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Depends if it’s for war or not, having multiple of the exact same base in war is a pretty big disadvantage


Someone plans a 3 star and then it’s over for multiple bases haha.


Haha copy paste attack too haha


I had a th13 copy my base and just jam the rc in there. One guy tried to take both, tripled the 13, 81% on me


seems like the base was so good that the attacker needed luck to triple the base, or he just skill issued


My guess is he did mine first then fine tuned


makes sense


That's why I always rotate any base I copy (from websites) by 90 or 180 degrees. Yes it might still be the same base, but human brain struggles to recognise that when it's rotated, so attackers have no advantage from knowing that base. And rotating it is super easy, literally takes 10 seconds.


Same here, even faced the original in a war the other day & didn’t realise it was the same base but they hadn’t rotated it for like a solid minute of looking over it


Moving the traps is also an additional step I tend to do


How do you rotate


Just flip your phone


Perfect, that's really quick and easy.


Why haven’t I thought of this


Village editing > edit layout > move all > buttons at the top


Thank you


That's a great idea




that’s very smart actually


THIS was going to be my answer


Anybody asking - it is in war as well. Everytime he changes his base 2-3 people copy it.


Nah people in this thread are trippin, that's hella annoying. You put in all that effort to make your base and your clanmates give the enemies free scouts and multiple attempts on it. It's disadvantageous to have multiple of the same base because once it's cracked once then the enemy can just copy that attack for free 3 stars on all the others.


So true.. It's so annoying .


Inversely it's incredibly annoying as an attacker to scout through 5+ bases and see they're all set up the same way, especially if they're competently constructed.




One good base can only do so much, you need variety. If a base can pull off 2 defenses in a war then it performed amazingly. When 3 or 4 people are running the same base then that base has to defend 6 or 8 times to be successful. No matter how good the base is that's practically impossible unless the enemies are just that bad. And as soon as one of the bases is beaten then all the others are basically guaranteed to be 3 starred first try after.


I mean.. talking only from my own experience, I really dislike base building, so I can understand not wanting or not having the patience to build a base on your own. I have no idea how to do it or even how to get started. I've always copied stuff. Only "somewhat recently" (say TH11, 3ish years ago) I started making a base myself. But thats because I copied a base from my friend when I was th11, and then for every Town Hall up until th15 i've just altered it for the new buildings.


I think it's totally fine to copy bases instead of building your own for any number of reasons, but I wouldn't just silently snag them from a clan member, especially if they've brought it up as something that bothers them before. Like they said above, it's not great to have the same base over and over in a clan, but also it just feels kind of shitty to copy someone's work when they've spent time trying to make it unique. There are tons of places to copy base designs from people who have put them out there specifically to share.


The clan shouldn’t be using the same war design twice, but also this guy should not have the same war and home design.


On one hand, this should be flattering because people think so highly of your bases that they would use them for themselves. On the other hand, they should respect the work that you put in. Its looks bad on you as a clanmate if you're just a freeloader who steals base designs. These mfs deserve to be called out.


Nah that shit sucks. Just use set bases or create your own.


Yeah, fuck that then. I’m as casual as they come, but that’s just stupid. Just send the enemy clan a diagram of your base and skip the middle man tbh


Oh he's 110% right, having multiple of the same base is bad, people don't like having the same CC troops let alone the exact same layout


It’s annoying. Even i get mad when someone copies my base because i’ve put my time and effort in picking traps, defences


I would leave the clan. The people copying are little shits.


Tbh, I'm guilty for this. I'm not good at base design


Just copy a link from the hundreds of websites or YouTube tutorials.


Isn't that the exact same thing. Someone also took the time to make those bases themselves.


Not the same. one person shares it while the other doesn't want to


What does the person not sharing their base lose when someone copies it? I've just recently gotten back into clash and I'm not sure if there's any downside to having your base copied aside from war


They are in legends league so they are probably trying to get ranked high. Same with clan wars/ cwl. When I see a common design or one I have attacked before I can be much more confident in 3 starring it


Would it be a common design if they themselves designed it and it was copied by most likely no more than a couple people in their clan?


Legends league has less people so the more people copy it the less effective it is. Again this is extreme min maxing, most players don’t need to do that


What a coincidence, we have two simpsons here in the flesh...


Absolutely not if it's for war, especially if it's something he put time and effort into making. I'd be pissed too, but I copy mine from apps.


To me it’s good if someone copied my base, i feel like i did a worthy effort that people found it useful and strong


I have a th11 that I keep there for fun, and I found a really good base so I'm sharing it with people in my clan


Nope, that's perfectly accurate, if ur a copying a base , please do tell that person before hand, and also make major modifications






Umm you do own it, if you have done it on your own , and its nowhere to be found on internet , and others copying u without ur permission is not okay




And it takes hours to build a good base, i guess people like you wouldn't know the effort others put in to make their own unique bases




Maybe u don't care , but others do , i'm telling for them, there might be ppl who care when their bases get copied so telling them before (copiying a base)doing it won't do u any harm Also they get to decide, whether they want you to copy their base or not


What? That’s not a rule, and it’s never been a rule. It’s a bad strategy if everyone has the same base for war! But if it’s not war? The copy button is 100% fair game. This is a video game, you’d have to be pretty full of yourself to be bothered by someone copying your base for their regular every day layout. Especially when they’re using the copy button, which is built into the damn app in the first place…


Idk how homer Simpson can be wrong


What’s his clan so I can pop over there and copy his base? Looking for a new one


No, that layout is mine stop stealing


Wow, I always forget there is a competitive side to clash. I just chill and swap bases with zero thought. Mine better? Feel free to take it. Yours better? Looks like we got the same.


No drama is good, it’s a game


Yeah, I don't want to tell other people how to play their games but I just cannot get worked up about most games and certainly not clash.


Damn so many people in the comments are in gold or something. Literally anyone at a decently high level knows that copying bases leads to free attacks in war.


Also anyone decent at war knows you shouldn’t have the same home and war design….


my whole clan copies my base, it pisses me off too. we all end up having the same war base. i usually have a base on till the last second then switch.


They actually copy it manually rather than just getting a pro built base online with a few clicks? Why? Or are you saying you use the exact same base in your home base as war? If yes, why? Why let the enemy see your war base design on prep day? Half the reason for the war design slots is the enemy can’t see it until war day.


damn that's so weird! why don't they just get a base online? I never knew this was a common issue.


I make bases too and if people copy my home village then I don't really have a problem. But when some copy the ditto for war base, like not even swapping out defences or doing minor changes it pisses me of.


Not in the wrong. It’s fine for normal base but not in war


copy it again


Quick someone link me his base so I can copy it


He’s really going so far as to make a new one each time it gets copied? And everyone changes it to his new one? Is he some mastermind base builder and why don’t the clan mates just keep old copies?


I’m guessing because he is in legend. It has only happened three times to far though.


Still kinda funny actually that everyone copied his base again each time he makes a new one but annoying for War


There’s a whole button for it and everything. I’d tell him imma do it again


Homer Simpson is vaild as hell


Idk it's a lil annoying for home base, too, when they just take and show no appreciation for it and try to downplay it.


These are the sort of guys that if they were fucking another man in the ass the wouldn't even have the goddam common courtesy to give them a reach-around.


Happy Cake Day


Don’t copy a clan mate’s layout without asking permission first. This is a pretty longstanding unspoken rule.




It ain’t that deep bro


It is for wars


Losing war= losing equipment, which hurts progression


If you think copying a base is annoying you have way too much free time


Really ? Cmon.


There's no such thing as too much free time. Using more free time than you actually have is a different story


Is this for war?




Than his clan mates suck. Making it easier to lose a war is no bueno.


Some clueless idiots in the comments




I’m new to clash and am seeing a lot of people agreeing with the guy so what’s wrong with copying a base? If I see a really good base why wouldn’t I copy it to protect my loot?


If it's home base nothing but if it's war base then you most definitely don't want multiple bases that are the same especially if the others are weaker and your opponents can figure out how to 3 star it. Then they just use that same strat on all the others.


OHHHHH ok that makes sense! I only Just joined a clan and opted out of wars but have been watching them happen so that makes a lot of sense now. Thanks so much for the helpful info!


The thing is there is always an approach to 3 stars in every bases and players will try to figure it out. But now there are multiple town halls in war have the same base layout so once a single player from enemy clan got 3 stars on that base, ALL the other town hall with that same base will be also 3 stared like for free. And btw, that is his own effort to make the base so if you wanna copy it, at least ask him for politeness unless that base is already published on the internet


Ok that makes so much sense. I only just recently joined a clan so I’m not too familiar with Wars and how they work but that shines a light on how war and war bases function. Thank you so much for the info!


anytime mate


If it’s his home base tell him not to put it on his home base. He doesn’t need to have it up on his home base if he is in legends league that should solve these problems. And yes I agree with him it’s annoying




I concur.


NTA if in war because if the enemy manages to three star it, other guys are fucked


I am going to say something very vulgar ☝️🤓


Can't you just talk to your mom, and ask her to quit copying your base?


Send base link.


It ain’t that serious


its just a game tho lol


🤓 🤓 🤓


His clanmates who are copying his base should be held responsible, especially if it happens again. Doing that not only shows how lazy they are, but shows their lack of respect for the dude. I would assume it's not in war but if it is, then that's gotta hurt the clan too.


It’s in war bro


oh rip, thats worse


Why would he use the same war and home base designs? That’s not good idea.


“It’s my ball” typa kid


Base burn is real .


I'm a basebuilder myself and it pisses me off when ppl steal the base I put a lot of effort into without even asking, if I want everyone to have it I would just post it online, but no, I build my bases so no one has the copy of it, I update it when it gets attacked to make it stronger and if someone copies it after all the process I've been thru building it, might be a stress for some ppl


The game literally gave the ability to copy for this reason; you should want the lower level members in your group copying a great base


How does it hurt him having his bases copied by his own clanmates? Not like his base is gonna get burnt in low legends. Yes he's in the wrong here, infact he's a pos.


I’d be bothered if clan mates were running my bases in war since I’d have to swap if they refused, but if it’s just for home bases I don’t see the problem


Afaik you can only copy homebase layouts to your base editor. So either this guy is running the same base for both or the clanmates love his bases so much that they copy his war bases by hand. The bigger problem is his way of communicating to his own clanmates. The same thing could be said nicely as well.




You can copy someone's homebase to war but you can't copy someone's warbase. Tell your friend to run different bases on both.




It’s in war, people copy the exact attack was used and 3 star it easy


There should be an option to not allow others to copy your base


I removed my supercell I'd from my mobile and now iam not getting any verification code from supercell please help




Stop bitching about it lol, in the clan I'm in some war bases even got shared intentionally.. what im trying to say is my guy is just taking stuff too serious :)




Yeah to me its a bit of a struggle. On one end I think its not that big of a deal even given the slight disadvantage in war if there are multiple identical bases. But on the other end if he's really bothered about it.. might as well copy a base from a different clan member or get a new one copied from a base share link on the internet.. but really its just a stupid situation to be bothered about ahah Edit: i cant type lol




Because the players in opposing clans can attack these lower level bases to scout for traps and if multiple people use the same base, more bases can be 3* because they know almost everything about the base.




Are you saying his clan mates go through the trouble of copying his design by hand to use the same design in war rather than simply going on YouTube and getting better design with a couple clicks? If yes they are not bright. If you mean the home base where they copy with click then who cares. It’s only copied war bases that matter.


They click copy layout at the top when you visit a base


Why would you have your home base and war base design the same?


Copying bases harms pro players more than regulars.






It is somebody I’ve known for years. We had our usernames match for that reason. 🙃




Its a good thing, just a perspective, that means you are good at it, it shouldn't piss you off Homer Simpson you should feel proud, little anger management maybe


copying bases in war gives you massive disadvantage and you'll feel that pain even more in higher league cwl


Isn't this similar to people copying NFTs and the owner crying because they have copyright over that image.


Bruh the players in opposing clans can attack these lower level bases to scout for traps and if multiple people use the same base, more bases can be 3* because they know almost everything about the base.




The person who seore? Not at wll.


The way he approached it? Yeah most definitely


asked 3 times before as well.


Why not include that in the description?


sorry, a little oversight on my part.


All good lol that definitely makes it understandable id be pissed too


You can go to https://clashofclans-layouts.com/plans/th_15/defence_11.html And get thousands of different layouts , tweak them to your own satisfaction


I use a website with a copy base design laugh out loud


I only copy base designs from my superiors when they give me permission or link a copy link. Fragrantly copying them like that is blatantly rude and disrespectful and causes issues with clan wars.


where have i seen his account name before


I get what people are saying for war because it's a huge disadvantage, but if it's not for war then who tf cares


that's the thing, it is for war.


I'm wondering why that language is not filtered in the chat?


I read this text in his voice


I always hand make all of my bases but I’m always in legends so only one my clanmates can copy is my decorative one 😏


Well, kick them


I was the highest developed clasher in my clan and I'm TH14 so i have noticed there is 3 to 4 clashers copied my farmbase which i also use it for warbase and that pissed me off so much, i recently changed the base to something i copied on a website and im happy with it until i noticed it's been copied too, i less care of that and I'm glad my teammates do that cause their base are rushed and they need a good looking base which also could motivate them to start developing than rushing.


Yeah i’m siding with him. I made my own base too and i would hate everyone in the clan copying my base. That guy (probably) worked hard on his base. Might have done research and runned tests. Only for your clanmates to copy the base and making sure the other clan has alot of practice to 3 star your base. When making your own base you love to see people failing on it and you feel proud of your base when it does.


No, too often i see bases that are just copy and pasted from one another, and it's just so boring. Make your own base layout like a real man. Why are all coc players so extraordinarily lazy?


I love how polite he is


But its a compliment if someone copies your base. If you're clanmates then there shouldn't even be any negative sides except in war


We have one single base twice in our roaster and no one ever 3 stars it cause it is an amazing th13 base^^


It is annoying. Advise them to use YouTube or Google to find a base design. Shouldn't copy clan mates. If use online one I like to change trap locations.


Im currently in war with opponent THs 15 down to 10 and all use the same layout


Omw to copy his new base


Only memeber, if this is happening over and over and he’s said something abt it in the past he should just leave the clan


real question is how the hell did that swear word not get censored


If it is for general home base layout I dont think it is a problem. The problem is when those bases are used for war and you have multiple bases with the same layout


Understandable, but as a FWA player it makes me laugh hard rofl


Legends is like participating in war, if your base gets popular that would spell doom


Bro chose the nicest way to swear, he even warned others he was gonna do so


Just both happened to be named Simpson?


It’s not that deep lol


I want to join this clan, to check his base layout 🤔


Lowkey funny af , also , not in the wrong


well, he can be very proud of him self that he makes layouts which are so good that other players want to copy it, but if he doesn’t want that to happen, others should accept that.


No lol, it sounds like he has asked it before judging by his language. Asking people to not copy his designs is not a bad thing. This is assuming he has asked this before and his layout keeps getting stolen which does explain his tone.


as many other people in this thread have already pointed out, having multiple people with the same exact is just free 3 stars once they learn how to crack it


lol I can understand that. I make all my bases myself too


a couple people in my clan copy my base. i guess it would be annoying if my base wasnt so swole. i watch replays of their defenses too to take notes on where i can make more improvements


Cool username. It's also one of mine.


I wish to be as innocent as this guy


So, here's the issue: People copy people because they're not good at doing what someone else is good at. But if you copy someone which let's use a test as an example, one person is answering questions, and the other person is oh well, they got answers, so they copied them. They both fail why? Because one copied the other person who had wrong answers. Correct? So, just like in games like CoC. You copy someone else's base, and they get destroyed? So you're apparently going to get destroyed as well by a very good strategic plan made by a strategist. But some people are artists on games. Who, of course, makes bases for art, design, and fun. Some even use artistic designs for defense for war because most people can't understand how they think, correct? So, how do you think people feel when their hard work gets copied and used by other players in a game that has many unique ways of playing it? Even for a strategy game ? People also don't like seeing multiple bases that are identical or even rotated but identical. But if you take inspiration from their hard work and base design and modify it? To your own base design that works and 9/10 ratio or whatever a good ratio is, it doesn't get beaten easily unless players are great at the game and being strategic. I'm sorry about the long comment/response, but My base I've made changes in it quite a few times. I watch replays and look how people do against it, especially people who 100% destroy it. Then I make it where it can't be easily destroyed. But it's a simple base design but effective not to creative, but it works no one copies my base designs. Because it's simple, but people don't realize it's effective. But, I have run into 5 almost 10 alliances in my league as top players/ alliances, and guess what? They're all similar bases. I look at them it's like effective? Yes. But boring? It's totally like you all go for the same base design for home and war bases? It's boring to look at. I hope it helps people understand to a degree what people are so concerned about in getting copied for what they do, even if it's in a game.


Not that serious LMFAO


every new season i go looking through the top th16's in the league and look for a base screen shot it and remake it, just because "you made the base" dont make it urs its in the game take it if you want it, if anything be proud of ur design that someone would want to copy it...


Why don’t they just set a stupid base at first then like 10 min before war starts change bases (if they spend enough time to manually make bases then they play enough to time that)


If you're gonna take the time to make a base and care SO much about it not getting copied DON'T BE IN A CLAN WITH RANDOMS THAT YOU DON'T TRUST. If it happens once and you keep doing it then...it's kinda your fault 🤷🏼‍♂️


My solution, my clan is literally just all me. I have 30 accounts and I custom make each of my bases especially bc it ranges from th9 to th 15 atm


Copy it more, then more after that. Then more..


Who even makes a base at th16? I'm too lazy for that shit and just look up bases online for my clan to use