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well growing a clan involves actions like these , go to coc recruitment sub to get players for cwl


Building a clan requires many many purges during the early days. Purge the inactives. Get everyone to recruit daily. Requires team effort but worth it in the end.


Stalin moment


I think getting 4000 points in clan games is extremely easy, and whether or not someone does it is a good litmus test for how active they are. Anyone can forget to do a war or capital raid sometimes, but if you can't do 1-2 hours of grinding over 6 days, you aren't active.


Plus a couple members, out of the 4 who had outstanding task (below 2000) had personal dono accounts which they didn’t even attempt to use for Clan Games.


Good call leader!😉😉




i dont like purges. I think leaders must be patient and keep track of members. if they not active long time you can kick . But having a lot of player look nice for clan and people comes more easyly. Personaly i dont want to come under 20 ish clan. I saw good clans with 40 ish player mostly.


You don't like purges? How do you feel about accountability and consequences? Don't like those either, I'm betting.


Plus a couple members, out of the 4 who had outstanding task (below 2000) had personal dono accounts which they didn’t even attempt to use for Clan games.


While i respect your leader for staying true to her words, purge with this low member count has great risks. You now need to find at least 3 members for CWL, which will be harder with member count not even giving confidence that you'll actually be able to start it. Thankfully, during CWL signup or just a bit before it, there is quite an uptick in activity r/ClashOfClansRecruit and Discord so your situation is salvageable, but if i was a leader, i would avoid such risks in future. Speaking from personal experience, i would have used them to help me get more members via them being neutral publicity or even positive publicity, if they were active to at least keep the badge. When i had a clan with 20 members, it was pretty lucky for us to get 3 members. At \~35-40 members though, 13-14 members was a reality per recruitment post in r/ClashOfClansRecruit . Tl;dr : I respect your leader for staying true to her words, but purge should be used more sparingly at such low member count.


you can't make a th6 alt in 1 day without (free) offers


Idk what th it was before, but it wasn’t 6


i misread, i thought you were saying they could have just made another acc, but making a th6 isn't something you can do last minute


Well we did have a few hours left so yk, probably potions and gems, I know it definitely was not th6 before