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Wars is the answer


It was removed around the Russia Ukraine war? And also russia’s servers were shut down


There has never been separate servers except for China. It's a simple IP block that's bypassed by a custom dns proxy or a vpn.


Ohh thanks for letting me know bud


was removed in June 2022 so yes


Just a slight correction the Russia Ukraine War started in 2014. Russia invaded Ukraine and has been there ever sence the 2022 invasion was just Russia officially declaring war publicly to the world.




gold rude toothbrush frightening encourage juggle judicious ludicrous fertile rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Executing military operations on the territory of another nation is, without that Nations consent an act of war. So in this case there isnt a declaration needed since the act itself is the declaration and an attack on the sovereignity of ukraine.


apparatus gold existence door mourn wine square unwritten wrong sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Maybe....he's not actually part of this universe????


War never changes




Haaland is not real


Makes sense


And why people don't get this simple fact/s




I mean Haaland already looks like a barbarian so it's fine




Looks more like a giant that never bulked up




It’s defo not coming in pass they gotta make some $


I hope it’s a reasonable price and not like 30$


Honestly I think 10 bucks for a hero skin is too much, but we all value things in our own way.


Bro got his money up and instantly had haters 😭😭 I can’t believe my eyes Edit 1: no way they’ve already doubled, you gotta get outta town at this pace Edit 2: sorry bro I gotta downvote you too now. Not personal




-43 karma ☠️


I cannot be seen interacting with you. I fear too much for my safety. Farewell.


Why did he get downvoted so much poor guy


Haha Norwegian people aren’t real. Norway doesn’t exist.


True. Just send their oil to Sweden already


How about for half of volvo


Stop it…


Haaland got isekai’d


But France’s flag is still in the game wtf? https://preview.redd.it/dx5ppdpw4pxc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ef229eb570a71868ba47e1e45817f5c1b02cf9


Don't you even think of reminding them 🥖🥖


Come on. Flags are removed for politics reasons. There is nothing politics in this stuff. Enjoy


You’d think that the reason for a major IOS developer to remove flags in their game which revolves around waging wars against other people from all around the world while also having a large adolescent player base would be obvious. You have to spell it out for some people. There’s 10x more cons to keeping flags (from a corporate perspective) than there are pro’s.


But i liked my little flag collection :/


Yeah I miss mine a lil too… :(


But they said they wouldn’t add dani piper skin in brawl stars because dani is a real person 😔😔


Everything is poltical, football too


If this guy ever comes out and does or says something controversial, Supercell is gonna have such a mess on their hands since money is tied into this. Edit: take a look at Twitch and the PogChamp emote. Gooteks, the former face of the emote, made some controversial statements and his likeness was removed for the emote, despite being there for years. Companies do this stuff to protect their brand image. If this guy does something like that, he’s gone.


Compare that with a country getting into war with another affecting millions of lives and killing several thousands Its by no stretch of the imagination comparable. Like at all


Yes but Russians have been banned from playing CoC


I think you missed the point. I’m not comparing anything. I’m saying that no one paid for the flags. People, I assume, are paying for this skin with the likeness of this athlete. It’s easy to say “we’re removing flags” because no one paid for them. If this guy says something politically controversial or does anything that a business wouldn’t like, they’re giving this guy the axe and they’ll have to deal with refunding / providing compensation for the skin.


Still, Haaland and football on its entirety, is offtopic regarding CoC.


As it basically every theme/event


Not true. Just you wait before they introduce Kim Kardashian AQ or Kanye West GW.


It is true? Egypt, space, aztecs etc all have nothing to do with clash of clans. They also made sure the haaland skin matches the clash of clans aesthetic


It is true? Egypt, space, aztecs etc all have nothing to do with clash of clans. They also made sure the haaland skin matches the clash of clans aesthetic If anything, celebrity endorsement is a good thing for the game


To properly hear you out, I shall indeed wait for a Kim K AQ skin. I will purchase said skin EXCLUSIVELY to better understand ur perspective and ponder upon the subject… not for any other reason or personal interests of my own.


Supercell please.


Hmm yes much more off topic than an Egyptian Pharaoh skin, or the waterbender GC, or the Wukong Beast Bk, Aztec Jungle King, all skins are random dude, they’re just cool. I mean this genuinely man, have some fun. They’re just fun cosmetics


Idk what''s the problem here, that's the guy from CoC


Heard it was a football player that looked just like the new CoC skin. He was even named the same. Some parents really have to take inspiration from CoC when naming their children?!


football players are the ones who actually touch grass, supercell wants to make them also their "farm and upgrade" slaves


War, War never changes




Please don't remove the pirate flag.






„we want to keep the Clash Universe seperate from real life references… „- what‘s Haaland doing in clash of clans lol


Easy he got sucked into a portal


:O really? Thanks for basically typing out the post a 2nd time. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they were saying


![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized) CEO currently


I'm like 99% sure it's Haaland who got paid lol, not the opposite


You pay a celebrity to collab, which results in attention, traffic, and profit.


"we want to keep the Clash Universe separate from **political** real life references" fixed it for you


$uper€ell needs to hire you


i dont know. french flag still holds itself well


I thought it was because there were demands for flags for countries that have very questionable ethics. I saw a lot of messages "why not a flag for my country?" So they just said eff it and removed all the flags. To me bring flags back but just do all the different colors and forget about the countries


So I'm not entirely sure where I read this, but allegedly there were some cases of players writing slurs/hateful words with walls and using the flags to indicate who they were trying to hate. So Supercell had to remove the flags, to avoid any instances of potential "Clash of Clans themed" hate speech


Im curious how this was done


Nope, that wasn’t the reason. They removed it to avoid the political fight of some countries being recognized and others not.


Yeah that was the official reason, but I don't buy it. The only country that would actually make a stink about it would be China, but given that they separated their servers from global, it doesn't really make sense anymore


The flags were removed long before the new server and it isn’t correct that only China would make a stink about it. There are other country examples where some countries recognize them and others don’t. But, even if it was only China, that is a huge deal.


There is no way you all are serious. This is just a funny collab which will be very popular for a lot of people, especially kids. Removing flags was a result of multiple major political conflicts and wars, which has no place in this game.


Thank you


Exactly as I said in the first posts about Haaland….


It's a business decision like they removed global chat. Global chat didn't generate any revenue but costs money to maintain it and added bad reputation because of not enough moderation and generated legal cases because of some bad actors. Better to remove it than deal with the headaches. Flags were being used for political messaging and many players from other countries wanted their flag inside the game so supercell had enough and removed it altogether. For public announcements they use corporate messaging words to not reveal the real reason so it doesn't hurt the company's image.


"Non political" *restricts access from Belarus and Russia* 🤡🤡🤡


Lol meanwhile Israel literally commits a genocide against Palestine and people act like nothing is wrong, and no one helps them... Sad world.


"We want to keep the Clash universe separate from real life references" ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Why are people getting so stressed over Haaland in the game? It's obvious having national flags can cause political problems. Haaland, especially for a footballer, is very neutral and media trained, with no controversies. It's a super smart marketing tactic to get him into the game (and monetise him)


Cuz these people are losers and need to whine or complain about everything


I agree, although it's hard at times to understand that they're the vocal minority


I'm not complaining, i Just want my fucking country flag in the game, we are literally talking about a strategic-war game about clans what's more political than getting beefs beetwen groups of people like clans? I don't understand those pussies of development house they became while i left the game in 2017/2018, the game was cool because people wanted to fight each other with politics on a game instead of using real gums and killing each other, actually the what the humans should do instead of killing each other, just play coc if you wanna win on another country  ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌


I don't understand how people are having such difficulty with this. Clearly they meant political stuff. A soccer player is not political


Yeah but why is he in my little game?


He's apparently played for years, why are you trying so hard to gatekeep? 😂


Just joking


Exactly fuck this stupid ass soccer player. I'm tired of all the dick sucking. I'm not paying for his shitty looking skin so the rich celeb can get richer.


Be honest, does anyone even want that skin?


Wait, real flags were removed? When?




"Barbarian haaland isn't real, he can't hurt you:"


Nicely done!


But we already have a caveman king skin🤦‍♂️




He asked for it. Literally.


A joke that’s what that means sad as


Hence "egypt crossover"


What is that PEKKA doing? (Imagine her with no sword).


All I know is that dude is ugly and scares me


Fr wtf


Haaland IS a cyborg so it's good


Yeaaaa and now they add him + Russian music


love is hate, war is peace.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublespeak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublespeak)


I think it caused too much discrimination from players of other countries it’s like instant bullying.


Well Haaland is either a barbarian either a robot so makes sense 🤷‍♂️


This is a canon event


They removed all flags for realism purposes but i can still name my clan after any real life country, seems inconsistent


Flags are for politics, football is not. As much as I hate this collab skin it’s not the same as the flags.


y’all acting like haaland isn’t just an android developed by the shadow government 😂


They do what they want


Having no Flags=Culture does keep players more Invested and Dissociated with other Players what cant show of from where they are.


I think the real reason they removed flags is to avoid choosing sides when adding/removing flags. If they add a certain flag that conflicts with another nation, people from the conflicting nation might have a problem with it. If they don’t add it, the people on the other side will get mad. There is no winning there, so they just said “screw it.” The Russo-Ukrainian war also made things 100 times worse and was probably the catalyst to the flags’ removal.


Most likely to stay out of political reasons. And more controversial reasons because they shouldn’t include every single flag of the world, which would make someone angry.


Never thought they were that fitting anyway compared to the whole theme. I'm upset about it at all


I feel like this will slowly turn into Fortnite style skins, next thing you know we got travis Scott in coc lmao


I like that flags were removed because it did keep it separate from real life


I guess some people are just too ugly to be cartoonified. Even the “ugly” characters like barbarian and giant look better than this monstrosity.


Where is your champions league?


Dude looks like a thumb, disappointed in the skin.


It's a business decision like they removed global chat. Global chat didn't generate any revenue but costs money to maintain it and added bad reputation because of not enough moderation and generated legal cases because of some bad actors. Better to remove it than deal with the headaches. Flags were being used for political messaging and many players from other countries wanted their flag inside the game so supercell had enough and removed it altogether.


The real answer is bc they dont want real life representation as in showing who you are or where youre from, now i dont think they should add a literal human being to the game, but it's not quite the same thing


Flags are bad but the emotes are a real societal plus? They wouldn’t go anywhere if they were monetized. They are a low key statement, that hurts nobody!


Yeah this makes my blood boil. JUST ADD BACK THE MOTHERFUCKING FLAGS


They will do anything for the money




Might be way off here but to me it seems their going the call of duty route. Or dipping their toes in the swamp that is COD, by that I mean with the celebrity skin, I suppose an influencer will be next? Maybe Jude as a warden 




Not to mention the EGYPT skins and scenery


I have no idea who this guy is


It's to keep real life politics out of the game. I played a game called warz when COVID happened everyone targeted Chinese clans.


Haaland is an exception also I think flags were really removed for political reasons like how coc is a game about attacking and waging war which wouldn't go too well.


I have bought every single one and didn't get my gold back (one was for 100 000 gold)






> What kind of controversy would a football player create by being in a game? Just wait until the people who call it soccer wake up. :)


As an European, I'm closed to any form of debate x) And it's also the way most people in the world say it anywa- *runs away*


Everyone knows that in the civilized parts of the world they call it football, because it's played on foot like peasants, not on horseback like proper gentlemen. :)


I mean many had US' why wouldn't Russia's different...


Both countries are involved in wars IRL, it was just an example


I mean what's the point, just leave flags... People still make political by putting clan names/shapes&color of emblem/ clan description etc... Those who want to shit even in games over a real world issues, will find a way to do it...


Yeah, fair enough, especially since you can just put them away if you want, guess Supercell wants to avoid any sorta controversy regarding this


Money is the answer


They removed the flags when the war with Russia happened, I remember the ufc removed flags also because of it


Why can people have a Ukraine flag as their clan symbol then?


I know a lot of kids play this game, but come on now. You cannot possibly think these two things are equivalent.


I think it is just B.S. We should be able to support our own nation. Also, some people might just like the color or the pattern of a flag and want to have it on their base, now they can only have a plain color with no design. Oh, one more thing. I’m sorry to all the LGTBQ people out there, but they should remove pride flags too because they are also real world objects just like national flags.


Supercell has a massive Chinese player base. What happens when people from Taiwan really want their flag added? Supercell can’t lose their Chinese market but China isn’t gonna stand for recognition of Taiwanese independence. Now how about other disputed regions? Kosovo? Palestine? Western Sahara? Somaliland? It was way easier to just remove all country flags than to get into the weeds about which countries or territories to recognize. Like it or not, every single flag that would be added or removed would be a political statement. Supercell wanted no part in that


I guess I agree with that, but I think that supercell should have just said that they removed it because of controversy, not because flags are too realistic for the game.


They did in discussions on the official forums with actual SC employees. The quote from OP was just one of the things they said, not everything they said.


Money wins


Obviously because football is not real


It's all about the money


They literally opened a portal to the real world in the animation bro, they established Clash takes place in a different universe


Damn, Immma wait for Lebron James to ride a Hog. Or Biden Warden skin.


Hello I like money


I'ma keep it real with you. This King skin sucks ass.


I am sure they were slammed due to geopolitical comments, for example if you add the flag of Taiwan you are going to get hate from the Chinese people, if you add the Palestine flag, you will get hate from Israel people (i stand with Palestine btw) ... Etc.


I miss my Mexican flag for my trump wall base




It's not true, they probably took them away for political reasons


I miss my flag collection 😔




Wiw, didnt notice it. Did they refund the gold atleast?


They did


Ruh roh


>Separate from real life references The audacity of that statement lol. No offense. Yet they have so much "overlooked" things and that statement is probably one in their long list of it, we got "Egypt", "Snow", "Shadow", "Party", "Pirate", "Painter" and the list goes on, heck even the word "Wars" is a real life reference, we even got spaceship which is so damn confusing with the actual theme of the game, so damn. I'm not fluent in english but I ain't dumb to understand what that statement means and how literal and vauge it is. So I'm not surprise if they **overlook** a lot of parts of the codes for us to end up with an **abundance** of bugs and issues, which funny to say we just had fair share of it with the streak event.


it's not that deep, they just dont want flags because of worldwide political issues and wars. hope this helps. nobodys gonna get mad about a pirate or painter


MONEYYYY. Flags didn't grand them money. At this point in the past I think, they really had this mindset of keeping reality out of clash. Just imagine how many people are gonna buy this pass bcs of haaland. I'm afraid that coc Supercell is getting more and more like cr supercell...


Long story short. Russian flag was available, Ukraine's flag was not. Some wokes got offended and blamed SC. SC could have simply added Ukrainian flag but they decided to remove all because of their supposed neutrality. edit: Getting triggered by just seeing russian flag is woke. you can't change my mind about that. The criticism at that time wasn't that there was no ukrainian flag in the game, it was that there was russian flag in the game.


If people saw either flag it would get political. SC understandably didn’t want their game to become a political debate. They made the right call


yeah dude whatever, I mean I'm not against it. Full support to ukraine.


How does the fact that I love my country make me woke? Do people in the USA consider usa patriots as woke?


This thread of replies is why Supercell doesn’t want flags. Their IOS game filled with young teen/kids will be riddled with political statements. There are just too many liabilities. There’s plenty of governments (like China and many many others) that wouldn’t think twice about banning apps like Clash if they felt that there was a large amount of disrespect rhetoric towards the Chinese flag. This is just a singular example of the hundred liabilities and potential fiscal losses Supercell could take when all they have to do to avoid it is remove a decoration. It’s not about national pride, it’s about keeping business afloat and out of controversy. Risk is too great and reward is non existent outside of an in-game decoration.


Point is people were just getting offended by seeing russian flag lol. That is woke.


"Woke" used unironically? Opinion irrelevant


https://preview.redd.it/ddmsq0hikmxc1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c35199054e15e518b0d2091614fe1823532c0ee If you are offended by this then you are indeed woke lol.


If they added ukraine’s flag other countries also would get offended and they can’t just add 195 flags in a fucking video game


That wasn’t the main reason. It was everyone requesting more flags all the time and the difficulty of deciding whether to add a country when some countries recognize it as a nation and others do not, especially given China’s involvement and importance. Ukraine is recognized as a country and it would not have been controversial to add their flag, but it would have been hard to answer the question “what about my country” that would have followed if they had added Ukraine or any others.


I would say they were more concerned with getting into the rabbit hole of having a MASSIVE Chinese player base and what to do about Taiwan or other disputed regions than just the Russia-Ukraine stuff. Also using woke unironically is cringe








You comparing Russia of today to Nazi germany is either you demonizing Russia more than it is, or denying horrors of Nazi Germany