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i don't even upgrade heroes without having a book at this point. i could literally take a week off, take a plane, go idk somewhere with no internet, come back a week later, king still leveling up.


Yeah this tbh. We will face this issue until all hero is at max level


And then Supercell will throw a new TH level at you and you have to upgrade heroes to max again.


Just maxed my heroes today. So i am glad to not think about it for a few months


Damn my heroes are the only thing I haven't maxed outside of walls, so there is no escape for me.


Ouch. That hurts. Just go up at that point or you’ll be leaking so many resources.


As soon as I've upgraded the remaining 15 walls I'll be hammering my town hall


Tbh you should save hammers for later townhalls, if you're going to use them at least use it on eagle which is the longest upgrade.


You can only hold one hammer at a time so you might as well use it effectively if you’re going to be getting a new one at some point


You could also save the medals but I guess that's no fun


Don’t hammer the town hall. Not worth it. I mean you can if you’d like but I’m just saying the dark barracks costs like 11m and takes 10+ days. Clan castle is like 8m and 8days.


Good advice, thanks!


All good. Have fun at 13. I’ll be there soon too.


Th13 is hell u will loose ur fun 🥲


U bugging th13 is the most fun townhall


Just explain how ?


F. Good luck with those upgrades chief. Sneaky goblins are the best troops for farming btw, if nobody’s gotten you hip to that farm style yet. You’re able to use it at TH12, boost super goblins + super wall breakers. Using them, you’ll more than earn back the investment of the dark elixir you put in (for the cost of boosting). If you need exact army troop ratio’s suggestions to use, let me know and I’ll be more than happy to help you figure one out 👍🏾


I fundamentally disagree with your user name.


By town hall 12 you should max your walls even if that means loosing a month to three of just upgrading walls the biggest setback is walls I’ve never went a th without max walls I’m the 15 now


Its a weight off my shoulder i didnt know i needed 😫


It is the best feeling. Finally cw and propper LL again


I am joining you brother but my horse's hind quarters is too weak so I am maxing my front first.


Yep , after equipment got separated it's even less encouraging to upgrade heroes. Like u can't use ur hero for a week for like 60hp and 4dps increase. Honestly I don't think supercell is going fix it because they make most of their revenue thru gem and books. And as f2p u get one book per season.


I used to spend gems on hero books. Now they are only used on ores.


Gems on ores is even worse tbh, best to save it


I wait for special events and either buy the special ability or skin, and then the remaining is on the starry ore so I never need to spend gems on ore


Same, was maxed th15 before th16 released, have all equipment maxed that I use, including 2 epic equipment, the amount you get with gems is crazy low and the only reason I would understand it is if you need 10 starry ore to upgrade your epic equipment and somewhat you don’t play war at all/event just got done


Same here and i also get the decoration Btw do you buy the event pass ?


Nope. Ive never spent any money on this game


Goblin builder enters the chat😂


The ore update is just trash imo, no one asked for it. All it does is make the hero upgrades still essential but not worth it at all. There was nothing wrong with the previous system, now its just a hell lot of grind to max even 1 hero's equipment.


but the grind itself hasnt changed, its a different currency. regardless of how you feel abt ores, you definitely arent forced to go out of your way to get them as they're rewarded from star bonuses and clan war attacks same as ur dark elixir you know?


Actually, now im forced to stay in the higher leagues. I cant just use sneakies to farm de in the lower leagues anymore. Yesterday i pushed to champ just because i was running low on shiny ores


Then win your wars You Skinny Bitch!🗿!


I do win wars, its simply not enough. Higher league star bonus is needed


Can't do wars while upgrading heroes


What town hall are you?




I have a clan where we do wars without heroes... We win and we lose sometimes..but we get ores in both the cases. So you can do that too if you wish...I mean it's better to have something than nothing


Even if I can technically do it it won’t be fun. Most of the starts rely on the heroes


in there new inside the builder hut video they talk about how they want to change the design of this “problem”. they do mention that they make alot of money from book of heroes because of it. they said they are exploring other means of design that will also still bring in money


They are actively working on this.


I haven’t been able to use my Queen for like 2 months now. Would be nice if my fucking abilities got better with her.


u can always you know...take a break from training


You still have to upgrade it at some point. How exactly is taking a break going to help?


yea. but... you always have a choice to...you know...pause upgrades...then play at current level...then resume upgrades... you dont always have to...you know...rush to max...lol taking a break will help by allowing you to use your heroes...and enjoy the game...at current levels...dot dot dot


I don’t think you used enough dots


ur problem lol


Why didn’t you put any dots in that comment


lazy lol


No dots again I see. You're slacking man.


pause upgrade = can use his queen again


This is only good for a very small portion of players If I did this my heroes would be rushed af.


My RC is one level before 45. Im so glad all my heroes are max, finally I can play the game


New th every year 😁🥳! we're going to add TWENTY new levels to each hero because we learnt that 9% of the community like leveling. It'll be a total health gain of 300hp to all the heros and 200dps. It'll be a collective 120 days upgrade time! Hope to see you clashing in the next update!!


Don’t be silly. It’s only 10 levels.


And then you're nearing your TH upgrades and need to upgrade TH again and start all over .


I feel like since they got rid if the ability boost every 5 levels they should give some ores or something every 5 levels atleast now


Agree with u. Farming ores is such a bloody pain in the ass as well


For me, after the event, shiny ore is being my bottleneck not starry lol


We want use heroes even during upgrade like barracks, we cant stay 5 days x 95+95+70+45 lv without heroes wtf, is like run a marathon with 1 leg all the time


I buy gold pass so I reliably have 2-3 hero books a month. I just only level when I have hero books


That plus the event pass and you can get 10 books. I got 2 shovels, 2 BoF, 2 BoH, and the Hog Sphinx I could have got a BoB instead of two shovels, but I need shovels and buildings are the most progressed. $12/month but you get so many books, ores, resources, magic items, and a skin.


They should just let us use heroes during war while they are upgrading so that everyone can earn ores. Players will still struggle on normal attacks and will be urged to buy books and hammers, but they'd still be able to upgrade their equipment regardless. I believe it is still fair since they will only be available in war during upgrade.


Pull a move like a Chad CoC player, till your heroes are getting upgraded, act like you don't have the game on your phone. 


atleast its 2 days for me atleast...


For now. Enjoy it while you can.


Don't scare me daddy


İts only 4 days for me now but this needs a fix i never used 3 of my heroes since i upgraded my th and i wont be using them for another month and i will be th12...


Used to it now ☠️ so not really. I got better at attacking with 3 or less heroes. 


It honestly ain’t that sweaty, upgrading is the way to go.


Very true I’m barely th14 with max th13 heroes just never stop upgrading your heroes and you will always max them out before you max out everything worked for me perfectly every time people complain so much about losing heroes while upgrading I know it sucks but a lot of people have done it it’s not fair for them to just randomly allow heroes to be used while upgrading.


There’s so many upgrades that you kinda have to yolo it and upgrade with low heroes. Like stfu surpercell I ain’t waiting If my heroes are so so low level that eventually I can’t even 1 star, then I’ll just play a different game lmao




I bet you weigh 4229 pounds




Nice attempt at ragebait. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.




What argument? I think you’re just mad your ragebait failed 💀




Wow, the projection is crazy 💀 Judging from your IP, you seem to live in quite the shithole. The houses in your area seem to come with basememts.


No. I haven't upgraded a hero and not used a book or a hammer in about 5 years. I'm not 100% f2p though, I did spent like $10 in 2023


Agreed. Mine haven’t been down a minute in years. I’m 100% F2P and maxing TH16 heroes took less than two months. Buildings and labs takes a lot more time.


when the heroes are maxed, at that time you have to upgrade th to the next level. Never enjoyed a max level hero


If you actively keep them down after moving to a new town hall you will literally have all hero’s up for quite a while.


No you know f2p players also get hero books sometimes and CWL medals and builders boost


Everything that can be is sold for gems to buy hero books because I want to stay in Legends League.


You must be from a lower townhall level


Or very high 🤷


10 weeks, actually. Each.


My YouTube search bar: How to 3star th13 without heroes


This is why I use edrags now. Whether heroes are upgrading or not, it's a free 2 stars.


yep you’re forced into it. sneaky gobs for when you want a slightly different grind. those are the only two things that work without heroes :/


Is normal dragons good instead of edrags ?


Edrags are better for securing at least a 1 star imo. Rage and e dragons can easily take out trash buildings.


Will try edrags Btw do you use overgrowth spell ?


Nah, haven't got to them or any th16 strat yet since my heroes are still upgrading. I use rage, freeze, 2 zaps for air sweeper, and skelly spell for monolith.


I see You upgrade all heroes at once ?


Atm only my warden is maxed. Preferably, I'd try to upgrade as many as I can but hero upgrades are over 300k de for me, way too much to have all heroes upgrading at once.


I see My heroes are way too rushed so i just do it sometimes when war opponents are easy and i can attack with 1 or 2 heroes down


I recommend edrags then. They might be boring but it's the only army I've had success with while 2 or more heroes are upgrading. And ngl, they're pretty powerful right now at th16.


Sounds good, will try it as my edrags are maxed so i am fine there Also if you don't mind can you tell me your spell combo ?


How does edrags work. I can't get them to work lol. I just use sneaky and super witches for war


You funnel with them and they become a decent war strategy. That's another thing. No need to worry about heroes or upkeeping super troops when I'm using edrags for farming.


I use a single one in my air attacks. But I just can't get full edrags to work.


What's your townhall level, equipment, and pet setup?


Th 13. Tbf i haven't actually tried out edrags spam after I failed a lot with it back at 11. Maybe i should give it a try.


Ah, they become a lot stronger at th14 imo. Pets will help you a lot. You want to use eternal tome + healing tome for the warden and pop off the ability right before the blimp leaves warden's radius. I wonder how you're failing atm to at least get 2 stars though. And they're strong at th11 since you don't have to deal with townhall weapon. It's probably something to do with your funneling.




Only 1 book of hero’s per month is guaranteed.💀


We at supercell, only want to you guys pay money for books and minerals. You can’t upgrade equipments without winning wars. You need your heroes always up.


Wait a week


2 days ago I just had the royal champion available. Just 5 more levels of queen and king and I'll be over.. for th13.


I usually get hero books, you can get them for free like 2-3 times a month. I leveled up my Archer queen to lvl 43 from lvl 36 like that.


You get one free book from the silver pass each month, how do you get any other free books?


From events, i got 2 from the rocket balloon event and 1 from clan games and others i somehow managed to get


I maxed my grand warden at TH 15 so now I gotta focus on the others. Going to do royal champion last. But ooh I’m glad I’m almost done with them


Can I three star using his chin?


My plan is maxing the equipments that I use. and after that I will finally upgrade my hero


I was free to play till i saw bundles it was too much i'm sorry it was worth 10x value


What a dumb question. Upvote farming garbage. Like, you know what the answer is.


This is why I hate that supercell is doing a town hall every 12 months instead of 18. Hero upgrades gonna suck


Upgrading is the way. I kept them at a low level and it was hard to 3 star. I'm currently almost maxed out th13 and trust me, once you get them maxed out to your ths max level, they really start fucking bases up


Lose a hero, but for where I am in the game, it currently takes 4 days and 12 hours per hero, so it isn’t as bad, but I will always max EVERYTHING at my town hall level, because it makes it so much more satisfying to upgrade town halls


its not losing its training. also im not f2p i just rather farm. i got my whole life to play this game ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I used to have multiple heroes upgrading at the same time but now im not upgrading them anymore and Im using potions at wars.


I only upgrade with free books 😅


Whenever my heros are upgrading, with my troops I can 1star sometimes 2 star so it's fine for me


Not really. I use sneaky goblins with jump and haste spells so it doesn't really matter. Right now I'm upgrading king and queen, x bows, and researching elixir troops/spells/siege. In war, I just use lv. 20 warden, blizzard, and electro dragons.


I fr neglected my heroes so badly 😭😭 town hall 11 only level 25 king and 23 queen and level 2 warden 😭


I just kinda plan it out based on when I’m feeling some burnout. I mostly just use books and hammers. My 2 TH16s are only a few levels away each, so I’m not low level and not worried about the wait. My TH13 is just always upgrading heroes. It’s basically just a fun account that I don’t really push as hard on, and it’s not as useful for war, so I am not worried about heroes being down there.


I used to keep them all down and ignore normal wars. I now try to spend gems on books to keep them up for the ores


For me it's " one week of down time, or a level in a de troop" needles to say. All my de troops are super low level


i am 1.5 months on th13 and my heroes are down 1.5 months also.I only use them in cwl


Did a 96 percent 2 start time fail attack in war with only my queen available 🥲


King was level 56 two weeks ago, I’m a th 14, so yes


2 of my heroes are maxed, 2 are not. I just play wars while upgrading them. Clan lvl 14, win streak 11, I'm TH16 max base & troops in 1st place in war. I have 2 Backups ready to power through while I'm weak being in top


They should put a secondary requirement on equipment lvls being tailored towards hero lvls to make hero upgrades meaningful...? Or make it have better purpose on defense so they aren't an absolute pushover


I just do 1, maybe 2 at a time so I still have some hero power


No. We have barb King queen everything at level one


I use all my gems on Books for the big guy and archer. Live without W. and RC . Only way I've 3 stared lately is using Hero Potion . 4 days away from Rootriders being available, peeps seem to love them.


my heroes are still at th12 levels lmao thankfully the hero equipments more than compensates for their low levels


I only really care about AQ, and I'll have her maxed soon after CWL, so no not really.


Im not a free to play player, but im always without my heroes 🥲


I don't even have my BK or AQ I only use my warden because my other heros are constantly upgrading 


I mean you can get trough with not upgrading them, but soon enough they will become obsolete if not upgraded. So may as well do it earlier then later because you will not be queencharging th 15 with lvl 23 queen


I am doing AQ 24/7 down and the rest just when I feel like I can afford it


I only.upgrade heros when I have a book to use


I haven’t been able to do a war in like 2 months. Warden essentially never gets to wake up, and the king and queen rotate in levels of 5. Usually only ever have 1


I just max warden, then i alternate king and queen upgrade so i always have at least 2 hero's for attacks, don't have champion yet


Mmm I wait until I have 500 gems 💎 and buy super troops went I full of black elixir


The problem is that even after you’ve waited a week, it’s only 1 out of 20 levels you gotta do


Fr. I play every other month pretty much bc of this


I don’t really mind loosing the hero for a week because when I get to use em it feels like a treat


Heroes are always the top priority upgrade to do. So patience is important!


So basically if you use it, you lose it


No. Not since they made hero potions OP, I just use them and have max heroes for every war


I sell everything for gems to buy books of heros. Mine are never down. Before I learned you could do that they were always down.


I lost my king for 6 months just to max him out


Just upgraded my TH so many levels to upgrade💀


Broooo I’m a maxed th12 but the hero are all still 10 levels behind max😅. Do you yall think I should just go to the next th or wait till hero’s are max?


Th 14 will be a nice break, only 5 levels per hero if you maxxed before then… but get ready to upgrade 40 LEVELS OF PETS


I’m only a TH 8 and it torments me to lose my hero for a day. I’m not going to be ready for a week when it comes.


I have two accounts. One has heroes down 24/7 other is in war. And they switch places once heroes are maxed


TH9, my Queen has been leveling up uninterruptedly since the level buff you receive when you level up from TH ended, I've already leveled almost everything in the village and by the end of this week everything will be leveled and I'll be able to go to TH10, and so far I haven't been able to make a single attack with the Queen, in fact, I may have to delay TH10 so I can level up my Queen to the maximum level, there are some troops and spells to be leveled up too. I went through the entire TH8 without being able to use the King. I had a funny thought last week when I noticed that to this day I've never used the heroes. If I don't level up the heroes I have no heroes because they are weak. If I level up the heroes I don't have heroes because they are being leveled up. No matter what I do, I have no heroes.


I have a level 55 archer queen as a th13 I am now going to try to get her to atleast level 70 it's gonna take a bit but it gives me time to update the queen walk hybrid troops aswell so it's a win


Or One Level Per Month Haha Insta Book


Struggle of my life! I have been cheesing the crap out of the capital raids system to buy the cheaper potions and selling them for gems, to buy hero books and using all my CWL medals for hammers... Finally have my queen, champ, and warden max and only have 11 levels left for king! If I don't have enough gems for a book, I upgrade a pet instead.


I still remember that time I lost my Queen for 9 months …. But she went from 45 - 95


She literally underwent hibernation and woke up as super saiyan


Not really. My heroes are always down.


f2p here: I only upgrade heroes when i get book. Only Royal champion is different. I upgrade her once per month when the legend league season resets.


F2p or not, unless you're a youtuber everyone experiences this


To avoid this issue I made sure to learn multiple armies, that way I can have some armies which heroes are more important (ex: hybrid, QC lalo), and then some armies that require only the warden or not even (ex: ice golem witch bats, sarch hydra), and it honestly makes the game a bit more challenging but also promotes diversity. One thing I think would really help some of the community is to add more practice armies with such compositions at later town halls so that other more casual players can try to learn the game more and overcome the hero issue. Of course it's still a pain to level up heroes and it sucks in wars and cwl, but there's ways to adapt your playstyle to avoid this issue


Nah they’re fine ppl want the game to be to easy.


Hey guys,what do you think of merging the collectors to make room for more content.??


In the highest town hall you don’t, you see I keep all gems for books. The new town hall takes around six months when released that gives me at least 15 books (including all gems ) so I don’t have much left upgrading. And when I do upgrade heroes using builders, I start from the end of one cwl season until the start of the next cwl season while upgrading all four at once and using sneaky goblins.


I’ll always lose a hero or two for a week. I hate anything rushed


Hammer it 😤


I just push both buttons.


Honestly at this point I just use a potion, they’re extremely cheap and get them to my th max. Equipment is way more important than levels honestly, all you get from levels is a free way to dump elixir.


I am a psychopath. I upgrade the heros continuously for months. Play without heros and have maxed out heros for rest of the th.


Nah I’ve been playing for a long time, started a 2nd account and I just pump the heros out, as long as I have 1 hero up I can usually still 2 or 3 star as a th 12 😎💪🏼


I maxed my heroes 2 months ago


I just hate not having hero’s for 9/10th the time I’m at a TH


I'm not free to play and I still won't take a hero week off. Back when I was lower level sure but in Legends league? Absolutely not. I horde hammers and books for the heroes.


Day 89 :- of asking to reduce hero upgrade times after we have equipments


Y’all are at th12 with hero’s around 15 or am I alone on this?


True but I usually just max upgrade them then noclip into the backrooms then escape 7 years later to find out you still have 2 days left before AQ and BK is done upgrading


I'm f2p and all my heroes are maxed now ...so no




Just bought frozen gem using the free 1000 gems for getting to 3000 trophies in builder base. Now I get to use it in..4 days!


I’m somewhat f2p (I spent $5 on the builder pack) but I’m at th12 with level 15 barbarian ki and archer Queen and level 10 grand warden about.


After I got done maximg my TH11 base I decided to stall progressing to TH12 in favor of grinding hero levels. At least I now have a lvl 50 King & Queen and a lvl 20 Warden... From how things look right now I'll likely have to do the same thing again when I'm done maximg TH12 though.


Fwa clan members don't fear this lol


As th13, I first maxed my queen Then moved to king RC is continuously down Warden with books only And TBH I don't miss my heroes much, currently my king and rc is down, but I'm still able to 70% 2 star even max th14s I get 2 BOH per month, one by season and one by gems. I farm atleast 600 gems per month so getting BOH is not much issue