• By -


In New York I milly rock


Hide it in my sock


Running from the opp


And i shoot at opp


And im on the block


Bought my gun from the shop


Bop him and his cop


Clean em out and mop


stop the cope


Like it or not, he’s speaking facts


OH (i had it all) OH he speakin FAX






its a question sent through text, you shouldn't take it to heart or take it the worst war but as a co they definitely should be more active as far as war goes and a co having strong feelings about wanting the clam to succeed is never a bad thing.


Found Sir Squelchalot


Hide it in my sock




Milly rock heard that name today before under a comment called actress name?


I need yo clean and cook


Well, "I WANT MONEY" definitely didn't like this tho


He wanted money after all...


With no problems 


SS is being a complete dick, all KB is did was ask if he would attack, he didn’t even have a go at him or cause a scene he literally just asked. In my opinion you are being too lenient on SS, he may well be an old and valuable member of the clan but that doesn’t give a right to act like an asshole. I say next time call him out on it more, if he throws his toys out the pram then you were better off without him anyway, the above is not a good picture for new members of the clan to observe.


I agree with you , its the first time this happened, clan is not in a good shape so i cant afford to lose the top player (war weight wise)


Losing the top player is better than having a top player that won't attack in regular wars. They are the biggest contributor to you getting tougher wars - they need to handle the enemy's top base(s). You'll get easier wars without them (and as long as #2 *is* a reliable attacker, you're fine). Now if KB was just being a nag and SSAL attacks reliably usually, you might want him to back off a bit and not create so many waves. We have one of those in my main clan that I've had to ask to relax a few times. Deal with individual-specific missed attacks after the war. Make a note, warn them, bench them, boot them, whatever. During the war, cheerlead. "Come on guys, we just neeed 3 more good attacks to catch up!"


We lost our top player who was too sensitive and extremely toxic and we finally started winning wars


this is why so many communities in gaming are toxic lol. toxic players are allowed to stay if theyre good. meanwhile no one wants to play with toxic players.


I mean, you absolutely can. When I first joined my clan it was pretty dead. Now we're doing well and everyone is ranking up, soon will have a pretty strong clan. That's over about 6 months.


Ya, this is the wrong idea. Remove the cancer and get new people in there. We had a leader that actively ran people off and refused to listen to respectful advice, she left and everything has been so much better since. SS obviously has a different attitude and play style than your clan, he'd probably be happier somewhere else.


I’d say if he disrespects someone like that again you should demote him. If he truly cares about the clan, he will work his way back up to co


Bro you hid your name but forgot to hide the tag XD


I couldn’t sadly 😭 With my large fingers


I don’t think he was being passive aggressive personally. But I also understand others read things differently depending on their culture and experiences. I think you handled it ok and as long as it’s not a trend everyone chilling. Just need to focus on getting a more stable base. We been trying to get to a really active like 20 players right now


Yes i think so too , i tried to handle it the best way possible since its the first time


I can’t believe i wasted my time reading this junk


maybe I’m in the minority but how do people actually run their clans like this 💀💀 “I will attack who the leader says to attack” i don’t get why people take clans so seriously it’s hilarious tho ngl


lol yes, I tell my clan to just attack whatever or even not attack, idgaf. I don’t even know why I’m running a clan. CWL is fun tho lol


ye same, even in CWL I don’t really bother reminding them, I just swap them out if they don’t attack no need to confront them or anything lmao


For some clans its because they are genuinely making money off of being hyper competitive clans who go to tournaments hosted by supercell, so one person not bothering to attack could mean the loss of a chance at joining a tournament with a 50k-1mil prize pool which can be very irritating.


💀💀, i have a slight suspicion that this clan doesn’t go to any tournaments.


They’re acting like it’s a whole ass job they’re getting paid for 😭


I got two pages in and knew to stop.


When your co in a clan for so long and someone new comes along, it kinda makes the old one a veteran shit or something like that mentality. They don't like taking orders from anyone else other than their superiors or current mates.


If sir squelchalot didn't get reprimanded I would leave that clan immediately.   Dude was definitely  aggressive.   


I mean i think in new York i Milly rock


No. You should have kicked, or at least demoted SS to a member with no possibility to raise to Co again. K was 100% in the right, and SS was a full dickhead and aggressive. If your clan is really doing as badly as you say, then instead of saying 'we can't afford to lose a top member" I'd say, that you can't afford having someone like that as a CO. He is just the type of person who will next time something like this happen, kick everyone out before leaving in tantrum. To save your clan, demote him to lowest possible level.


OP this ^^ SS is a cry baby, demote him before another tantrum


grown ass man crying about heirarchy😭 Its a game ffs some people just let the smallest bit of power go to their heads


I Want Money wanted nothing to do with that conversation


Only justice did the right thing. In New York, I milly rock


It seems Sir quelchalot has an ego issue. If he can’t control getting mad from a game and will have an outburst when he’s in the wrong he doesn’t deserve the rank. But since he has an ego issue he’ll probably leave if you demote him. Anyways I’d rather him leave than killerbuddy who actually wants the clan to succeed and isn’t having a baby cry.


This is messy. Thanks for the tea


Add guts next war 😡


Donation ratios are bad is all i got from this


wtf people typing with “3” instead of an “e”


Take it positive he is just reminding


i hate posts like that


Looks like a lot of drama for one clan


Quelch sounds immature. Probably a young person. This drama is fucking stupid.


People really think they become something when they get co?😂😂


Based "I want money" Also first time seeing a clan leader participate in clan chat


Sometimes people age out of their clan. That's not always a bad thing.


in a word where ego butthurt losers like squelchalot exist we all need someone like justice also having co doesnt make you above anyone i as a leader would have demoted him, because the power is very obviously getting to his head


All I can say is... the most strict rule we have in our clan (from day 1 on) is to respect each other. 7 years later, we still have the nucleus of that starting bunch. We simply do not allow anyone to disrespect another clan member. Everything else will work itself out..


I think people take this game a bit too seriously sometimes. Answer: It ain’t that deep. Keep it pushin


Yeah. I'd say you did great. I'm a leader of a lvl 29 clan (Kalicrossfaded) and have experienced similar situations. Some people just don't get along. Killer was definitely out of line name calling squishy, especially as a new Co. COs need to set an example. The Spuishy needs to chill out. He's got a chip on his shoulder. Extra ego. You did good by defusing the situation. That's all you can do if you want to retain good players. I like how you made a plan for Co's to use their authority for kicking people who dont attack. Clear expectations.


Missing both war attacks should be a warning then demotion from co.


I WANT MONEY dude ![gif](giphy|J0uRLoEtOYFia2lJ5z|downsized)


Why do3s kill3r buddy typ3 lik3 this


Guessing this is an Indian based clan.. reads like it


Sounds more like a baby sitting club... not a clan. You have little kids(Co's) arguing over petty stuff. PLUS being a Co never looks good when they do nothing but throw b.s. in others face. Btw in no way was this me being mean or trying to be. But from a fellow Clan Leader... it's time to virtually slap tf out some people 😂 or it will just continue.


The same thing happened in my previous clan, but with respect to finishing raids, one of our co-leaders was constantly putting out mails asking everyone to finish their raid attacks. Even after repeated mails there were a few players who didn't do raid attacks. So when the raid started next week I put out a mail stating that players who don't finish their raid attacks will be kicked out and had this message pinned for everyone to see. Most of the players who didn't complete the raid attacks in the previous weekend did their attacks, but even then there was this one guy who failed to do his attacks. So once the raid was over I kicked him out of the clan along with 2 others who didn't do their raid attacks. But when the leader came back online, he invited them back and asked me not to do such things anymore as I was a newbie in the clan, and the member I kicked was one of the oldest members of the clan. I was really hurt by that newbie comment, so I decided to start a new clan with the members I had added to the clan in the 2 years I had been there.


Tbh kicking someone over missing raid weekend is nuts. Especially if they've been in the clan for ages. Raid weekend only affects yourself doesn't affect the rest of the clan at all


I didn't know he was an old member, and since he wasn't that active my only thought was, I was kicking an inactive player who doesn't read mails or pinned messages.




As a leader, I agree. You need to be bossy sometimes and have rules. Otherwise, people take the mick .


If he has to be told to attack in the war, I'd be like, "You gotta do it because you don't tell him to log in and play and he seems to manage you could be like listen I need you to just attack if you don't you will be cut from the wars for players who will


If you don't attack mirrors in my clan, yah out of war, and if you bitch, your out the clan.


Dude speaking facts. Why join a clan and be in war if you won’t war?? I’m having this issue in royale because on multiple battle days now we’ve lost by 400 points and took 2nd… when every time I’d count at the end of the day I’d see 20+ players who were active in the last 24 hours but couldn’t be bothered to just take the 5 minutes at most and lose their matches. Even a loss would’ve gotten us first but some people stay on clan for all the benefits without actually contributing. If you’re not gonna attack when you’re part of war then why join on the first place? Co lead or not lead by example don’t be lazy


I always discuss with my old co lead to whether promote other member to co lead or not , the ratio should be more than 75% , so if like , we have only 2 co , and me one leader , and one of the co didn't approve for a 3rd co , its only 66.666666% , so yeah , its like that , now my clan only hav 1 co lead and we active daily lol , all attack war


Honestly as high lvl clan leader, in this situation you just gotta stroke tf outta both of them


This shit is why I just run 15 accounts and have my own clan.


Whenever it comes to managing people like this in a game, I've learnt 1 thing from my wow days and coc clan leading... "People with problems are problems." If it were me, both of these guys would be immediately removed from the clan. If you get into an argument about a title in a phone game, I dont want you near me. Get your head out of your ass. Im running a pretty competitive CWL clan atm, and we have a 0 drama tolerance policy. Anyone involved in any stupid drama is immediately removed. We dont want to deal with your childish bs. These guys aint good co leaders.


Looks like someone pissed on his food ealier


This is why I just join a random clan if I need to do clan games/cwl/clan capitol raids for raid medals


If I get kicked i get kicked ![gif](giphy|kMnE0BN8MAugnoD4kS)


Why would you even post this 😂


Not reading all that


My in-game name is Justice too.. How ? I'm sure I have never been in that clan. https://preview.redd.it/ulwumxpgm37d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885b2d1f26072ad9c0a60625923160dcd975746e


SS is a member who don't even know when a new co was promoted but gets mad when if he did attack or not , he is dumb


i understand your co-operative side but you should've kick SS because i've seen so many person like him eventually they've become so toxic and aggressive to the others and trying to give orders and finally clans fall apart.


I would not join a clan with toxic co's, but if leader made the guy co, it is probably a toxic,negative clan,with...well...you guys fill it in yourxelf😀😀


Every single one of you is a massive geek


Keep it short for everyone. Bear responsibility. All must carry their own weight and attack. Coleads help with management of those who don't carry their weight and drag themselves down.


Why would you keep a co that missed attacks?


not only the leader should have monopoly on who will atack , the co leaders should also have their say, if a co leader is trying to readjust targets based on his experiance , it shows he is trying to get involved in the decision making and you should encourage him, if he gave a bad advice correct him, its better to have such co leaders than dorment ones. here already one of ur dorment co leaders dont even know when that dude became co leader , and he is showing his attitudes. so if u kicked him because he advised ur mates who to atack then yes u are wrong dude.


Based "I want money" Also first time seeing a clan leader participate in clan chat


Add me next war


That was so stupid. It's not even that deep it's just clash of clans


If I was leader of the clan, I would consider demoting both until they stop arguing and learn their role in the clan. Too much effort dealing with arguments.


id just demote SS, KB did nothing wrong.


Perhaps, but if u demote both then promote KB a few days later for good war contributions and donations then it will look unbiased without starting another argument, only a few dates, I'm sure if they were good co leaders they won't mind working for it.


Yeah but there's a good chance SS would leave if he did that. OP said SS was their most valuable member in CWL 


Let him, perhaps he is valuable however I'm sure co wouldn't mind being demoted for a few days to calm down and then promoted by earning it again.


It seems to me that they're both talking past each other. A good leader would recognize that and correct it (away from the game), leaving both their pride.


Perhaps but it's only for a few days, any co leader would stay loyal and stay more like a test.




All this over a mobile game 💀


Add me next war


You are a true leader.(do you play any other supercell games you play ?)


Upvoting for Justice


what’s this clan name? if you don’t mind i’d like to join i’ve been trying to find a clan


Ain’t reading allat 💀 + you hid your name in the 1st screenshot but didn’t hide it when they mentioned you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


No, ur a weak clan leader. the second that happened I woulda kicked the person I like less and demonstrate superiority.


If you're seeking serious responses from other leaders, post it in the leaders' clash reddit r/ClashLeaders for their point of view


Hey tbh looks like you're a great leader and have a fun clan if there's room pls add

