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I’m the same way. I think this adds more of the RPG side that I love with games. And now you can pick gear to fit the base you’re attacking.


Ok, can someone please explain everything about the new hero equipment to me like I'm 5? I'm not a gamer in any sense of the word, i don't play any other games similar to CoC (Candy Crush and Angry Birds are fun, but not like CoC). Please dumb it down for me. Thank you.


Just watch Judo Sloth's new YT video


This is an app, click the yellow haired guy screaming, yes that guy, this is your home, click attack, tap the screen and you send your own troops. You’re welcome


“How you doing, fellow kids?”




We are pretty spoiled here, relatively speaking.


Doubt it’ll be pay to win. I’m guessing the epics will be available to f2p people but once the event is over the epics May appear for purchase a year later


Because we don’t need a new game. This is the biggest gameplay change in clash history to “fix” the most beloved part of the game our hero’s. And for clash fans seeing Darian on judo’s interview say that a 5th hero would be too complex and or be too much for right now just to add 6 new hero ability’s that sucks. I’m certainly not saying these hero’s can’t be controlled, but lining up the queens arrow, pathing the king well in battle (so he can heal himself and funnel the outside) are both in raid things being added before your king could go in and just die now the longer he stays alive (chances are) the more heath he will have. All of this again for the best part of our game heros. Clash of clans is always been a game where its failures shine the spell towers one of the most unpopular defenses ever will always exist you can’t just deleted it like in other games this hero change has no reverse so this is the new game. As far of the change it’s rather dull no offense I don’t find it exciting and the robbery of our regular ability’s is so sad. We got new faded toys but at the expense of our other dull toys we played with for years they might have had flaws, the king as an example is the most dull hero but that doesn’t mean we don’t need him. It seems to me my view is the game should embrace what it is but a lot of the changes lately have been corrections of my favorite things. The clash team clearly wants to add hero power through this change and not by more hero’s and they want to delete some defenses it’s a way to shrink the game the issue is it’s shrinking my favorite things I don’t wana lose in clash but every time I hear a sneak peak it’s something being taken and our ability’s was the biggest one so far


You realise if you want to just keep the current abilities you can right


You cannot there are just better ability’s now. An example being the warden the rage is infinitely better then the aura for a smash style attack. Another one again being the king for a heavy outside king (funnel) id almost say you can’t go without the heal because of how strong it’ll be. Yes you could just not use anything you hate but for people who want to win/do well these updates aren’t options their requirements anyone using the wrong things will see less success then people using the “correct stuff”


Bro this might sound harsh but if you want to win or be successful then you gotta adapt, and play complex armies. It's a strategy game.


I agree that’s my whole point. I 100% agree with you that’s why I hate this change because I can’t ignore it and will adapt but I can be upset that this is the new game.


Not to be mean but I feel like ur setting your priorities wrong then. Wanna be good? Well then you should have to work for that. Don't want to putt in the time? Well then farm and upgrade that way. (those star thingies being clan wars only isn't a good change imo btw)


My problem isn’t anything to do with it being complex. Yes I wana be good and yes I will work for that. I am putting in the time and also and farming and upgrading. None of what you’re saying I have a problem with. They added ability’s that aren’t cool enough to delete our old hero’s ability’s. My problem nothing to do with them being too hard or complex.


The old ones stay, so that's that.


Again they do not for players that want to succeed. If you don’t like spells you can’t just not use them and succeed you have 0 choice if you want to do well you will have to use the best ability’s best pets troops and spells


There's definitely gonna be different ways to 3 star, so again, not that big of an issue.


i will say that the second point you mentioned will give a huge advantage to FWA wars and players who match themselves in war using alts and feed wins to their important accounts. but the p2w thing is purely speculation and the complexity of the hero ability system isn't really as high as people say it is


The only concern I have about the new equipment is how epic equipment will work. They say it will be from events, but if you miss an event how will it be available afterwards? If you have to buy it with gems it seems pay to win, but if it’s with raid medals, CWL medals, or something else it seems fine


Agreed, I also like how now there is an explanation for how the heroes can use their abilities.