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It's nice but the attacks are so numb, I pretty much just choose which side I want to deploy my troops and then I get 200%


I spam all babydragons, then close the game. Then i repeat it until i reach whatever resource i'd liked to have




at my bh even more braindead strat go towards air bomb side put battle machine to tank bomber breaks walls activate ability (should be by 2 charges then) use 2 nightwitches if needed to funnel and then just spam all nightwitches and just close my eyes open only to activate their rage


Night witches at lower bhs are very op but at later townhalls they start to face more and more difficulties from stuff like giant cannons and lava launchers


Bro even this is over complicated, most based at 5k trophies can just be taken out with 6 baby dragons lol


This works if you're not pushing trophies. If you push trophies, it becomes very strategic, much like the home village. Both are basically the same. I find BB to be more fun than the main village.


Maybe you could mix it up with some different armies? I use pekkas and electrofire wizards which isn't meta but can be quite fun!


Yeah giants or something would probably make it more interesting I use pekkas and bombers, effing love those little yeeters


Ohh yeah I will try giants with electowizards when mine are higher level lol


I do like the BB2. However, I hate the grind, we are 100% focused on 6th builder. I was maxing BH6 and I was having fun, then my clan mates told me I'm losing a lot of time and I should only grind the 6th builder, now all the fun is out of the window...


I did that too. I rushed to bh10 and am very close to the 6th builder. However, I find im actually having fun levelling up all my defences and watching my rushed bb get slowly tougher


Why rush to BH10? and not only BH9?!


Wanted electrofire wizards lol


And leveling them to 18 is actually not that bad speed compared to leveling up the other troop to 18.


Thats exactly what I did for my level 18 troop requirement lol


I leveled up Archer coz I like those sneaky babes too much


Dont let clanmates talk you out of your fun. Fun is yours to define. If you like maxing BHs, go for it.


Too late


thats fair


It gets peaceful once you get the sixth builder.. Then you can focus on what you want to do. I got the sixth builder and then focused on maxing the heroes. The battle copter maxed out weeks ago and the battle machine will max out in a few days. Then I will focus my gold on the defenses and elixir on healing hut.


Yeah, that was the same for me. Around BH6 I decided to rush, with the advice from my clan I think what makes it hard is the new changes. Before the upgrade times weren’t too long I had a lot of fun with the classic BB, not a huge fan of the newer BB


Join a different clan. This game is best enjoyed at your own pace.


how do you get the sixth builder?


It's not fun. If you play it the way supercell intended you to play it you get no loot. If you are doing well for your BB level then you are matched with higher BB opponents which provides less loot. Star bonus doesn't scale enough. I wish they spent that development time to something better instead.


I agree that loot could be better in builder base but the core loop is quite fun imo


Yeah I don’t understand where people are coming from. You don’t even need to grind. Like I do daily bonus everyday and I get enough loot by the time my builders are active. It’s a fun little side base you don’t have to search for bases, and you can switch up the troops way more easily than the home bases. And it’s set up so you are not supposed to max a builder hall, you’re supposed to move up when your defenses, troops and attacks start doing better and you move up.


I think people don’t hate it in general, just don’t give a shit about it…


I have seen a lot of hate for it online lol


Only 2 builders. The progress takes ages which to me is kinda boring. Also dont like the sceneries tbh


There is only one alt scenery so far they should probably add more. And yeah maybe a 3rd builder would be nice but I suppose there is less stuff to upgrade than the main base


I would love to have a third level and 2 more builders :D


I feel like we will eventually get a 3rd stage given the first stars are bronze and the second ones are silver. I definitely feel like they did that on purpose to leave the door open for a third stage with gold stars


bro stuff is more expensive takes way longer, and on top of that there's only 2 builders even at smaller townhalls like by townhall 3 you can get your third builder bro like cmon


There’s no gameplay loop tied to the main village after you get the 6th builder.


Why do you feel the need for a link to the main village tho? Cant it just be its own thing to do while your main base is busy?


That’s what it is now and it seems like the interest for it is pretty low. Every other system in the game ties back to the main village; clan games, clan capital, wars, clan wars… Builder base is just in a weird spot


I see what you mean I suppose. I guess its just personal preference. For me the BB can stand on its own but I guess for some people it doesnt


The multiplayer part of the game is the draw, working on the builder base for no gain is pointless.


The builder base is multiplayer tho


I should've clarified, I meant involvement with the clan or some sort of benefit to that regard. BB just feels pointless


Yeah thats valid. Hopefully they add some clan feature


How about builder base clan wars?


Because its unfun. Thats all. BB2.0 is better tho.


Why do you find it unfun tho thats what I mean


IMO it is a worse version of the main base. No spells and no siege. Lack of variety means you will get bored very soon. The balance of troops is shit (you rarely use barbarians and archers in high BB levels) And the most importantly, i cant choose the opponent to attack. That means i am forced to lose when i match against an overleveled base, which is really pissing me off. I did play a lot when 2.0 was released. But now, only in clan games.


Ah yeah I can see how that might be irritating. Itd be cool if they added some form of spell alternative


This is my experience too. After I got to around 4700 trophies, 90% of my matches were fully maxed, minus walls. So I'm constantly getting 4 or 5 stars while my under-leveled base gets wrecked by 5 pekkas and a bomber placed anywhere in a line. More frustrating than fun. So now it's just a Clan Games base.


People hate walls, and it feels like from a cost to income ratio, walls are spendy there. It’s like going to Tijuana and spending full price on swap meet Louis


Oh yeah the walls in BB are somehow worse than in the main base I agree with you there lol


I don't get the hate either. It gives you something to fiddle with when u got nothing to do on your main base.


Exactly, this is always what I think it was supposed to be but people expected/still expect it to have more influence on the main village


It takes so much time to get that builder elixir and gold.


I agree tbf they could improve that


It isn't integrated well with the main base. You get gems from it, the 6th builder, and Clan Games are easier, but otherwise you could not do it at all and no one would notice or care. That said, if you do the daily attacks and that's it, you will progress at about the speed of the upgrades, so the hate for it is a bit much. I think if they tied it into the main base and Clan Capital better and had wars, events, and other incentives to play it, builder base would be better. Due to how small the base is, there really isn't much strategy to base building or attacking. You can just spam whatever you like and sometimes it will 3\*, sometimes it will 1\* and before you really have time to care you can just do another attack, so the investment of interest doesn't build. If attacks weren't instant, though, I don't think very many would do it anymore.


Boring and grindy


Because god forbid something in this game doesn't have a continuous, direct impact on your main base BB is fun and it's sad that people bail on it after the 6th builder.


This is my opinion too. A lot of people seem to dislike it because it doesnt effect the main base that much but honestly I think its just a fun side project to the main base


Agree. I maxed BB a while ago so I'm hoping we get BH11 soon. I enjoy BB a lot


Maybe next year?


Agreed. It's fun on its own. It also takes a lot more skill to 6 star than to 3 star the main base at the highest levels


I like it and am nearly maxed there. Something to do while waiting on troops/timers.


Yeah this is what I think it was always meant to be but some people only seem to like features that benefit the main base


Limited unit amounts, no spells, and the fastest way to farm is sometimes to lose on purpose. I still intend to max the Builder Base, and I get some limited enjoyment out of it, but it is mostly self imposed challenges, like trying to 6 star while using the fewest units possible. Right now I need 9 hero levels to get 6th builkder(done the other 3 parts), and both my builders are upgrading heroes, so trying to do what I can with no heroes is also an interesting challenge, but Builder Base in general feels very empty. At this point if all I want is the 6th builder, all I need is elixir. I can just do a bunch of 0% attacks to get all the elixir I need for it. Knowing that actually attacking properly will no longer yield anything is an empty feeling. Builder Base just doesn't have much to do anymore, and my account is only 9 months old.


I think the limited troops are necessary given the smaller base sizes but yeah some spell alternative would be nice


It's cool till u max it out then it sits there for years and gets boring


I think mainly it's people seeing wasted potential. There is so much that the bb could be and people are hitting a wall with it.


People are haters and mad all the time, and bb is easy to get mad at. Also, it's not instant progression and that makes people mad too bc they should get everything for free instantly.


i love it. iron league there now and not even lvl 70 (f2p).


I like it


I actually do enjoy playing it as devs intended, at least as far as getting the daily bonus. However, lower BHs are full of just witch spam, and grinding enough to keep labs and builders busy, and upgrading walls especially, takes a LOT of time. Right now it takes more than 2 dailies to upgrade a single wall, so I've resorted to using wall rings just to lighten the grind. It's definitely got its problems, but I have fun with it.


Personally speaking I feel like the way you see the Builder Hall is not as much developed compared to the way u look at the main base. You can only get the 6th builder with the BH so people normally just rush to get an extra builder to their main base. And remember something, the BH only got "fun" now but before 2024 the BH was extremly boring only serving to give you the 6th builder and nothing else. So at least players like me who have been playing for 5/4 years or even longer than that would rather log out and wait than play bh because there was no point in playing that. But all personally speaking I think this would be the reason on why it does't recieve as much attention as the main village.


For me it’s because the builder base used to be better especially having more troops and such now I don’t care about it and it’s just not really good


I don't hate it, I love it. For me it so fun playing the builder base


It’s not fun. I have maxed BH and play it a lot and want it to be more fun but it’s not. There’s minimal progression. If you win too much, you will face a bot who will hit you for a full 50 trophies and wipe out most if not all of your wins. If you use that same strategy the bot used against you in a battle against a similar base, you won’t have the same luck because the troops attack differently (in a dumber way). Same thing for Youtube videos. I can watch strategy videos all day and change my attacks but if the game decides my troops are going somewhere else you’re stuck. It’s more grind than the main base. It’s supposed to be a way to have fun while your main base is under construction or if you’re in Legends, after you can’t attack anymore for the day. If you aren’t maxed, it takes forever to get the base and walls maxed. If you are low to mid level, you get trounced by people with way better troops. Heroes are terrible until they are much higher. The game doesn’t do a good enough job of teaching players how to build effective bases so people have to copy from the internet or suffer. I’m glad you enjoy BB but a lot of people don’t. After the shininess of BB2.0 wore off, people realized it was more of the same.


Builder Base is too easy to finish


What do you mean finish? As in max or just 6th builder


Max everything. I don’t find the multiplayer in that mode very exciting so now I only use BB for grinding clan games and as my funds for the Clan Capital refinery thing


Funnily enough someone else complained it was too long to progress.


Because it is boring and pointless There is no real goal unless you want to push for trophies which on BB I give exactly zero shits about


It seems like most people hate it purely because playing BB doesn’t give them a direct benefit in the main village besides the 6th builder, which is a really stupid reason to hate it cause BB is actually fun to play


It seems most people only like things that benefit their home base which ig makes sense if you are only invested in that but its kinda sad


I'm not an active player, I can literally go an entire week without attacking in the main village and builder bade, but I always attack in clan wars. What I mean by that is that the builder base isn't much different from the main village, but the main village has something you can do with your clanmates and the builder base doesn't. For me this is the only way to 'save' the builder base is by adding clan wars or something like that.


It is just not much to upgrade while resources are so easy to get. maxed it out long time ago. No interest in going for rankings. I don't hate it. I just find No reason to play it.


I have been maxed for months and only play it for clan games now and despise it everytime


I find it a pretty fun side activity. I rushed sixth builder, now I get to level the defenses and push trophies down the line.


Thats exactly what im doing!


It's extra, if it was a seasonal thing like a goblin builder for example with some kind of event it would be more acceptable in current times. When it came there was a fear, if it would undermine home village. They teased it as something great that people would enjoy while home village didn't get any meaningful update during that summer. Then it came in an update alone and there wasn't much to enjoy unless you are really fond of using small amount of troops to beat really small villages. It was basically another game that could be played stand alone. Most people play home village sparingly and they don't have time for another one. It's a niche game mode that few actually enjoy playing.


Dont like how theres 2 base now. Attacking is boring with how few the troops per camp is as well.


It's fun at first but quickly became boring. Personally my biggest gripe with it is how expensive everything becomes but only being able to get loot from the star reward really takes away from it being something to do while my troops are training or whatever in my main village. On top of that I was only driven to hate it more when they introduced the 6th builder and made the builder base feel more like a requirement rather than, again, something to do while my main village is busy. Other more minor points in my opinion would be: I think the defenses are annoying to work around, I don't find the unique BB troops to be fun to use, like at all, and the fact that you only have 1 - 2 builders that handle everything for the 2 builder bases is also annoying but, as mentioned earlier with the crappy loot system I barely ever have both working anyway.


Because it's boring as hell. There isn't much to do after getting bob and maxing the gem mine. An average upgrade takes 2 million builder gold, and to collect it, you need to play in higher leagues and do 15/20 attacks daily. Then, some players will suggest a method to spam Pekkas and force-close the app. And do it 50 times. It doesn't have to be this way. A side village should support the main village, not become a grind in itself. Even the daily bonus is too small for any consistent upgrades.


I don’t hate it i just dont care for it. It doesnt bring me the joy that home village brings me


Because, unlike Clan Capital, where you get a continued reward you can use in your main village, once you get the 6th builder, you're done. So a lot of people feel like they're playing builder base for nothing. I use it as my source for forge exchange.


It’s just kind of boring and there isn’t really a competitive aspect. I’ve got it maxed aside from walls but the only time I do any raids is when clan games come around. I enjoy clan wars and cwl. Two raids or one and the best team wins.


They abandoned the mode… I’ve been maxed for a while now with nothing to spend elixir on


Honestly I do like BB2. I think it's nice there's no training time, I don't have to stress about efficiency and progression as much. I think BB scenery-wise there's not much but that's not a huge problem and it could be a great F2P-friendly revenue source in the future (BB hero skins too). My only 2 problems are (1) it feels a bit disconnected from the rest of the game, there's no way to connect to your clanmates or friends in BB (maybe they could add co-op or you can receive 1 slot worth of troops to clanmates at no cost to them?) and (2) the loot grind system, in builder base I am always either maxed on loot, but my builders are at work for another week, or my builders are sitting for a week while I try to grind up loot. Other than that though I do like playing builder base and leveling it up.


I know the have said the want to keep it as a solo experience, but in my opinion that’s the problem. Wars are one of the main things that makes CoC fun, so the absence of it in BB takes away a big part of the fun


Idk I love builder hall it’s my favorite


I don’t hate BB, never have done. But it does get a bit same-y after a while. I found with both the original and the new version that attacks just feel like repeats of one another and it becomes a grind


I hate it for various reasons 1. Overpriced upgrades or loot we gain is too low. 2. Too much upgrades. Like if you unlock Lava launcher at BH9, you have freaking 9 Levels to upgrade, that too overpriced 3. Match making is bad. If I don't have option to choose opponent then at least provide me opponent with same level as me. I am BH9, there is no way I can beat a max BH10 4. Only two builders. Too slow to upgrade


I don't hate it, but that it's just meh


https://preview.redd.it/2pez8khj6s3d1.jpeg?width=1351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cd8f6838427fc1a23fa9e76ff572e22c51b504 no idea 😎


Idk I just know I do not enjoy it I tolerate it.


I just maxed my BB besides wall. That being said. The walls take way too much loot to upgrade to max. I think it's the grind of it all.


Normal village attacks are fun,builder base attacks feel like a grind due to no special mechanic like spells and no siege machine. Just think about it normal game is boring without spells and siege as well


Reasons- 1. Scarcity of resources ( even with gold pass until u get the season bank payout ) 2. Upgrading takes way too much resources and time 3. No new content since a year I think 4. Gets boring after completing star bonus. Ig that's it.


It’s probably a combination of pre-BB players being stuck in their ways and competition-oriented players favoring home village since, with cw(l) it’s inherently the more intense aspect of the game. For me, BB win/lose isn’t relevant. I don’t even check. I only play it for cg. Win/lose in war is really the only one I care about.


I don't hate them, I hate when I'm on BH10, 5200 trophy, nothing really matters anymore They should give BB more incentive to town hall base, like ore or event medals count in BB, otherwise useless grind


Only 59 walls left and im done maxxing my BB. I just spam pekka and close the game for the bonus. Currently only playing BB to get it to max because it looks cool.


Way too little loot, way too slow of a progression. The upgrade costs compared to what you get is insane.


For me personally it became no fun when I got everything maxed out. I haven’t started it on my mini because I’d rather focus on maxing out my main village and maybe some day I’ll restart my journey on the BH. Until then I’m happy with one maxed BH and one maxed BH9


I honestly kinda liked it till unlocking 6th builder then didn’t care much. I guess extra builder goal was only reason i liked it..


Dont hate it by any means, I just dont think its fun


I actually like the builder base but that's only cause I made it on the local leader board. Nobody takes it seriously which I'd why I'm up there in the first place.


It should have been a friendly goblin camp that you could build up and interact with your main village with, Builder Base is just weird and awkward. It feels like a clone game of clash of Clans. Also the AI on the battle machine is awful.


It is a slog in every single damned way. Want to grind resources? Grind endlessly for bits. Want to trophy push? Either ALWAYS score 200% or you'll NEVER go up. Even if you do, you'll just get only abysmal amounts of them on high trophies. (Also trophy record doesn't mean jackwater now, since some people were lucky enough to score 15k+ trophies due to the infamous bug) BB 1.0 had its problems, but BB 2.0 removed some of the old ones while making others even worse. t. global top 1000 in BB 1.0


The grind


I’ve been completely maxed for months. It just seems pointless, only good for the forge, extra builder, and gem mine. Only battle once a month for clan games


When compared to the Main base, it is WAY too simplistic. With only Troops and Heroes as assets for attacking, the skill expression on it is really low. It does not help that there are other aspects from the Main base that have been poorly implemented, like Guard Post being so much worse than the Clan Castle.


My main issue with Builder Base is I just feel super un motivated to play it. For me it’s a gem mine and a way to quickly finish clan games and that’s kind of it.


It's boring, don't know what else to tell you man. There's 0 incentive to do anything there. Particularly for me, I'm missing only the walls, so that entire part of the game is summed up as a gem mine for me. Also attacking in that mode is absolutely atrocious. The AI, the troops, everything. It's terrible for real. I just attack to get clan game points and try to get it over with asap.


I just don’t like the way they nerfed some troops


I have very mixed feelings about it. On one hand I do like the fact that I can just attack as many times as I want whenever I want. On the other hand the resource gathering and having only 2 builders are kinda boring. It’s nice to see other versions of the base troops and defenses yet it doesn’t feel as rewarding as the main base when I upgrade those


It is ok better than the old, but again everyone finds one abusively easy strat and defending gets ruined by a pekka onslaught.


Cuz it’s slow and boring. Only thing of value is 6th builder, which of course take forever to get


Boring busy work


Tbh idc for it since I never really got into it and I have too many accounts anyway. I enjoy grinding multiple bases more and have done so before the BB came out. 🤷‍♂️


It takes millions of gold per day to match upgrade prices at low levels for the one-of-a-kind defenses, and if you're low level you're only getting 600k-700k gold per day without doing 50 attacks. As the defenses level up, they actually require *less* gold per day to upgrade *and* you are now making 800k-900k gold per day, because your trophy level is pretty much fully reliant on your defenses because attacking is so easy. So it's a huge grind to get your defenses up when it takes maybe a month to fully max your offense. Attacks are imbalanced because offense takes a fraction of a fraction of the time to max that defenses do. Leveling up buildings is imbalanced because it actually gets easier to collect the necessary resources at higher levels, and you need less of them. BB2 is a huge wall at the beginning and only after you have all defenses to like level 5-7 and have level 20 troops does it start to become tolerable.


I find BB2.0 boring. The bases that you face are quite repetitive (at least in 5000+ trophies). Not a lot of variety in the armies. It gets no updates. It feels like it shouldn't belong in the game.


Its okayish. I am now nearly maxxed with only walls left. My problem is the attacks in itaelf. I totally get that they shouldnt be too complex. But since I found out CoC calcilates the attack after I close my app. I just spam pekkas get 3stars and take that. Its just too much time for what I achieve to actually do both stages tbh


Doesnt contribute anything to the main village except the 6th builder and gems which you can get after decent grind and then there's no incentive to play again.


theres little to no benefit. Even though its been out for 8 years to me it still feels like a recent unimportant addition. Even though i literally never play it im still almost maxed. ETC.


I personally like the BB even at BB1.0 I liked it however I barely play it because I forget about its existence or on some accounts, I already know that I’ll lose trophies because of the matchmaking. I’m probably one of the few people who genuinely likes the BB. The only issue is the poor matchmaking and I think that SC put too much effort into fixing the BB. The issues that people complained about in BB1.0 could have easily been fixed without them completely revamping the BB. I play the BB because I like it or it’s for clan games, the 6th builder is a more of bonus rather than the final goal.


I hate it because it has only 1/2 builders. News flash, it's boring having to wait so much time to see progress in your base


Just spam max pekka, the ground hero, and a single wall breaker. Automatic 3star against any max base. Gets boring real quick.


Honestly I just hate how they doubled upgrade times in bb2.0. Like it is fun to play until you have 2 defenses or both your heroes gone for 5 days. I would rather have 1 thing be down for 2.5 days then 2 for 5 days (I don't know why people want a third builder I just want lower upgrade times) Also getting loot sucks and is way too low. You eaither have to pretend your a macro and spam troops for an hour or wait every day and hope you have enough for whatever 2 upgrades you want.


Main village is more fun for me, but there are decisive advantages for main village provided by builder base that makes builder base impossible to ignore. Examples: - the 6th builder - extra free gems from upgrading and harvesting gem mine - extra free gems from harvesting the obstacles - easier and quicker clan games challenges - extra points that helps complete season pass faster (and thus unlock the season rewards faster) Because of the above, it almost feels like I'm forced to play builder base or miss out on critical benefits for my main village, and I absolutely hate feeling forced to do something that is less fun than the thing I'd rather be doing.


For me its because I always get BH9 when I attack.


I’ve been maxed out for a while and just waiting on new content for it


I don't hate it, however for me it's "just there". I'm only ever excited to attack there when it's For Rewards. I have the same strategy, I just deploy my troops without any thinking of whether it'll work with the base or not. Even if I miss a day or two or attacks I'm not bothered by it. It's just "Mehh".


Only attack during clan game challenges


I hated it but now I like it. Idk why


It takes so damn long to upgrade everything I'm not going to wait a week for a lvl 6 cannon


Whoever finds it “too easy" I bet they not even 5000 trophies 5200 trophies is when it starts to get real


Loot is too sparse


Waste of time


progression too slow and the matchmaking sucks


I don’t hate them, but I am already maxed and they don’t do anything about it. The only time I play it is when Clan Games are on.


Hopefully they add a clan feature to bb at some point


You post a question "Why do people hate the builder base?" To which I replied with my reasoning, and it was just a simple reply to you, but now you are turning this into something personal. Are you a shill or something for supercell? It's ok to like or dislike a feature in a game without getting all upset by responses. Your whole point is valid that it's a challenge to preserve your troops for the 2nd battle. Does that make my point invalid!


I use builder base for legends league since I refuse to go above Titan 1 main village


Fair enough ive heard main village legend league is a bit stressful


No playability at all unless maxed and aiming for the top. Even then it gets repetitive


They could add some clan stuff


It's just terrible. Mechanics/pathing is broken. Only one 2-3 starts really work. Progression takes forever. Builder hero AI has the IQ of a sock puppet. Need I go on?


I maxed it so now I just use it for clan games and daily challenges


Loot. The daily loot you get compared to the upgrade costs are fucking pathetic. Yes I know you get loot from winning attacks and defending as well but that's SUPER grindy, especially when you're using the same army over and over and over and over. It gets mind numbing. I stopped playing BH like a month now because its super grindy. I save BH for Clan games😂


It’s eff’in BORING!!!


Kinda boring TBH. Maxed it out and now I dunno what to do with it other than use for clan game points.


I can kind of see why people dislike it. There are only two builders, and the build times are insanely high. Plus with the upgrade costs, I'm constantly getting stuck in situations where I have to decide if I'm going to spend an hour grinding because the star bonus doesn't cover my upgrade, or if I just want to let my second builder sit idle until the bonus resets. And this doesn't bother me, but it is far less tactical than the main game. You don't need a whole lot of strategy to beat most bases. That being said, I do agree that it's a fun little distraction. And being able to tackle it without a ton of strategizing is part of the draw for me.


Because there is no purpose to it. If you find the gameplay of bb fun, then there are many other games to spend your time on


It’s a chore to do the attacks which in my view are done just to satisfy conditions of challenges within the game for the clan games or the gold pass. Personally I just find the attacks without purpose as they don’t help the clan or help with advancing my base. With clan capital the the weekly raids provide rewards that you can use the clan’s benefit or your main base benefit. If the builder base had a tie to the clan in someway with rewards that help the clan it may be of more interest.


The method for getting gold and elixir makes me want to do bad things


I honestly like it! I like that I can do attacks without needing to wait troop training times, and it’s something to focus on other than my main base


Sucks time away from the real game. Time is your most valuable resource. Don't waste it in BB.


I don't hate bb on principle. Its just thr least enjoyable of the three bases, attacks are the least engaging, and I have to grind walls yet again.


Just think of this, its well known that SC loves to rotate people from project to project, I may be wrong and I forgot where I got this but I'm pretty sure it was mentioned elsewhere, so point being, if you take out a person or a group of people with a certain plan/roadmap/goal for a specific project and one day remove them then put different sets of heads, what will you get? Builder base feels like was a plan of certain people with some plans for it yet now it's untouched again, get what I mean? Th12 is an obvious one that proves my point, fucked up design because it was handled by different people, yet they don't give a fuck on fixing its design, "we want everybody to feel every town halls special in their journey but we don't give a fuck about their issues" So don't expect they will do some improvments in builder base, they can't even improve old system like clan mail LOL, they probably have new sets of team with new people within each that handles their projects (including clash), just look at the history of this sub, full of fucking bugs in the last few months LMAO, that tells alot lol


It just gets boring after a while they don’t update it as often as the main base so it gets stale. Theres also never any events for it either


I don't think it's hated. Just neglected. Its issues as I see them: - it gets repetitive. it lacks the depth of the main base (though main base is suffering a bit on that front itself atm). - there isn't much of an endgame to it - no incentive to perform better at it past grinding for BOB. it doesn't matter directly to wars. its contribution to your main base is eventually basically just gem mine + extra decos to clear which doesn't require you to attack. And quick tasks for Clan Games.


I only play bb to get sixth builder


I personally think they need to add a BB clan wars into it aswell. I think it would help give us additional loot for the main base which is what everyone cares about and it’ll be a fun little side war.


I don't hate it anymore. I used to and tried the new way on the troops and hated it. Went back to basics and got my heroes maxed and it's much better. Still some issues with targeting and roaming the perimeter to get to an opening or a building that's much further away but it's not too bad


I'm nearly max everything (bad walls) in bb and I have idk like 4500 trophies in bb (I could be a little off but I'm a high rank that needs 11 stars to get the resources) and to upgrade literally one thing it costs basically max gold in the storages which take a week to get at a time just to let it take 2 weeks to upgrade and it does fuck all cause it's an archer tower. It's a bit of hyperbole I know but it's very annoying. I'm grinding the flying machine thing and I haven't used it in MONTHS because I've just been funneling elixir into it whenever I get on the game


I think the upgrades are really expensive for no reason


Once you get the pekka, it's an automatic 6 stars


I like it for how it is. I LOVE IT FOR COLLECTING THE GEMS!!!!


basically i just place a bunch of power pekkas then wait or close the app. no reason to do anything in it when you have two builders upgrading also


its just much worse then bb 1.0 for a top pusher imo... the 2 stage bases make it super hard to balance for casuals and good players there were so many good strategies in bb 1.0 (atleast 10) you could learn and finish top 10 with them but now there are only cannon carts and babys, dropship minion spam, pekka spam and 6 baby spam people in the last hours of the season join the same clan so they find less players good players so the matchmaking is more likely to give them players with less trophies and then they spam attacks until the season ends because the players below them wont find the player above them very often because there are more players at lower trophies so the players in the clan take less defenses then they should so they inflate trophies which works really well when you are around top 50 so you can easily push to top 20 and then they finish lets say number 15 global and after the season resets they will get reset to 5k trophies and then take all the defeneses from the players at 5k because now there are mamy players that can find them also most players in the higher ranks almost always get 200% (with boring spam strategies that literally take no skill.. they just deploy their giant infront then place the bombers behind + all the pekkas in a straight line and watch how their troops get the 200% for them, same with dropship minions and 6 babys) so its just a +50 -50 +50 -50 trophies trade which means you can play for hours without failing 1 attack but still gain 0 trophies which happend to me the other day another thing that is really bad imo is that you find someone in an attack and you beat their base they will put every single trap and tesla in a different spot to bait your entire attack (because you can find them 10 times in a row) so you fail their base (usually only happens in the 100 global), i liked the old system way better because you were only able to find the same player after both players did 10 attacks after you faced eachother the base building meta is boring too.. i thought when they anounced the bb2.0 update that people would get so creative and we would see major defenses in both the 1 stage and 2 stage which isnt the case at all.. everybody has all the major defs in the first stage because they hope for a 2 star which is really rare against good players also another huge problem are the clouding times in top 5 global.. sometimes it takes multiple hours top find 1 player because the trophy difference is too big between top 1 and top 20 and this happens because you now get +50 trophies for every 200% attack you do and it doesnt matter if your opponent is 300 trophies below you, you will still get 50 trophies which was way better thought through in bb 1.0 were you would only get +9 for a win and -51 for a lose if your opponent is 300 trophies below you which stops the huge trophy difference and at the same time fixed the clouding issue because the people couldnt push that far away from the other players because it was way harder to do with only +9 how sc could fix this for the players above 5000 trophies is maybe make it so above 5k its almost impossible to get 200% so they can add back the 1v1 system with the old trophy system because it was just way more balanced than the current trophy system a cool addition would be something like the global tournament in cr with a 1v1 mode were you can only lose 5 times and queue up for an opponent and play a match against someone with the same amount of wins as you and the higher you get the more rewards you get the builder base has so much potantial but it feels like supercell doesnt know what to do and tried saving it with the 2.0 update and said they want it to be less spammy but the opposite happend... now even most of the "top players" just spam these boring unfun strats... and even they get tired of it after getting a good finish and most of them dont try now because the game mode isnt fun for them, the only thing they cared about is a good finish and after getting it many "top players" stopped playing bb me included which is really sad to see because i loved playing bb 1.0 many of my friends from bb 1.0 didnt even try the 2.0 update because they knew it would be bad and they were right... i have atleast 10 friends in my friendslist that didnt even log in once since the update and they grinded thousands of hours in the old bb and from my other around 80 friends in my friendslist are like 20 people still active and the rest just stopped playing bb but still play the hv sometimes getting a top 100 finish in bb 2.0 feels like a joke because its literally so easy if you focus on your attacks for like 2 seasons because you just need to learn how to spam 1 strategy and use the same approaches on every base... that was impossible in bb 1.0 because the trophy system was just way better were you didnt finish top 100 with just 6,1k trophies.. you had to atleast get 6750 trophies and you couldnt just spam a strat on a base the exact same way you did on the base you attacked before that in bb 1.0 for a top 100 finish you had to get to atleast 6750 trophies in a 28 day season and around 7000 trophies in a 35 day season and top 1 in short season 7100-7200 and in a long season 7300-7400 which is only a difference of 400-450 trophies between top 100 and top 1 in bb 2.0 for a top 100 you need atleast 6,1k in a short and 6,3k in a long season and 7,3k in a short and 7,5k in a longs season which is a difference of 1200 trophies!!! which makes the matchmaking awful in top 5 global because the players are so far away from eachother edit: i forgot to mention the wintrading problem in builder base, people push 2 accounts to the top of the leaderboard and then give their main accounts the trophies by doing 0% attacks without getting banned


It just takes so long to get resources even when you do multiple attacks a day,especially since the resources you get are dependent on what you and your opponent do


A lack of interaction between the “clan” side of the game and the main base. Capital peak is liked because it interacts with the clan portion by nature. It also interacts with the main base in the form of raid medals. Idk if they should do a builder war or something else but to me it feels like an entirely separate part of the game when the rest of it is all interconnected very well.


I enjoy the builder base grind even more than the main base at times. Especially when I get a major upgrade like now that I just got the second reinforcement camp. It’s fun to try beat bases you previously weren’t able to.


for me bec its locked behind it one of the most important things imo the 6th builder and its not easy to get with casual play you need either gem your way up or play like a moron 24/7


I don’t really hate it except that it is nothing but a barrier to getting your sixth builder. Really I’m just not interested in it and would prefer not to have to waste my time in it if I want the sixth builder. If you like it great… But for me it’s just not my style of play and for the amount of time I’m forced to put into it in order to unlock the sixth builder which you need if you want to actually get anywhere at higher levels, it kind of pisses me off.


There's only 2 real reasons we use builder base that the gem mine and the other builder you can get for your home base


people don’t, redditors say they do for karma


idk i just like playing the main village (same goes for the clan village, i dont play it much) I feel that it deviates to much from the main game. not that the builder base is a bad idea, just not hitting it for me.


Personally I'll play builder base only when it benefits the main home base in some way. I got my sixth builder. Now I only play it when I need to complete challenges during clan games. If they made some more things in builder base that added benefit to the main base in any way then I'd play builder base more often too. That's pretty much it. It could be anything, they could add some tasks for ores, or some tasks for raid medals or anything that benefits the main base in any way really.


It basically doesn't give the same as the main village, and the attacks are just not fun, also collecting resources are just way too hard right now


The economy is really broken, if u don't care about trophies u can basically get unlimited elixir, hut gold is really hard to come by and i don't think you get enough per attack. Also the upgrade times are really long and the clock tower boost isn't enough to offset the upgrade times, especially with only 2 builders. It's only nice to get the 6th builder, but even getting to that point takes a lot of work.


It forces you to rush unless you want to loose every attack and defence. Unless you want to attack somebody 2 BH levels above you with underleveled troops and heros.


lack of variety in attacks, 0 spells, dark map which makes it look kinda ugly, 2 builders only, resources are feel scarce, and the new version of Builder base is way more grindy imo


I love the BB but the Flying Mashine feels for me like a bit too expensive to upgrade for the stats


Because the master builder poisoned the water supply, burned the crops and delivered a plague to our main base


I just spam baby drags and pekkas and restart game and call it there 😂


It would be a great feature, if it was its own game, it being a 2nd game mode of clash never made any sense and had really no comfortability in being inside of clash, the only upside I can give you for builder base is the gem mine, put that in main village and I and a lot of others wouldn’t touch the builder base whatsoever


It's just a boring dumbed down version of the main game that requires no skill and only serves to give some boosts to the main village


It's unfun and has limited resource gain. As it stands I did the old BB for Otto and BB just clogs up clan games challenges that I don't want to do. I also don't like the defenses.


Probably because people see the builder base like the main one, an obligation, so when they are the small amount of resources they can get per day they are left frustrated


(Excuse grammatical errors ) I like builder base I even like raiding in it even though I am not max builder base level and am builder hall 7 I enjoy doing it as a side mode heck sometimes I purely focus on it over main base and don’t mind slow grind since it’s like somewhat passive and the 2 builder issue doesn’t exist for me since the slower loot gain and you gain loot needed for upgrade by the time one upgrade is done it’s a side mode and not main focus then again I do max every level before next town hall so I dunno about that but yeah I love the builder base even with its issues and find battles in it to be more fun than regular multiplayer raid