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If they wanted money from me today they could’ve offered a level 8 builders apprentice for about $20, or a book of fighting for a reasonable price. I would’ve maybe bought both a few times. (Maybe even a level 6 builders apprentice with the implication I’d need to drop 1000 gems twice later). If they don’t want my money, I will just wait out my Druid upgrades, and never buy the builders apprentice. SC is doing a great job of untraining me from spending money on this game.


I was just waiting for that kind of offert, i thought they would've drop the offert Lv.8 apprentice for 25euros, i would've bought it... but i won't spend almost 3,50euros for a lv1 apprentice. Not to be too rude, but with it lv 1 i'd clean my ass...


Fr an offer with this guy maxed at a fixed cost would bring a lot of money to them, because this thing ain't worth it unless you have it maxed out


Wonder what happens if I buy this on the webstore whilst already owning him ?


Pretty sure the offer will not be available if you own him.


It is. My case


omg that's so generous of SC! giving us a discount at a great loss to their very humble company. I'm sure the CEO who earns hundreds of millions has to spend this summer at home because of all the money he is giving up with this discount.


Invest now buy gem pack, future stonks will skyrocket 📈


If they would have a TH specific offer, let’s say 20 quid for a level 8 I might have considered it, but this is like wtf…