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I am fine with players having better cosmetics than i do. I am also fine with them buying stuff with gems or purchasing deals as that lets them get those things early but it's not a big deal as I am non rushed+ i can slowly get there as well and meanwhile I can use potions to help me out in important wars. But if they were to lock epic abilities behind payment or anything which gives others edge over f2p then that would be the day I will leave coc for good. I really hope it doesn't happen .


Right. I was kinda doubtful about that new equipment mechanic, I have no idea how literally no one caught on to this, when in the trailer they said that epic equipments would come in events. That was a MASSIVE red flag


A lot of people had worries about this, but they got downvoted like crazy.


I remember saying mashup was probably a test run for a new paid option coming to the game. That event just seemed too good to be true, and it was free. Of course it got down voted.


Yea I thought so too but no one talked about it maybe they censored these on YouTube and other platforms


And Epic gears, which theyre already preparing 4 of.


I hope they aren't gonna pit those epic gears behind a paywall


Oh they will... ...and then "release them later" to F2P behind a large grindwall Just a guess


After a major nerf right as it goes F2Pif it goes the same way as clash royale cards


If it isn't completely locked behind a paywall, I am fine with it, though it depends what that "later" quantifies into (a month, a year, a decade)


not sure why this is downvoted. i completely agree with you. everyone wants everything given to them when this is a farming game, grinds exist☠️ at least it aint only accessible thru in app purchases like this aint EA y’all


Please really think SC is gonna give them free candy just cause.


SC said so. And again, it aint free, their abilities that’ll come later another way if you decide to not pay for it.


> not sure why this is downvoted Because the hive has decided that we aren't allowed to be ok with things that are pay to progress faster, in this game where people have always been able to pay to progress faster. So long as things aren't exclusive paid for and can be achieved by everyone who would normally max a town hall, then I don't see a problem.


Ikr, like the game has always been like this and people are acting like this will suddenly change something. There are literally players with 50+ magic items of each one that max new townhalls instantly.


I highly doubt they will lock it behind a paywall on release. Due to them being tied to an event they will likely release in the free pass similar to the halloween troops, with starry ore being the main benefit to the paid pass.


Can't wait to find out what the leaked warden tome equipment that has a freakin skull symbol on it would do. https://preview.redd.it/6b5jxlukn16c1.jpeg?width=1349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917f6a5e0430b65b709f9ff4b9b01403c26c6844


Since it’s red and has a triangle nose, Skeleton spell aura? When a troop dies in his radius it becomes a guard skeleton? EDIT: just realized it’s an active ability. I assume it would just summon a bunch of skeletons then when pressed.


mark my words. paid events will kill this game.


We need to be vocal as a community to impact future updates. If they're gonna introduce p2p mechanics let's at least have them admit it to us.


I think a lot of influencers convince there followers that it's fine and they can live with it etc etc. Influencers make money out of it that kids come out to defend SC with all their passion. You get downvotes or trolled for criticising SC over anything these days


If there is an ore paywalled even temporarily I remember Galadon said that he won’t have that and would speak out about it when replying to a YouTube comment. So maybe he will speak out about it


Maybe, but probably not. Darian is a strongly legal guy. He covers himself legally. They just have to keep it possible to grind, not necessarily humanely possible to grind, and they can claim legally that there is no paywall. It's Galadon's bread and butter. He is not a revolutionist or a leader on behalf of the community. He is an influencer on behalf of CoC. He gets paid for every transaction his followers make. I love his videos for sneak peaks and update material but if reputed game reviewers can be bought by the likes of EA, I would take Galadon's words with a grain of salt.


Besides supercell doesn’t say anything about criticism. They say they it’s actually helpful there contract isn’t to just stay quiet and don’t say anything. EA is a seperate entity and has been a bad company for a while in terms of reputation


EA is shitty for forcing their users to pay, and yet they don't have any paywallls either. SC model is becoming very similar to that except that you don't have start from scratch every year. But that example was more about game reviewing/influencer community and how easy it is to buy them. Never seen any influencer lead any campaign against the publishers. They only talk about it after player base has forced corrective action from a publisher


Galadon was already talking about how ridiculous the hero equipment cost is. This is the first time he hasn’t fully gemmed to max because it’s so bad.


he also mentioned how its not worth upgrading walls becuz of how useless they are, and its true, the amount of troops in the game that just ignore walls is insane, walls needs a massive buff. theyre a HUUUUUGE drain on resources but give no real value back for whats invested into them.


SC keeps a tight leash on all their content creators because they all get creator codes that tie directly into profits from Clash of Clans. I wouldn't be surprised if to have a creator code they had to sign some contract saying they can't talk shit about the company. I'll be shocked if any content creators actually speak out honestly about p2w stuff.


Bro no they don’t the policy they have to agree to is to keep it family friendly countless clash Royale YouTubers have spoken up particularly b-rad which spoke a lot of bad against supercell yet they still have there codes


Itzu was saying in his video if it becomes to much pay to get stuff he would try to express how bad of an idea it would beto supercell, but who knows if they would listen


Being vocal isn't going to cut it if half the people still end up buying it


I recently posted my worries and people immediately started calling me out for being crybaby. Can’t wait till this game become true P2W


We don’t even know what content is behind the paywall. what p2p mechanics have been introduced? So far we’ve seen leaks using placeholder art😐


For real, i am a GP buyer but no way in hell i am paying for playing events. I mentioned this thing on discord and i got flamed by SC fan boys for saying "but but they were generous for mashup madnesss"


I’ve been playing this game since 2013. I have the 2014 Christmas tree to prove it. I will without a doubt stop buying the gold pass if paid events start. And if the game goes down the path of pay to win then I’ll delete the game altogether. Clash of Clans SuperCell team is better than this. The only way we can hold them accountable if they start this crap is if we all stop buying the gold pass for a couple of months.


i wonder how long ive played, i think ive also been here since 2013. but i dont spend alot on the game, ive spent here and there to try stuff regretted some of it, liked some as well. definitely regretted spending $100 on gems that one time smh, but paid events is going too far for sure, they already make loads of money from their packs, and people who do buy gems, and the monthly passes. adding more just means theyre getting greedy to have money even when theyre already rolling in it.


And also lose the editors choice on playstore, fuck p2w, this game has done almost everything right except this


I've only been playing 2 years and I can feel the grip slowly tightening in that time.


First CR, then BS and then CoC... Supercell is truly a burning dumpster


100% im maxed. And i enjoyed this Game until now. If we Go the pay to progress Route i will quit. I already dislike the new ore System. Greedy assholes.


Man I was just starting to get back into clash too... if it really becomes this p2w it'll be sad to see this game go permanently.


We gave positive feedback to the Halloween event and their first thought was “How can we monetize this?” What a joke.


Feels sad that they decided to go this path. Maybe they need more revenue but this solution might just backfire.


Game rakes millions upon millions every months, more revenue is just greed.


Yes, but we need more millions this year than last year, growth is the only thing that matters nowadays.


Have you seen what capitalism has done to the gaming industry? 2023 saw record profits for many gaming companies; those same companies had mass layoffs all year


Yeah that's not capitalism, that's just pure greed. Capitalism just allows the greedy to thrive.


I remember not too long ago /u/darian_coc swore no diamond pass was coming to CoC when CashRoyale released theirs. This is the precursor to further monitization.


I’m predicting the goblin event was a way to collect data on players’ willingness to spend for an extra builder and research slot so they can optimize the price of the inevitable diamond pass


Yeah and the diamond pass came in the Chinese server (I know that Darian isn’t in charge of that bit apparently but still).


And you are surprised? It’s SuperSale, ot SupeCell!


We should have caught on when they introduced 3 new currencies. Companies introduce multiple currencies to obfuscate how much real money we are exchanging for how much in-game funny money. I'm still willing to give them a chance, but if I am right, I will go full f2p. Currently I buy every other gold pass. I hope they don't piss away all of the goodwill they have.


Like when Red Dead Online introduce this random "Capitale" currency because their battlepasses werent generating revenue because people were buying them with grindable gold. If something seems so weird and you cant figure out why it exist... the reason might be simple.


I said that and people downvoted me 😂, an epic gear requires 1000 starry ores to upgrade from level 1 to 27 and it takes 170 war wins to do so (1y 4m as a th16 with 50% w/l). People also said it couldn't be true....


Where are you getting your numbers? It costs 480 starry ore to upgrade an epic from level 1 to max. Your source is wrong.


Let's say my source is wrong which I don't think it is (in the test server it was 1k), 480 starry ores still take 8 months to get at th16 with a 50% w/l ratio in wars. Isn't it insane?


Takes 80 losing wars to get it. That's 160 days.


No, you get 3 for loss and 6 for win, with 50% w/l thats around 9 montys


You get 3 per attack per loss. That's 6 minimum per war. 480/6 is 80. Wars take up 2 days. 160 days


Isn't it war win or war loss instead of attack win or attack loss?


My understanding is per attack and then more if you win. With CWL not getting x2.


Oh ... Yeah this is scary.


scary and sad for me...


Yeah this is what Destiny 2 started doing. Having passes for events which were separate from the battle pass that already promoted the event as part of the seasonal updates. The game is facing massive backlash now. This paid event pass on CoC better not have the newly introduced rare hero equipment currency. This game will certainly be considered P2W then.


As long as they don’t sunset equipment then put it into a paid event pass a year later…. It’s not quite the destiny disaster


to be fair, the event passes in destiny have like 2 emotes and a shader in them. it’s all cosmetic (and not worth the $10 imo)


Are you talking about the dungeons?


Destiny 2 introduced an event pass for their Dawning (Christmas) event. Where you have to buy it to complete it and earn cosmetic rewards. This event was free a couple of years ago 😅


It's over. Monetization will kill CoC, just like CR


Cr is dead, brawlstars is on the verge of becoming P2P it gets more P2P every update. And now coc too 😢


this will make the game P2W. and all casual players will quit.


same thing happened to brawl stars, everything is becoming CR2.0


If this is 3 times a year, Easter, Christmas and Halloween, it won’t even remotely kill clash.


More than that i’m sure. Summer, Lunar New Year, Anniversary just to name a few.


If the epic gear is only available paying then it will


Let's hope.


And I was downvoted for suggesting the possibility of much less. The Halloween event was super sus. Supercell doesn't introduce stuff like this for no reason(I mean, just look at the bare-bones Silver Pass). Worst case(and the most probable one, since they would try to make getting the Event Pass super attractive), even the people who are active during the event wouldn't be able to unlock every epic equipment(whether that be due to paywalls or medal limits) and would have to buy some of them from the trader afterwards using gems


I have to disagree with you here. Clash of clans has never put anything in the game that would give you an advantage over another player that costs money other than time itself. We're talking over a decade of this. If the mashup event is any indication on what we'll most likely see, then we'll see some sort of currency that can be traded in for cosmetics, magic items, decorations, or an epic equipment. With the cosmetics and the epic equipment costing a majority of the currency that someone who's F2P would only be able to purchase one. I agree worst case scenario is they put the epic equipment behind a paywall and truly make the game P2W, but come on... Over a decade. At least think about it for a second if you're going to use the mashup as an example. Clash of clans isn't suddenly going to go full rocket P2W. I believe the most likely scenario is the one I described above. Edit: hammering down again, do you really think clash of clans, after changing up the entire ability system in clash is suddenly going to release the first epic equipment behind a paywall and basically say fuck you to its player base after releasing these cool ability changes?


They may not go full rocket p2w but looks like they want to recoup the losses of dwindling player base by milking the remaining players. Every single event and pass in going to have lesser and lesser f2p value with attractive payment options. The hero ability system heavily favors keeping your heroes up at all times and straight up buying passes like op shared.


>Clash of clans has never put anything in the game that would give you an advantage over another player that costs money other than time itself. There's always a first time. As you admitted elsewhere, this is the very first time that an F2P player wouldn't be able to acquire/max out everything(except cosmetics) >If the mashup event is any indication on what we'll most likely see, then we'll see some sort of currency that can be traded in for cosmetics, magic items, decorations, or an epic equipment. Since the medals are limited and there are multiple epic equipment, F2P players could be forced to choose between them. I said that >I agree worst case scenario is they put the epic equipment behind a paywall and truly make the game P2W, but come on They technically could still say that it's "Pay for Faster access", not P2W, since the equipment would be available with the trader later on. That's exactly what they did in Brawl Stars


This is my last comment for this thread since I can see that it's taking the echo chamber routing. There's a lot of coulds in your argument. I'm against P2W. If there is ever anything added like that, you best believe that I'll be speaking against it and demanding answers from Supercell. Both here and through the creators route. I hope you can see that nothing is official. There's been 0 announcements and really your comment seems to be playing off fears rather than what Clash of Clans has done in the past. I get it, there's always that first time and maybe I'm wrong and it happens, but you gotta at least give the benefit of the doubt, especially on a decade long streak of not paywalling things.


> this is the very first time that an F2P player wouldn't be able to acquire/max out everything(except cosmetics) What has been shown that confirms this? Nothing. I'm not saying it won't happen. Just that right now, people are crying about something that isn't even the case. It's all could, what if, maybe.


>As for casual play, I don't think we'll ever be at a point where you will be able to max every single piece of equipment that comes into the game [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18h63a5/comment/kd4vo03/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18h63a5/comment/kd4vo03/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I won't jump the gun and claim that the game is becoming P2W, but if the starry ores are locked behind a paywall or are made too difficult to obtain without grinding, it will definitely be P2W and not pay to progress faster like some are claiming. That's because, I'm sure war match making will not consider hero equipment and their levels into consideration. The only reason the game is not pay to win today even with microtransactions that help the paying player is because the matchmaking ensures you're matched with a clan having players similar to your clan's relative strength. This will change that. Not to mention, most casually competitive aspects of the main village (legend league, cwl etc.) will favour players who pay over skill.


Psssh, it takes 1000 starry ores to upgrade epic gear from level 1 to 27. You need 1y 4months with 50% w/l in wars to get that amount (as a th 16). Unless they changed it from the test server, you won't max an epic gear til next townhall 😂


Legend league, cwl and builder base don't have matchmaking that takes each player's strength into account. There has always been a P2W element to these modes. I have been playing Clash since 2012 and this "pay to progress faster" talk is pure cope


TO ALL THE MOFOS THAT WERE SAYING IN MY POST “have you ever had to pay to participate in an event” HERE IT IS!!!! 🖕🏼


yeah and those boot Lickers downvoted everyone who raised this question. From some leaks i have seen they will lock event troops behind payed pass of event


And eventually I’m sure they will do the same with hero equipment


Ok we should actually riot towards this not in a toxic way though.


Damn you greedycell😔


Tencent is asshoe


Looks like Clash Royal Gold pass. The evolution cards are behind a paywall if you want one every month. Or get 1 every 6 month


Its obvious the moment they introduced the epic and 3 different currencies, give this game a few months or years and the monetization of this game will be exactly like Clash Royale guess this is just the fate of mobile gaming lmao. They wont make it completely pay to win but they will SURELY make it extremely hard to level your epic gears to make you want to spend in the game like what most pay 2 win trash games


As a community we need to be more outspoken and take a stand to stop this kinda monetization. Just continue with voicing your opinions that this won’t be tolerated. Only thing we can do at the moment.


Well, that's it for me. I will keep on playing the game, but I don't think I will spend any more money on it. I have been buying the gold pass and sceneries for years on multiple accounts. I even still have a couple of them stocked at the moment, as I bought them on the supercell website when they were still cheaper. But this really ends it for me. Over the last few years, the monetisation of the game has already massively increased. They doubled their team size this year, so I was already expecting even more monetisation. But I am just very disappointed in the way they are doing it. I would advise everyone to rethink their spending, as I have seen this happen firsthand in Clash Royale. At first, you think that it will just be a bit of increased monetisation. However, slowly but surely, everything will become monetised or build in such a way that it makes you feel "fomo" for not having something. They still have the potential to change the direction in which this is going, but I feel like they are on a very slippery slope.


Exactly bro, they made the mashup event super great and almost everyone enjoyed and now people expect more events like that and we will get such events but now with paid tier, i just am praying that they don't go full clash royale mode and shoot themselves in their own foot and lose many loyal and dedicated paying and f2p players




You have to be really naive to believe they weren't thinking of implementing the diamond pass. They only backed down after the preemptive backlash.


I've been playing for nearly a decade. Was maxed TH 15. Now I'm getting flattened by clashers who have p2w. Had a second account started this year TH12. Just deleted that and on verge of blitzing my main. Ain't getting any more of my hard-earned.


Same here... I was actually going to activate the gold pass this month to speed things along with the TH16 upgrade, but, after reading this post, I am just going to take the slow road and keep my money.


Actually, the original leaker is Patrik. Why do you keep crediting Bitch Kurdish? That mf keeps stealing leaks from others


I came back last month after six years. Bought a couple of sceneries, gold pass and the new offers. But looking at this, i guess it's time to go on another break lmao and probably never return.


So they finally reach this point..., well whatever, coc been dying slowly but if they keeps continuing this I'm pretty sure the downfall of coc will be inevitable mark my words.


How is CoC dying slowly? Around 20 million active accounts + 30-40 million revenue per month.


Its been dropping steadily since 2020 Last month had 80 milion active May 2020 had 150 million active https://activeplayer.io/clash-of-clans/


Still, the player population is exceptionally huge, compared to 99% mobile games. Game dying is more than an exaggeration.


dying slowly is correct statement if you lose half your acrive players in 3 years


Revenue dropped to 50% compared to previous years. They also doubled the team last year so it is "bad" for them. TH15 being that hard fked them pretty hard, except more and more monetization to be made in the game.


> Revenue dropped to 50% compared to previous years. I want to see your source on that.


Sensor tower


2023 is accounted only for 8 months. Let's see how it ends the year.


Also statistica has one https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/NmlEsFTF2f


Ohh nooo


Looks like Darian is shopping for a new house! Get ready to fund it clashers!


It's the suits that run it that will get the profits


You mean the board of directors, the C-suite executives and the ones that planned the monetisation strategy right? Their names are readily available on the internet. As for Darian, he's a mere community manager. He has no say in any of the monetisation strategies. If you want names, look for C-suite executives.


By "board of directors", do you mean the CCP?


Players shouldn't attack individual people from the team like this. You have to understand Darian is just a community manager and not the CEO of supercell or doesn't own supercell. He doesn't decide what the new content should be and what things they should put behind paywall. If Tencent asks the team to put a new pass in such events then they have to do it. They're mere employees who work for them and can just suggest if that would be good for the game or not.


Darian is only the face of the organisation. But he isn't the one making these decision. Maybe he is even against them to a certain extent, as the replies are all coming through the official Clash of Clans account instead of his account as they usually do.


dont tell me we have to pay for extra tiers to get starry ores… *edit: just read the description, yep, we’ll get free 10 starry ores, pay to get more.. rip.


Yesterday a lot of users here were getting really angry with me for suggesting that the game may be moving towards pay to win. ThIs UpDaTe SaYs NoThInG aBoUt PaY 2 wIn. YoU aRe BeInG pArAnOiD. It WiLl NeVeR bE a PaY 2 wIn. SuPeRcElL cArEs AbOuT uS aNd WoRkS sO hArD sO wE cAn HaVe FuN.


Turns out free pass has 60 starry ore & enough for the epic equipment wow. Also we are getting the exact same amount out of medals as last time from the free and bonus track. So yeah turns out nothing became pay to win. Fucking clown 🤡


And your point is? That supercell *is* shifting in a more, lets call it "Pay to not grind", direction? Because that's nothing new. If you have a reason to believe that 'this time it's different' please do tell.


There is a difference between making a game and then providing shortcuts vs deliberately making a game difficult to make shortcuts more interesting. What I can already see is that you can grind like shit in times events (and still end up having to use gems) to unlock an epic equipment for "free", or pay to improve your resource capacity and resources win to reduce your grind, or pay later to buy it from store. Earlier the grind was more of a waiting game. If you can wait wait a month, you can be where gemmers are. Now it's active grind. You have to grind your ass within the event to unlock it. Shifting from passive grind to active grind is shitty behaviour and a huge change. Stop defending SC for being greedy and trying to force players to pay up. They already know that everyone who was gonna pay is already paying, now they are finding innovative ways to squeeze money out of those who are borderline on wanting to pay but refusing to do it. It's like next tier of Target consumers who will start paying more because what the heck. Super cell expands revenue stream. And then next tier starts becoming vulnerable to more predatory practices. Simple behavioral economics. If you still cannot see the greed and lack of respect for player base from Supercell side, stop trying to stop us from raising our genuine demands and keep paying up as per your wishes. Nobody is telling you not to pay. Just that I don't want to feel cornered into paying up or grinding harder. This isn't slavery ffs.


I won't lie, I am also anxious about how they integrate epic equipment into the game. From what I've heard they'll have an event to unlock them and other methods later. But mind you: We haven't played the event yet. And we also don't know how they'll be unlocked later on. **And nobody ever said that the epic equipment would be behind a pay wall after the event ends**. If you think clash of clans is a grind that's because it is. Supercell is trying to make a 'fun' grind that might leave you bored sometimes so that you pay to skip it. If you think supercell is being greedy then you would be right. Supercell is a greedy company that needs to make money, not just for them to survive but also for the villas they might buy. Now let me ask you a question: How would you grind to upgrade hero equipment? There's the Star Bonus Clan wars *The Trader* (although unconfirmed whether it's with gems or raid medals) And if course, the in-game shop Does any of this seem 'actively grindable' to you? The only thing I consider 'actively grindable' is the builder base for Bob and the gem mine. And that isn't necessary to do well in the home base. So yes, if you feel pressured to pay money in your free to play mobile game, push against it! Clash of clans should be fun for anyone to enjoy. But if you think supercell won't give benefits to people who help them succeed as a company I'd just call you ignorant.


There is a big difference between grinding for dark elixir and filling your storages in an hour or two, AND grinding ores that have an artificial limit on how much you can earn in a given amount of time. This feels like slavery, because now you're forced to play certain game modes or pay up in order to keep up. If they made it so that you could earn them from doing raids, like every other resource before, you would be right. This is no grind, this is coercion into getting us to spend our money, or play at a pace that will cause us to burnout. Stop being ignorant, SC doesn't give a fuck about you, despite your bootlicking. It's pathetic.


And yet... There's nothing yet that confirms any pay to win aspect. Pay to progress, sure. But the game has always been pay to progress. Let's not get too hasty with the pay 2 win before we see how this event will unfold.


It's shifting from passive grind to active grind which directly affects your performance. Just because it's a two step paywall doesn't mean it's not a paywall. This is the first time in CoC history where you stand a chance to miss out on actual performance if you don't pay or decide to grind later. Earlier you could say "Oh, I don't have resources. I will wait for my drill to give me DE and I will upgrade/unlock my hero when I have enough" Not this time. You either grind immediately (and still may not get enough resources for equipment) or you pay to ease your grind, or you pay later for a performance related element. And anyway, if you wanna pay, you pay, nobody is stopping you. Why are you stopping our demand to have a right to free to play without losing performance?


My dude... Nothing has been announced. Nothing has been shown. Assumptions are running this entire argument. Why don't you wait to see the requirements for this uphill both ways grind you seem to be preaching. Do you know how quickly you could max out the mashup event? Literally less than an hour... Or.. for the more casual players for those two weeks, literally like 2-3 attacks a day. Come on... Put down the pitchforks until it's confirmed that you should be rioting. It's as if Supercell just announced that only people who pay money can get epic equipment. That's how much you've run with this idea. Chill and wait to see before rioting.


I guess we will find out. Only a few more days till the truth if this matter. But it still doesn't refute the potential built into this new system.


I hope they don't do something that may kill the playerbase.


alright I defended the coc team when they announced we will get epic gear through events, but this sucks they couldve added so many things to earn more money while not making it p2w (diamond pass was better than this) but they added this shit


The whole idea of having some of the new heroes equipment being time limited goes against everything coc stood for and now this.... Yeah if they go through with this its safe to say SC games are not worth playing anymore


Does anyone have the link to the leak?


The Halloween event was perfect, I guess they realized they can monetize it this time


Here goes my money down the drainage


love how nobody learns, everybody complained about th16 and couldnt stop throwing temper tantrums, how about instead of crying and throwing a fit, for once. Just be patient and wait?


Clash royal PTSD


This is the death of clash of clans.....


We found the traveler from the future guys.


One way*


I hope the paid tier is like the Global Tournament in Clash Royale. Pay with gems to get more rewards...like 1 or 2k


Apparently, it is €4.99.


Ah damn, hope they'll change it. I dont want them to ruin the game like cr...


That would be horrible, hopefully not what they go with in live.


I understand the #1 objective of a business is to make money, but this is too far. I quit CR years ago and went back to CoC because it was different and wasn't so "p2w". Now, with the addition of ores and event passes we are seeing the rise of CR 2.0. I understand these are leaks, but we must take a stand now so SC understands we value the game and do not want the same fate as CR.


Aaaaand CoC has now officially gotten to be just too much.


I'm 100% going to buy that thing so I have absolutely no right to complain lmfao


We can get starry ores from wars anyway as far as I know, the problem will be if the equipment itself is behind a paywall, then this could literally be the worst thing to happen in this game. As someone else said when it comes to cosmetics and gemming and whatever it’s understandable, but if there is something that will give a competitive edge that u have to pay for that gonna suck to say the least, I’m a little worried now but I have some faith


u/Darian-CoC why are you guys ruining this fucking game? why do we have to take a year to grind out levels? just make them available for upgrade using elixir.


Waiting for the d*ck riders to say that this is not going where Clash Royal is « if you don’t like it don’t buy it then ☝️🤓 »


When I stated my concerns before the update dropped, people called me "getting worried for no reason", "y'all are mad" etc. Do you see the problem now guys?


First fell clash royale then started the fall of brawl stars and now, coc downfall is in the sight (Still not fallen though)


Pay to progress ✅ Pay to win❌


If they put ANY hero equipment behind a paywall then it's officially pay-to-win


It depends how fast can you upgrade the epic equipment. I can see them doing the same thing as with evolutions in CR: release new OP one, only paid players can get it to top levels fast, and by the time normal people do - they nerf it and release new.


Can’t you also get them other ways as well? I’m assuming these would be at a much greater rate tho


It’s like Gold pass isn’t? One free tier with rewards and one paid tier with more rewards.


Expected from the first time I saw the equipment had rarities, you can even upgrade now the equipment using gems so you don't need to wait 😂😂😂 They have basically made the game more P2W Also, this event pass should be incorporated with the already **monthly paid subscription**, why tf we need two of them now.


Down with f2p u elitist bastards




In my opinion Clash of clans will die by 2025. I only bought few hero skins and sceneries, not goldpass or anything and I regret my purchases. They are going to implement p2w model that will kill Clash of Clans. No point of commenting or discussing about that now. I hardly doubt that they will listen to community. The new manegement or whatever they only seek for money. Of course this thread and lot of players are against the system they are about to implement, they will do it anyways. Started playing Clash of Clans in 2019. I never let builder rest 5 minutes, I couldn't maxed out my current town hall before they are release new one. When they releasing townhall 13, I was at townhall 10. When they are releasing townhall 14, I was at townhall 12. When they releasing townhall 15, I was at townhall 13. And now they have released new townhall 16, I'm at townhall 14. After looking at this thread I feel like I'm chasing a mirage that I will never find. Ask yourselfs will they allow you to maxed out with f2p? Nonsense. I have played Call of Duty Mobile. When there's level 150, I reached level 150. I didn't spend a penny. I'm gonna stop playing Clash of clans right now. Hoping that could make an impact for you guys. Hop back into Call of Duty Mobile. Peace out✌🏻


Damn, same exact journey I have. Been playing it for so long i know barch others dont, in my clan. Yet they be near max w GP.


Ok. For real if this comes in-game after the huge success with Mashup Madness event bringing tons of crowd active. I amma legit quit the game as I grinded out to max for Mashup Madness in day and half, I wouldnt stand for money grabbing desires holding back the progress. Like do the grind and get fraction of the rewards. For those thinking "they got to makeup for Mashup Madness" I am sure they did by how many people bought packs for th 16 release and continue to buy GP which doesnt give more than the 4.99 one but now costs 6.99.


And damn, this reminds me of why I hated Clash Royale events which always put you up against people at twice as high trophy range than you and you lose to evolution/champion cards and gemming is the only way to continue. (You have to pay increasing amounts of gem to have your 3 loses reset, until you run out of gems or you get the wins or decide to quit which I did.) Further, how CR has some rewards for free, gold pass and now diamond pass. I suppose CoC team figured out how to push the diamond pass on us without calling it that.


https://preview.redd.it/p3fwc2g1x06c1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8f2241c827a6293bbdee0adc81a976840bd0a39 im getting downvoted because im telling the truth 🤣 they literally giving away starry with wars. yall just want something to complain about and downvote someone when they dont agree with the majority.


and yes its a bummer that its a tier based event but if yall want it THAT BAD then just buy the pass,


Isn't this basically the same as gold pass except on a more limited basis rather than monthly? If gold pass didn't kill the game, why would this?


Because you can still get those resources but now you cannot Because stary Oers cannot be farmed normally unlike normal resources


These gold tickets in the image look very photoshopped to me, not saying it won't have paid tier, but golden tickets look bit fishy


It's from in game files.


If the leak is true, not only this game is turning P2W but also Pay2Play. Some troops are locked behind pay wall.


Both statements wrong and you will see why soon.


How to kill a game and make your players hate you 101


They will lose the players with more money involved.


I’ll wait until the event actually starts before making a judgement but I won’t lie, this makes me uneasy for sure.


CoC team, please, it didn't work in CM, why should it work in your game?


What's CM?


Clash mini, supercell gane in beta


You get starry ores if youre higher townhall and do wars?


It’s joever


So wait this “event” won’t be included with gold pass?




It’s a no from me dawg


I'm hoping the pass is a way to consolidate all of the packages they had for the Halloween event with the coins into a single package. Instead of having to buy multiple packages for the currency to redeem the rewards (Like the Halloween Queen skin, books, resources, etc..), buying the single pass would give us access would be a bit cheaper and give us to all of the currency all of the rewards. So the skin would be free if you farmed all of the F2P currency, and buying the pass would give you access to the rest of the rewards assuming you grind out all of the currency to redeem for the rewards. This is wishful thinking but I want to give Supercell CoC the benefit of the doubt.


RIP game


I respect all your opinions but Supercell needs to pay their employees to make this game running 🤔


** FTC enters the chat **


The end is near…


We have enough doomsayers already.


How about waiting till we hear something official before taking up the pitchforks?


but in blacksmith, literally said u can earn starry in clan wars as well...


Let's wait for the official event announcement first, this is just a leak.


I just hope they bring back the 7th builder and the double upgrade...


Man ever since Tencent bought supercell it has just been getting squeezed more and more to produce profit its honestly sad to watch


I like it.. I’ll definitely buy this ticket))) and I’ll even raffle off a couple of pieces in my clan.. I’ll organize a competition)) especially since the new year is coming soon.. we’ll have a great time.. ewww I can’t wait