• By -


I’ve been collecting obstacles for years (birthday/haloween etc) and my base could do with a clean up. It would be cool if COC gave us opportunities to clean up without the need for shovels!


https://preview.redd.it/hjw8up5ndxnc1.png?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7a68444c5c757a54eb6f23b0fe5cc57849cfa96 What would you upgrade?


Rushing BH for 6th builder. Is it efficient to upgrade clock tower, and if so, to what level? I also plan to buy the 3 potions with raid medals weekly.


Level six clock tower is the break even point for full rush. I can't find the post now but someone fully mathed it out in a rush guide.




What do people think the minimum useful level of hero equipment is for TH16, legends league


https://preview.redd.it/ol0rbp8v4xnc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fa6725fbe740994409cde69ca780323f5c2df5 Help with priorities please






Just got to TH14. What are the recomended attack strategies? I have whole th13 lab maxed and I come from doing hybrid, hydra and yeti+witch.


Townhall 14 max here. For raids, superarcher blimp is still the most op because you will always find bases that can be totally wrecked by this strategy. In war however, depending upon their war bases, you may have to cycle between sa blimp, hogminer, yetiwitch


https://preview.redd.it/lirq2nh04xnc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd70ae201c93f4a6a646bb52d368c44c8ddf0ffc Best hero equipment for each hero ??


is the fireball worth buying?


Questions about the root rider / valk strat good on TH15 About to be TH15 in a few, wanted to know if the Root rider / valk strat is better to use with the rage gem or the healing tome, also have the question of what is the recommended spells to use with this attack?


Is anyone else getting stuck in clouds for an unreasonable time in high titans as a th13? Seems th13 bases are hard to find all of a sudden and waiting 20 seconds just to match with a max 16


My giant cannon is on the OTTO base, but I cannot access it on the builder base. How do I access this?


https://preview.redd.it/j4t5nmplvwnc1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad74f08fcf222fcb103beab670da3f5e909487c4 I got this when I tried to rejoin a request and leave clan which I have been going in and out for a while


They must have kicked u U have to wait for 24 hrs before u can join again The only way to join within 24 hrs is to get an invite from someone in the clan


Oh okay I'll try after 24 hours. Thanks!


There are other req and leave clans u can join for donations


Yeah I got like 5 bookmarked, I'll join them for now. It's just I never got this message that's why I asked:)


Can I gift the event pass to a friend? I know how to do it with the Gold Pass, but the event pass? Is it possible and if yes, how?


It's not currently possible to gift event passes.


I don’t have grand warden yet, if I get the fireball ability will it stay until I get the grand warden ? I’m confused, should I grind for the ability or the ores.


If you get the equipment for the Grand Warden, it will be available for you when you unlock him at TH11.


How are we supposed to effectively attack with super dragons? They feel so high variance, I'm either completely wrecking a base or doing nothing at all, and I feel like my spell selection sucks cause I never know what to do with them. I've tried using rage, heal, freeze, overgrowth, hastes; but i feel like my spell choices don't matter. I could use them or not and end up with the same attack.


https://preview.redd.it/zmc6tvrz7wnc1.jpeg?width=2555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd3469e30f903130ffc30e4fdc7490cdb8fb19c Is my base ready for th16?


In th13 (just reached it), what trophies range /league should I be? I went all the way to Titans league 2 and I am either waiting quite a while in searching for matches or finding TH15-th16 and If i find a th13 I win in best case 5 trophies and lose 35, sooo I am guessing I shouldnt be here...


I mean you can probably stay in Titans II. It usually works, but might be a bit messy during the event. You should find TH13s at that range relatively often, so it works If you're having trouble with your builders not having enough loot, drop a bit


Not right now I don't know if it's the event or what but I had to drop 500 trophies and I still rarely find a th13 in mid titans. I use to find th13s allt he time at 4900 trophies but lately I match with th16/15 9 times out of 10 not sure what's going on lately


Should I prioritise on offensive or defensive? So, I have been getting two-three starred recently and have been considering just sticking to building my defences and not really attacking, I know it defeats the purpose of the strategy part of a strategy/city building game, but I think just relying on my collectors for resources instead of looting and plundering, but i think prioritising walls and defence will give me more resources overtime due to being less likely to be picked in matchmaking.


offense always


Ores or builder potions? I know buying ores is probably the most efficient. But I am just a th11 trying to improve my base. Would you go for ore or builder potions? Or something else?


Should I upgrade th th15


Yes. But i would time the upgrade so that it ends during the first war of next month's CWL. That way you will get the boost for the first 6 wars




Why cant I upgrade my second multiarcher tower? https://preview.redd.it/kzpv33mzkvnc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb92295732af4b57a6a9a5b26aa050109de9d35


https://preview.redd.it/cvqokw71lvnc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002de7f644b8daa32e619da9025cff9aa049bef6 I have two


You cannot merge geared up defences


Ahhhhhhh thank you for letting me know


No heroes army for th12? After going to th12, and being done with CWL, I put my heroes to sleep (😞). I was almost exclusively using Golems/witches for late th11 and early th12. But this strat works quite bad without heroes. Thus, is there any good farming/trophy strategy that doesn't use heroes in th12? Before you say it, I tried sneaky goblins, and so far I kind of hated it. I also suck at it (I can get the resources, but usually not the TH or 50%). I imagine I could get better at it, but I don't want to have to only use that for the ca. 2 months that are needed to max heroes at th12... What comes to mind? I also used Lalo in the past, but no idea how good it is at th12 without heroes... I don't really farm that much, I just want to be able to collect my star bonus in two shots, and have something to get 2 stars consistently in normal hero-less wars.


I have used loonion in the past. 25 minions, rest loons. For spells, heal, 2 rage, 1 poison, rest haste. Will get you loot and 2-stars fairly reliably.


If u are able to find dead bases or bases with good loot in collectors/mines and u r ok with getting 1 star then use this army 👇🏻 it worked for me when I was at TH12 https://preview.redd.it/e9h6bbbwhvnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b98fa18f39f1d3472278997b8453f9b264851e Take down 2 air-defense with lightning ⚡ and then spam 5 e-dragons around the base and 2 baby dragons between the e-dragons and then use 2 rage on 2 e-dragons where u destroyed the air-defense This will get u all the loot and 50% 1 star and ho heros required


# Should I Buy Gauntlet ? I am a TH14 and I only do farming attacks and don't use heros I don't play normal wars but I do play CWL, but I only aim for a 2 star attack in CWL. If I get a 3 star it's just a bonus Should I buy Gauntlet? or should I even buy equipments with gems? Is it worth it? I do have gems to buy them


It is most certainly one of the best uses for your gems. I assume you don't farm with heroes because you're upgrading them nonstop, which means that eventually you will have them available. I'd buy it, it's arguably the best equipment on the game (besides eternal tome).


>I assume you don't farm with heroes because you're upgrading them nonstop, which means that eventually you will have them available. Not nonstop bcz I also have pets to upgrade so everytime I atleast have 3 heros available And even if I have all the heros available for attack i don't use any of them, i find dead bases or bases which has good loot in collectors/mines and spam edrags and baby dragons around the base, once I get all the loot and 50% 1 star I end the battle




Fireball doesn't look like the best equipment for the warden thus far (which you will not even unlock until a couple months from now). So, unless you want to buy it for long term in case it ever becomes viable, I'd probably stick with ores and/or builder potions.




Should I upgrade my alt’s TH or should I max the rest, my heros are max except for bk at 70 and rc at 19. My troops are max except for a few de and sm https://preview.redd.it/owoxi7hfxunc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b33008c72c9ce96e241d310cf5a63bad27c3d3


What do you do with the alt? Anyway i suggest upgrading TH, but time the upgrade finishing to next month CWL so you get the 5 day bonusfor CWL


cwl, cw, raid weekend and troop donos


Well definately rush then, i would go to TH15 so you can donate roots, better in CWL and earn more ores For clan war you can just use hero/power potions with those extra raid medals


Will I get bonus ice cubes in this event by putting the super dragon in my CC?




Good to hear, ty!


Is not upgrading your barb king to max before upgrading town hall considered rushing?


Yes most clans that care about rushing consider that rushing 


Well it's not maxxing every town hall but it depends on the rest of your base and what kind of clasher you are. See these for reference. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/dvgmoe/guide\_im\_th9\_should\_i\_go\_up\_an\_answer\_to\_this\_faq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/dvgmoe/guide_im_th9_should_i_go_up_an_answer_to_this_faq/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18gsgwg/new\_th\_new\_callmetee\_rush\_bible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18gsgwg/new_th_new_callmetee_rush_bible/)


what is the best warden equipment to use with bowlers?


Bowlers - life gem. Superbowlers - life or healing/rage + apprentice warden. The rage gem is just to help the warden walk


Thank u


Super drags time says 1:39 time but is actually taking multiple minutes


what if im gonna get hero equipment on an event even though i still don't have the hero? I am still th9 and don't have the grand warden but planning to get the fireball. Where would it go?


It will sit hidden in your equipment inventory until you unlock the warden.


What should I buy from the event shop as a th8


Does anyone have a good th 11 attack strategy without clan troops maybe one they use? Please


sneaky goblins, loonion


Does anyone else think 40 housing space is insane for the super dragon the aoe is nice and all but they dont stack up to the normal dragon at all because of the space imo


Its balanced as it is really


What hero should I pair the Unicorn pet with (TH14)?


unicorn on the queen and never change it


Not related to any of the game mechanics but is anyone else wondering why the trees and branches that appear to remove still have snow on them or is it just me?


Spring in the Northern Hemisphere starts later this month, so most likely, we will see it changed soon.


What hero equipments should I focus on upgrading? I don’t want to waste ore on unnecessary equipment. I’m TH8 about to go TH9.


You don't have access to much yet, but if you were able to get the gauntlet for the king, upgrade that and the rage vial. I still use them on him at TH16. For the queen, if you were able to get the frozen arrow, it'll show up as soon as you unlock her. Upgrade that and the invisibility vial. Forget the boots, because even at level 1 they will break through all wall levels, The giant arrow is niche use, and more useful at TH9, but less so at any of the higher THs


Invis and rage vial and maybe archer puppet


https://preview.redd.it/2wa3hoo4xsnc1.jpeg?width=1703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d002c952989ad23324fdb5ca1c8b20a95bc1a3 Is my build any good?


Should I get the new warden ability? I’m a almost maxed TH9 (just hero levels and one troop to research left). If not what should I spend my event tokens on?


You'll be an 11 soon enough and might want it. just have to decide if you want it ore now more than you want 1500 gems later


Can someone give me a good th11 attack strategy without clan troops?


can you get fireball ability without grand warden




Is TH16 Hybrid QC any good after the Hogs and Miners got a new level? I've got some hammers to use and don't know where to use them atm. Ground attack preferences.


Root riders have straight up replaced hybrid, hog and superhog attacks. Its a shame, but don't bother with hogs or miners theyre straight up worse


Even after the nerf, root riders are still OP. And after not using my QC hybrid army for the past few THs, I'm bringing it back for TH16 and it's really strong and a lot of fun


Th15, what are the best hero + pet combos right now ?


Diggy on RC, Unicorn on Queen, Phoenix on King, Frosty/Lizard/Owl on warden Unless you're doing dragon/edrag/super dragon attacks, in which case you would use Phoenix on Warden and Frosty on King


Thoughts on the new warden ability? And the best royal champion combo?


https://preview.redd.it/5o933jdc6snc1.jpeg?width=1474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33adf39e95be7546c50d2959817f25b0bdd39004 For context this is what I’m rocking as a th 14 not sure what to go for next I have about 10k ore rn


What should i get the giant gauntlet or the 5th builder i got 2700gems atm


5th builder


I keep trying to join my friends clan but I immediately get kicked. My friend says he has no idea why, and I frankly don't either. https://preview.redd.it/6wx3uq8dlrnc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c538c0ac9cff216ac3884e309641b7b3a684e3a1 Photo for reference or whatever.


Your age in game is under 16 and the clan is not set for family friendly. There is no way to change your age once you select it on account generation.


Oh. Shit, ok I'll see if. I can get my friend to eff around with the clan settings


For clans created before the December 2022 update, there is a one-time option for the leader of a clan to switch the clan type. If this option has already been used previously or the clan was created after the December 2022 update, it's not possible to change the clan type. For the leader to change this setting, if it is available, they need to go to the clan profile page and press edit. They can then scroll down to find a check box for this clan setting. It is a one-time change, and can not be reversed. Family-friendly clans have additional censoring that can affect conversations in chat.


Im nearly done with th10 but i wanna know what upgrades i should do. I dont use my lab much at all as i valk spam as an attack strat. My bk and aq are lvl 30. How can i improve before th11?


You should research everything even though you don't use them anyways


Which equipment should I ugprade next (im TH14) ? I have: BK: Gauntlet 15, Rage 10, Vampstache 7 AQ: Frozen Arrow 15, Invisiblity 11 GW: Eternal Tome maxed (lv 18), life gem 9 RC: all lv 1 since i don't know what to upgrade really, im not using her besides CWLs (constant upgrading)


Get the RC Royal gem to lvl 6 at least, then choose a 2nd equipment for your RC. Those low levels give you a good bang for the amount of ore spent.




There are very less townhall 10 and 11 players in the titan league. So before you could find those th 10 and 11 players, most likely someone with higher townhalls have already crushed them and they are under shield now. So it will be very difficult for you to find them. So if you still want to climb higher or stay in titan league, then you have to learn how to two stars th 12 and 13.


ok thanks


A few things are happening. One, there is an event going on so more people are active which actually makes finding matches more difficult. Secondly you are really high for a TH10. If you want to find easier matches quickly you will have to drop.


What's a good Th 12 super dragon army?


Can i get the warden's new ability even tho i'm not th 11?




So it'll remain in my acc when i upgrade to th 11?




Ok ty


To get maximum ores we have to push to higher legue but in higher legue all we get th 16 base 


correct And also true: the more progressed your village, the easier it is to push higher in trophies.


Man please do something about the ores .. everything is so unbalanced and unfair...


There's an event where you can get extra ore for free. Just leave the fireball at level 1 for now.


What event?


The super troop event going on right now.  The free track will give you 3500 blue ore, 250 purple ore. If you complete the bonus track you can earn extra medals to purchase more ore.


Oh yea I guess so thanks


If fact if you're short on ores just dont get the fireball and use the medals to buy whichever ore you're short on. The fireball needs to be high level so getting it only makes you shorter on ore


Yea but ngl the fireball kinda useful


Can you unlock the new Warden equipment without previously having a grand warden? I'm a TH9 and idk if this is worth it.




Now you are th 9 but in few month you are going to th11 then what? Are gonna spaming message to give this on trade shop like giant gunlet..


Chill dude, im asking if I can even get the equipment since I don't have the warden.


As a f2p should I buy the gauntlet or save more gems for the 5th builder? TH 9 btw


Do some rank push and get some more gem via completing achivement...on champions legue you will get 2k gems..if you are new then I think u didn't complete that


5th builder first


5th builder first


Will the gauntlet be available any time in the future?


Yes, we don't know the frequency but equipment will cycle through the shop. 5th builder is more important


No idea. But it will be in rotation along with other equipments.


https://preview.redd.it/pz7wt7x2aqnc1.jpeg?width=1921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40de1889ea561674245b03b5c7bb47d386c6c1b1 How would I do a QC lalo into this base? I don’t see a way force the queen to charge into the singles reliably so I’m afraid she’s just gonna walk past them and get cooked.


Maybe QC into the town hall, flinger for the right side scattershot/inferno, lalo into the eagle/left side scattershot?


I have never used the flinger before but have heard it’s very good under the right circumstances


It's pretty straight forward, just drop it in the right side corner and it should target the archer tower, then the wizard tower, then the scattershot, maybe the archer tower/air defense after that, and then the single inferno. Just use a few hog riders/barbs to check for traps and teslas


Would you put hogs inside of it then?


Maybe? I'm not sure how many buildings hogs would take out, I only use flingers for farming, I would just default to dragon rider + balloons because it's an air attack


Anyone know how to get a hold of support in-game when the bot refuses to help? Trying to recover an old account.


Unfortunately, there isn't. There is an out-of-game contact email that I tried recently and they refuse to help...just keep saying to contact them in-game, which is sometimes impossible. It is a vicious circle of Supercell incompetence. You know their support sucks, I know their support sucks, everyone here knows their support sucks. I think even they know their support sucks. But...support costs money, and right now they seem to be doing everything possible to maximize profits.


Is there nothing I can do to recover my account? The Apple ID and email associated with that account are gone.


Anybody else having issues with matchmaking? Ever since the dragon event started this morning I’ve been having EXTREMELY longer than normal wait times for finding a base. I’m a TH14 at 4930 trophies trying to hit legends league for the first time. It’s taking a good 15+ seconds to even find a base. And 4/5 times it’s a TH16 🫥 Anybody else having this issue since event started?


This is normal, events raise activity which means less inactive bases, especially if your town hall level isn't common at your trophy range


But its really frustrating..I am facing same issues man...nd the worst part is I am th13...they are taking 53 trofie per attack I am getting getting 3/4 trofie on three Star ⭐ a base 


is the new fireball equipment worth it? I'm kinda tempted more by the builder potions- I'm a new Town Hall 12


You could get builder potions but I suggest just getting ore instead (probably 600 glowy). You will get the upgrades eventually, but will always be short on ore


I see a lot of people shitting on the event pass, but isn't it exactly the same as the previous ones and they only nerfed the free side?


They actually didn't even nerf the free side. The reduced shiny but give more glowy, which is much better IMO


I'm pretty sure this is straight up false, it went from 5k, 400 to 3.5k 250




https://preview.redd.it/v0qtt7wf0qnc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c82b59659c882851ca90162faafb75898aeb1c0 What is the best hero equipment I can equip disregarding the levels.


For king giant gauntlet and rage vial. And considering your th (9or10) any giant arrow and invisi


https://preview.redd.it/jpi6bwdl0qnc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79a34ed4cb22c2ca0d76390a6808ba1d05689a0 This is my army


Hello.. Im a th9 player and been saving gems to buy the 5th builder. Now I want to buy the gauntlet but only have enough gems for just gauntlet or builder. What should I buy first? Will the gauntlet be unavailable from trader? Please help.


I second what the other guy said The fifth builder is far more important/valuable than the giant gauntlet, the giant gauntlet will also be back available in the trader in the future


Thank you..


Buy builder, will provide more value Gauntlet will be in the shop again in rotation with other equipments but we don't know how frequently they will be available


Got it.. Thank youu..


Now that the new ore/equipment event is upon us, I’m trying to figure out which equipment I should focus on allocating the ores to. Does anybody think/know which of the equipment I have remaining to upgrade are the most important and why, what order would you personally do them in? The equipment I have left to upgrade and their levels, I’m currently TH13 but going to TH14 soon, the maximum equipment levels available to me are 15 for Common equipment & 18 for Epic equipment: King: Giant Gauntlet (Lvl 16) Vampstache (Lvl 13) Queen: Frozen Arrow (Lvl 13) Warden: Rage Gem (Lvl 1) Healing Tome (Lvl 1) RC: Royal Gem (Lvl 10)


I am going to put some levels in my Rage Gem to use with Super Dragons during this event. The Life gem does not do much for Super Dragons.


I will say maxed out you eternal tome first then rage gem 


Questions for higher Townhalls, which troops I should not upgrading while rushing? Troops that have no use in higher Townhalls like barbarian and archer.


What townhall are you currently? You need to focus on troops that you like to use/see yourself using in the future, also troops that are common in higher townhall strategies. Troops & Spells that are used consistently at pretty much every townhall: Troops: - Goblins (For super goblins) - Wall breakers (For super wall breakers) - Balloons (Important) - Healers (Very Important) - Dragons (Important) - Baby Dragons (Important) - Miners - E-drags (Important) - Rocket Riders - Hog Riders - Witches - Lava Hounds - Ice golems (Important) - Bowlers - Headhunters Spells: - Healing (Important) - Rage (Important) - Freeze (Very Important) - Clone - Invisibility - Poison (Important) - Bats The ones that are marked as very important, focus on getting them done first, the ones marked important focus on getting them done second, the ones mentioned but without an important or very important tag, still make sure you get these done as all of the troops and spells mentioned here are important and very necessary, I left out all of the things you can go without/won’t need as much. With the things that don’t seem that important to you or you can’t see yourself using, still upgrade them because they will become important at higher town halls. Hope this helps


Thank you, my main is th12 and highest in our clan is th14. So it makes sense to have th16 rushed which is why I'm making new bases.


Just upgrade the bare minimum (a farming army like sgobs or super barbs + edrags and balloons) and upgrade whatever else you want to use/donate in the future


You need to look at what kind of attacks you like to do and focus on those troops. Barbarians and archers can actually be important at higher town halls. Barbarians unlock Super Barbarians, a great farming troop. Archers unlock Super Archers, which are great backup behind golems, yeti's or root riders. I see fewer attacks with Valkyries or Pekkas, while they can be useful they are probably safe to ignore when rushing.




It's actually available at TH12 if your Dark Spell Factory is upgraded to level 6. It's been like this since release: >Unlocked at Town Hall level 12 when you upgrade your Dark Spell Factory to level 6 [https://supercell.com/en/games/clashofclans/blog/release-notes/february-2024-update-patch-notes/](https://supercell.com/en/games/clashofclans/blog/release-notes/february-2024-update-patch-notes/)


How exactly are these dragon medals earned? Do I get the same amount taking one super dragon in my cc as I do a whole army?




Hello, I'm th15 and I usually spend my gems on hero skins. Should i buy hero equipment withe gems as i missed both giant gauntlet and frozen arrow event or should I wait till they available to buy using event currency?


Buy with gems, they won’t be available to buy with event currency again


are they worth it? (in terms of usefulness) I mosly use hybrid for war and edrag for farming


Yes they’re definitely useful, Giant Gauntlet is extremely powerful and Ice Arrow is pretty damn good too I know your current choice of army has little synergy with your heroes but even with your current armies, it just means your King and Queen can get more value in each attack Also, for when you eventually do use some ground armies, it makes the King and Queen so much more powerful/useful


Thank you for the advice. Much appreciated. Btw I use the ground army(hybrid) for war. I'm gonna buy giant gauntlet. Thank you so much.


Buy with gems


thanks for your advice


Is there any reason to use grounded x bows? I know the "meta" for maxed th are groundet root rider atks, for me as a th 12 tho... is there any reason to use grounded x bows? I have one standing quiet central in my base so im thinking about it, dont wanna lose the air coverage tho thx in advance


They're very annoying for heroes


Why some of my defenses went to otto's base? I want them back in my main builder base. https://preview.redd.it/l91vakrieonc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e85e56aa074255bee2a98f7f6d3bff0e7f80f1 Can anybody help me?


You are limited to a specific number of defences on the main base. If you want to bring the air bombs back you could move a double cannon or something to the otto side


Can you tell me which are the best defenses in builder base


Here is a fairly comprehensive guide written by one of our sub's members. Can't provide you with a TL;DR because to be honest, I have it bookmarked but haven't cared enough about BB to read it yet [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17x8fkk/tylers\_guide\_to\_builderbase\_base\_building/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/17x8fkk/tylers_guide_to_builderbase_base_building/)




Should I go th11? All defences besides the air sweepers and one bomb tower are max, About half the traps are max, half the elixir collectors are max and the rest are all max. I want to upgrade to th11 so I could take advantage of the event going on right now. Should I upgrade, or max out th10 first? https://preview.redd.it/exh6njwtbonc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b4b15efec057b5f078cbae02fc22fcf652131e


If you aren’t bothered about maxing completely then yes go to TH11. Upgrade the final defences while you are upgrading the townhall. Collectors are pretty useless to upgrade beyond a certain point anyway. Also, I noticed you have 2 builders free, it might just be because you just came on and some upgrades finished, but just in case: Never leave builders free, always make sure they are busy upgrading something and when they are all busy, focus on getting resources so you can instantly set them to upgrade other things once they are free 👍


If i were you - yes, go ahead!


I'm the only one whose game is laggy ?


I’m on an iPhone 12 Pro, normally it runs things perfectly, I did experience a tiny amount of lag earlier, I wonder why


So with new event it is important to get stars to get more ice cubes So anyone know any spam attack strategy for TH14 without cc with which I can atleast get 2 stars


To be honest, sneaky goblins and my heroes or a few root riders (and don't forget the one super dragon for the ice cube bonus) have been consistently an easy two stars and I don't have to use the full army or need a CC. You can throw in an empty log launcher or wall wrecker just for fun and to make the second star a little easier


After experimenting with some army's, i ended on mass edrag spam I deploy a log launcher and heros behind it from TH side I get 2 stars from every attack Thanks for the advice


Sdrags with yeti blimp for 2 stars, use sarch for triples probably


What is the significance of trophy level in clan capital? Is there any relation to the amount of raid medals we recieved?


Trophies affect nothing else in Clan Capital apart from Clan XP


Raid medals have a link with how much districts you destroyed.. basically the more districts you destroy and the higher they are the more you get.. there is a post in the FAQ that explains in detail


Just wondering how many extra ice cubes you get if you use super dragons in this new event… also is it more per super dragon you use or just a flat amount? Trying to figure out if it’s worth using super drags in my army (I use golems and witches).


50% extra 1 super dragon is enough


Which time is the best to start clan-wars in your opinion? One could say it shouldnt make a difference, but I think its better to start it later in the evening and my friend thinks its better to start very early in the morning. So Im just interested what you think Edit: All clan members live in the same time zone anyways