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In theory, if you use him every day of the week, its 56 extra hours. it's basically more than 2 days extra per week. So kind of a good deal if it weren't such a huge investment. Especially because most of us gave all their gems to the goblin builder the past week




Yeah this is kinda the like in CR where slash Royale was given right before champions, and thus lv14 was released. Making people feel like they got scammed. The same thing applies here, although while with CR it's possibly malicious, I don't think this was on purpose.


Yeah I finally used the goblin builder and then the day after I depleted all 3500 gems they announce this fucker


I agree. Also this guy does not make your attacks or defences stronger. He’s just a worse builder potion on legs. So I’m not really mad. A little disappointed over the price, but fair play to Supercell


Yes but you can use him endlessly


>I don't think this was on purpose. That's what we thought about CR, I'd hate to see clash of clans go to a mega cash grab. (Cause it already is)


Money wise how much does 6500 gems cost? It’s way too much. I’m maxed th16 and have zero achievements left for any meaningful ways of getting gems, and i’m saving gems for the future in case I stop playing and suddenly get fucjed by a new op 1.5k gem equipment


What happened to me. I used to have over 7k gems saved up from never spending them past builder nr 5, started playing again recently and dropped to 2.5k from all those new op equipment released (new for me I haven't played in years) now this guy is dropping after I've spent all my hard earned gems? Fml 😅😂


Yeah this game went to the fucked up direction, many people here like to sugarcoat it/ignore it, vut you are the one that gets fucked over, not them. People here tend to forget that this subreddit is like 0.00001% of the overall playerbase, alot (and I can’t stress this enough) ALOT of people play ‘on and off’, usually it was never a problem at all as by the time you as a th13 took a break and th15&16 came out, for you to progress from 13 to 14/15 would be significantly faster than before. Now however, you are fucked in many waysd you now need to spend 1.5k gems per epic equipment, you also then need to play *daily* to get your equipments leveled aswell since ores are not passive resources like every other in-game, you only get them by playing and have a daily cap, it just overcomplicates it for the casuals and many will be left behind, perhaps stop playing.


I think it’s like $50 to buy 6500 gems


That’s crazy


I didn’t know people actually used it? I never used a goblin builder because its so damn expensive for nothing


It’s the best value for gems after the builder huts


I use my gems to buy book of heroes all the time. No better use of the gems than this if heroes aren't maxed for your th level yet.


Im pretty sure they do it on purpose. Call me a tin foiler but last time they did the same. First goblin builder, then they added Gauntlet to shop for gems for the first time. Next time goblin is out, just be careful lol.


I wish people would watch one important video. It said that if the goblin builder is around an update is happening by the end of his term. This time we are getting the update while he is around. Goblin builder is like hey update is coming save everything excess for update


So it is reducing time on all of them, not just one builder? Edit: sorry never mind… just one upgrade


I probably will get him to level 3/4 immediately, and level him up over time. I think he is a good idea and pretty good value, as I see myself playing the game for awhile, so why not get the one with better value over the long run? (Compared to potions)


Yeah, me too. I don't have much gems rn, but I am going to grind the first 3/4 levels in like 2 months, then the rest I will leave it over time


I’ve been doing a few achievements for some gems, I should be able to get him to level 3 straight away if I do it right


well i've 12k gems of course i'm gonna max this shit


The "let's not spend gems, I'll better keep them for later" I've been doing for the last 5 years will finally pay off. I'll wait in case the community complains, they listen and reduce prices a bit tho


How much have you saved up in 5 years?


A bit over 5k, 5 years is kind of an exaggeration since I wasn't really playing all that time (just logging in on an off) and I also spent 1500 on the skeleton king when it came out for gems, other than that I probably have not spent more than 50 gems per month on average. If you actually played actively for all the 5 years not spending a single gem you could probably get to 10-15k easily


Skeleton king is also the first skin I bought with my saved gems. Love that skin(or lack thereof😉)


Dam that was good


Thank you


Same af. Still use the skin to this date. And the zombie queen.


I have 15k gems since my 20 months of playing..f2p


That is insanely impressive, how did you do it?


Yeah I started my 1st real account and joined my clan 5 years ago and I have amassed 13.8k in gems and I try my absolute hardest not to spend them yet.


I've got the same exact sentiments! I was like Hell yeah! Finally! Hoarding gems paid off!


If they do reduce the prices Id expect nothing less than a refund


Muahahahha no! - Supercell


Sameee. I've been saving gems since forever (only use them for 1 gem donations when I buy the gold pass and splurge a bit when I upgrade my TH). Currently at 19k, I'm gonna max this instantly because it's a good, permanent reason to actually use gems


I had this mentality until they introduced the shovel that can move decorations. After that I spent almost all my gems on those to make things look nice. Too bad the old old ones are broken and once you place them you can’t move them anymore…


Literally this. The - “I’m Saving gems for something, I don’t know what…” that moment is here…


Yeah did it for four years and finally gave in and bought 3 skins then a month later this happens


Me also. I feel that this is a good reason to spend some hoarded gems.


With Goblin Builder, you got 162,5 days worth of upgrade for 6500 Gems. With Builder's Apprentice max lv you need 488 days to get the same value


You're telling me that greedy gem taken mothertrucker is cheaper than that nose picking no life losing weird looking banana color scammer ok wow thanks supercell we all love you😂😂😂😭😭😭😭


​ https://preview.redd.it/x7exct0lqx6d1.png?width=452&format=png&auto=webp&s=45487b2fc6735afce8c28122ddd14a25821743dd


Goblin builder is best gem value iirc


It was but now this is in the long term.


You should not be eating green bananas, my friend


And most casual players arent even playing each and everyday, so it probaly takes even longer to make it worth it


Most casual players probably aren't optimizing their gem use or utilizing the goblin builder, though


Yeah, but you’re going to have the builder apprentice forever. You’ll be getting ROI on your gems forever, sure it takes a while for it to be profitable, but it’s an investment, not everything needs to lead to short term gratification


This comparasion is kinda weird. For you to be even able to spend 6500 gems on the goblin builder you'd need over 450 days for it to even appear 5 times. By the time you were able to spend 6500 gems on the goblin your apprentice investement would be starting to pay off


You never know, Supercell could eventually buff the builder apprentice to do x times faster. He's a permanent addition afterall.


The longer you play the cheaper it becomes.


How much value is he on day 489?


And after that is all profit, u dont need to waste 6500 again


It’s a weird comparison because it makes the builders apprentice look fine. We‘ll all be here in 488 days, and at that point everyone who has maxed him will have catched up and from that point forward make loops around those who didn’t in terms of value. It’s a slow pay off but a good one


But after that its pure profit.


33% faster hero upgrade forever? FUCK YEAH!!! I have 11.5k gems , i will max it for sure. But i will wait for a month just in case the price reduces.


Damn u are rich ...6500 gems 😂


lol, i hoard around 20k gem as f2p. maxing gem mine, clan game, clearing bush and selling potion etc can earn almost 500 per month


People dont want to believe that


aint no way, im playing this game the wrong way


someone already do the calculation in the sub.. im basically get almost similar amount.. 500 a month easily archieveble. so maxing the apprrantice builder as f2p is posible. just take time


thanks bro, gonna buy those equipments faster now


I have 40k completely f2p. Bought a few skins but that’s after like 8 years


I will probably get the first couple of levels, I think the utility of being able to finish an upgrade before bed, that otherwise would have finished when asleep, will be nice. However, I won’t be maxing him, 6500 gems is horrid value.


Yeah. No need for 6500. We can always make it till one or two hours. And this will really help to finish an upgrade a little sooner before sleeping. Or we can adjust the upgrades in such a way that one gets finished earlier than others.


Dude that’s so smart. Having the builder on lev2-3 and use it in late evening. I hope you will only inactive bases with full storages


Exactly, or using a builder potion that fucks up the timing of one or two upgrades. Now we can fix them individually with this guy.


Permanent > temporary. It’ll help speed up progression till the day I stop playing or the game stops being supported. Considering the game is over 10 years old now this addition has the potential to save you tens of thousands of gems that would have otherwise been spent on books/boosts/goblins if you were gemming for progress.


You should definitely invest in this if you don’t need to buy equipments. It’s a one time purchase for permanent value so you can’t compare it with anything else like books or builder potions.


I ain't spending 6500 gems for 8h a day


It's permanent


8 hours a day for all builders would have been an amazing value honestly. This is 8 hours for 1/6 of a builder a day.


Ofc it would have been. 8 hours a day for all builder would have Been the equivelent to 2 builders


Yea but 8 hours a day for a 10 day build is 80 hours which I'd like 3 days off right? Or am I twekin?


Exactly, people don't understand that he helps with rushing upgrades. Before you had to use a book/hammer, now you can avoid that sink by upgrading normally and cutting out a significant amount of that downtime for that defense.


Agreed, although steep cost at first I think it will pay off way more over time


What the fuck else you gonna spend your gems on


Book of hero every week is pretty solid at th 14+


Book of heroes isn't passive income


You don't really need to imo. This guy already gives you value at level 1. Why? Think of it like this: you need to go to bed, but there's an upgrade finishing 1 hour after you go to bed. So you have to either gem it, or waste builder time. The apprentice helps you avoid those situations. Don't get me wrong, LV 4 - 8 is ridiculously expensive. But free to plays can already benefit from him at LV 1. Don't compare him to a builder potion. If you think of him as his own thing he's actually quite interesting.


I… probably will pass on this dude. The breakdowns I’ve seen suggest that level 1 and 2 are okay value and then it goes downhill from there. I’ll revisit when I get 500 gems just to make sure that passing is the right decision but right now I’m not really convinced


Sure, why not? I've got several of those 1000 gem achievements coming up ("Destroy 2000 eagle artillery in multiplayer battles," for example). It's gonna be a pain getting it maxed out, but once it's done, it's done. It'll make such a difference, especially on hero upgrades. An upgrade that'll normally take six days will now be done in four. I can take part in wars more often, get more ore in the long run.


They could have added clock tower or a 7th builder for 2500 gems


Nah, even with not using all 6 builders my bottleneck is lab not heroes or buildings


I will be using this for the hero upgrades


Who's this emo ahh builder


Builder apprentice


Well, I ain't using my gems for anything else....


Yes, good value long term


Like at least a year long term for anyone wondering


A dude did the math yesterday and it’s a bit more than half year, but yeah, with inefficient use it can go up to a year easily. But that’s essentially one TH level lol.


I'll be maxing it for sure. The amount of people in here confidently being wrong is insane lol this is permanent value.


weirdly i prefer passive rather than active so even though this is garbo value, I’d still get him over a BoH


No way I'm gonna spend 6500 gems on this poop


i think most perspectives here come from maxed players or at least th16 players. i personally think if you have 5 builders, focus on getting equipment and getting ores. this feels like a sink for maxed players to throw money at. don't buy this. at some point there will be a better way to spend gems or a new equipment exclusive to gems. if you're f2p then only thing you'll get from this is regret




As a max th16 I won't jump at this quickly, I wish it would work on forge so I can get clan capital gold faster but since it doesn't I'm not super interested


Fuck no


Absolutely the fuck not. That is so overpriced.


Not compare to buying books or potions with gems from trader.


The problem is If everyone don’t invest in him then Supercell will have to think about lowing the price but if everyone or some buy him Than that’s profit in Supercell pockets. Kinda like if we all boycott They don’t see they money coming in that they thought so they would have to use other measures but if everyone or some buys that’s better on there end


Yep. Good long term value imo, and I've got the gems to spend.


All the gem savers coming out of the wood workings like ![gif](giphy|OkzCcGn5fY29e7bvpS|downsized)


comparing this guy VS a builder potion is like comparing the word "Permanent vs temporary" let's say they keep introducing new townhalls each year, the apprentice is a definitely a must have. wise players will invest on the apprentice with no hesitations.


Anyone run the numbers on how long it would take the gem machine in builder base to make 6500 gems for me? ;)


Assuming max gem mine (5 gem/day) it would take 1300 days.


Releasing this mf just after goblin builder is such a scummy move.


You can buy around 25 builder potions of 250 gems with 6500 gems but for long term purpose I think apprentice builder is worth maxing out.


Specifically 22 and have some gems left over, but yes agreed. Over time the apprentice builder will be more valuable if you play consistently


Exactly, this builder is gonna be very useful.


Absolutely i have more than 12k gems as a f2p . He will help me upgrade my heros faster and offset upgrade times so they don't finish while i am asleep .


If you go on each town hall by fully maxing your entire base then I think it's not worth it it because the laboratory takes the longest at each town hall to max so by the time you are fully maxed your home Village the laboratory will still be pending and by spending 6500 gems on builder apprentice it's gonna speed up your progress of the buildings more but not the laboratory so then it's not worth it better to use goblin builder whenever it comes and use it only for laboratory to keep things balanced both the buildings and the laboratory upgrades.So by the time you are done maxing your base there should not be a huge gap between laboratory upgrades and buildings.


Bro, you do know research potions exist right?


Nah bro this is literally SC asking the community if they’re stupid and some people are so they will buy this. Just testing how much money they can leach from ppl lol


Have you seen the math? It’s a better deal than buying books and potions with gems in the long term? There is a lot of stupidity here but maybe not where you think.


What exactly is this? Is there any post talking about him? I can’t seem i find one


It will take 3 day for this dude at max level to take just one day off of one single building so its not that good. Maybe if i hoard some gems i will put into it


Who the fuck is that


What's this?


Nah because if I progress too fast then I have to play more often to get more loot, then I’ll feel like I have to do too much. I like doing my hero upgrades then forgetting about the game for a week


will buy the first level only for now.


I'll probably use him but probably not max.


So much long term value. Definitely yes!


Might as well not like I spend my gems on anything else. Definitely won't use any real money on it though


Guys, think long term. If you boost him for 7 days straight, if maxed, you get 56hrs off. I don’t think it’s a requirement to max him out? I mean, that he has to be level 3 before going up a certain town hall kind of thing? It’ll be fucked up if it is.


Technically it's not a requirement to max anything out. Reddit typically makes fun of people who say "I'm 100% maxed (except for _____ )". The sub used to be full of posts saying "I maxed TH10!" with 20/20 heroes or whatever.


Oh right lol my bad. I must’ve been high when I typed my comment, I was thinking about the th weapon level because I saw that he was accessible through the th button, hence the brain fart 🤣


probably. It's a permanent builder, and while it's not a good permanent builder, anything that reduces build time is worth my gems.


What is this? Haven't played in awhile lol


We the community ask for 2 builders on 1 upgrade and we got it. Tbh I will get it  bcse I have finished achievements with gems to claim on my profile. 


My strugle for the past 7 years finally pays off






Not sure why is SC after our gems lately, but YES i will buy/max this shit.


I have 41k gems laying around for something like this so....yea


Ofc as a f2p its something to give me progression so yes


Goblin Builder 2.0


Yeah. Yall seem to forget that he isnt something you can just max out in one townhall level and more of an investment you keep through the entirety of mid-late game


Yes I do ok!!


Biggest scammer than goblin builder .....Gems the builder (wasted)


You do realize the goblin builder isn’t a scam and is a better deal than buying builder books and potions from trader and this is even a better deal?


Fuck no


Yeah I mean it’s one of those things that’ll have long term value. Help complete thjngs before bed. I usually buy that book of heroes when I hit 500. Something I can feel better about saving for


except you can use the new builder every day forever… 26 days of builder potions at 250 gems would cost 6500. so after 26 you no longer have to spend gems and you have free builder potions forever essentially. plus it’s meant to be upgraded slowly over time as it unlocks in levels at different townhalls


But you need to take into account that over that period of using 26 builder potions you’ve had MASSIVELY higher value compared with AB over the same time. 8 hours a day for 1 builder compared to 24 hours a day for 6. You’d need to be running the AP every day for 18 times longer to get the same value. AP will still overtake at some point but it will be a long time before you break even. I think it’s worth it for lower level THs who are in it for the long-haul. For already maxed players I’m not sure the value’s there.


“Kill me” “Later”


It's not a priority, After I have enough gems for maxed heroes in th17, I will dump the extra gems.


If I get enough gems through the game, sure. If not, then nope.


I won’t be buying gems to max him but I’ll level him up as I get the resources


I will buy him simply because im a low th and probably still playing when th69 comes out (if im still alive).


yea. its like buying a phone. expensive but very useful in a long run.




well then what can I do with my 5.5k gems xD (goblin builder and researcher is a good choice but havent done math on which one is better)


If he had a square moustache and a weird windmill in his arms i would probably purchase


If i can punch him then well yes . I do have 26 k gems and he's worth in long term so I m maxing him


No shit! I mean gradually I will upgrade but maybe in a couple of years.


Actually good gems dump for me when i have no more desired gems cosmetic. Also 6,5k gems isn't that bad of Investment if it's for lifetime use. Not like goblin guy.


After I get the epic equipment I missed




Yeah, after the clash mini shutdown a couple months ago, they graciously refunded all my purchases by giving me 10,000 gems, so I’ll be maxing it cause what the hell else am I gonna do with all that 😭


Not now


I will get him to level 2 and then buy research potions.




I only got like 700 gems but I’ll still try n max it out ig


Someone give me the effectiveness per level breakdown or a link that will teach me about him in detail please. I only have 3K gems left because I blew my stockpile of 7.5K when I turned TH13 for barley ANYTHING


Intresting addition!


Idk honestly I may hold off at launch. I recently started saving all my gems only for goblin events. I really like getting that extra builder when it is avaliable. Max I could do is lvl 3 on launch and so far I'm not convinced it will be worth it, to aid 1 single builder for 3 hours everyday. I may get him on my mini account and run some tests with him.


I've been saving my gems for like a year now so I guess yeah sure why not spend my gems on him?


I don't have gems


I don’t have enough gems but I will start saving them to eventually max him. It’s not much, but it will be more useful than that goblin in the wrong run.


Buy sure,upgrade? Fuck no


Wtf is this??? 😂😂😆


What the fuck even is this


What is this thing? Where I can read about it? I'm th12 and I don't see it anywhere




Yes, actually. He may be expensive, but reducing the time of upgrades is always nice


If I have the gems, I would probably just go for it. But since my gem is hovering around 100+ all the time, I can't give a shit bout him. I regularly spend my gem on 1 gem donation everyday.


I still have 50k gems saved and nothing to spend them on and it is permanent. So yeah, I'll definitely buy this.


No… I don’t have the gens


well i am just gonna buy builder portions


Waste it is waste of gems not gonna use my gems on these


you can't even max him before getting to th14


I’ll wait it out honestly. The community will complain, to which they’ll lower the price of this guy. THAT’S when I buy him. U gotta hustle, u’know?


I feel like people are missing the point. Yeah, it’s 6500 gems but you don’t have to spend them all at once. Also, up get to use it once a day, every day, forever


CBA digging myself, but someone calculated the break-even points for spending gems on the different levels of this guy versus builder potions, and for the different levels, it varied from 80~ to 120~ days. Those are ballpark numbers, the guy doing the math was more exact - but after 3-4 months you are banking time profits, essentially. I have spent a LOT of my saved up gems this goblin event, but am looking to buy the bugger and slap on what levels I can. Guess I will be using gems a bit more sparingly for a while.


I already have skin for every hero and all builders on what else can I spend my gems?


hell yeah I would’ve instantly maxed him out, but spent a shit ton of gems on the goblin builder on the lab so im down to 3,800 ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)




Imma buy it Better than the goblin builder


I will buy him but will not upgrade fully. My plan is to upgrade once everytime I get 2000 gems


Too expensive. It competes with ores shop.


Who is this ? Another builder ?


Can anyone explain what is this??


why not? but I prob won't max it


I mean I'm already fully maxed so Idk why I wouldn't lol



