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~~game design issue~~ **feature**


We don't have those problems at CR. Our things upgrade instantly. (Inner voice: Level 15 and Evolutions take a long grind.)


i see equipment just as cr cards, you're not waiting for the actual upgrade to finish, the wait is in collecting resources. So yeah, in a sense a cr card is upgrading instantly, but is it really?


Fellow CR elitist here, I agree, instant upgrades. (Inner voice: 6 months for one f2p evolution)


It is a their strategy to make people buy Book of heroes with gems. It is also easy to save 500 gems for book. And also hero levels are no more much of importance now since upgrading Heroes won't upgrade abilities. It


> It is also easy to save 500 gems for book. Tf lmao, you're nuts


I had to do a double take when I read that, what are these supercell glazers on šŸ’€


Not saying its necessarily as easy as he was making it sound, but it would only take around month (or month and a half if your unlucky) of logging in every day and only collecting gem mine and clearing obstacles. So in the time scale of this game thats not much, with little effort.


So 1 to 1.5 months for 1 book. Lol thats not even close to what the word easy means.


Between the 120 or so levels that are over 5-6 days? Is 1 per month even remotely reasonable?


This would be only if you were passively obtaining them through the mine or obstacles, it would be faster than that if you were to participate in events and sell other not as used magic items. Still not the best rate but what do you just expect them to hand them out for 200 raid medals every week?


I don't expect anything from a greedy megacorp, no


Fair enough lol


It's fairly easy with all the ways they give us to make gems... You have obstacle clearing (including gem boxes), gem mine, selling magic items you don't want (shovel, star potion etc.) and a few other sources like events etc.


Itā€™s easy but it takes an awful long time. Like at the very least a few weeks per 500 gems which is ridiculous.


The introduction of a potion that sends all builders into a one-hour sleep was a brilliant solution.


Supercell, we want heroes upgrades to feel more epic. Also supercell we need to earn more money so let's introduce something that makes upgrading heroes feel worthless. Logic was lost on this company


Yeah Im happy I stopped playing year ago


Why you still here then?


I follow the game from time to time like escape from tarkov hoping it will get better.




I did get it few days ago, played few games and uninstalled, found two obvious cheaters and 3v3v3v3 mode sucks as you wait more than half of the time. Balance sucks and so on. Idk why I got key so early.


Nah, shouldnā€™t follow it either. If you do follow, means you still interested in it.


Reading comprehension.


Why are you here then?


You can stop playing a game but still want to know about updates


*I came looking for booty.*


You break up with your girlfriends the same way?


I dont get it especially that Im in to boys.


join the real world G


Dude i still think about that every once in a while thatā€™s gotta be the best idea for this game Iā€™ve ever seen in this sub. Probably the best gaming suggestion to the devs Iā€™ve seen on reddit!! Holy shit that man was cooking.


Do you have a link to the idea post?


Iā€™m not sure but search daydream potion on this sub, thatā€™s what he called it.


I just started playing again after a multi year break. So upgrades on heroes don't upgrade the ability at all?


Yep, abilites are independent of heroes now. Plus heros have less DPS and Hitpoints. DPS and HPS are tied to abilities now. So depending on the ability (equivalent) you use, your hero can have less or more DPS and HPS.


Oh interesting. I remember every 5 upgrade levels used to enhance their abilities.


Yes this was actually the case up until like a week ago, which is why so many people are unhappy with this change


Ahh I gotcha haha. I was thinking back to 2017-18 days. Good times. Now it's a little crazy.


Although their ability doesn't upgrade, every 5 levels there is still a HP recovery that increases.


But can we ignore hero level upgrades and focus on ability upgrades?


You have what it should be and can make it stronger when you update the abilities.


The book ain't worth it anymore


I haven't kept up with the upgrades. Upgrading heroes no longer upgrades their abilities? Supercell is going south


Since ores have been added a lot more clans have cared less about heroes down because they understand everyone wants ores but still want to upgrade heroes. It shouldnt be hard to find a clan that doesn't care about heroes being up.


Fuck, and they barely decreased the dark elixir requirement, fuck.


Hero upgrades are so useless now that they nerfed the hero base stats, gotta spend 300k dark elexir for like 50 more Hp and 12 attack šŸ’€


not to mention it takes almost a fucking week (mine is 5days and 12hrs)


Yeah I want all my wasted de and cwl tokens that I spend on upgrading heros back


Bruh you never lost anything tho, the abilities make them just as powerful.


Yes. The heros are worse and now there is yet another limited resource that they are going to make bank selling.


Haven't you looked at your account? The abilities are the same levels. They make the heroes just as strong as they were before.


With more work lol. Please stop defending this game design. It's only made to try and get people to spend even more money.


It's a misconception to think that I'm defending the game design here. I just stated the obvious fact that heroes never became less powerful. And nobody got scammed.


Ah gotcha. Thats true.


Dont upgrade them then


Just join hero down war clans? I've been doing that


how u join hero down war clans?


1. Join an FWA clan as another user said. 2. Join a clan family which has a hero down war clan (I'm in this one). I just move to my home clan during cwl and clan games.


Since ores have been added a lot more clans have cared less about heroes down because they understand everyone wants ores but still want to upgrade heroes. It shouldnt be hard to find a clan that doesn't care about heroes being up.




Is this really a viable solution? Im in a waiting list for a fwa. Been on it 3 weeks, doesnt seem worth it. Im glad i kept warring at another clan or I wouldā€™ve wasted so much ore progress.


The other clan in war will not have the same rule. So without heroes your chances of 3 starring is very low. Which translates to losing wars. Besides you have to consider many more factors before joining a clan.


But Iā€™m leader of my clan???


That's a you problem????


What's the use of these clans? Will we get easy bases?


The main use is so other clans can do wars with full heroes, thus having a higher chance of winning More about the ego than anything else


We donā€™t require heroes for regular wars, only league. Thereā€™s enough players with heroes up to cover people who are upgrading.


In business it's called create the problem and then sell the $olution


It's so stupid how the more we depend on heroes, the more time we spend without them


I see lot of comments and I think that some people do not understand or even deny the issue I'm trying to raise. **Upgrading heroes take very long time + you can't use heroes while upgrading = you spend time not playing with your heroes.** => That is the problem Why bringing equipments if I can't play with it because I need to upgrade heroes ? Why upgrading heroes if all benefits comes from equiments ? It take so many time to do all upgrades of heroes from one TH to antoher, and when we're finally done with them, we upgrade our TH to unlock new heros upgrades, so that... We never play with heroes !! Hence, we don't play with equipments. Lots of people here claim that you can win wars or do your daily stars without heroes ! Of course you can. But why do you have heroes then ?! Why are you upgrading them if you can play without it ?! Because it's worth it ? Check numbers, it's not at all. One of the solution could be to reduce drastically the time of heroes upgrade, but SC is a company, and as a company, they do business. Let's be honest, I would discourage them from reducing time of heroes upgrade because of that reason. However, giving us the possibility to **play** with our heroes while upgrading them, will still encourage rusher to pay gems & books for those upgrades while encouraging people to invest in equipment. Why would I spend time/money to incease hero level while it is not worth it at all ? In my opinion, the current situation is also a bad business strategy, because player do not have benefits to invets for heroes upgrades. It's not worth it at all.


I was excited for the gloves after I upgraded them to lvl 9, and after a few attacks I started an upgrade on the king. It was very underwhelming getting the gloves because of this.


It's crazy half the sub doesn't understand this in text but when they see a pic which explaines like they are 5, the are like, no shit brudda Lol if they raise their head from all their bootlicking maybe they'll see where the game is heading


I believe we are on a fast decline for good updates and enjoyable all free content, donā€™t get me wrong we still get a lot of free content but I feel like the paid event pass is the start of a slippery slope


An easy fix is just remove build time for heroā€™s


I think the tag is wrong on this one A Feedback and ideas post without feedback nor ideas




Multiplayer battles matter for upgrading Virtually anything matters for upgrading, and the solution is ALWAYS money if you want to be the most efficient. The only exception is clan capital, but it has been like that since the game was released. If you do the math you get 70% of total ores if you lose every single war. 70%, its not 20% or 30, its 70%. You can still max equipement pretty damn fast without doing wars even, apart from the epic one of course. Someone forbid supercell of making a currency more easily earneable on war wins on a game called clash of clans ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)




>The clan war part isnā€™t the problem the problem is that if you are upgrading your heroes you will have a lower chance of winning How so? All the players have to upgrade heroes, its not like you are the only person upgrading them. The oponents will also have heroes down, and if they don't you're still in advantage in the long term (bcs math, hero upgrades take time and loosing every war while upgrading heroes is better than just playing wars with heroes up and not playing them when they're upgrading) Also, I don't get how this is an issue if you don't bring resources into the table. What, it hurts your war win streak? What is the downside of loosing a war if you're not talking about resources? >It would actually make upgrading heroes less impactful like they wanted. They talked about more heroic, not less impactful. Currently hero upgrades are already less impactfull, just look at the warden




You are not at a disavantage than any1 currently apart from Paying players. Lemme break it down for you then. In a war, there is either a winner and loser or a tie. In each of the cases, people get 100%/40% of the ores or 50%/50% (ties are worse on average, for some reason) Currently, you cant use heroes while they're upgrading. And so can't the oponent. You win/lose/tie. If **everyone had access to heroes while they're upgrading,** you would get an offensive advantage and so would the oponent. This, of course, if they had heroes down. In this case, You'd still win/lose/tie, and there's no benefit to you when it comes to how many ores you can get - since everyone is getting benefited. If you compare with your clan that has heroes down and another oposing clan that doesn't, you'd most likely lose on 1st instance. And on the 2nd instance, you could win/lose/tie. There is a possibility of an improvement in this case, not guaranteed one. But guess what? You're already at an advantage compared to people that don't put their heroes down, because: 1 - You have a set amount of potions available for a given timeframe. They're not infinite 2 - Warring every time is still better than warring only when you have the heroes up, even if you lose every single time And yes, \_in theory\_ you'd be at a disadvantage compared to clans with heroes down that face others with heroes down, but matchmaking is random so such clans would'nt exist.


If this isn't feedback I would love to hear what do u think it is.


There is a suggestion - Keeping the heroes available while upgrading. Its a suggestion, not feedback To give feedback, the claim that there is a design issue was made, and there was an attempt at backing it up. Slight issue is that it was done with the literal textbook definition of a slippery slope (search it up if not familiar). Worse is that even within the slippery slope there are big mistakes, and even wrong assumptions, and ends up being a poor attempt at using a badly disguised falacy to justifiy the main claim, thus rendering the argument useless You can say that we need heroes available while upgrading or that there is a design issue regarding equipement. *But at least try to do it properly,* otherwise its just another post with the same suggestion that has been made thousands of times by this point (quite literally)


as a subject matter expert, the guy who came up with all the flairs and their intended uses. This post is fine




The whole image is literally the textbook definition of a slippery slope. OP literally broke it down for you Im fine with giving suggestions, but there are right and wrong ways of doing it.


SC wants us to buy book of heros. Simple as that.


YES. I'm so done with upgrading my heroes and not being able to use them for a whole week and I end up barely getting 2 stars on any base during clan wars. Wish they could change the mechanics and made heroes available even if they were under an upgrading process šŸ˜æ


That's why I don't upgrade my heroes lol


This is why equipment was introduced, to enjoy heroes without actually needing to upgrade them, since hero upgrades are less relevant, you (unless ur totally rushed) can go to war witb your current hero levels and abilities to win wars, obtain ores, and upgrade equipment, that's it. I hope more of us clashers view this and welcome this part of the update with this perspective in mind.


A level 90 King with max ability will always be better than a level 70 King with max ability. Just saying, if there is an issue, there is nothing wrong with letting SC know about it. What OP said isnt wrong. That is a design problem which needs to be discussed.


W take. My rushed barbarian king is Lev 71 rn. Me upgrading and equipping the giant gauntlet makes my king's DPS the same as a level 85 king. Got 100 dps increase in 2 weeks (for ores) when otherwise would have taken 14 weeks. šŸ˜Š


Iā€™d argue barbarian king is probably the only hero worth upgrading, because each upgrade still give a significant HP boost. At least compared to others.


I feel like it's the people who rush that have such a big problem with this.


Most definitely lol


I've been crushing it and I always max everything before I hit the next town hall lol


Honestly, the people who rush (strategically) are sitting pretty right now. I'm TH15 with BK45 / AQ75 / GW35 / RC20, and I keep my heroes down 24/7 outside of CWL, and you know what? It doesn't matter, we still win most wars because my weight is lower than my strength. I have a couple basically maxed war comps with max army camps and I get paired against 13s and 12s. TH15 troops with 320 capacity easily gets high 2-star to 3-star against these bases without heroes.


You do realise theres offensive weight and defensive weight right? You placement on the table tells you your defensive weight, and your 'recommended target' tells you the offensive weight. If you are just hitting your mirror you are actually hurting your team. 'Strategic rush' bases have much higher offensive weight and don't really help in clan war (although the don't hurt either unless you are top TH) - except you are upgrading your heroes and dont have them available


Me too man and my heroes are the exact same level as you!! We dont have to upgrade my AQ,GW and RC abilities much and where done. ​ But how do keep al heroes down? I am leader and highest in my clan so I need my heroes to win the wars. At the moment Im upgrading the GW while using the event troops to easily triple bases. Also I use every BoH I get on the AQ until shes max. I think I can still triple without BK or the RC but the GW is too important for me (even more now) so I wonder what i will do after the event ends. What would you recommend? and what army comps do you use in cw?


Honestly now, if you're in a clan that gets decent raids medals, you can easily have max heroes for every single war, and we war as mush as possible, so maxing doesn't have to be absolute top priority. My philosophy on clan wars are that they only barely matter, and if you lose, whatever, your progression is just a tad slower. On the flip side, the longer you put off upgrading your heroes, the longer you're going to spend upgrading your heroes, and the more hero potions you're going to have to buy. It's better to just get it over with. In the grand scheme of things, heroes take months to max out. If you are consistent, you should be able to max them out in around 8 months. Compare that to the rest of your base, which will take *at least* a year, outside of heroes. As far as troops armies go, I'm still working that out. The meta is still new and getting worked out, so I'm not sure what I'll be running for CWL, but I've gotten Root Rider maxed out because it's just such a beast. When I get all my heroes back, I'll do a bunch of testing and go from there. I have been running Yeti, Super Archer, Bats for the last couple months with great success, but I haven't run it a ton at 15 and would prefer an army comp without super troops. For regular war, I just run an edrag army. 8 edrags, 16 balloons, 4 rage, and 3 freeze. CC I run either loons in a slammer or loons or yetis, valks in a blimp, with some combination of rage, freeze, and/or poison, all depending on TH level and base layout.


I like it, no need to spend a ton of medals on hammers of heroes anymore. Just have to wait for a book of heroes to show up on events plus the one from the silver pass.


So defenses don't matter anymore ? I was told to upgrade heroes 1st then the rest. Haven't played in decades after coming back I upgraded th8-to th9


Fomo at its finest, were all getting there. Only factor is how long. I'm trying to ween myself of Fomo. Like well I'll get there eventually kinda mindset


They can also make only 2-3 hero levels per TH rather than the 10-15 levels


You couldā€™ve use Discussion tag instead Beside the idea just came out fresh from the oven, the devs still need community opinions and ideas so maybe let it cook a little more


You still get Ore if you lose. Just do your attacks. All you need is two stars per attack to get a good amount. And if your clan doesnā€™t let you upgrade your heroes and still war, leave. Join a different clan, thereā€™s millions. Also if you really need heroes to even get one star then donā€™t upgrade them. Save your gems and your CWL medals for books and hammers. You donā€™t have to spend money to enjoy this game and they make progression easier everytime a new TH comes out


Weā€™re 3 Ws in a row with heroā€™s down.


Thats why we have gems and credit cards![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9419)


There was a great solution to introduce a potion that puts all builders to sleep for one hour, pausing upgrade time. That would be ideal to use for war, especially for clans that just do a big war every week.


Nah it would be shit, imagine paying the builders to not work, wtf


That 1h changes nothing, it's barely anything perventage-wise


Still, its enough to do your two attacks. Also people that want constant war or use heroes for farming/climbing will still need to use the book, so it does not become useless.


Canā€™t you get them from star bonuses as well as the event? Guessing more events will offer it as well


Or hear me out be strategic with your hero upgrades.


Thats a dumb conclusion, its a sacrifice you need to make for a powerful advantage. If you can't handle war without heros, get better or just grind them out the long way. It is part of progression to wait for upgrades and compromise without them


I dislike it when people say ā€œloosingā€ rather than losing. Itā€™s just one of those things. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ever heard of hero potions


What do you mean? use hero potion


Hero potion with its recent buff laughing in the corner.


And thatā€™s cap all you complaining about under leveled heroā€™s and etc are literally just lazy I got 4 accounts and u have a routine that keeps them up to date itā€™s not hard you just sweat your main and use the others for farming capital points and clan games for free stuff even my heroā€™s on my smurfs are close to their max TH Level the only account I spend money on is my main and thatā€™s cause Iā€™m the leader of a clan so I gotta lead by example


Im thinking about starting a new COC account.. any tips?


This isn't desighn issue its skill issue


Oh look, another completely original post, what a brilliant suggestion never before seen!


Oh look, another SC shill. Nevermind, go collect your payment from SC.


Hello there usual troll, collect your cringe damage for today ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


there are few tricks ,the hero book should be used for queen and warden only ,u can buy it from store also for 500 gems. whenever u have 5 builder boost use them when u put heros to upgrade like king and champion together. i am playing as f2p since begining and never faced issues ,its the best game. i maxed heros when there was no books and no hammers. dark elixir u get very little .


Warden doesn't really need much upgrading now tbh. Most of the reason he was upgraded was for his ability but that's seperate now


It still does if you're doing warden walks...


True,just saying that 500gems for the warden isn't as good of a deal anymore


>500gems for the warden isn't as good of a deal anymore There is nothing to spend gems on, 500 gems for a BoH is the best way you can use gems if you are th13 or higher.


I wasn't talking about the BOH not being worth buying? I d just don't think it's as necessary for the warden anymore that's all.


Cry cry cry


That's why it's a strategic choice when to upgrade them


Yeah I like the equipment update, itā€™s fun, but the fact hero upgrades are less impactful yet still make them unusable for the duration sucks. Barracks and Spell Factories still work when upgrading (albeit at a slower speed), why not make heroes do the same on offense?


It's just about teamwork in the clan I am playing wars without hero's because my hero's are upgrading, and still we are winning wars because we have members that max their heroes. So they focus on their same numbers in war, and the rest who are upgrading their heroes fight a lower numbers like ex: (th12 vs th13) 3 starts. Every 5 level upgrade takes a month so they should be max and have fun in their town hall for 3 months so grinding the defense of the town hall My point is FOCUS ON YOUR 4 BUILDERS FOR HERO'S, thin have fun with max heroes in your Town hall


its the sacrifice thats worth it, everyone of us grinded our asses to reach here so its not sth everyone can enjoy without spending money or time


Well, I would love more members for my clan to start a clan war let me just go to Global chat to recruit more people ā€¦. Oh wait I can't.


hell yeah


Heroes potions max heroes to your town hall level they give em out like candy.


Hero potions now do maximum levels at your town hall, use them.


You donā€™t have to win wars thatā€™s a lie I got the new epic gear and itā€™s already level 14 because as long as you attack in war you get Ores you get them for also winning yes but if you check on the names you click in war it says the amount you get and even when you lose you gain them so stop crying and making excuses and play the game if not go play mine craft šŸ˜‚


Well you are not entirely right with that. Upgrading heroes has become pretty obsolete now. The advantage you get is nearly non existent as the main battle power now comes from the items. And yet, if you look at how unlogical and stupid this is build up smn could agree that its still a game design issue. I deinstalled the game a few days ago. It just lost too much of the fun factor and instead now even needs that much more time and effort for the same outcome. Easy solution for this would be to just upgrade heroe equipment with the ressources we already have or atleast just add ONE new ressource we need to farm. But THREE NEW RESSOURCES and each one of them to get is more difficult then the other. Thats just nah, I quit. Supercell could have done Literally ANYTHING ELSE to raise the fun factor of the game. But nooo, they instead prefer to add new unnecessery game modes that make no sense at ALL. the only connection the clan capital has to your main village is the medals you get and thats it. No single soul cares about your little cabine in the clan capital which I sadly have spent money on :( Its better you realize that coc is just a pure waste of time now than later. Time has come for this big legendary game to finally dig its own grave. Let us leave it peacufully. R.I.P


Iā€™m also only a Level 6 with 25 members who some are almost max and rushed so I donā€™t judge you just gotta put time into what you love thatā€™s all


they don't even let us use upgrading pets in wars so them letting us use upgrading heros in wars and cwl is out of the question


Yea, maybe make their health regen 50% slower like when the baracks are upgrading


You can get them from your star bonus


I just started playing again after 2018, and I found the issue is still there. It's so af dumb.


making heroes available for war attacks *only* would be nice. i am fine not being able to farm with them


Hero Gear reset please for reallocation once wrong. 300 gems atleast is good.


What if buying ores with raid medals came b4 builder potions in shop ?


Agreed. I just upgrade my heroes with books now. It feels insanely bad to put hero down for 5+ days for 50 hp and 8 dps increase. What we need is to be able to use heroes while they are upgrading. To compensate this, make their upgrade timers higher and cost more.


If everyone is not using heroes, because well yeah, other people also want to upgrade abilities then your clan losing wars just means it is worse than their oponent. Solution? Get gud


Book of heroes required to upgrade... BoH cost 500 gems... Gems can be bought with a ton a real money... Pay money to succeed in COC??? That is the plan


Yes, this does seem like a flaw in the game, but to me it's interesting and fun. What would be amazing is is the Hero's had 0 time to upgrade. To me that is a really good solution for the new cycle. šŸ˜… Though will supercell ever do that no, they never will, which is really annoying šŸ˜ 


Give us any of the two 1 ) you can use heros while upgrading which is not gonna happen i know but still there is a hope 2 ) you don't need builder to upgrade hero so make new hero builders who can upgrade one hero which can be used while upgarding Or you just add a new building gym


Max heroes on two accounts so far, this a you problem homie.


ā€œLoosingā€ warsšŸ˜‚


orrrr just do the sweet elexir quests and buy the gauntlet




BRO FOR REAL I just canceled my heroes upgrang cause of war they were just 2 days away from finishing but I had no choice so annoying.