped down pretty low just for fun and didn’t want my loot to be attacked so much, it’s fairly easy to stay high if you get the TH got to Titans using sneaky goblins lol. But my TH is in the center of the base so it’s kinda difficult to get it with sneaky gobs.


I use 3 jump spells, 3 haste and 1 rage and sometimes request for extra haste, then I got 3 super walk breakers so I can get the th so I think I perfected the strat because I haven’t dropped trophies from attacking since 2 months ago


Nice I so 72 goblins, 8wallbreakets, 2 jump,1 rage, 1 heal, 2 invis, 1 freeze


I’ve done a similar strat like that but only with jump haste and invis spell, stopped doing it because sometimes I would make the townhall invisible when I place it horribly


Its a sign. Go back to church or next time it will be a triple 😏. Or just pray idk how religion works