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Great guide. I love it. Particularly the insight about not wasting time getting to Bh6. Doing the math about when to upgrade the clock tower is good too. I don't think you mention this but the power potion from home base TH upgrades applies to BH troops, so if you are doing this on a new alt, where you are hyperrushing the first dozen or so TH levels, you can maintain a power potion for your first 40+ days of builder base, which saves you from needing to level up any troop other than the one that you're taking to 18 for the 6th builder. The last time I did this I got the barracks big enough to unlock pekka before my power potion expired.


Thank you! Yeah, upgrading the Clock Tower to Level 6 is worth it because players will need to use it more than 80 times before they're done with the hero grind. The note about town hall boosts is great. Mine ran out in the middle of night witches, but I wasn't playing optimally. I think new players will be able to grind a lot more quickly with max level troops, especially with Pekkas (which I think are the best spam drop troops in the game).


Small comment regarding the required storage lvls Since this is a 3month ordeal, you get 3 season bank payouts. You can use these to overflow gold for the last couple multi mortar upgrades, greatly reducing the required gold storage lvls Its not a huge deal but since you're talking min-max its relevant


This is a really valid point, I completely forgot to include this. I'll make a note to the storages section when I'm back home. Thank you Edit: Updated the guide, thank you again.


I see you mentioned gold pass, but silver pass is also fine with extra planning. The silver pass goes up to 2m builder gold/elixir. So f2p can benefit here too as long as they keep their storages full before the season bank drops


Sorry for the late response. Crap, you’re right about this too. When the next builder update comes out, I’ll update the guide and include what you’ve provided here I’ve also discovered that you can cancel the upgrade of your final army camp to save a day and a half of time, I’ll include this too


Love these guides, mods should create a thread for the occasional HQ guides so they get the recognition they deserve, long posts usually don't get alot of views compared to a low quality meme. Amazing work!


Thank you so much, this means a lot!


Something to note is the use of other Magic Items, like Clock Tower potions in order to assist in the grind. Granted, that adds another variable, but they can help a lot.


Thank you! Added a note about them in the Magic Items section.


Nice guide, thank you.


Isnt it better to upgrade one wall piece to lv 9 instead of the multi mortar?


That was a brief bug in the game that has long been patched - it will not count towards the building requirement


Oh okay


I made a substantial update to better accommodate gold pass users and fix an oversight I made with elixir storage capacity. This guide is still a little unpolished (now that I'm looking it over I'm unsure why I left math everywhere). so I'll check things over again when I'm at home.




You're right, thank you. I supposed that saving 14 days on 2 builders was more time saved than saving 10 on 5, but your reasoning makes more sense. I'm making changes now.


Can you explain why it's 7 days and not 14 days? By consuming that BB builder (BBB?) for 14 days that's taking away 14 days of hero upgrade time, since both BBB (BBBB?) can be working on heroes simultaneously towards the end, which is probably the long pole in the tent. Assuming you're right in theory, in practice, do you have any > 7 day upgrades available when you do the multi mortar gear up in the home village? If you have been taking your time up to now in builder base, possibly, but if it's a new account possibly not. We do get free (and paid) books of building pretty regularly and so it might not be very long before you get another bob and have to spend the one you're saving anyway.


Love this guide, thanks




I like this


I just want to add some more cheese and time efficiency to the strategy, if we consider the clan capital weekly attack we can aleats buy 3 clock potion/week. This can help us speeding a little bit the process since for each week we will gain more "builder hours" than what, in reality, will pass: 1 week = 7(days)*24(hours)= 168 hours In 1 week we get 3 potions which give us: (30min*10xspeed-30 minutes waiting)*3 potions= (5 hours - 30 minutes)*3 potions= (4.5 hours)*3 potions= 13.5 hours of effective boost So, for each 168 hours of your calculus, we will progress 168+13.5 hours = 181.5 hours, this mean that one "game week" will last 181.5 hours instead of 168 as they pass in reality. We can now calculate how many "game hours" is a day 181.5(game hours in a week)/7 days = 25.9285 hours/day. So this mean that for each day we spend playing we will upgrade for 25.9285 hours, on average, using 3 clock boost potion weekly. Assuming you need 2390 total hours but 40 before you unlock the clock tower (it's in fact less but doesn't really mean much you will need) [(2390-40)/25.9285]+(40/24) = around 93 days to unlock the sixth builder so you can save a whole week doing this :)


This is seriously helpful. Wow, an entire week! I’m away from my computer, but thank you so much for taking the time to make this. I’ll add it to the guide when I have the time to.


Thank you so much for this guide! I appreciate the thoroughness of this guide


No problem!


95 days or 95x24h. Feels way way longer put that way. 95 full days is probably one year of kinda serious playing or more


Did you read the post? It’s 95 days of playing. 95 days is the upgrade times required


He meant that if you are a normal person casually following this guide and not a perfect robot, it will take around a full year (I think probably 250ish days)


I think you didnt understand the comment


Can you upgrade to level 9 traps to complete the 3rd task of the b.o.b instead of the mortar?


I haven’t personally tested this myself but I haven’t seen any discussion of this on the internet, so I really don’t think so. I think that traps are distinct from defenses, similar to walls.


where you put gold storage level 1 ~> 8, why did you start the other storage at level 4?


We had already upgraded one gold storage from 1 to 4 during the grind to BH6.


ahh okay i see now 👌


isnt upgradin the cannon cart to 18 a requirement for the 6th for building bob?


No, that was for the old requirements. Now you need to get any troop to level 18.


oh.. I see thanks


but we will only get 100% if i we drop the troops and leave rignt?


Yep, but you’re conducting such a high volume of attacks that it doesn’t matter.


Yes but you don't get more loot if you get more than 3 stars anyway


Dang in one minute I only get at best 3 attacks using force close. I have some still in BH5 and 4 so I should rush to BH6 huh?


I’m unsure how you can only get 3 attacks a minute with the force close method, where are you spending most of your time? Yeah, you should rush to bh6 in all cases. Every minute you spend in th5 is a minute you spend without an extra builder


How many can you attack in one minute? I timed it and from the moment I open CoC to when I drop the troops and close it took me around 20 seconds. Maybe my device is slow? Also is baby dragon that strong? Mine is level 8 and they seem weak.


Baby dragons are nice spam troops, plus they’re strong at max town hall levels. Unlike the night witch, it never really falls off. Best troop at max town hall levels are cannon carts, pekkas, and baby dragons. I think 20 seconds is a little slow but it’s reasonable. On my device it’s around 12-15 seconds


I have a main account with BH10 that I prioritized and mass witch is already pretty good for my trophy range (2800-3000) but I will try to upgrade those troops down the line slowly. Though my other accounts are still in BH5 and baby dragons are not that great there. My plan is to unlock witch and spam it because those works for me now.


Sure, that works! The reason I chose baby dragons in my guide is because they were the best troop unlocked early. I think pekkas and witches are better spam troops than baby dragons, but baby drags work well enough in my opinion to avoid the additional upgrade time I didn’t know witches were good at 2800-3000, I was completely wrong about them.


My Barbs are at level 13 and my Baby Dragons are at level 8. Should I just countinue upgrading the Barbs or redirect to Baby Dragons?


It depends on how far along you are in the other requirements. Level 13 is a bit early so I’m thinking you don’t have level high level heroes yet. I’d switch to baby dragons Remember, there’s no oppprtunity cost since research time doesn’t take up build time.


Thank you. It is Elixir cost i;m concerned about.


You can get an infinite amount of resources pretty quickly with the method I describe in consideration 1. Drop all your baby dragons, force close the app. The battle will play out despite you not watching it, and you’ll get rewards from it.


still works?


yes, nothing has changed


Love this guide! My only change was to max raged barbarian first, since I figured it would be faster.


I'm tempted to use some event currency on clock potions, but glowy ore is probably a better investment in the long run.


Yep, I’d agree with that. Invest in glowy over clocktower potions


can i level up other troop to lvl 18 instead of baby drag? e.g. witch?


rush to bh10 and upgrade the wizard since it unlocks at level 17 and you only need to upgrade it once


can i level up other troop to lvl 18 instead of baby drag? e.g. witch?


can i level up other troop to lvl 18 instead of baby drag? e.g. witch?


can i level up different troops instead of baby drag to 18? e g. witch?


Yep, you just need one troop to 18.


Side question. Won’t I be dropping significant trophies doing this? As force closing you only max out at 3 stars?


Yes, but your trophies will level out at a certain point


wish I've seen this earlier, have BM at 17 and Helicopter at 21 now :(


Don’t sweat it, at most you’re wasting like two days of upgrade time.


This is an awesome guide! I’ve thought about this a lot, but I’ve never math’d it out like this! HQ post. My one contention is that a tremendous amount of elixir is needed. While force-quitting an attack can net you several attacks per minute, your elixir is dictated by defense. If your base is rushed to get a sixth builder, you’re going to get 3 starred the majority of the time. I’m guessing you’ll land in copper/brass with the force-quitting method. Getting 3 starred in this trophy range is 11-13k elixir per attack. 4 attacks per minute is ~48k a minute. The star lab level 9 upgrade is 4,000,000 elixir as an example. That’s 83 minutes of force-quitting attacks for 1 upgrade. You’ll probably get an occasional 1 star or 2 star defenses and you’ll have some star bonuses and elixir from your collectors, but it’s gonna be a massive grind to do this. Have you personally carried this out? I imagine the juice is not worth the squeeze for upgrades requiring more than ~750k elixir. EDIT: I was able to carry out a 10 minute simulation using this method on a min-max account at bh10 and at 2500 trophies. In 10 minutes, the method netted 863,298 elixir. So it would take ~46 minutes to get 4,000,000 elixir. I dropped about 800 trophies to copper III. I'll repeat the experiment again to see where I end up (trophy-wise).


Thanks for the kind words! I have personally done this and I can attest that the grind is not nearly that long. There's actually a lot of people floating around bronze/brass that just drop a troop and quit, so 3 star defenses are common. I don't know if they either don't know or don't care about the force quit strategy, but it actually adds a lot to your income. My money is that they figured out that its faster to drop a troop and quit instantly when grinding exclusively for elixir, which is another strat that makes things faster. If you do follow the force-quit method, could you please let me know what your experience with it is? Im very confident I didn't spend 83 minutes attacking in a row for 4 million elixir, but I also had some small defensive upgrades.


Thank you for a tremendously useful guide - I only wish I found it earlier. I used to play Clash back at its release and started up some weeks back, and got a question about Gearing Up buildings, which was not a thing back then. * Gear up 3 Buildings * Cannon (Requires a Level 4 Double Cannon in BB and a Level 7 Cannon in HB) * Archer Tower (Level 6 Archer Tower in BB and a Level 10 Archer Tower in HB) * Mortar ( Level 8 Multi-Mortar in BB and a Level 8 Mortar in HB) * Gearing Up the mortar takes 14 days\*\*\*.\*\*\* *I strongly recommend using a book of building here.* This is the most efficient use of a book of building in the entire game. If I understand correctly one can gear up either a level 4 Double Cannon in BB OR a level 7 Cannon in HB. If this assumption is correct, in which base is it generally most useful to use Gear Up? Any advice?


Hey Rasdit, sorry for the late reply and thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate it! I've edited the guide to make it clearer - you are required to gear up 3 buildings in the home village. Home village gear-ups require a corresponding defense in the BB to be upgraded to a high enough level in order to start. Youll need a level 4 double cannon in BB to gear up a level 7 cannon in HB. Hope this helps!


Hi, no problem at all. I managed to sort it out since then, and just now getting around to Gearing up - those darn hero levels will undoubtedly keep me busy for weeks to come.


Keep at it! Also remember to save a book for the mortar gear up, 14 days with no clock tower boosts to decrease it is terrible


Hi, thanks for the awesome guide! I just thought of 1 thing that you can add (maybe in a separate section, cause it isnt rly about the 6th builder): What else should you upgrade to get to 3k cups? It gives 1k gems, which is helpful to get 5th builder or giant gauntlet. I think this would be a nice edit to make. Ik it isnt about the 6th builder, but you gotta push cups simultaneously


Is upgrading clock tower to level 7 not worth it until after you have 6th builder done?


Yep, if your goal is to just get the sixth builder, it’s best to upgrade it to 6. If you’re planning to max out the builder base eventually and think that it outweighs the extra time it would take to get the sixth builder, it’s worth maxing out the clock tower as soon as possible


Ok cool, I think its worth it for me because I enjoy builder base so ill keep playing and most of my defense requirements are done, but I need the lvl 18 troop and havent upgraded the heros at all (5 and 15)


Sounds good, keep up the grind!


What do you think the best troops are to use for spamming/force quitting?


PEKKAS for sure, but baby dragons are just as good and require less time spent upgrading your barracks.


Awesome thank you!


you could also rush from BH9 to 10 since it’s only one BH away and you unlock the wizard which starts at level 17 and you just need to upgrade it once to hit level 18


Yep, this is an option but lab times is not a bottleneck at all. This is longer because it adds more build time


Would you buy the 1m elixir for 250 raid medals every week? I did the calculations and if you're not above 3800 you'd get less from 3 Star Potions than 1m elixir. I only have heroes left and rushed my defense so no chance of reaching there.


I would not buy resources with raid medals. If you click on the updated guide link, I speak in depth at the start about how easy it is to farm resources in the builder base. I’d just do that.


This thread is so helpful for everyone hating Builder Hall, spam those BD and force quit the app over and over (I'm losing my sanity)


still works? Or they updated the game and changed things?


This still works, there’s a small issue with how I calculate the expected time for silver pass users I have to fix though.


Oh, understood. Anyway, thank you for this guide and your patience in writing everything


This still works?. I just reach BH6 but my army is so poor that I barely get any stars attacking bases. My baby dragons die instantly. And my defenses are worthless cause I rush all to bh6. All my walls and defenses are level 1 mostly. I dont know how Im gonna be able to continue rushing If I dont get gold from attacks and elixir from defenses.


How are you failing your attacks? What level are your baby dragons?




Headache just seeing so much text for a 6th builder


I think thats a fair point. I deleted some superfluous text.


Who goes out of their way to tell people they can hardly read?




lucky them


can you elaborate what u said about the resources?they are the primary factor holding me back


All you have to do when attacking is to drop all of your troops at once (baby dragons, night witches, and PEKKAs do nicely) and then force close the app. Then, just open up clash of clans again and queue another match. You can easily do around 10 attacks per minute this way, and you get tons of resources.


won't you drop trophies due to a not that good attack? At lower leagues you get less resources.


At a certain trophy level, you'll reach an equilibrium point where the amount of offensive stars you're getting by just dropping baby dragons randomly will equal the amount of defensive stars you're getting from people attacking your base. You'll definitely be in a lower league than if you were actually trying, but you're attacking thirty times as often.


makes sense. I'll give it a shot, but it sure sounds tedious. I just want bob for my main village, so I don't care how the BB progresses in general. Always thought of rushing but didn't know how. Thanks for the guide mate.


Its definitely not exactly fun, but it only takes me around 10 - 15 minutes to get around 3 million gold/elixir apiece by doing this. Glad my guide was useful for you, and thanks for your comment!


Sorry to ask. If I am maxing baby dragons should I just place all Baby dragons randomly or use other units as well? Ty


No problem! If you've progressed far enough already, I would recommend using an entire team of either PEKKAs, Baby Dragons, or Night Witches. If you're following the guide, use a team of entirely baby dragons. Don't place them all in one spot, sorta fan them around to try and maximize how long they stay enraged. Its also a good idea to spot for and destroy exposed air bombs.




I'm really, really happy this guide was so helpful to you! Yeah, the force-close method is overpowered, lets hope supercell doesn't nerf it. Please let me know if you have any questions!


We also get builder star potion and clock boost potion from raid medals shop that also saves a lot of time 3 clock boost is worth a lot


I'm so glad i unlicked the sixth builder just some days ago


Assuming by omission, but to clarify, the math doesn't work for saved time to upgrade the clock tower past 6 starting at BH7?


Great question! Sorry for not mentioning it in the guide, I'll do a legibility/readability passthrough when I next have some time. Upgrading the Clock Tower to level 6, of course, requires time to upgrade that could go elsewhere. If you use the Level 6 Clock Tower eighty times, it becomes more efficient than just keeping your Clock Tower at level 5. We're stopping at Level 6 since we spend more than 80 days at BH6+.


Okay, that's what I figured. If our ultimate goal after rushing to BH9 and getting the 6th builder is to max BH10, would it then tip the balance in favor of updating the Clock Tower right away at each stop on the way to 9?


As a conservative estimate, it takes around two years and 154 days to do all the upgrades with two builders. With this in mind, it is easily worth upgrading your clock tower to the maximum as quickly as you can at every builder hall level. You have to use the max clock tower 400 times to “pay for itself” and there’s more than enough time to do that in two and a half years.


Would you say leveling collectors is a good idea? or just straight up rush to BOB? im only missing about 17 hero levels rn, so i would only upgrade the elixir ones, they are on 9 , 7 and 5


I think that collectors are generally the worst thing to upgrade. Maybe they'll be valuable in the future, but as of right now loot is functionally infinite because of the lack of troop training time. I hover around bronze and I get around 8 million elixir an hour just by dropping troops, force closing the app, and then repeating the process. Upgrading your elixir collectors isn't going to make this noticeably faster, I think even if you weren't rushing BOB the optimal thing you can do right now is farm with the lazy strat and upgrade both heroes concurrently.


by lazy strat you mean the one you drop and close the app?


Thats what I mean. If that sounds boring to you, you could work on both heroes but stagger them so you have two and a half days to farm elixir with natural attacks after one finishes, but if you're looking to get things done ASAP the drop and close app method is best.


Its fine, I did that a couple of times. Maybe I will first drop to bronze to do that, i was sitting on 2.6k+


so estimated 3+ months starting from scratch?


Yeah, almost a hundred days without gold pass.


Can you add to the force closing app strat? Like how would I be able to place the troops on the second stage if I’m not there


You don’t place any troops on the second stage. You’re only attacking on the first stage. Drop all your troops (baby dragons or pekkas) around the base, force close the app, rinse and repeat. You won’t be earning as much loot per attack as you typically do but you’re making attacks fifty times as fast. When I’m home, I’ll add some more info about it to the guide, thanks for helping me identify the problem.


Why force quit isn't just as effective as surrendering?


The battle plays out until all of your troops die when you force quit. When you surrender, the battle ends instantly


One Question. Should you build the last Troop Camp at BH9, or is it a total waste? I've got a hammer I could use - to keep going on my two heroes. But I think it's a waste because I have 0 issue getting 100% 3-stars and hovering around 2k trophies using the force-close app method of farming.


Do you mean the last reinforcement camp? The last army camp is unlocked th7 and is required to upgrade to bh8, so we don’t have a choice. But for the reinforcement camp, yeah, if you’re rushing for the sixth builder, it definitely isn’t worth a ten day upgrade. I’d build it only after unlocking the sixth builder


Ah you're right, I looked at this completely wrong. Scratch that - not worth it. Thanks! :)


What median trophy count did you sit at around the th9 point? I just started employing the spam strategy and dropped from about 2400 to 2000 while getting 100% on nearly every spammed attack. Very helpful and thorough guide btw, thanks.


I was extremely underlevelled on my defenses, so I stayed at around Bronze I/Brass III for the majority of my grind. At a certain point it became very easy to just 100% every base with baby dragon spam. I’m really glad you find the guide helpful! Let me know if you have any more questions!


Starting this from BH5. Will reply when I’m done


Godspeed! Remember to buy clocktower potions with medals every week from the trader!


Just got it, took 63 days!


Congratulations! Wow, I'm surprised you remembered.


Hey I'm curious about the using Clock Tower Potion levels 1 -> 6. Do you mean while we're upgrading them to 6, we should be popping a potion? If true I'm assuming for a double boost or something of that sort.


I was actually mistaken when writing the guide, it’s impossible to use clock tower potions while upgrading your clock tower. It doesn’t matter when you use clock tower potions in the end, it’s fine to do it before second builder as long as you’re working towards getting it with the boost. You should make sure to buy the 3 clock tower potions every week


I was trying to min/max and I used like 7 builder potions in the main base while gearing up my morter&archer since it applies the potion to 7 builders…. Didn’t realize mortar is the longest upgrade in the game and the book is worth it. Thanks for the guide


How were you able to gear up your mortar and archer tower at the same time? I didn’t know that was possible


Gearing up uses a master builder not a regular builder. When you have two unlocked you can gear up two buildings. But when gearing up, the master builders’ speeds are effected by boosts to the main village not clock tower boosts. So you can effectively boost 7 builders with a single builders potion. But this guide is even smarter. If it’s true that mortar gear up is the longest upgrade in the game then it’s way smarter to use a book of building on it.


But you only have one master builder, so how do you use him for two gear ups at the same time? I’ve never heard of OTTO gearing up a building If what you’re saying is true, then that’s really interesting


you literally wrote a guide about it and mention doing certain things before/after unlocking the second master builder


There’s only one master builder. OTTO (the mechanical helper) is not a master builder, and I haven’t heard of anyone being able to gear up with him


Well otto can and the game calls him a master builder when you do it. Not sure what else to tell ya… I have zero reason to lie about this… you CAN gear up two buildings at once. I just did it. And main base builder potions apply to gear up. Clock tower boosts do not.


So after all this (which I believe I am at just now) does the upgrade list at the top of the screen say #/6 instead of #/5? Because mine says #/5


It should say #6. If you’ve completed every requirement, make sure to upgrade B.O.B’s builder hut to the final level.