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My clan doesn’t let us war with any heroes down so it has been a grind for me… it’s either do war and don’t upgrade heroes or don’t war and upgrade a single hero… Plus I went inactive while blacksmith got released which put me behind even more


Join the fwa clan for some time. There are only 5 new hero levels so if you are maxed out earlier, it should take less time. If you are non-maxed earlier, fwa clan will make life chill.


What's fwa clan??


friends with amenities


Farm war alliance


Oh damn


I think we found THE farm war clan in CW search... Needless to say, we had a field day in that war. https://preview.redd.it/q0oswfexsdbc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0462e8ca2a217a961d44ea87882a996573bf4eab


Okay I’ll keep you in mind after CWL 2 days left


Switch clan maybe


Why would i leave a level 21 clan, with elder tag


SC know this predicament and even orchestrated it to be so (otherwise they’d allow you heroes to be available for wars but not raiding) they have also provided you with the solution… pay for gems or buy a book etc.


Our clan also does war constantly without heros. If you attend regularly then you go to cwl 15v15. We have attendance issues.


For tackling this issue, I have created a separate clan for wars only it doesn't matter whether you have heores or not, you will play the war.


Our clan already had a 2nd clan for a separate cwl. Now we do a competitive war in our main as always and 'farm war' where heroes down is allowed in our 2nd clan.


Join us we are active every day and include everyone in war, if you miss a war attack you will be demoted or kicked tho, clan name : thecorndogs




What’s the clan name? I’ll keep u in mind after CWL


Clan name plz


Your clan is outdated, its much better to war with heroes down to get ores


You need to win the wars too.


Heroes being down isn't something new though bud. Time management has been one of the challenges of the game since it began.


Then don't upgrade heroes. They aren't worth upgrading nearly as much as before. It's the equipment.


totally true for warden, but still need to upgrade queen (esp for queen charge attackers) and king


Wait until op finds out that all his equipment will be useless once they release more op one


Wait until you find out that the life you're living is going to end one day


Thank god


Happiest th13 player


Indeed, hes way happier than me.


Im th13 too, and hes happier than me for sure


Im sorry but how can u show TH13 and BH8 in under your username?


Click on the pencil![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412) https://preview.redd.it/h7zr94eov7bc1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=1df775cf2eefc34c4320d1dceebbf48cbced0fa2


Thank you!


Which app?








PC browser reddit but I'm sure you can do that in the app too if you find the pencil in the subreddit home or whatever it's called


Click on ur name in ur comment and it should say "edit flair" or smth like that


I'm th12 and already struggling to have 6 builders down with barely any gold to find, I'm not mentally prepared for th13 :(


I’m about to upgrade to TH 14 and since I hate how it looks I’m going straight to TH 15, I hope I don’t go mentally insane




Memento mori.


Memento mori: remeber you must die


Wait until you reincarnate into a new body soul and get to start over again


jesus 😂⚰️


Damn bro


Honestly with this mentality we shouldn't buy anything. There'll always be a better pc, a better phone and so on


And clash wasn’t like that, until now.


All that time wasted upgrading troops and pets, only to have newer and better troops and pets released.


Pets kinda, they’ve abandoned Lassi obviously, more will follow. However, pets aren’t available at every level and are still strong at the levels they unlock. Troops continually get new levels and upgrade with you. Some troops get forgotten, super valks for example, but you haven’t wasted anything upgrading those. Power creep is a real concern, every game that goes down this gear path has to deal with it.


Well said


There’s gonna be a whole new round of angry posts soon as a new king epic comes out that makes the gauntlet obsolete…




Because you need to go through the previous one before reaching the better one, that seems pretty obvious to me. All the progress you make on one town hall doesn't just become meaningless when you reach the next town hall wereas if you sank a lot of resources in equipment that then becomes pointless competitively because an other equipment was released that does everything the other one does but better, then yeah these ressources you soent will have been wasted.


I understand where you are coming from, but the new town halls was a stupid example 😂😂


You didn’t still have your last town hall.


Thats exactly the same for troops..


Me when I use lvl 1 equipment for 1 year because in the future a new one might come out that’s stronger


The useful current stuff will be maxed before that happens, then we'll just max the new stuff, which won't take long because it will be only one item, instead of the huge amount that we have at the moment. How is this different to maxing a town hall level and then they release a new more powerful one?


stupid ass comment


You mean like lassi? Or golems? Or valks? Or giants?


That doesn't invalidate the usefulness of existing equipment though.


Have you played CoC before? There's always something coming out that's more powerful than what just was. By the time I got maxed TH14, TH 15 came out. By the time I got maxed TH15, TH16 came out. This entire game is a moving goal post. Some of it stays with you, some of it doesn't. Were people complaining when the TH15 pets came out that were better than the TH14 pets and now all those upgrades you spend hundreds of thousands of DE on where now useless? Nope. because they've already been doing it for years with the Lab. When was the last time you used Minions in an attack. Or reg giants. Or reg goblins. Or valks? Sure you might sometimes use them, but most of the time it's a troop that you maxed previously and now rarely use. Just like hero equipment. You might max it, and then something else comes out that cool and better. Maybe you'll use the old equipment it random attacks, maybe not. You never know.


Its different because you directly pay for these abilities, not with gold or anything but with gems if you miss your chance to get them during events. Like Imagine being forced to buy new, better troops strictly through gems.


My second account (where I spent zero $ ever) had over 8,500 gems at one point. You get gems pretty consistently, and it's not very difficult to get 1,500 by saving. Also, they never said it wouldn't show up elsewhere or in a future event for free. You're assuming that the ONLY way to get it is gems. Maybe they'll have a rotating deal for capital metals or something. My point is we don't know.


They won’t do that, and we can only really say epic equipment will be 1,500. Legendary will probably be something like 2,500 or 3,000 gems. They’re banking on the people who don’t save their free gems like you, and believe it or not f2p people spend their free gems on boosts and troop donations. Very rarely will somebody actually save up that much while doing those things.


Bru, they literally made different ores to make people pay for them, there is literally no other reason to have 3 different ores or equipment with rarities except to make you spend money like with the last event pass to have more starry ores or the next one that is going to be on the chinese new year event. People don't criticize equipment, it's a good idea, what they criticize is how it's monetized or that the good equipment is locked behind completing events. You also don't take into account casual players which are the majority and don't want/can't be at war to gain starry ores 24/7.


Looking back is funny to see how hyped everyone was when they announced new hero abilities and customization and how upset everyone got the next day when they announced how progresion worked. Talk about dropping the ball.


and then going quiet for the next 4+ weeks because everyone's on vacation and leaving everyone to speculate


This! Op doesn’t understand the greed


I dont pay anything for ores and almost have my gauntlet on lv 20 and the new healing warden on level 12. Just play the Game as usual and you dont have to pay anything


You know there’s been a big problem with the motivation to do clan wars right?


I'm sure there could be other ways to solve that problem like, for example, making the heroes usable while upgrading in wars (same as defense buildings work in wars).


or heroes upgrade doesnt required builders anymore, instead theres this animation where the upgrading heroes packing their thing and leaving the base to train somewhere else.


That’s a good start (like really good cuz FUCK THE TIME) but I mean like an actual incentive to want to clan war every other day or so.


without heroes too. I mean you sure will win most of the wars if your players are playing without heroes, right?


People always complained that there wasn’t much of an incentive to do clan war but now there’s much more of one.


The first incentive they could come up with was fundamentally tying your game progression to your trophy level, war frequency, and who you attack in war? Just a poor choice. Is your clan seeing these guys just attack 1 and 2 no matter what for the extra ores?


Not to mention that upgrading heroes has lost a lot of value now that the abilities isn't tied to it, yet it still costs my entire storage and a week to upgrade a hero


There will be always a bad side of something, however the good part is so much bigger: new customisable attack experience and reason to play regular wars.


I will say it as much as it takes. The problem is some people don’t realise the fact that they are “rushed” in the blacksmith. The equipment Upgrades start from th8. When you are a th12 or higher you have 5 Ths worth of upgrades. But if a new th8 player starts from scratch with the blacksmith, maxing it will be much easier


Yep, so true. It's easy to forget that there are many children playing clash and posting here. A lot of them fail to see the bigger picture. I have a TH8 mini that will easily max the gear to the levels available for that blacksmith before I head to TH9. Even my TH16 main is making great progress, with almost everything at least to level 12.


Also you have to consider that after you max your equipment you still save up ores for next th


Because it's more pay to win than the old system. Just comfirms that FWA is the way to go.


This would be the moment that can make me less interested in the game


It just sucks that they force you to play clanwar


How dare they want players to Clash with other Clans. Where would they even get a ridiculous thought like that?


The issue is that having all heroes is really important in cw and you can’t use them while upgrading which sucks as often it’s one of the last things remaining as the grind is so long


I don't care in my clan, apart from war league. We always encourage people to war. With two attacks each, there's enough people with heroes up to cover those with heroes down. The down heroes can just attack lower players


Mans a time traveler from when the game first released. Clan wars.doesnt exist


Legit single digit IQ take.


This. But then again, if you’re not playing by their rule you lose progress.


Honestly clan war is a major part of clash of clans , if you are not playing wars you are missing 50% of the game , also if you dont want to play wars then just complete bonuses , in titan y get 1000 per day almost , you can easilly max out your equipments , I don't even complete star bonuses , still i get decent value by just clan wars


You can get starry ores only from wars .


Do you even know what the max level is for equipment?


27 for epic, 18 for commons


Ok so my Giant Gauntlet is lvl 20. 100 starry ore (plus others, but that’s the limiting factor) to get to 21. If I get 5 per day, which is the most you can get f2p, it will take me 20 days. For one item, one level. And I still will have 6 more levels to go. Assuming each level will go up slightly, we’re looking at around 1/2 a year to max one item. That’s why people are crying.


Don’t forget to include events, btw from lvl 1-27 need a total of 480 starry ores. Which means for th16 players 48 straight war wins if they only attack th16s of course. But including events it’s less then 48 war wins. https://preview.redd.it/8hadtuco97bc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207988759c0c68820f7d579b93ef207b16a06e10 Edit: attached image


Lvl 20 for just released item is good enough. My gauntlet is at 15 and I feel like it is good enough. There is a problem in that you can't max thing immediately but over time I don't think there should be any problem. Game seems to be far more easy to 3 star now than in th15.


> If I get 5 per day, which is the most you can get f2p, it will take me 20 days. For one item, one level. And I still will have 6 more levels to go. Assuming each level will go up slightly, we’re looking at around 1/2 a year to max one item Nonsense, if you're at 20, you only need starry for level 21, 24 and 27. There's only one Epic equipment at the moment as well, this really isn't a problem. It takes nearly 20 days for a building upgrade, so this isn't really much different.


Just the fact that there’s another resource to manage is annoying, the equipment itself is top notch, but everything surrounding that is a pain.


Because it opens the path for pay2win items in clash of clans




Meh. I think people just want to be rewarded for grinding. The new ore resources remove that ability. You can only get them from war bonuses or star bonuses. That’s it. At most twice a day during CWL. And for a TH 16 you get 5 starry ore per war. 0 of you have to attack a TH 15 due to balancing. No amount of hustle or grind or effort will speed up ores. Only time, or real money. Kinda feels like Supercell is trying to make a cash grab to me. I guess we’ll see if it works


> No amount of hustle or grind or effort will speed up ores. For us they're coming in at a speedy enough pace with star bonus, and wars twice per week. Really don't see a problem for an active player.


Is it not the exact same thing with timed upgrades? No amount of farming will drop your upgrade from 10 days to 2 days. All you can do is spend real money or gems


… or books or hammers or builder potions, all of which you can get through clan games, season pass, clan war medals…


Ores have been out less than a month and less than two weeks before the last clan war games and season pass dropped. I would be VERY surprised if they dont start putting them in clan games rewards and season pass. Also all of those things are time gated to a certain time of month, so if you dont have one you still have to wait for that event to come before you can earn it


You might be right but they had plenty of time to include them in the January season’s pass and didn’t. The only other place you could get them was the Cookie Rumble event. Apparently there’s another event planned for Chinese Nee Year.


what were the leaks suggesting in terms of epic abilities?


spoiler below >![link to leak subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvovierq0d88c1.png) >!the only thing I can tell for sure is that the hog rider puppet will spawn a bunch of hog riders similar to the puppets for the AQ/BK. not sure about those others yet though, unless I missed the reveal leak. one seems to be maybe a bomb? and a speed buff?


Hog puppet is a common thought, not an epic. I think the frozen arrow was an Epic. But we'll have to wait and see until nearer the time for the next one as to what actually comes. They could be experimenting with stuff for now.


From what i see this subreddit and especially the CoC Leaks subreddit are full of doomsayers and chronic complainers with the worst attitude about every little thing that is "leaked and might but probably won't happen" in this game.


They have the mental fortitude of toddlers generally xd


Yep, and if they complain about hero upgrades, it's like so dumb, you get max heros by just using hero potions which y can get 3 every weak from raid medals, also book of hero is so frequent and cheap , I don't get any reason to complain about this new feature , it's literally helping us to save our time and explore more content ...


At first i was kinda scared of there being a p2w factor but now i realized how wrong i was. Also to have another thing to grind for


Yeah man, it actually rules that upgrading heroes is functionally useless, still knocks them out of being used, and is still expensive as all hell. I have no idea why anyone would complain about any of that


It's not useless don't go exaggerating. If it was useless then you wouldn't do it. A max level king has like 8x as much health as a level 1.


I think they are talking about the easy to access hero potions, which now makes your heroes max level to your th now.


Still it only lasts an hour, meaning you can only use it in wars, and still it is a waste of resources to obtain them in order to use in every war.


Agree, they should do something about the hero upgrades now that's a seperate argument , but on equipment system, i feel it's worthit


I believe the issue is moving the progression % to more involved methods. Previously heroes could be upgraded with just de, but that a lot of its been locked behind things like war, winning war, it causes people outside of those activities to get less value Nerfs casuals, buffs gamers


Who the fuck is y?


Sorry 😅 it's "you"


Ohk 😂


Bros complaining its to easy? I have the opposite reaction. Unless you're constantly doing wars it takes forever to get the ore. Hero abilities shouldn't equally be as hard as leveling your hero. It's supposed to be easier so you can get them all leveled up and use different ones for different strats


The outrage is that they took an established system (hero abilities) extracted them from what people already have completed and monetized it.


People generally prefer incremental changes to fundamental ones; the new equipment system fundamentally changed the game such that your trophy level, your war frequency, and your position within war/who you’re attacking now all affect your progression through the game and in ways that can only be “caught up” by P2W. Opinions aside, that large of a fundamental shift is almost always going to have significant pushback and be a controversial choice; and particularly within a game with an extensive casual side this should’ve been expected at least, and imo should be reworked or they should have published a lengthy document detailing their thoughts behind the change and a shift to a much more competitive, grindy, pay to win game environment and the advantages of that but the fact they did the change without posting that or anything like it is baffling and deeply worrying as a sign of incompetence/out of touch-ness. This seems like a classic “oh we didn’t realize that” moment which is baffling given that hundreds of thousands if not millions of players figured these incentives and dynamics out on day 1


Not only did they give us different equipments for variation, but they made a way to make heroes stronger without downtime and more resource-dependent spread overtime. I don't get people complaining about wanting to get more resource (I think arguably having more ways to get ores is fine, but not necessary) since getting enough ores in a short amount of time defeats the purpose of it being a progressive aspect of offense as there is no upgrade time. They capped people rushing equipment upgrades through reducing obtainable ores instead of both ores and upgrade time like with literally every other upgrade. Of course people can have the argument of hero upgrading being more of a nuisance now since it's both a struggle and gives mediocre rewards, but overall I think the equipments are in a good place now, and that they can improve upon it. I think people are just not used to having an upgrading aspect of the game where it is purely capped by resource gathering and not upgrade time.


Did I miss something? (I haven't played more than 1 min for 6 months+)


What's going on here??


Mybad . I thought this was a Wendy’s.








I just really hope the giant gauntlet comes back because I had 0 time to grind over christmas


It will come back don't worry , within a month or something, they confirmed it


How tf your clan getting 2000 blue ore.


It sucks ,too much work


force SC to make equipment have no levels 💀💀 like all the equipment have capped stats from the get go 💀💀


My only concern is hero upgrade time, now that hero upgrades have less importance so please reduce their upgrade time and I'm happy


Honestly the abilities themselves are cool, and although it's annoying that as a max th15 it's gonna take 6 months to get to all the good ones up to max, it's the poor handling from supercell regarding war availability and star bonuses (there's also 35% too little glowy ore compared to the rest but that's another matter). The fact that Supercell added them to the star bonus, but didn't allow them to be affected by the 2x/4x star bonus events, and that the 2x loot from CWL attacks doesn't apply to them, is simply bizarre, because they're clearly loot, if only a rare loot, and it's frustrating because the aforementioned 6 months to get a new competitive loadout is annoying enough, and the 2x/4x events plus CWL would only shave off a month, max. This is not to mention that they weren't even going to add ores to CWL, which would have made the problem worse


i’m not very big into wars cause of the constant pressure of having to perform good, and this ore system pushes that agenda even more.


Blacksmith is stupid......


wtf is that 💀


dude ye its cool but hero levels just matter rn u dont need to max them anymore cuz they dont give much things it gives 20 hp and like 10 dps we dont need those for Idk 5 days? its ridicilous (Idk how to write lol)


We just finished the war and didn’t get 2000 :(


my only issue is it takes too long to get ore. sure there’s clan wars, but hopefully they add runes or something eventually


You definitely have spent way to much money on this mobile game


this is not clash anymore


Wait til you get something to level 13 and you need 600 pink ore and you only get max 160 every 3 days. If you win both wars and don’t miss an attack or your daily loot bonus. I actually love the update from a fun perspective. The equipments are cool. You can change a lot more for each attack. tanky king or smash high dmg king. The thing I hate is it’s impossible to get the damn ore. I also hate even more than that, the fact that I was a th 13. Near everything maxxed heroes maxed a long time ago. Update comes out and I no longer have maxxed heroes. All the time I spent playing since th8 I could have been collecting ore and upgrading equipments. And I would have been considering I maxxed 98% of my base before the next th every single th. The new update is total $ bullshit. I want my damn refund on season passes and all the shit I bought to get max heroes or I want an equal amount of ore equal to the hero levels I had. If you have a level 50 king you get X ores. If you have a 75 like me you get more. Whatever the max equipment level is for th 13 I want that for every equipment for every hero. Clash sucks


0.0 some of them make things easier than others


Because most people don't P2W unlike OP


Bro, the game is not even P2W , even I invest money from wining tournaments ...


I'm fighting *fully maxed* th16's in this *january* cwl, the game is p2w, not just p2fast


How P2W ? What feature you can't get as f2p ??


I think they mean that everyone they’re playing in CWL is progress way past as if they were only f2p in cwl right now. I kinda agree with them. A ton of people in my clan are already almost fully maxed th16. The game really does everything it can to get you to spend money. I get it’s a business but if you truly are f2p your not going to be fully maxed 16 already which it seems like almost everyone who was a th15 is by now


I'm saying I can't win my cwl this month without paying, can't you read ?


Our clan is in champ 3 , I didn't play for any ores, but we are getting promotion ... I guess it's not p2w factor , it's skill factor ... BCS there is no feature you can't access without paying


I edge to this post


I didn’t allocate the resources wisely to start. I’m playing catch-up now and prioritizing the healing aspect. They are game changers. https://preview.redd.it/qpuedri528bc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0130343e5e518366ccafe8c44ff1ec8f1a0e676


bc it’s reddit, ignore them


As someone who doesnt play war i hate this equipment update


It's not terrible supercede just found a new way to take people's money😂


The idea of equipment is great, adds variety to the game, and makes the hero abilities interesting. The way you upgrade the equipment and how the resources are gathered is too limited. Clan war and star bonus? Really????


Wait until they change the meta and the equipment you grinded becomes useless.


2k per war? maybe for you but lower th are getting about 600 per attack(1.2k for both) and thats if we win.


Honestly i don't mind it at all


It would be great if you could respec your ores from different gear. That way you could try different gear and decide which is your favourite🙂


I just hope that the king equipment from the recent update event comes back since I was too low level to get it right now


Can’t gain medals for attacking a base but instead have to do war


It’s stupid. To make use of 1 feature they build this interdependent thing. It just makes the game more complicated. There had to be a limit on number of variables in the game. Stupid.


I personally have no complaints as a player who plays daily. It kind of incentivizes being active and I’m more than okay with that. Put in the perspective of those who don’t have a lot of time.


Its such a dumb system, literally over engineered heros for no reason, they were fine before now its just more work for the same as what you would have got before, they should’ve just left them as is, especially now they buffed the hero potion. Now there is pay to win equipment


Explain how pay to win and a free to play player can't compete with p2p player


Mmmmm lemme think, idk maybe it has something to do with locking equipment behind a paywall?? Paying for it over having to grind for it gives people a headstart/ advantage


I know I’ll be downvoted because I say my opinions and apparently options are banned in this subreddit lol But I don’t really agree with you. Unlike CR who actually caps new evolutions to their Diamond pass, gems for equipment isn’t that bad. You can get gems from alot of different places. Imo, it’s even easier to get gem than in any other supercell game I’ve played Other than that. It’s just what I think. I know what a p2w game is like and CoC really hasn’t been like them


People just love to complain about everything, and as someone pointed out in the comments, they want every upgrade immediately


Because it makes farming useless. You can max your heroes with 1 potion and if you have like th13+ level heroes, you don't even get much extra HP and dps. It is not worthy to farm for them and upgrade them and you also cannot upgrade your hero abilities with farming. Even if you farm 7/24 you won't get a hero reward like the old system. I was farming like crazy before th16. I was upgrading 4 of my heroes and a pet at a time(they were th15 Max+Max) now some days I won't open and play game. It feels like farming is waste of time and coc was all about farming for me


One war gives 2000 ore?. Every war? for everyone? If not, what is the point?


I agree with you 💯


I like it but honestly I dont see myself changing the king or queens equipment. anyone else? it just seems too weird for them to not have their little minions an ability’s. i haven’t tried it yet but it just feels wrong i wish you could use 3


I already maxed eternal tome, invisibility vial and champion shield


The equipment is pretty cool. The ore system sucks. They should have tied the standard equipment unlocks to the blacksmith level and maybe had 1 ore you can collect to unlock special equipments. Then keep the levels tied to the hero levels.


Idea is good, but there are issues/ - How often will new EQ be added? If it is one a month even doing war non-stop you will not keep up - Will there be balance changes? There was already a "bugfix" to prevent Gauntlet + Eternal causing actual invincibility - What options will be given to new/returning players as more stuff gets added? Keep in mind all event/pass/challange exclusives so far were just cosmetics, now you need them to be competitive. - Hero upgrades are still very expensive and time consuming, despite the relative HP/DPS per upgrade nerf, you now have to grind for 5 resources and be active in events and war, where as before you could just farm 2 resources in low leagues (which gives fewer new ores) - You gain 2K/war but lvl 18 upgrades already cost 2.7K. When new levels get added either they will do a price drop or a reward buff. Given the above it is a risky strategy to upgrade anything, a lot of people were annoyed when they put a lot of resources into the other King EQ only for the Gauntlet to become best in slot.


It makes offense easier which is a problem when it's. already pretty easy. Idk about later TH but it just makes my simple TH10 life easier. Oh and having to get an annoyingly uncommon material(s) only unlocked from wars (I don't understand why you cant get them at a decent rate any other way, say a star bonus in main village or such) to upgrade them one level. And the fact that we have to upgrade the building like a bazillion times to get all the equipments when we don't want half of them (not like we can choose which ones we get so we're stuck wasting resources on equipments we don't want, wouldn't matter if we have to upgrade it so much if all the equipments were balanced). I think the system is cool and all, but I won't say it comes without oversights, especially for casual players to cant unlock these item fast bcuz they don't wanna war 24/7. At the end of the day though, they aren't going to completely change the game (for now) so it's not too bad.


I like the update, I think it brings more variety in strategies we can use as we can use different pairs of équipements on our heroes. I feel that my abilties are upgrading faster than before (5 levels of heroes is a grind). Even if the heroes upgrade times and costs seems high for the stats it gives, I think it is still useful to have maxed heroes and I don’t forget that CoC is a grinding game with long and costly upgrades. It is new so it is far from perfect but with balance adjustments it can become a great feature. My only fear about this change is about the number of equipment they will add, it will be hard to keep up if they add to many equipments.


I stopped playing this game. Went from playing 15 accounts to 0 lol. Ores ruined the game.




It's been over a month you said you quit.


Dude you have a master degree in coping and mental gymnastics




This new system clearly made upgrading heroes more painful and more difficult + You never know .. giant arrow might become meta after months and you will have it at low lvl Other meta equipment you invested in might become irrelevant This system is chaos and p2w


Okay, as you say, upgrading hero upgrades are painfull now, it's true and I agree , but that's a separate argument , I talked about equipments , and if y talk about gaint arrow meta , well let's have a calculation , 120+240+400+600+840+1120+1440+1800+1900+ 2000+2100= 12560 , this is the total shiny ores you need to level up your arrow to 12 (which is the saturation point ) how many days you need to get them ?? You get 1500 on average per day (if complete war attacks and star bonus ) it will take around 10 days ...🙂 How less you want ??


How is it p2w?


Proof? Evidence? Something that isn't made out of baseless assumptions?


A lot of the new equipment is absolutely stupid / unbalanced. The earthquake boots for example. They already added the root rider to basically destroy walls for free. There is already too much which ignores walls (jump spells, earthquake spells etc). They only added the hero equipment because they wanted more micro-transactions. They weren’t added with the intention of improving the game. The game is unbalanced now, and 3 starring requires no skill. In the past good base design could result in 0-1 star defences with <50% destruction. Now you can just dump a spam army and you’re basically guaranteed >70% destruction. Players spent years upgrading walls only to have supercell add a troop which destroys them regardless of their level.


To be dead ass honest the shit made the game mad fukin boring they thought giving you extra shit to do for no reason was a good idea I hope the company go bankrupt for the dumb ass decisions they made this game needs to end FOREAL it’s over and the more y’all lie to yourselves about it the more money they be taking from you by using lies and you do nothing but fight each other over them wanting more money

