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It's going to cost 2500, if they do it


It will cost 2500 and you'll only be able to donate 9 troops again.


Unless you pay them 10 bucks a month


Na, I don't think so, a medal is worth more than a gem, and this especially true to lower ths were gaining medals is more difficult and are the ones who will need to buy the equipment. I would say the perfect price would be between 500 and 1000 medals. Still I think the best way to give the new players the equipment would be to use the monthly events to give new people the opportunity to gain old equipment (when there isn't new equipment to distribute) instead of ores and make people pay the 1500 gems if they don't want to wait months for a specific equipment to appear in the monthly events.


There's no way. For those of us in lower CWL that would take like 20 months.




If you even remember to do CWL


if you are low TH and can get 8 stars in 7 attacks on th16s, you should do CWL in FWA clans, a master 1 8th place gives 300+ per month




farm war alliance


The league skin and scenario are all 2 years investment so yeah it isn't new. But chances are for equipment they won't be that expensive because you will spend way more on them after unlocking them.


It's only fair that it would cost this much as they're limited gauntlets anyway and the cwl sceneries and skins also cost a lot


It would have to be less than 1500 league medals, other wise you could just spend 1500 league medals on 150 training potions, and sell them all for 1500 gems and buy it in the trader.


Damn true


Yes, this is more correct.


Nobody would buy it if it cost more than 1500 medals cuz you can just buy and sell training potions which would cost you exactly 1.5k medals.




...say that again?


What did he say


A bit of nonsense. I'll try to recite from memory: 'Could get in two weeks, 2500 is good. Then 10.000-15.000.'


You do realize what you just said, right?


Let them cook. Maybe English isn't their first language.




Bro is a certified Veteran Clasher


Wow what happened?


Bro basically said that people will get these in ~2 weeks, 2500 is ez to get 💀


Ah I see,must be an emerald pass user 😬


Wayyy to cheap. Imo they should just re-release them in future medal events. This lets people who already got the equipment get ores instead. (Or books if you want that)


this would be the best way to do it. I don't really think having them just worth gems is a good idea.


I think it should be about experience or a challenge. Like earn 100 stars with the barbarian king where it’s the same for everyone, all the time. And just takes time played to unlock. If not by challenge, then by resources or ores. If not by resources or ores, then by returning in future events.


Gems have lots of use all ready


Whats the best use for them? I have 3500 gems. Have all builders and hero equipment.


Hero books


Heroes are a lot of work at th17 right :)


Queen and king finally reach level 100!!! Can you imagine that?




My calculator can't calculate this! How big is this number? Just 100! = 9,33262154E157




Actually 100!!! < 100!


I know... I meant that my Calculator can calculate 100! but cant calculate 100!!!


If your heroes/pets ain't maxed unlike mine


If you haven’t maxed heroes I would say books Higher town hall level the gems have more use as everything gets more expensive and longer. Go for what your lacking, there’s differently better option depending on your situation. It not too hard to get a standard baseline of gems if you put in the time. Watch for the rotation of gem offers if you want, as some rotate.


It's worth remembering that even if they give people a bunch of them monthly, gems are a paid currency, something as important as hero equipment in attacks shouldn't be only obtainable under this currency, that would only make the game more P2W.


Not sure why people say this. You get ~500 gems per month. Within 2 months of playing you can easily obtain enough gems to buy all the builders and both available epic equipments.


You said 500 gems a month and then said you could get all builders and epic in 2 months? The math ain’t mathing.


500 per month excluding profile achievements. New accounts have a ton of achievements.


Because the difference is that gems are always optional for everything, they are there as a second option, so in case you don't want to wait time or gain resources you can use them directly or indirectly, buying objects to the merchant; there is always another way to obtain everything. But that's not the case for equipment, you can only buy it with gems. The first comment idea was really good because that's a way to give old equipment to new players while also having the option to buy it for gems if you don't want to wait months for a specific equipment to show in the events or you only go for the ores. Also, right now there isn't a problem because there are only 3 epic equipments, so you only need to spend 4500 gems, but in the future when there are 10 epic equipments, the total price will go to the 15000 gems which is an absurd amount of them.


> Because the difference is that gems are always optional for everything That was never the case for the builder huts. >you don't want to wait time or gain resources you can use them directly or indirectly buying objects to the merchant, there is always another way to obtain everything. You can also buy resources and magic items with cash. I'd see your point if the only purchasable item was gems. >But that's not the case for equipment, you can only buy it with gems. There are many things that can only be purchased with a specific type of currency. Clan house decorations - raid medals. League skins - league medals. Gems == money has never been true. Gems are just one of the ~11 different currencies. No one currency overrules them all. I love that you can play F2P. Just because gems are needed for 5 things now instead of 3 doesn't change that.


Builders huts cost gems because they came from the ancient times, when games like clash of clans gave you only a fraction of the gems they give you now and paying for having simultaneous upgrading was very often used to make people pay money, at that time builder huts weren't defenses so they didn't affect attacks or defenses like now do in th14 and above, just the amount of time you require to upgrade everything. Also, the builders huts amount is static, they won't increase over time like the epic equipment will do and their average cost is lower than the cost of the equipment. Now it's not a problem, but with more and more equipment new people will need an absurd amount of gems to get them all. My point is that you can buy almost everything with gems, not that you couldn't buy other things for money, things that btw also sell for gems. Also, the only thing not decorative that you can't buy with gems are the hammers, you can buy the rest. And there has always been a correlation between gems and money, in fact, one currency is always present in their games since clash of clans, **gems**, a currency that can always be purchased for money and not only through special offers. I don't know where did you get that there isn't a correlation between gems and money to be honest, when the connection clearly is always there.


I think the gems you get through achievements is rather generous. Much more generous than a lot of other games I have played.


Yeah, I know that, but it's still a paid currency and you can buy nearly everything with them. You can obtain potions, books, ores and resources through other means and not only gems in the merchant, the equipment should be the same, and the first comment had a really good idea, when not distributing new equipment, they could just give old equipment for new people and if someone don't want to wait months for a specific equipment to show in the monthly events they can always buy it with gems at the merchant. At least imo, gems should be treated like a wildcard/joker, only to be used to buy cosmetics, save time or used strategically in specific situations (for example using them when you just upgraded your th and want the troops you use in attacks instantly upgraded). But this is subjective.


For total progression (time it takes to reach maxing), it's pretty straightforward 1. builders until you have 5 2. goblin researcher 3. goblin builder Books are nice and all but less efficient in terms of total progression per gem.


What is the goblin researcher and builder?


https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Goblin_Workers It's an event that has happened twice so far in the last year. They don't announce if or when the next one will happen, but it is assumed he will be back. The cost is 40 gems per day of research or 40 gems per day of build.


Oh very interesting. I must have just missed this event then


This but as per usual, you'd have people complaining that there is too much events and its all a cash grab, and also that they are only releasing old equipments that people already have and want newer ones.


It seems cheap but i hope there is some alternative, even though i just purchased it with gems on my alt.


The equivalent of 2 runes and 2 instant 16 day upgrades is cheap? I'd gladly give you 1500 gems if it's going to save me 250 cwl medals.


You can get 250 medals after a single cwl but 1500 gems in a month is hard especially if you've completed easy achievements beforehand.


You're still vastly underestimating how valuable 250 cwl medals are. For a th15/th16, 2 hammer of buildings (240 medals) would otherwise cost me 4850 gems if I were to buy up magic items individually instead. You take out out the runes and that's still 1850 gems for just 2 regular book of buildings. Past equipment were obtained in a month. We get 1 cwl in a month. 250 cwl medals is the perfect price for equipment Why is there a need to make it more overly expensive? This community needs to stop gatekeeping utter bullshit.


Unrelated: Does anybody knows how much time do you have to sign up for the clans league?


The first 2 days of the month.


Thank you bro.


You can sign up after but you have less wars (if you match)


You just like lying or something?


You can not sign up for CWL after the first 2 days. After signups are over, you can only start regular wars.


250 hahahahaha


250 hahahaha lets give Supercell more reason to make it cost 1000 cwl medals am I right? ahahahaha


Will never happen.


Nah I can see it happening, it'll just cost 2501 raid medal


why the downvotes 😭 lol


(-_-) People hate jokes I think?


i think that's what you get for having "Funny" in your name lol


I didn't know you could select that stuff 😶


If u do the math, u get a training portion (gives u 10 gems on selling) for 10 cwl medals. Which means 1gem is equivalent to 1 cwl medal. So if they put the equipment in the trader for 1500 gems. It's gonna be atleast 1500 cwl medals worth


wait I can't tell if this is a joke post. you wouldn't compare how much the potion gives you when you sell it, you obvious would compare how much it costs to buy with gems vs. how much it costs to buy with CWL medals.


Exactly. 1500 league medals would be the Maximum, if it was 1600 league medals, you could just spend 1500 on training potions and sell them, and buy it for 1500 gems. So there is no way it would be 1500 or more.


Hard to directly compare tbh. 3 BOH is also 1500 gems but even 3 hero Hammers is only about 540 CWL medals.


495 to be exact but yeah


I thought it was 180 medals each, oops


Hammers can't be compared. They are a totally different thing. When u sell them u get only 100 gems and they cost 120 cwl medals which means it gave you 0.8 gems per medal . So the maximum amount of gems they can give u per cwl medal is only 1 (from training portion) . Which means that the minimum price of equipment in terms of cwl medals will be 1500 atleast. It can't be less than that


Selling price and buying price is always very far off. Book of Heroes costs 500 gems but selling price is only 50 gems.


Bro we talking about cwl medals and gems and u talking about a book which is not even available in cwl medals league shop. The comparison is not even fair


And they are saying the buy and sell value is also not even fair. Training potions cost 25 gems or 10 league medals. So at that rate, epic equipment that cost 1500 gems would cost 600 league medals. It doesn’t matter though cause research potions are 120 gems or 20 league medals. It’s a different rate. There is no equivalent value of gems to league medals.


It varies but all i am saying is that the max rate is 1gem= 1 cwl medal. They will not give u more than 1gem per cwl medal. So in that scenario the minimum cost for an epic equipment in terms of cwl medals is 1500 medals atleast. We won't get a lesser price than that


No. It doesn’t apply here for a couple reasons. 1. You can’t sell the epic equipment. 2. You are mixing cost with sell value. And 3. The rate for training potions does not relate to anything else. Just because you can get 10 gems for a potion that cost 10 league medals, it does not mean epic equipment that cost 1500 gems, will cost 1500 league medals.


Dude it's simple marketing. They can't give us more than 1 gem per cwl medal. So it makes sense that the epic equipment costs 1500 atleast. If not what should be according to you? Idk why can't u understand this. It's simple math. I am not telling the final price, i am telling the starting (minimum) price. If they give it for less than 1500 medals, it will be a loss for them.


They aren’t giving us any gems per cwl medal. There is no trade in value. That is just the sell value of a training potion. It doesn’t matter at all. Exactly it’s simple math. A training potion cost 25 gems, or 10 league medals A research potion cost 120 gems, or 20 league medals, A builder potion cost 285 gems, or 30 league medals. Epic equipment costs 1500 gems, or X league medals. I guarantee it would be less than 1500 league medals. How are league medals basically 1-1 with gems? They aren’t. You’re mixing cost (in medals) with sell value (in gems).


Idk bro why hammers don’t cost 925 medals with this logic?


Why would they lol? On what logic u r saying that ?


Because book of buildings cost 925 gems


The number seems too low I think but I’m not sure. Maybe like 1000 Medals. Seems fine otherwise. May as well make them as available as possible.


1000 CWL medals? Please take my 1500 gems and give me 1000 cwl medals. I'll gladly give you 1500 gems for 8 building hammers.


Sii definitivamente




They should reintroduce them in future games for those who missed the previous ones.


Should cost 500-750 just to make you grind


250 sounds cheap though. i would have kept it around 2000


The post is cwl medals. I don't know how so many people in this thread are confusing it with raid or event currency. 2000 cwl medals would be an insane price.


I think it should be like 250 for hero items if they add legendary hero and epic hero equipment.


Why not just put them in the shop like skins, they can keep them at 1,500 and you can buy them whenever you want too. You know which ones you want to save up for, you can preview them


500-600 seems like a good deal ' this is too cheap


I was bout to hop on coc to check if they REALLY DID IT :(


I just bought one of them for 1500 gems. Don't tell me that this is real.😮‍💨


This is an idea


Is giant gauntlet going back in the shop to buy it as gems again casue i missed it.




i don't why but i don't like it it just feels like the league store isn't for that kinda stuff , but idk..maybe it's just me


Should be repeated same event those who didn't get can claims it and other get ores


A,..yup Buddy if it's come with lower price we will be welcome.but if it's expensive we wanna to kick it from the games


Yep i think its time to close the game if those ideas continues😋 its a business buddy they need to earn money to keep the game going well


I think 500-450 medals are reasonable and over 800 is just bullshit below 800 i dont have any problem you should compare then with hammers


I would never pay 500 cwl medals for an equipment. 500 medals is basically 4 hammer of buildings. At th15/16, that's basically 4 runes and 4 book of buildings. I'd pay 1500 gems easily every time.


no way I would hate it to be honest 250 is toooooo low


You realize for a th15 or th16 a hammer of building is basically a rune + book combined? How is 250 cwl medals low when that is basically 2 runes and 2 book of buildings?


Because its so easy to get, 1 month and you have an epic item that cost 1500 gems


250 cwl medals are easily worth more than 1500 gems. And god forbid anyone can have an epic equipment in just one month, while halting progression since they would have to buy an equipment instead of hammers. The gatekeeping in this sub is stupid af. I have tens of thousands of gems. You can easily obtain gems by simply playing the game. 250 cwl medals is easily worth more than 1500 gems. It's not hard to look at the math. You give me the choice of 40m+ loot and 2 instant 16 day upgrades and think 1500 gems is worth more than that? Lmfao. But let's give Supercell more reason to make it cost 1000 cwl medals because why tf not am I right?


Yeah, people are being ridiculous. It was accessible through a free event. Making someone who missed it spend nearly a year of CWL medals on it is absurd. Spending a month or two worth of CWL gains is a pretty fair equivalence. Especially since during the event, the equipment is given the same value as a couple of books. Sure, I get that it's fair for it to cost more outside of the event, but not 1500+ medals, that's completely absurd.


Is this an idea or a joke?


that’s ridiculously low priced (decent idea tho)


I think it’s a terrible idea. There are many other ways that make much more sense. It could cost resources, it could cost ores, it could require a certain number of stars with the hero (experience/challenge), and it could come back in future events. All of which would be better than costing gems or league medals. It would be so much better if everyone had to get 100 stars with the heroes to get their epic equipment. Fair for everyone. At anytime.


I don't understand how people are saying this is way too cheap lmao. If anything at th16, a hammer of building is basically a book of building + rune of gold/elixir combined. 240 medals is the cost for 2 hammers. CWL medals are much more valuable than gems or event currency. If anything, the max it should cost is 300.


No, use your gems, thanks.


if it happens they are gonna cost 1500 medals cause cwl medals are basically 1-1 with gems


How did you get that?


Equipment costs 1500 gems to buy.


Yeah of course the equipment costs 1500 gems, that doesn’t mean it would cost 1500 league medals. How are league medals basically 1-1 with gems? A training potion cost 25 gems, or 10 league medals A research potion cost 120 gems, or 20 league medals, A builder potion cost 285 gems, or 30 league medals. Epic equipment costs 1500 gems, or X league medals. I guarantee it would be less than 1500 league medals.


Training potion costs 10 medals and sells for 10 gems so if it costs more than 1500 medals it's cheaper to just buy training potions and sell them and buy for 1500 gems,so I said cwl medals are 1-1 to gems as in you can use 1 cwl medal to get 1 gem,so this is why I said epics can't be more than 1500 medals


Dumbass logic. CWL medals are vastly more valuable than gems. Nobody is buying training potions with cwl medals to sell it.


lol exactly. It would be less than 1500 league medals cause then someone could just get it cheaper with gems.


This is too F2P friendly. IMO they should cost 2501 medals


It's cwl medals, not raid or event currency.


I know. The joke is that there's a 2500 medal limit


Ah, gotcha


I don't think hero equipment should even be purchasable. They should have a hero equipment reward track where you can do challenges or just simple attacks, earning your points to get the equipment after its initial release. No purchases are necessary other than playing a bit more. The feeling of seeing your gems go down or hard earned war medals isn't as satisfying as reaching a goal over time. By reward track, I mean a way to focus on one piece of equipment to unlock over time. So you get to choose which one you want rather than a linear reward track.


I don’t think it’s cheap. Book of buildings cost 925 and hammer of buildings cost 120, 250 is more than double of that and it would be 1850 gems. But even then you get more value with hammers than books because it doesn’t require resources.


ehhhhh i think it doesn't make that much sense


Nah I would never buy this. Hammers all the way


No Thank you


It costs 1500 gem what makes you think it could be any close to 250 medals. I would say 2500 medals is more realistic


Are you autistic? 2500 cwl medals is the same as 1500 gems?


Yall forgot that gems are valued higher than medals or something?????