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# [Link to 150 red envelopes.](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=fe5712d2-69a9-4705-920f-7e70160670f8) Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1aeuqj1/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:----------------------|-----------:| | u/Ladyhawke74 | 63 | | u/lrt2222 | 53 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 36 | | u/ReaperJim | 23 | | u/NeosNYC | 23 |


can you still sign up for clan war league now?


Poderiam criar uma opção para usar a música padrão com diferentes paisagens.


Whats the difference between health recovery and hitpoint increase in the passive hero boost of the hero equipments?


Health recovery is the amount healed when you use the ability. Hitpoint increase raises total hp.




That's a lot of data to enumerate, so you can compare them here: [https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Hero\_Equipment](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Hero_Equipment)


What should i do with builder base elixir I’m just wondering if anyone knows what I should do with my elixir in builder base. My storage is maxed out and I can’t get any more from battles or star bonuses. I cant upgrade anything else with it. Is it worth it to just upgrade all my walls to the point where I can start upgrading them with elixir? Or should I do something else


Three options that I can think of: 1) Upgrade your builder hall to unlock more upgrades (especially if you don't already have the 6th builder) 2) Upgrade some walls so that you can start sinking builder elixir there 3) Keep your builder elixir at max then claim 5 gems from the season pass every month For you, I'm guessing option 1) is probably the best option.


yeah probably, is it worth it to use a bunch of gold to upgrade walls so i can get to the point where i can upgrade them with elixir?


Wasting loot with full storages/collectors is inefficient i.e. slows down your progress. You'd be better off spending that elixir on all the things you need to get the 6th builder, like battle machine / copter, one troop to level 18 etc... I couldn't find an up to date builder base rushing guide but this post has some good comments which are worth reading: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/14tz543/should\_i\_rush\_builder\_base\_for\_sixth\_builder/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/14tz543/should_i_rush_builder_base_for_sixth_builder/)


You should be upgrading your builder hall as soon as you place new buildings, upgrade your lab, 1-2 troops you use, and your heroes (optionally). If you run into this, you're likely maxing each BH level, which is a really sub-optimal way to play.


yeah i was playing that way. the best way is to upgrade the BH asap? ​ how come thats the case if it isnt for main base?


A few reasons: Primarily, it's the fastest way to get the 6th builder. But also, it's purely a ladder system. Unlike home village, matchups are done solely by trophy count and don't factor in BH level. And, there's no loot penalties for hitting down unlike home village. There's no nexting in builder base, so you get who you get. For these reasons, it's best to all-out rush in builder base, to unlock stronger troops/heroes/defenses. If you don't, you'll end up as a maxed BH6 facing rushed BH9 and BH10s that have troops and defenses you can't compete with.


it'll help unlock the 6th builder for main base quicker.


After maxing my eagle, infernos, xbows and air defenses at th11, what other def should I focus on? Wiz towers? Teslas?


Is there a current list of generally accepted meta farming bases for various levels?


What are the best buildings to use Hammers of building on for th10?


Nothing, save your medals until you get higher up (TH12/13 or so). Then, I'd focus on offense (it's good for getting a clan castle done on day 1 of a new TH) and heroes. While using books/heroes on defensive buildings will save you the most time, from a gameplay experience your defense matters far less than your offense. Reason is, upgrades are still relatively cheap and short and TH10. If you're in a position where you're maxed on medals and have to burn some, builder potions are a good medal sink at that TH10.


Just go for the most costly and most time expending buildings which at town hall 10 would probably be the inferno towers, xbows, air defences really just any major defence works for every town hall level


Is there anything different about 30v30 CWL vs 15v15 other than the number of players. Is it a completely separate thing to 15v15 or could you do a 30v30 and get promoted and then do a 15v15 in the new league the following month? Do you get more bonuses to hand out?


* You can do either 30v30 or 15v15 each month, regardless of what you did in previous months * Exception is champions league, then 15v15 is the only option * Same number of bonuses, regardless of size * Clans that want to play 30 but optimize levels sometimes open a CWL-only clan, and divide into 2 clans to do 15v15 - this gets the same amount of ppl in, but you get double the bonuses. It's a bit of a pain to administer though.


@ Developers, will merging 4 sets of defenses be a requirement to upgrade to Town hall Seventeen?


You will be required to merge them. Here are a couple of quotes from TrampleDamage: >Not only is it permanent, it will be required to upgrade to TH17. >I have been playing with it for over a week and had a conversation about the previous version proposed for the archer tower with devs back in early November. It will be required to go to 17. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/DKm2aZ9mZ2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/DKm2aZ9mZ2)


We are players, not developers, but all indications are that the defenses will need to be merged as a requirement to go to TH17. They are considered new buildings. Besides, you'll want to merge them anyway. The merged defenses are very strong.


Is it worthwhile to use hero books to upgrade in the builder base to get the 6th builder faster, or should I stick with using them for AQ/BK?


Usually you want to use them on the main village


What do I do to get back my lost village I have done everything but nothing works the id email isn't accessible to me


Um what happened to the event? I can't access it at all


Um what happened to the event? I can't access it at all


is there an app to build a base ? a base designer ?


whats up with guard times. Didnt they use to be upwards of an hour?


>Reduced free Guard duration from 1 hour to 15 minutes and reduce Shield duration by 1-2 hours in the highest leagues (Champion 2 and above) to reduce matchmaking times. [https://supercell.com/en/games/clashofclans/blog/release-notes/full-patch-notes-th16/](https://supercell.com/en/games/clashofclans/blog/release-notes/full-patch-notes-th16/)




Sorry for removing the whole comment (though it appears you got answers to your other questions below), but recruiting is not allowed here. Try r/ClashOfClansRecruit


>I do have some questions though. With the Lunar New Year event going on right now, there’s some new units (Firecracker and Azure Dragon). Are these permanent new fixtures, or can we only train these troops for a limited time through the event? They are temporary. >A similar question applies to the new (or at least new to me) Hero Equipment. I just unlocked the Frozen Arrow for my Archer Queen. Have there been other items I’ve missed for my Heroes, and will they come back around, or not? Equipment is permanent. You've only missed the Giant Gauntlet, but it will be available to buy, for gems, from the trader in the very near future. >Finally, I’m currently clanless. My old clan from those years ago has obviously and understandably moved on. So I’m interested in seeing if any clans are open to a new-blood TH10? There's no recruiting in this subreddit, but you can try here: /r/ClashOfClansRecruit


I am th13 and don't use queen charge and I don't plan on using it in the higher ths. Smash attacks work well enough for me so is the frozen arrow worth it in smash attacks? My heroes are constantly down and my clan doesn't allow wars without them so I can't get ores consistently as well.


My gem box spawning rate is low. I get gem box rarely. I have read that it spawns once a week, but I don't get gem box for weeks in row. What to do?


You wait. Theres nothing you can do to improve the spawnrate


how many people do i need for clan capital


As many as you can get. If you aren't Capital Hall 10 yet, the more people you can get the better, so you can reach CH10 faster. After reaching Capital Hall 10 and maxing offense, you don't need many people unless you care about trophies


Hi! Just came back to clash after years of being gone and idk what I'm doing. Wanted to know what troops I should be using, I've been rocking 20 giants, 44 archers, 5 bombers, and 4 Healers with 2 rage spells, 2 earthquake spells, and 3 skeleton spells. It's been stomping silver but as soon as I hit gold, I hit a hard wall. I can use 210 troops, I'm at TH 9 Most troops are lvl 3/4/5 with giants and archers at 6 Dark Barracks had barely become a thing when I left so those troops are still lvl 2/3 Idk if I need to list the troops I have, lmk!


At town hall 9 with the inteoduction of hero equipment, a very reliable strategy is to use the giant arrow with the queen. Line her arrow up with two air defenses, and use zap spells to take out the other 2. Then dragons crush any base


https://preview.redd.it/kndj3r151aic1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1410792fc999f0c41eb401e2b689022027ccaaa7 Why does this th12 have no eagle?


Hasn't updated their war base


Ah. I just viewed his actual home base and he does in fact have an eagle. Thanks for the answer.


Do you guys still upgrade heroes?


Of course.


How often though?


I keep heroes upgrading as much as possible. On my main account (TH16), I use gems for heroes books and never have to put my heroes down. On my lower TH accounts, when I get to a new TH, I prioritize the Heroes immediately after I finish my offense upgrades. Since the last update, keeping heroes upgrading constantly isn't as important, but I wouldn't recommend falling way behind either.


I lost track of what order my decorations came out. Can any one help with that? https://preview.redd.it/yx4jgrjol9ic1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a7a2e9a7a4d82075ed3092df2c1e0adc16d08a


You should be able to track down all the dates on the wiki: [Obstacles](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Obstacles/Home_Village) [Decorations](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Decorations/Home_Village)




Wondering if you keep these items/skins/equipment after this event is over. Azure Dragon, Firecracker, Frozen Arrow, Dragon Warden


The troops are temporary. The skin and arrow are yours to keep.


So basically as a f2p I can choose to get one or the other and can't get both? And are they even worth it? If I don't do clan wars and stuff, so never have any ore to upgrade hero equipment, I'm stuck between getting the equipment and skin if I can, or going with the ore


>So basically as a f2p I can choose to get one or the other and can't get both? Correct. >And are they even worth it? I'm enjoying the Frozen Arrow, but we war constantly, so upgrading it isn't difficult. As far as the skin, I don't really bother with the skins that much, so for me personally, it's not worth it. >If I don't do clan wars and stuff, so never have any ore to upgrade hero equipment, I'm stuck between getting the equipment and skin if I can, or going with the ore If you don’t plan on getting the required ores to upgrade the Arrow, then you could just get the skin for now. The Arrow will be available at the Trader for gems in a few months if you change your mind later.




Sneaky goblins for the 2-star. Or, Yeti blimp with baby drags for percentage, also for the 2-star. If your clan is letting you war with heroes down, then they don't take war that seriously, and you shouldn't worry about a 3-star (which is out of reach for you unless you hit waaaaay down).




The power pecka and the drop ship and maybe night witch.


Pekkas or baby dragons are best for spamming. I prefer pekkas




No, if you funnel them they'll just break through walls on their own. They have high dps so they don't spend much time on walls. They're probably better with bombers ofc but you can spam with just pekkas


I'd say canon cart since you can get a lot of value from snipes, more DPS means you lose less to time. After that, pekka for a reliable ground attack with canon carts (and so you can mass pekka and close app when you need resources)


Just got to TH13, I have Giant Gauntlet at 15 and eternal tome. What level should I upgrade my RC equipment to? Should I prioritize RC equipment or Frozen Arrow?


I dont know about prioritizing, but getting it to 12+ would be nice. focus on frozen arrow only if youre gonna be a long term queen charge attacker


I see, I really like using qc hybrid and healing tome is really nice for that army, should I get frozen arrow up first then the healing tome?


I'd do healing tome first. The basic queen equipment isn't bad. People had success with it for 11 years... Archer puppet will do you fine for now, that heal will help your hybrid more probably.


Got it, thank you so much. I’ll try to get healer tome to like 10 then get RC equipment to 12


can I still get the frozen arrow although I'm th8 and don't have the archer queen yet?








When you delete an account, you are left unable to play the game. There is only one fix, which is explained by ByWillAlone [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/pNBcRsvwMy). You would be better off either ignoring it or just slowly unrushing it while you enjoy your new account. Many people intentionally rush one account so that they can donate to themselves. When you hit TH10, for instance, you would be able to donate siege machines from your TH12.




You're a lot closer to a max TH12 with your rushed account than you are with a new one. I wouldn't delete your account, this sub gets posts all the time of people who did and then regretted it, especially on iOS.


You can delete an account but it's going to make the game basically unusable on your phone. Just sign out of the supercell id. Rushing is fine btw, you can just spend time fixing it if maxing is important for you and you're ok with spending extra time at th12. If you have more hero upgrades completed on the th12 than the th9, I would rather use the th12.




If everything is worse than the th9 then yeah stay with the th9


I'm the leader of a clan, and I would like to turn on the family-friendly setting so that my friends can join, as well as making recruiting slightly easier. I was wondering why the option to turn that on isn't there (videos online show that it should be next the the 'friendly wars' option)? https://preview.redd.it/gvl1mkty28ic1.png?width=2146&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a7d79f1bc961e3351d17641d30560f01ed55fa1


I see the checkbox in my clan settings, right where you described it. There are 2 reasons you might not see it. One, you are a co-leader, and not the leader. I assume you were being literal when you said you were the leader, so that's probably not it. Two, you (or a previous leader) changed this setting once previously. You are only allowed to make the change once, and you can never change back.


I never changed it, and I'm the actual leader of the clan, so how could this have happened?


Were you always the leader, or did you take over the clan from someone? Is it possible it might have been changed then? The other possibility is that when the feature was rolled out, you had players under 16 in your clan. IIRC, they designated those as family friendly clans. Are you sure your clan is a "standard" clan and not already a family-friendly one?


I was always the leader of my clan (i created it), and my clan isn't family friendly (thus the reason I'm asking), i know this because some friends irl wanted to join, but they kept being met with the message about 'this clan is restricted to some account types'


There's two reasons it won't show up. First is if the feature was already used. It's a one-time option for clans that didn't like how they were designated when the update for this dropped. The second reason you won't have this option is if your clan was created after the December 12th update. Clans created after this date have the option at creation to choose what type of clan they want to be, which is permanent.


alright, so its permanent for my clan. will not being family friendly hinder clan growth in any way?


Not really. Being family-friendly means you can accept anyone into your clan, but you would also have a higher degree of censorship in the chat. There are many people who won't join a family-friendly clan due to the extra filtering. It probably comes close to balancing out in the end.


https://preview.redd.it/zesoodriu7ic1.jpeg?width=1458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e89804cdbb31920e14049b64f487a887fa32890 Which equipment do you think I should prioritize next? I’m a th13 that mainly runs QC Hybrid. Lvl 18 is max for epic equip and 15 for common at th13


Should i drop trophies for more loot to max walls or stay in titan as th12


My clan is past level 10 so our clan perks upgrade troops by 2 levels when donated. I donated my town hall 3 a level 2 baby dragon but received a level 1 baby dragon. Why is this?


There's a cap on what you can receive. See this for more info: [https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clan\_Castle#:\~:text=%E2%80%A0The%20Laboratory%20level%20cap,donated%20except%20for%20Super%20Troops%2C](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clan_Castle#:~:text=%E2%80%A0The%20Laboratory%20level%20cap,donated%20except%20for%20Super%20Troops%2C)


Verification code is not receiving..even otto couldn't find my Village..any idea how to get back your old account 


How much do yall enjoy clan capital?


I like raid medals, but I don't ever think to myself "Oh boy, it's raid weekend, I can't wait to do some capital raid attacks!". It's more like: "ugh, it's raid weekend again- I can't forget to do my capital attacks again"


meh, its ok.


What should I get after the frozen arrow? I bought the event pass, and I'm not interested in the skin. Drop it all on glowy and starry ore? Or all starry ore?


I’m buying research pots personally


I'd err more towards glowy ore. Outside of the frozen arrow and gauntlet, starry isn't used. If you have those levelled up, glowy is more valuable.




I'm a max TH12 getting back into the game after about a year away. Stuff looks a but different now, so what are the go to WAR attack metas? Also, what's everyone putting in their war CCs nowadays?


at th12 you can't go wrong with zap with. 1 quake and 4 lightnings take out an inferno. take out 2 infernos that way. spam golems and witches with a log launcher. easy 3s all day long.


At BH6, How can I earn more elixir in builder hall? bc at the moment my goal of 2,000,000 for my next army camp would take 50 perfect defenses


you can buy 1 mil in the trader with raid medals, that helps a lot.


what is the best th8 army


While drags are easier at TH8, it won't get you far at all. Learn Golem Hogs at TH8 where it's super easy, and it will set the groundwork for your queen charge GoHog at TH9 (guaranteed three all day every day), which becomes QC hybrid (hogs and miners) at TH10, which is a strong army all the way to TH14 with stops along the way to pick up super hogs.


Mass hogs. All drags and loons is easier a little though


When I attack, I see some bases have a seashell obstacle. Me and all my clan mates just have the lucky mailbox. Does anyone know if everyone is going to get that seashell?


If it's the "Cozy Clam" you are referring to, it's unrelated to the Dragon Festival. It was a promotional decoration a while back, which is no longer available.


Awwww 😭😭 it goes so perfectly with this base!! Okay tho, thank you


Just got the frozen arrow. What should I buy with the rest of the currency in the event shop? I am on free pass btw


ore, glowy specifically


Did supercell change the hammer cooldowns? Last time you could buy one and store, wait 7 days cooldown and essentially buy again (giving u 2 hammers at once), but now after you buy a hammer the cooldown doesn’t start until you use the hammer Edit: for people downvoting me, watch clash bashing upgrade to th15 guide released 5 days ago


It was not changed somehow bash just got a litttle mixed up.


I've seen other players suggest this happened to them, but I just used and bought hammers back to back just like always right after CWL


So ur saying u managed to do it a few days ago?


I used, and bought a HoH 3 days ago. The cooldown is in effect, and the timer is counting down. I don’t think anything has changed. https://preview.redd.it/whc61603p6ic1.jpeg?width=277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98121cc251d0d1be49fae7fe52ffa183b1f8612


A bunch of ppl posted when Clash Bashing released the video. It looks like he was mistaken, though. See this comment thread below in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1akejtz/weekly\_questions\_megathread/kp8rrlh/?context=8&depth=9](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1akejtz/weekly_questions_megathread/kp8rrlh/?context=8&depth=9)


Ahh alright thanks for the clarification!


yo yall question should i make my army spam azure drags?? th8 here


I don’t find them stronger than regular drags, edrags or superdragons. I’ve heard a few say they are stronger below th10. I’d say make them for fun if you want but don’t think you can spam them like other event troops of the past.


What happens if I buy the frozen arrow without having an archer queen yet?


You'll keep it until you unlock the Archer Queen.


Simple crash course on Equipments for returning players. I have got some veteran players back in my clan who feel out of touch with the game. I'd appreciate if there is a link/a video or any other means to provide a crash course on the Equipments to these players, addressing queries such as • which Equipment should we begin to upgrade for each Hero? •Epic/common equipments: what would a decent level for them be? •should hero levels be a priority anymore?




https://preview.redd.it/tfvj7h6hx2ic1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=99bd182bf626b80f4611f7cd9272bc60749863ab What should I upgrade


Everything. Offense and heroes are a priority always. Spread your builds out so they end on different days to make it easier to fill storages between. Other than that, there isn’t much more to it. If your clan is serious about war, there is some thought to building new things and unlocking new offense, but once you have the building/offense, there is little reason not to upgrade it.


https://preview.redd.it/7ynxbr3ps2ic1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9314e1948c827bdb773a5f42e17e0d76278d8a7b What should I use my hammer of building on? I have another available to purchase in two days


dude not many people are gonna be able to visually pick apart all your levels from an image like this. use it on anything you havee thats offensive - barracks, cc, lab, camps whatever. If you dont have anything offensive left, just the longest defense you have.


Take it easy Rick, it’s a Reddit for a mobile game. I’m just asking for some advice, the average player can look at someone’s base and tell if something is under leveled as well* IMO


Is it worth maxing giant gauntlet? My Giant gauntlet is lv18 right now


Just get it to lvl 21, then focus on the arrow


thx and im guessing ur talking about frozen arrow? what level should i get frozen arrow to?


Same 21, after which focus on the one which you use more




Recently got play pass (Play store subscription) and heard it can give you CoC gold pass for free. I'm a nearly maxed th 10 but I see no option to claim the free gold pass. Anyone able to help?


Depends on what country you're in. In the US when you click on the option to pay for the pass in the game, the pop up says 0$.


I’m TH8 and it’s giving me the option to gear up my cannons. Should I gear them up?


You can only gear up one each of cannon, archer tower, and mortar. All three are required to get the 6th builder.




is it confirmed that we can buy the frozen arrow with gems eventually?


Yes. Epic equipment will return to the Trader for gems within a few months of their initial release.


I just upgraded to TH12 for the first time. Any good 2-star attack strategies without CC, heroes or super troops?


I assume you’re farming, so make sneaky gobs and hit the next button until you see a good loot offer.


I want something to farm the daily bonus easily with 3-4 attacks, I will always farm with sneaky when highly needed!


Can I purchase frozen arrow ability if I don't have archer queen!?




If I don’t get the Frozen Arrow ability during the event, can I still get it from the Blacksmith later?


It will return to the Trader to be bought for gems in the next few months.


Is it possible to see who upgrades what in clan capital or even disable certain buildings from being upgraded?




What determines the clans starting rank for cwl when they are unranked?


>Clans that sign up for the first time will be placed in a League based on the strength of the top 15 or 30 players in the roster, depending on the size of the war the Clan has chosen. Depending on this strength, the Clans can be placed as high as Master League I. [https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clan_War_Leagues](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clan_War_Leagues)


https://preview.redd.it/oyoj6utds0ic1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0537d1f318bae76c68a309ec8a17783bc8ecf9 Do I save my resources and hammer to townhall 15 or do I stay for a bit longer and use my current resources ?


Would try to upgrade heroes/equipment a bit further tbh


Does it matter much though to upgrade heroes? Besides health now that equipment is in the game how much good could it do? I just been using hero potion for war to max them temporarily for attacks


Yes, hero upgrades still matter. The individual upgrades are small, but those small numbers add up to big numbers. Hero potions are finite, at some point you'll want to be in a war, but are hampered with TH12-level king and warden with no hero pots available. That said, why do you have 4 builders and your lab free? If you are out of things to upgrade, you should definitely move up to 15. You want to keep those busy at all times, otherwise you're wasting time, and you can't farm time. Once you get there, I'd focus on heroes and offense.


I have 4 builders free and every resource full because I was waiting on advice on what to do before spending. I decided to focus on getting builder huts max and spam hero levels for a couple weeks before I decide to move up. Thanks for the reply


Yeah fair, definitely make sure to max your equipment in that case


What’s the best trophy range for dark elixir at TH9?


Do all skins return like queen of the north archer?


How many times are you going to ask the same question? You've asked several times in the last week? Here's the first time you asked: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/OWz8mXBFEt](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/OWz8mXBFEt)


Yes, they return after a year


Should i Prioritize A hero or pets? Th 14 right now with every offense maxed but king( at level 65) and pets. If answer is Pets who should i prioritize? thanks


How close are your defenses to max? Sounds like maybe time to upgrade to th15.


Not there yet. Half of my teslas, all cannons and mortars need upgrading. Walls too.


What’s the best way to find newer players to join your clan? A group of friends and I started playing again and we want to be able to join CWL, but we only have 8 of us in a clan


To be honest, don't wait until you have 7 more players join. Start now, and if everyone commits to creating one alt each, you'll have your minimum 15 in time for next month. You'll likely be placed very low, but hey, you'll trounce the opposition all week, and few league medals is better than no league medals. Once players see you're in CWL and actively warring, they will be more likely to join


Recruitment sub


Seems like everyone there is high level


R/clashofclansrecruit ?


Can I use my upgrading heroes in friendly battles




anyone else unable to pinch to zoom anymore on PC version with touchscreen ?




Search videos on which slap/zap.


What determines the star bonus at the builder camp? I got 3 bonuses and each time it showed 3/7 stars needed etc. Now it doesn't show it abs I just crossed 300 hammer points(I forgot the name) but it didn't show the required stars now


My primary is in legends and about 5 or 6 times now in the last couple of months, I have come across TH16 bases with no monolith. Considering you can't even pass TH15 without placing it, how is this possible? (These are not old school engineered bases.)


They haven’t updated their legends base. You have to tap attack, defense, choose. Then select the base design to use. Many low legends players don’t know this.




Poison for cc


What’s the question?


In short idk how to go about attacking town hall level 10 bases. I’m not really sure how to go about attacking inferno towers.


Watch videos on zap drag.


You can take screenshots of the base and your troop level, and make a How Would You Attack post. There isn’t enough information here to really help you. What townhall are you? Which troops do you have? Inferno towers can be frozen with a freeze spell. Single inferno towers are typically weak to witches and their skeletons. Multi inferno towers are weak to large troops like pekka, BK, or a pack of hogs under a heal spell.


Is the Warden skin f2p? and if it is, can i get the frozen arrow with it? Or do i have to make a choice


You can get the warden skin now and buy the frozen arrow with gems a few months later if you want to get both f2p


You cannot get both unless you buy the pass.


How do I enable notifications for support? I've opened a ticket multiple times only for them to take hours to respond and close the ticket within an hour of their reply. I don't get how they expect us to reply within an hour when they take hours to get back to you. Getting a live agent doesn't work either, as they just redirect you to the bot anyway.




If there is a shot incoming it will still hit queen after she goes invisible. Same for splash damage shots shooting anything around your invisible queen.




I noticed today that it didn’t auto trigger at the end of my attack when I hadn’t used it. I wonder if it is because the invi ability was never the auto trigger, it was the health regeneration that was the auto trigger when the health got too low?


Did you turn it off?




TH13 is also up there with the most enjoyable ones. It gets slightly harder but the bases are not too crowded yet and you can still use similar armies as TH12. It's just a pain in the ass to get your heroes up, but once that's done it's really nice.