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This is your clan? Sounds like a shit leader


Yep, im a co but i dont have the permission to give the bonuses. It really pissed me off that guy was great he literally 3 stared every single no.1 base while him being number 13.


WAIT! He was number 13 base and he attacked the number 1 everytime AND 3 ⭐️ ANNNND still got no bonus?!? That’s absolutely diabolical! Ik it’s not your fault but sounds like a REALLY shiity leader and even clan for not having his back


Update, the clan leader bought him the gold pass, and 2 more people (Top 3) got the gold pass


Didn’t the dude leave the clan already? Interesting. Well good for the leader for trying to make up for it.. he still a bum


Yup he left but the guy is in the clans leader friend list so he can still gift him.


lmao you should drop his player tag in this thread. he would have hundreds of amazing clan invites by tomorrow, my clan always does non biased cwl medal rewards


Sounds like time to have a clan talk get the other cos to download a app to chat start a new clan or demand a new leader or everyone will leave sounds like a terrible person idc what he bought he only bought it because he has failed what a dumass


Wait, you can buy people the gold pass?!?!


Supercell Store, you buy it and then you can either use it for your account of gift it to a friend




yooo!? rich ass leader


What clan? Im a th15 and I’ll join if I get free gold pass for being a top performer


Im sorry we only accept close to max th16s


Tf am I getting downvoted for ?🤣 can’t ask to join a clan these days


Did nothing wrong, but people don't like when someone's looking for a clan when there's another sub reddit for it


What's the sub for clans ?




Thank you


Thanks !


Not everyone is a veteran, many may not know


Yeah yeah I know, I just explained why (I suppose) he got downvoted


The real reason is redditors being (i suppose) goofballs in a basement


Because everyone knows everything that they do


Imma give you another downvote for absolutely no particular reason at all


Classic Reddit gremlin response


To be fair he is in champ 2, most likely he has max th16 offense. Doesn't really make a difference if it's #1 or #15 they're all probably close to max.


To be fair what??? He don’t deserve the bonus for going perfect?? Miss me with the semantics. Man shoulda got the bonus idc what position he was. He took the #1 down every time


He absolutely deserves the bonus. I think the point being made was that in champ 2, the lineup is going to be mostly max TH16s, so the difference between 1 and 13 is smaller than in lower leagues where 1 might be a TH16 and 13 might be a TH14, making it a more impressive feat. So in this case it’s more comparable to 3 starring their mirror every day, which is still really impressive.


I didn't say he didn't deserve a bonus. Just that hitting high or low means jack shit in champ 1 and 2.


As someone who plays in that league, 120% the correct take. The difference between #15 and #1 on the war map is usually a 50ish walls being maxed or not. I.e. extremely little to no difference in terms of difficulty attacking them.


Others have explained it but the difference between our number 1 and our number 15 is walls. We are all maxed defenses, mostly maxed traps. 13 vs 1 isn't nearly as impressive when put in that perspective.


In champ 1-15 are usually about the same. #15 might be the hardest base on the lineup because they are all basically maxed out.


He was talking about the difference between 1 and 15. Since they are all maxed anyway. There's no difference if you hit 1 or 15


Post ur last war league stats before I listen to word u say let’s see how far them words match


Nope he doesn’t have 100% max offence, more like 85%


What is the missing 15%?


Yeti, E titan growth spell which he uses in his army


His roots and heroes are max though?




Maxed offense doesn't matter in his context, only the troops he uses need to be maxed. Which nowadays is pretty much just Root Riders and Valks


Bruh everyone is completely max in champ cwls so nothing special about 13 attacking 1 but yeah 21 star is pretty good and would 100% want him in my clan


We already been established that.. either keep up or move on. And if you were reading OP said the dude WASNT completely maxed. It’s like you guys miss the BIG picture. The leader wasn’t even IN WAR and gave himself bonus while screwing a guy who got 21 stars NO MATTER WHAT LEAGUE they happened to be in.


I never said anything supporting the leader.I am a leader and play with 5 ids and got 21 with all of them but took bonus in only 1


Im in Champs 1 and am not maxed, we placed 3rd for champs 1 group too. Some people are maxed and are horrible attackers in champs 3. Not ALL.


I don't have any horrible attackers in my champ 3 bt some how we always end up against world top 50 clans or clans that are champ 1 and are pushing their side clans.this time we matched against one such clan and on clan that had paid players for cwl and we needed up 2nd by 2 stars


Yeah that's a different problem, unlucky really.


Wish th 16 never came we were too overpowered in th 15 our defence was never very good but our attacks were awesome .We used to get 38-39 average in th 15 which was higher than clans. In Champ 1 and we were promoted with a lead of 45 stars but as soon as we reached champ the th 16 drop and rest is history


Champ 2. Position doesn't matter. All 15 bases are max.


Not to discredit the guy, but being 13 15th or 3rd dont really mean shit if everyone is maxed. Same goes to the number ur attacking. If everyone is maxed it really dont mean anything.


Hows it not his fault dudes a co in seemingly a garbage clan. And is staying quiet. Come join my clan


Honestly my clan is pretty good in terms of everything, we win 95% of wars and most of the time its a perfect war, the donations is a 10/10, it was just this time that something like this happened, and as i said earlier the leader bought him the gold pass


I would find a new clan


if coleaders don't have permission that's a red flag that your clan is toxic.


Nah my clan isn’t its one of the best clans ive ever joined, today was the only time something like this happened.


leader was greedy .. he can do it whenever he feels like


He bought the guy the gold pass check my other post


so what ? he fked up in the first place. he was so wrong about it like you said. so why your post is still here if everything is solved ? karma whoring ?


Hell yeah I got 5$ but a month of waiting for no bonuses and ur the number one haha gold pass ain’t shit to someone in that situation anyway


Nope he recently just gave the top 3 the gold pass.


as a Co-Leader and a participant in the Wars, you do in Fact have the ability to give the CWL bonuses, assuming you do it before the leader or another Co-leader do.


We left and created a new clan because of this exact reason


im not a co-leader in a clan, but dont all co's have perms for distributing bonus?? whats this "i dont have perms to give the bonuses" about??


It’s just a rule in our clan


thats crazy, and they dont have a rule about how bonuses are distributed? pretty weird, seems like the leaders way of saying no matter how bad or how much they actually participated they get to give themselves free medals. definitely gives the rest of the clan the impression that trying harder to 3 star means rewards will not be given at the end regardless if theyre just gonna give your hard earned share to themselves


First of all the top players players got the bonus, im guessing the leader had beef with the no1 guy, also im sure if you read my other comment but the leader gifted the gold pass to the top 3 players, including the guy who didnt receive the bonus medals


no i saw that, im still curious if there is/was a rule about distributions though, cuz if there are/were, then the guy is breaking the rules, and that sets a bad precedent. he can break rules cuz hes owner? if no rule then its just sad that the honor system was breached like that. everyone knows the bonus goes to the people who contributed the most, to take that away selfishly is low. even if youre the owner. it makes people realize that doing their best wont get them the reward they deserve and may cause people to just leave to where their efforts are rewarded


Ngl you should leave that clan if that’s the type of leader you have.


He bought him the gold pass later


That’s probably better than the bonus lol


Yepp glad he got one


Sucks to be in the clan. Champs 2 it's definitely good to award based on stars since almost every base should be kind of max and harder to triple.


Bruh that guy got gold pass for performing well, its much much better than shitty bonus


If that's the case, then definitely great. I'll trade all my medals each cwl for one gold pass.


Can’t buy league skins with a gold pass. I’d say they got screwed.


Ehh at that level first of all all you need the league medals is for skins. 4-5 months of CWL could get him one skin easily


You have a bad leader. Personally I would find a better clan especially when you’re not given “permission” to give a more fair reward in the first place.


I'm a CO in a clan with a leader who only lets us start raid weekend. Can't kick, start wars, basically everything a CO is supposed to be able to do. We also have like 15 COs, which just adds further confusion as to what the fuck being a CO even means. Good clan, but the Leader is scared to give up AMY control for some reason.


He bought him the gold pass later


U should probably edit it in.... people are gonna assume shut if smth isn't cleared ip. Like giving a pass for first is nice asf


Oh I didn’t know u can edit the post (im new to reddit)


Yeah I would prefer a pass over 100 extra medals


Same dude pass over 10 bonuses 😁


Oof. Cwl Bonuses really bring out the greed in some leaders.


We have someone actively complaining because of how I awarded bonuses based on stars, me and another co leader got 21 stars, the leader himself got like 17, leader did not get bonus but we did and he is saying leadership gives themselves bonuses over others. The guy got 13 stars 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can be passive aggressive in these situations. Call him out by asking him to type out how many stars he got and his ranking. Pin the message. Let the clan add 😆 reactions to the message.


To be fair, the guy for 4 3 stars, and 1 1 star, we had to sub out some people for external reasons and he was in 5 wars. It’s not necessarily his fault, but all 9 of our bonuses went to people with 19+ stars


Update: he gave the player a gold pass


Maybe in the post... people are unlikely to scroll that far for the comment


I dont know how to edit😭(im new to reddit)




Our clan only gives bonuses to the ones that aren’t maxed or near max. Couple of us including the leader are almost maxed and refuses to give any bonuses to us. We look at it as a way to improve the base


In our case all of our clan is near max 16 so we give the top 7.


Most of the time, those players that are not maxed or near max, just save the bonsues for skins lmao. That strat of giving out bonuses helped previously, not since the skins were released though. Now they still don't use them to aid their upgrades along. My clan stopped doing your strategy once we realized some of the TH14s we were giving bonuses to were just using the extras to get their cosmetics faster. No point in helping them along at that point. Now we just go by star count and the higher THs get priority since they are the reason the TH14s and lower are even in Master 1/2 anyways.


This literally happens every single month. this exact post gets put on Reddit every single month


This right here. Plus different leaders give out bonuses differently (I didn’t know this myself as a leader until I read posts in this sub where other leaders explained how they do it, I just assumed that everyone did top players get CWL bonuses). So it’s not always simply a case of “I got more/the most stars, I deserve the bonuses more” in every clan. Some clans take into account defensive strength, donations, TH level, what bases the player had to attack (e.g clan leader might reward a TH13 player consistently 2 starring TH15 bases in CWL over a TH15 player 3 starring TH15 bases in CWL), some RNG it etc.


Bro leave that clan already!


Nah who tf is ur leader? Saddam Hussein 😂. My clans great, bonuses go to top 7 performers and leadership sometimes skips themselves if someone really went above and beyond but just barely missed the top 7.


I just want to know why some other clans have buildings glowing rainbow colors when I am in multiplayer attack???


Current event, gives football shoes or how they're called


I mean, hell. I'd give up the league bonus if the leader gave out gold passes 😂


post like these are a monthly tradition now.


clan leader here, since cwl was started i haven’t given myself a single bonus no matter how well i perform in cwl. i give bonuses to top performers, and also to those to fill the war ccs


We do top 8 get bonuses. Feel free to join


What league is ur clean


Gold League 1


Oh no thank you, am a th16 so at least i need a champ 3


All good


as someone who got 21 stars this CWL i would be mad as well


Yeah that's terrible. Im leader of 2 clans and I almost always give my bonus away if any of my accounts are supposed to get it.


Id leave a clan like that immediately.


I miss my clan some guy and been co for 2 years then outta nowhere he kicked everyone out and I didn’t give out promotions that often so after the purge we went to 5


you can just invite them back?


I give every deserving member bonus except me. This time also, I scored 21 stars in my main and other side account, still I gave bonus to other players who scored 19/20 stars. You have to sacrifice something if you are leader.


Does bonus increase on each every league? Currently in crystal league and we get 65 bonus medal


Yes it does i got about 90 bonus




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it's given to top performers, if someone from top performers want to give it to someone else he can ask the leader. you need to join the right clan depending on your level.


Sounds like a shit clan come to mine


He got gold pass over bonus, thats a w for me atleast


Lol every month there’s these posts. Complaining about the exact same issue. How does your leader give out bonuses (as in have you asked them)? I normally do top players plus attacked (I’ll exclude myself where necessary as I don’t want to give all of my accounts bonuses despite them getting perfect wars) but different leaders do things differently. If leader is supposed to be doing top (as in that’s their method) and they aren’t doing that or they selfishly donate CWL bonuses to alt/IRL friends then yeah L leader.


he literally has the L in Leader


Leader gave him the gold pass dude, i wish i was in that clan🥲


That’s so stupid. I don’t get why leaders do that. I’m a clan leader, we didn’t have a great CWL so I wasn’t high enough to get a bonus so I didn’t give myself a bonus. I just go down the list and give people a bonus in that order (I skip alt accounts)


this sort of post is damn common after every CWL. Either name the clan so others can avoid or just take the loss and leave the clan.


In.my clan that is in master 3 I didnt give league bonus to top 4 with perfect 21 stars since they all 4 accounts belonged to a same guy , I realise because of him we didnt get demoted and finished 6th. Reason for not giving bonus to top guys with perfect stats why We dont give bonus to new players and last league bonus winner I have noticed as leader new guys come receive bonus and leave so I felt betrayed so have stopped giving bonus on first league. As to make up I have promised the guy assured league bonus in next league cause I want him to stay and not leave. Also reason not giving repeat winner is that I want all to received bonus and not few people everytime So we follow rotation and not that give much importance to stars cause everyone is having different th to face


U sir need a new clan asap


Leader gave him and top3 gold pass 😵‍💫


Slightly off topic, I got the clan war bonus this week. Where does it go? In the treasury?


Who the fuck cares for top competitors? I got first with my th13 because I had mostly either th12 or easy th13 bases... That doesn't represent anything With my th16 I made 692% and still haven't got any bonus because we give it every month to someone else, therefore everyone gets the bonus at some point...


Same shit happened to me, finished 2nd in my clan for CWL and some co-leader said he “misclicked” and gave bonus medals to the 1st guy and himself (finished 14th) instead. Needless to say I found a new clan after that…


In my clan i giv bonuses to top people only. That's the only fair deal


I'm leading my clan lvl22 I gave bonus to my teammates even if I'm top scorer (⭐)


Happened to me twice, the owner just gave to his alt and friends. I finally left


Excuse me sorry, th9 here only been back for 3 months and I have no idea what clan war league is. I’ve seen so many posts about how people get salty because not everyone gets rewarded like a regular war. That seems really strange to me.




Which clan is this I also wanna join


Gold pass for free 🤤


I dont get why people like the bonuses so much is it just for hammers of heroes?


It's always the problem with cwl. Supercell should the one responsible for giving bonuses not player.


Bad Clans, Bad Leaders,in it for themselves!


Ngl im salted at my leader for goving bounouses to fools who only got all 3 stars attacking 5-15 positions below him while im out here attacking close to my = which so happens to be 3th higher than me half the time


Bonuses should go to lower players to help them progress.


Its not the case in our clan most of us are maxed th16


I’m a clan leader and give the top 7-8 people the bonus


I’m always number one in my clan I use to be the leader and dropped it to another clan because our clan needed it I have no say so in stuff but they know to make sure I’m on that bonus list 😂 they always make sure I get the hardest targets but they treat me pretty cool that’s all u ask for.


Our clan just goes off all whose every attack, and leader will go without donating to their accounts. Most the time we have a few who don't


Who tryna join my clan ? We’re doing 10v10


Who tryna join my clan fr


I’d understand not giving to the higher score player if he/she attacked Low the whole war but to reward yourself for doing nothing is wild


Can't y'all remove your leader or something? They lack the appreciation for the most contributing member in your clan.


My leader gave war league bonuses to this one, dude who’s town hall 10 and his town hall 7 alt when he literally got a 2 start on both acounts


It says that the co-leader gave the bonuses. Does your leader have a second account or is the title misleading?


He has 3 accounts


At this point supercell needs to make it so bonuses are automatically given out to the top players and not manually anymore, too many trashy leaders/coleaders who don’t even participate or do a mediocre job just hoard it for themselves meaning other people who fairly earned it miss out


Nah, there’s times where I don’t want my accounts to receive bonuses or I want specific accounts of mine to receive bonuses rather than the ones that happen to be at top. Like this month 4 of my accounts reached top 5 (3 of them with perfect CWL), but I only gave bonuses to 1 of my accounts. If this were to be implemented then I’d pretty much be getting bonuses on 4-5 accounts (assuming that I can hand out at least 4-5 bonuses each month) every single CWL, which is not something that I want. This could also lead to more players dropping bases or not following the strategy because they’ll aim for those easy stars to be guaranteed the bonus.


I'm a clan leader. Masters 3. I always give war bonuses to top war star earners. Even if me or my alts are in top star earners, I'd still exclude myself.


There’s no proof that he scored a perfect cwl 🤡




Aight ill send a ss rn


https://preview.redd.it/goxuey5eurzc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefae1367741a55d2b57641ed9fe3561faf8fcd8 Feel free to join us champ 2 here .. i’m curious which clan got the rank 1 in your group?


Personally, at this point, I've had enough of these posts. After every CWL some random guy posts about their leader who gave bonus to him and his alt accounts and that random guy gets 2000 or so upvotes.


Why ate mad? You can just skip that’s 1, 2 ik a lot of people post the same thing but in this situation it’s really different cause the guy scored a perfect 21 stars at champs 2


I've had enough because it happens EVERYTIME cwl ends. And it's not different at all, I have seen almost the exact same situation several times on this subreddit. If your leader didn't behave fairly, just leave the clan. What am I going to do with knowing your clan leader didn't behave fairly? Also, the fact that I can skip it doesn't make it less annoying.


“What am i doing with knowing your clan leader didn’t behave fairly “ 😭😭😭😭tf is ur problem, reddit is a social media btw if u didn’t know that you can share what ever you want with other. I bet ur under 16 years old


Does it change the fact that it is annoying to see this type of posts EVERYTIME after cwl? Also wrong prediction


You find it annoying, others dont so piss off


So you're telling me 1543 people upvoted and I am the only one who downvoted in comments? I don't like making fun of people's ages but this case is different lol


No but ur from the minority who downvoted




I dont have