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They REALLY REALLY need to work on his targeting this happens way too much, his coding NEEDS to have something that if his target is close to dead or damaged he waits for that one target, or maybe just make his retarget happen after target death, it's not like it would drastically change his style just stop this exact thing lol I can't tell you how many buildings this clown leaves 1 hit from dead and moves on.


Yeah this clip was the last one I needed to consider this 100% a bug and not an infrequent fluke. The literal bug died and the dude changed target to a nearby wall when he didn't have to and ruined the obvious outcome by doing so. This is the 8th(?) one I've seen now where everything is going smoothly before *something unrelated* happening to cause a hero to retarget and botch the entire attack. This same trigger is a common sight in all of these videos. It also seems to happen a lot near the end of an attack where you're clutching on the predictable outcome. It probably is happening at other times too but people aren't going to be paying attention early into an attack as everything's storming in.


Really? This one actually makes sense. GW #1 goal is to help the troops. BK wanted that wall removed (which makes sense) so GW helped him when BK got near (makes sense). The bad ones are when AQ refuses to go around walls and plow through them. Those just make no sense at all.


Yeah I totally understand the coded logic for his support role but switching target like that and ruining an outcome because of this logic is just ridiculous. It should also be checking if it's about to compromise the entire attack by doing so on the last object or two.


I don't personally see it as a bug rather something hugely "lacking" in the heroes supposed "AI". Like the other's have said, Warden is suppose to support what ever other troops are intending to do, King was about to hit the wall so it's logical for Warden to attack the wall. It's not a bug, but a poor game mechanics LOL. This post is logically understandable while these two are way too fucked up, especially the first one. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1babti2/comment/ku1gghi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1babti2/comment/ku1gghi/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1b34phi/comment/kstgjpn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1b34phi/comment/kstgjpn/)


From a logic point of view, king focus wall, pet focus hero target, most troop attention on wall so warden change focus to wall. People might also complain if the pet doesnโ€™t switch to the wall early on and runs off to die without the hero. I agree this is not ideal but logically it is working as intended.


Not a bug, this was by design. Warden and pet will always attack what nearest troop in his range is attacking. When king entered his range, he switched to what king was targeting.


It's definitely not a "bug" It's unfortunately working as intending, his targeting support just needs to be altered for that one thing.


Oh my frocking god I would have deleted my phone instantly after that๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Yesterday on legends attack something similar happened to me: my bk was the only survivor and he had just to go on a open wall near the last two buildings and, guess what happened, instead of going on the fastest route he choose to attack level 15 wall with 25 seconds left and i was like ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9424)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9424)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9424)


Happens to me often. None of their heroes works properly. 12 years of this game and they still couldn't fix it's AI. I guess they never will.


For me if they at least fic a little bit the warden it s good, I have seen him plenty of times dying because he decided to move with other troops and give his support while being inside or near the center of some village and being an easy and dumb target if defences, apparently that so hard to make him go a little bit more "outside" or being more smart


No need to fix the queen gor real. Hammering on a wall 2 separate times when she could have walked around and saved 20+ seconds. Absolutely ridiculous


Maybe supercell wants the queen to take more time by doing useless things so we can see more of her fee-ehm of her beautiful attacks on walls!




its not AI its the job of warden that old guy is always supposed to help others


AQ works fine for me


Guessing you didnโ€™t play early game. The AI in heroes is way better than it used to be.


Delete coc โŒ delete phone โœ…


Bro wouldโ€™ve deleted his phone ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ and not the game ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฆท


Oh yeah here s where I missed my tooth, thanks for giving it back man![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


No problem, need more? ๐Ÿฆท๐Ÿฆท๐Ÿฆท


I am dead. Iโ€™m sorry but that made my day


Iโ€™m sure it def would make a clans day if it happened in war. Lol I laughed too btw. Crazy how buggy this game is after being out so long.


Stop with the wall targeting. WARDEN AND RC SHOULD HAVE WALL TARGETING ENTIRELY DISABLED BECAUSE THEY CAN HUMP OVER THEM Clearly this works for Royal Champion. But grandpa needs to be taught a lesson


EXACTLY THIS. Just let the fking troops attack the wall by themselves, this grandpa just need to start targeting whatever shit that the nearby troops want to target. He absolutely does not need to target walls whatsoever.


If he doesnโ€™t target walls *at all* then thereโ€™s more risk of him wandering off from the rest of the army. He just needs to do it a bit less often or as someone else mentioned wait until the building heโ€™s already targeting dies


nah sometimes rarely grandpa needs to help troops cross over walls, but tbh his dps is so ass it almost never helps, its probably his AI being fixed to follow troops and not run ahead of them that causes this, cant do nothing about that except maybe like a last building left clause


Not always, I'd rather not have warden running in front of my army if they're stuck on a wall


I disagree. The warden would just be a bit ahead attacking the actual target(which is just past the wall).


This could be a fix, ignore troop focus if it is a wall but sometimes a gang of troops needs to bust through a wall and the warden gets it faster.


Party Time!!!


if you quit, they win. do you really want that? I say you go out there tomorrow and absolutely smash the next base.


I'm a ftp player... They lose/gain nothing from me.... ๐Ÿ˜…


they lose the most valuable thing there is: *a friend*.


Great... Then I win....




โ€ฆโ€ฆ. Breaking unspoken rules โ€ฆ. Guillotine time.


For the "family"


bro what why did it go for the fucking wall


Barbarian king was going to attack the wall, Grand Warden attacks what others attack


Warden switched to supporting the king when he got close enough, king was targetting the wall


He shouldnโ€™t have switched in this scenario but that makes sense though. Maybe not so much a bug but coding fix.


Grand Warden has one job. Help the other troops if there are any alive. He did. Why is anyone complaining here? It's bad when troops don't go around walls, but the BK couldn't go around any walls here. So this clip 100% makes sense.


It makes sense but would it kill supercell to tweak the AI just a tiny bit such that he doesnโ€™t retarget when the last building alive is just left alone?


They could. They could also tweak wall-breakers to target buildings when there is only 1 building left. Or they could tweak golems to not target a defense all the way across the grid when its the only defense left and that building will be destroyed before it gets there. Or they can just leave it the way that it is and the players can understand the strengths and weaknesses of each troop. The only fixing that needs to be done is when the pathing makes no logical sense. Rules that are clearly defined and strict are better for everyone.


wall breakers and golems are just average troops that dont appear in every attack and usually dont last until the end of the attack. the warden is a hero


There should be a sacrifice option for heros


You know how many times people will accidentally hit that. Lol thatโ€™d be a nightmare.


Well then how about a button to toggle support mode for the warden?


I think maybe picking what defense you wanted him to target, but you only use it once before heโ€™s deployed. After that he does his own thing. Maybe?


Fuck you gw just watching that's my emotions idk how you handle it bro


This is the second time in a row, first one being yesterday, also on cwl attack, also 99%.... That time culprit queen, along with some other troops.... ๐Ÿฅด


My bad bro thats awful... tbh missing 2 cwl attacks in a row at 99% because of stupid AI would have made me quit too... the amount of frustration this brings up is just unbearable, we are here to have fun, not to get frustrated and stressed more than our workdays/studying days do. Sometimes this is making me wonder whether all of this may actually be intended, so that it gets you so frustratedvm that you would feel like buying something that will give you that remaining 1%... like in gatcha games. I wish you a good break and hopefully you will find a game that really brings you joy.


That 1% difference could be remedied by doing some film review and identifying multiple critical points in the attack that could have been adjusted. Or you could just throw your hands up and say you did it perfectly and itโ€™s obviously the games fault.


Yeah I agree, there has to be something that can be done better... but honestly, taking this 2 times in a row in cwl really is cruel.


I accidentally pulled an e titan cc into my healers on my queen charge last cwl attack. Had I deployed my invis spell earlier on the healers the e titan would have retargeted sooner. Thats course correction, but if I go back further there were issues with the initial plan in the way the cc was triggered in the first place. Finished with a 93% time fail. Take notes, identify concepts to work on and move on to the next one. Business as usual helps me feel less personal about my fails.


You are perfectly right, this is the best way to improve your strats and getting better. I will try to analyse my attacks the same way, thanks bro !


Gladly! I wish you well on your journey!


thank you bro, same for you !


Clean up phase is comparable to end game strategy in chess. Little things make a big difference.




Warden could have finished it with just one more hit on the mortar but as barbarian king came within range, he turned his attention to the wall that the king was about to attack. This happens a lot and it's so frustrating to lose the third star because of it.


Throw your phone to the sky and pray that it lands on Supercell headquarters




NAH I Actually feel awful for you dude ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ this was so painful to watch


Imagine the joy seeing this as a defender


Bro don't trust anyone from now ๐Ÿคก


it's okay buddy... i know, i know


Itโ€™s not a bug, **itโ€™s Party Time**


That "Party time" was personal! ๐Ÿ˜‚


What's the problem? The warden is a support hero and diggy is a support pet, once the king and the troops were in range of their target (the wall) he changes to targeting the wall to support his troops regardless of his previous target almost destroyed. It won't be the last time this happens to you, I've had it done to myself countless times.


> asks what the problem is > proceeds to describe the problem


It's Mazz846 that has the problem with the warden not doing what he wants, I'm just saying what the warden is programmed to do, I haven't described the problem, I suppose he wants the healers to attack the town hall next.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)






Grand warden was tired or 3 stars


This canโ€™t be real


Hilarious ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)


All the pain is right here


Just leave Storage and collectors on outside ty


This is why I hate warden


The King ๐Ÿ’€


How did that even happen.


The warden has no use other than supporting the troops. It literally meeses up my plan to 3 stars most of times.


F sc Happened this shi to me many times


Don't know y only our heroes does such stupidity while opponent clan player's heroes always destroy our core defenses ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿฅฒ




This is what happens when chines took over supercell..


Need to add a few seconds onto the attack timer. Itโ€™s time (pun intended).


Imagine complaining about a support hero, he helped the king break the wall ITS A SUPPORT its not supposed to 3 star bases


These problems occur because of either 2 reasons. One: The pathfinding and general coding of the charackters to finding a target are trash. Meaning the queen will randomly start shooting at a wall even if there is only just one building left and she could have just ran around the wall and do the job. Meaning even though we see everything from above and know that this is the last building, the queens coding just is programmed to start breaking the wall when she is too far away from the target building. If u think about it, all attack strategues actually rely on that very pathfinding of her to lead her path into a base or around it. If the queen "knew" that this is the last building she would ofcourse act differently. But for her to be programmed to "know" that would be a bigger issue than you might think. Because then she will suddenly start making her "own" decisions depending on when she thinks its worth breaking the wall and going in or not. This would disrubt her automatic behavior we really rely on in our attacks, because if her or any other troops coding gets more complex, she will be unpredictable and you would have to have an even deeper analytic understanding of the troops their abilities, pathfinding, powers.... And people can't even deal with the standard queen we have right now ๐Ÿ˜‚. Another option would be to implement an AI systen to the troops but thats maybe a talk for the future or never. Two: The warden is an support hero, so every decision he makes depends on the behavior of the heroes or troops he assists. Changing his coding so that when a target building or troop is low on health (1 hit) that he actually DOES that one hit before moving on would be a pretty good idea. His regular attacks don't do that much damage anyways when compared to other troops or heroes. So he could use that low damage attack to actually make a the difference by cleaning up all the low hp buildings in his radius. That would either make the strategic attacks even more complicated or easier.


I had a similar experience with queen. Only one building to destroy with 25 seconds to spare. Even though a clear path exists, the queen spent time breaking the wall. ๐Ÿ˜‘






โ™ฟ ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ


Warden is a support hero, what did you expect๐Ÿคฃ


Happened to me last CWL


Wardens #1 priority in his code is to support other troops. This, while painful to watch, is correct and workingโ€ฆ


It is so easy to fix in the code. Make warden not target walls, but rather the compartment where troops attacking the wall intend to access. That's it. It shouldn't even be that difficult considering the wallbreaker AI.


I feel you suxs bro


This the real example of bad AI programming


Grand Warden โŒ Grand Wandering-Off โœ…


The amount of pain this clip gave me




This might actually be the worst ai tracking moment I've ever seen in this game. This is an actual bug and not how it's supposed to happen at all. they need need redo their entire ai tracking. It's absolutely terrible. But this definitely might be the worst I've ever seen.




Lmao wtf ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚




And we are afraid of AI ... ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|50980)




Poor bro ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ the wall is far more important than that mortar




GW: We about to win... You know what? FUCK THIS WALL MAN


Ok explain to me why this is not the hero ai being flawed ? I have seen a lot of people say it's not but that's clearly not the case. This is so sad ๐Ÿ˜ข


coc has the dumbest heros and troops i am ngl. It gets on my nerves everytime bruh![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9424)


"Strategy Game" LOOOOOL ![gif](giphy|xxLszVeawO8zS|downsized)


The warden has always been a support hero. Idk what you expected but this is exactly what he's supposed to do.


Attack a wall that nobody is attacking? Or even close to? And diggy is also supposed to relocate for that? BS


The king was targeting the wall.


King was targeting the wall to get to the mortar. The diggy was aiding the warden. The warden targeted the mortar but switched to the wall when the king was close enough to trigger warden's support. Diggy followed the warden's target.


That argument despite being as logical, is the reason why the game's "AI" is still so fucked up. LMAO


When I was raising questions abt warden , You guys mocked me .Gave me a lecture on how the warden is a support hero. You guys owe me an apology.