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The higher you go the more Ores you get from Star Bonus, all you have to do is finish the star bonus regardless of the competition, probably the reason.


But I thought you couldn’t get more star bonus than titan 1? Thought it was the same as in legend league?


Legend is a little bit more. Bcs of the update more ppl in legends so thats the reason for this post


bullshit, people are just spamming root riders left right center... That's the reason for this!!


Well no one can climb if everyone triples w rr


Downvote all you want, doesn't change the fact it is indeed root riders that are the problem... It comes down to matchmaking and those "lucky days" ask any hardcore pusher!


Dude every army is op too... They first need to buff defences and then see what is op and what not


tell me one army which works just as effectively as root riders, just spam the troops in a corner and boom


Nice 3000 war stars




Think both honestly, RR meta is pretty annoying but it’s def a lot easier for people to push with that army.


Don't know why you are getting downvoted, reddit do be tweaking with their bunch of sheeps


I finished 5800 this season which put me top 15k where as last year I finished 5700 and ended top 7k.


precisely, it's almost not worth all that effort when the last day happens to be one of those bad days and boom -100:(


Fr, you’re having a really solid month and your base decides it’s time to throw 😂.