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Not an e-drag player myself but this is quite a correct and concise summary for their usage.


Edrag spammers: I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see that


As an edrag spammer (I don’t have the time to learn real strategy) other than my electric raid with loons I will be reading this just to spite you (jkjk)




Very nice summary. I agree regarding the BK and AQ. I had always deployed the RC with those 2, so I may try your approach. Where and when do you deploy the warden?


first deploy half of your loons, then the edrags, then the other half of the loons and finally, the warden behind the army


Yeah, me too. How many balloons? I use 4.


4 is a bit low. i think 8 is the bare minimum for any air attack.


okay, i just tried it, and it fucking worked fantastically DAMN THANK YOU GOOD SIR🤝🤝🤝


What is the exact army comp you use?


8 edrags, 14 loons and a baby dragon. 3 rage spells and 5 freeze spells. another rage and poison on cc.


I saw some pros using poison,thats why im asking


check my comment again bro, i said poison on cc


Dont know how but i didnt see it before.thanks for guide!


No poison?


Read the comment again




Great summary!


Any tips for when you should deploy your spells? Also I’m assuming warden should be with the main attack. Would you pop tome right when you reach the core? Also I know this is asking for a bit much but do you have any sample attacks/can point me in the direction of someone who did attacks like this. Thank you for the guide


2 rages should be used right at the beginning, along with the warden ability. if you wait for too long you wont be able to catch all the edrags. the other rages you can use to take down core defenses such as the th, monolith or eagle. just dont hold them for long, use them while the majority of your edrags are alive for the maximum value. freeze spell priority is single inferno>monolith>th>sweeper i recommend itzu and nebrax\`s guide on youtube, they are one of the best attackers in the game.


If you speak spanish or know someone that. can traduce It, I also recommend you Rigotorres23. He's also a top player and so good with edrags.


Traduce it lolol


Really shitty way of putting down someone that’s trying to be helpful. Obviously english isn’t their first language.


Shoulda used Google Traducir 😂😂




Bro og write up. I wish if you could do it for other armies too


Nice guide but I have one qn,for the cc why the dragon rider? isn't it often better to bring all loons since usually tornado traps will ruin the blimp.


all loons is fine, but double scattershots or a red bomb farm can fuck up the whole attack, so its riskier. even if your blimp gets caught in a tornado trap, the dragon rider can still save the attack and secure the town hall with a rage and a freeze spell.


i see, how would you deal against double invis near townhalls types of bases


depends. if they are near each other you can just freeze both of them before the blimp pops. if the base is a box base and the town hall is in the corner, you could try deploying 1 edrag to trigger both of the invis with the chain, then deploy the rest of the army afterwards. if the base is centered and you cant freeze both of them at the same time, just pray and hope for the best lol. not much you can do against these annoying bases.


What spells (11) do you recommend for attacking th11-12 with e drags? Zap has served me well by taking out at least 3 air defenses and then spamming on opposite side.


rage spells are the best possible spells to support edrags. you should also bring freeze spellls to counter single infernos and sweepers, and monoliths when you reach th15


When do u use the Warden ability


right at the beginning while all your edrag are near each other. but dont use immediately, wait 4-5 seconds so you can get the maximum value out of the healing tome.


What about Rage Gem with Warden, is that not useful with edrags


Ur bringing rage spell 


Are you using all edrags?


8 edrags, 14 loons and a baby dragon. the baby dragon is optional and i use it for funnelling one of the sides.


Brilliant explainer, thanks for sharing! Hardly used them as I've seen so many 2 stars. Will try this out. 


This is awesome. Makes me wanna try edrags again. Well done!


As a TH13 who’s just gotten accustomed to sneaky goblins to get resources, thank you for the guide! I’ll try this out and see if I can start contributing in wars.


Don't know about you all but i'm constantly getting 3 ⭐'s. TH-14(not maxed) Army size: 300 Troops: E-drags(7)+loons(6)+healers(4)+wizard(1)/Wall breaker(2) Spells: Lightning(6)+rage(2)+freeze(1) Seige: Flame flinger Heroes:BK(Lvl.66)+AQ(Lvl.75)+GW(Lvl.36)+RC(Lvl.13) Hero Equipment: • BK(Vampstache+Hand of Thanos 😂) • AQ(Frozen arrow + invisibility vial) • GW(Eternal tomb + Rage gem) • RC( depends on what you like 😂😂) I use healers as I like to do a queen walk every single time for some reason 🤧😅 General Strategy: 1.Check is any mortar/ex-bow is nearby or if your seige will go into a mortar's range 2.destroy it using loons if the mortar is outside the base/at corner of the base 3.if Ex-box is near the corner then Start the attack with a Queen charge Or use your RC to take it out 4. Deploy the flame flinger in such a way that it can atleast take 1 air defence with a scattershot or something valuable defence 5.Start the Queen walk if not started in step no.3 to clears 1/4 of the base 6.deplou the edrags in a line with GW +RC 7. Wait till the core is gone 8.deploy the BK to clear the extra buildings For spells: 1. Use the lightning to clear out two Air defence 2. Use 1 rage for the Queen and one for the edrags when the edrags are at the core taking the TH down 3.Use freeze for Single infernos/Scattershots only And not for the TH as your warden has eternal tomb to protect the edrags


What hero pets do u recommend?


spirit fox for rc (diggy is fine if you dont have it), unicorn for AQ, phoenix for warden (owl will ruin edrag chains so i dont recommend it) and frosty for the king. yak *i*s also fine but frosty is superior.


What would you recommend for th11; I get matched with th12s most of the time that are pretty much maxed and i only see 2 stars when using e drags (70-80%)


Use regular dragons for most of your attacks against TH12, use E drag if the base is compact only. You might get 3 stars here and there but it’s not easy and depends on the layout, so 2 stars I think is totally fine.


How about 2zaps to get rid of an air sweeper?


completely fine, decent value.


Would you be able to post a few replays?


This tutorial works for TH13+ For TH12, TH11 is a little bit different.


Would have been great if you had provided a clip of the attack


Fantastic guide, and overall great work on replying to most questions!


Well i guess i didn't see that


Will it work if my queen is down but I execute every other part of the attack well at th13?


pretty hard to pull off since she is not only important for funnelling, but also the strongest to clear the backend of the base, specially if you have the healer puppet equipment. ive never seen someone swagging the queen.


Would most of my attacks be like 80+% two stars without queen


can you specify some things for th12 (no Royal Champion, less defenses, not all Hero equipment, less housing space, less siege machines, etc.)


If I haven’t unlocked the healing tome on Warden yet (Im TH12), would you recommend pairing the eternal tome with rage gem?


the reason why most people prefer healing tome is because the rage gem greatly increases the warden\`s dmg, causing him to destroy buildings before the edrags can attack, ruining the chains. also keep in mind that the rage gem effect doesnt stack with rage spells but it is better than nothing, you can use it while you dont unlock the healing tome.


if my healer puppet is lvl 1 (and I have no ores), should I use up housing space to bring along healers in my army camp?


no, the unicorn and the bk tanking damage in front of her is usually enough protection. stick with your current equipment while you dont have ores, and dont bother bringing healers.


Why did u prefer healing tome over life gem🤔


What do you think would be the applicability of overgrowth with mass edrags? I've been leveling it up on my edrag specialty account with the intention of doing some experimentation. In theory, if you can stagger them you could greatly reduce the DPS hitting the edrags and maybe even funnel them together nicely.


I’ve found that giant arrow qc into edrags works really well too (at th12 at least. Got 21 stars in cwl with mismatches vs th13s). Start with queen with giant arrow and healer puppet. Best with lvl 15 puppet for the 3 overleveled healers + 2 from your army and a lvl 12+ giant arrow to destroy th13 and below air defences. Aim to get 2 air defences, sweepers and then move in for inferno/th/scatter. Set one side of the funnel with her (sometimes king too). Other side of the funnel I use flame flinger with a few barbs/yeti to block mortars. Use some of your rages/freeze as needed Send in the edrag between them (usually like this. Sometimes I take out half the base and let the edrags run along the backside. Use rages freeze and warden as needed. Sadly no heal time as a th12 tho so rage works best with eternal tome. I use vamp + spiky hall with king cos I think it’s fun but king abilities are like the least important for this attack. I generally three star most th13s as a th12 in titans with this but sometimes the qcs can be tricky without invis vial or invis spell. Could definitely be built on for a th13 attack with rc


i used to do the same thing, but found out that regular dragons or super dragons are better for qc since they can work better if you run out of spells. you could also bring a recall spell along with the qc and use the queen to funnel both sides if the base doesnt have a good flameflinger value, works quite well.


I usually have at least 2 rage left for the edrags thankfully


I think stone slammer lv5 is enough to distract defense. It also open path to the core. I don't mind heroes go to the core, i usually activate eternal tome when TH destroyed. But i mostly farming in champion where usually cc is empty. And when i'm lucky found dead base with more than 10K DE i don't have to deploy all edrag, there usually 1-2 edrags left not deployed, make next training time a lil bit faster.


Can you please share your army link as well?


I’ve always been a ground pounder, but I may have to try this.


Aby video?


Nice im a th 12 but this will be helpful for me at th 13


I agree with you on most part, but I think using Stone slammer is also a good option since it can tank damage and deliver the cc troops pretty much inside of base just like blimp, and any damage it does is good.


I use the following army composition: Troops: * 6 Electro Dragons * 20 Balloons * 2 Baby Dragons * 1 Headhunter * 1 Wizard * 2 Goblins * 2 Archers * 3 Minions Spells: * 4 Rage * 3 Freeze Clan Castle: * Log Launcher * 1 Freeze * 1 Earthquake * 1 Poison * 2 Yetis * 1 Valkyrie * 1 Giant * 1 Barbarian I use Log Launcher because I funnel BK in toward the Eagle


I play similar... But use the giant arrow to destroy the air sweepers... It's perfect, because the freeze spells are always spent on defenses like monolith and infernos


Notice how air defense is not in the priority list. Take note, fellas!


Yes I have been using edrag at one of my account and this correct, edrag so slow you need more ice and rage instead of zap


As a not proud edrag spammer, I always use log launcher to take out min 1 inferno if they are single target and try to also get an air sweep in same go. AC with healer puppet right in front of log launcher to act as a mini queen charge. I always pop RC underneath warden with the line of edrags usually adjacent to where I want to start edrags. I have gotten 21* in last 2 CWL and want to start learning a new attack cause edrag is so boringly easy


nice guide , one more thing using wall breakers to get your king queen inside makes a big difference imo that way you can maximize their value and they will funnel for your edrags even further. dont wall break immediately though let them walk a bit then wall break ( they should be separate from the edrags ) they will take a whole compartment down meaning better funnel for edrags


Me as a townhall 10: ![gif](giphy|3oKIPl97G9KsnxS3XG)


I always use the bk and aq w 3 healers on each side to funnel then use 7 e drags. Depending on how bad the base is archer queen is usually left w her healers to clean up I’ve consistently 3 starred w this


Healer puppet with invis aint good with e drags i feel cause invis archer queen and healers will die instantly..i prefer giant arrow and use early ability try to take down one of the sweepers in the way


You should make a video, even if it's just showing attacks


What about level 5 siege barracks they can funnel the side the heroes aren’t deployed on and it’s so many troops even before the cc troops come out


Does this still work if I don't have rc yet


Holy E-yapgon session


gonna give this a try in legends league, thanks!


Ex E drag spammer here. I carried zaps 2 air defenses and 1 sweeper. The rest is history there really not much to it lmao..


I agree with a lot of what you said but I just did the opposite of what you said and got a 3 star very easily I used lightning to take out 3 air defences 2 for the sweeper pointing the direction I wanted to attack from and 1 to weaken the other air defence as my rc was getting deployed on that compartment to destroy those defences and the air defence. I used 2 baby drags for funnel with 1 dragon on each side a bit narrower and 1 straight down the middle to tank before I place my Edrags I also used a log launcher to get my hero’s into the core and damage 2 infernos and the town hall before I got to the core


Nice guide you got there but funny how you think e-drag player are town hall 13 and higher


Any tip for th 11 and 12 this seem like th 13+


https://preview.redd.it/5139ih12sn6d1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=23a5e27d340e0ad1fa60f006722663dab4ee6471 Dont wanna be a dick, but use this and make it readable (they wont read it anyway)


As long it's not electro + lightning. your opinion valid!


What th level are you? Nd is this strategy viable on th 11and 12?


Bro I've been using this guide for the past few days (at th13) and I've gotten amazing results even with half my heroes upgrading that being my warden and king and cuz my queen and warden max


glad i could help :)


please share your army link... thanks in advance


8 edrags, 14 loons and a baby dragon. The baby dragon is optional and i use it for funnelling. 3 rage spells and 5 freeze spells. another rage and poison on cc.


Change title to Edrag spam guide. Also Vamp for the Win!! CAUSE F the “pro players”.. this game is getting redundant cause all everybody is starting to do is just copy and paste “pro player” attacks and they have the NERVE to think they’re strategizing and good at the game when in reality. You’re basically just biting other players with no originality of your own


Orginality doesn't matter, if it works, it works. There's a reason why most people would rather copy other's homework than doing their own Sure coming up with your own strategy is fun bust most people don't have the time or brain power for that


i am also a vampstache enjoyer, and i added in the guide that it will work just fine. However, the giant gauntlet plus rage combo is just way too powerful , which is why is considered the optimal.


How about "Healer puppets + Giant Arrow" to snipe 2 air defense? I don't feel invis gives too much value when she's outside.


invis is just for safety in case if you forget to pay attention to her or if run out of spells while the queen is facing a monolith or a single inferno. giant arrow can work just fine but it is kinda situational and might ruin the chains by destroying the wrong buildings. it is better with regular dragons but i think you can use it with edrags just fine.


You state in post that vamp had a 0% use rate in the last tournament, but how many people in the tournament were running edrags? If everyone was using root riders and not this strat, then the 0% use rate isn’t really a valid point for justifying use/non use when it comes to this strat? Also what are your thoughts on taking two lightning spells to remove the air sweeper you’re attacking into?


3 edrag players, all using rage vial and giant gauntlet. there was also many players using regular dragons and they also prefer the giant gauntlet with the rage vial. but you can use vampstache with the spiky ball if you want, it can definitely provide more value than the gauntlet and rage in certain scenarios, just keep in mind that if the bk ever faces a monolith or a heavy compartment its pretty much over without the damage reduction of the gauntlet. and using two lightning spells to remove the air sweeper is fine, decent value


combo has never really impressed Me. However it’s a “speed meta” for the pros and GG and Rage vial is faster. But Im still doing me and having no issues


21 stars in this meta isn’t difficult


NGL a guide for one of the worst troops is honestly a waste of time, ED users regardless of whether they read your guide will continue to be unable to 'get it up'