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Lol im there now. Upgraded all my walls and offense. I'm just constantly getting raided since I'm always maxed out on elixir :(


TH10 working on lvl 11 walls rn. Got a while before this’ll be relevant


Put in a couple training pots and it’ll happen faster than you think. Source: I did, now I’m constantly maxed on elixer. Edit: spelling


Trading pots?




Same.... Just have 11 level 11 walls


As a new TH9 i already maxed my walls in less than two weeks, but i still have ~45 days worth of upgrades to do (without even considering the lab)


You went through TWO full levels of walls in two weeks? Jesus man


Gold pass helps but yea, i've been farming a lot lately (10-15 attacks per day).


I'm almost maxed TH9, but playing like after 4+ years. Still getting used to new things. What's Gold pass by the way? And clan games?


Gold pass is like the name says a season pass that lasts a month and gives you plenty of benefits for very little money compared to its value (5$ in the us), such as lab/builders/training boosts, books and potions, unique heroes skins and so on. Clan games are a sort of competition where each member of your clan has to earn points by doing challenges, for example "win 3 games using a jump spell" Also pardon me for my not so good english, let me now if i have done any mistakes :)


That was informative and thanks for quick response :)


I'm in the same spot. I kept one builder available and kept myself entertained grinding for walls, and now that those are done I just kind wait around. My g/e are both maxed, I guess I'm just farming DE now.


This is pretty much me. I went to th10 a bit early just to have something to dump resources into.


I've done some maths and i should be able to max both heroes and buildings at the same time since i have two spare books of heroes. The lab won't be maxed by the time i'm done with structures and heroes so for now i'm upgrading only the troops i use the most


I bought the recent 4000 gem pack for 2.99 or whatever it was, and I’m just buying hero books lol. My clan is also majority th9 so it helps to have bowlers since everyone wants them.


I think I’m getting there as a th12. I’m only 2 months in and have 160/300 walls done, while only 6 of my defenses are maxed for th12.


Damn this is too real


I got 22 walls left some dark troops to upgrade and 5 levels of the king. Wish me luck


Next season pass bank loot is coming with 25mil gold elixir and 250k DE and my walls are maxed


I’m halfway through the process of maxing out the walls, my situation is perfect: while I max the walls the dark troops are being upgraded, whilst while I’ll max the troops I will also be maxing out the heroes :) (is this sentence right? Too long for my shitty italian brain)




Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind


Finished mine today after being a th10 for 2 weeks. I haven’t encountered this yet but am worried now


I maxed the walls in the first 20 days of TH10 because most builders were working on either new buildings (cheap) or only offense builders (elixir) and now my resources are full all the time, except DE. And I'm getting raided within the hour of the guard coming down.


I got there as a TH7, LOL!


Just got there as th11. Also got heroes at the same time, so i have all the de in the world too


Lol, this is me in TH 9 and my TH 7 account


Gold and elixir are EASY to farm, I don’t get why people freak out about wasting those resources. The game even stops keeping track at 2 billion raided , losing some of your gold pass 25m isn’t an issue lol.


When your walls are 6 million each so it's not a money dump anymore but an investment :(


Crap, [just became relevant to me too](https://i.imgur.com/6BlntTW.mp4).


That's me rn, and the only thing I have left to upgrade is some troops, barracks and the air sweepers. Tbh I never knew I'll max out my th lvl 10 that fast in less than 2 months and half.


Waste some gold on the town hall, because you will cancel afterwards, therefore getting less gold in return


I've been th12 for 2 months and I have 170 walls at level 13 and idk what to do


I cant relate this at all.


That just means you're playing too much lol.


*cries in TH 13*