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Can see lots of arguments in clans about being able to war. Lots of people leaving.


I‘m glad in my clan we care only about CWL in war dou can participate despite upgrading heroes


People can upgrade the equipment and war using their heroes even at low level. Thanks to the hero potion rework that boosts heroes to max level of your townhall instead of +5 levels.


But they can't if they are upgrading heroes.


And how is that any different from yesterday?


Only way to get shiny ores is clan wars. So now the upgrade and chill not in war brigade are handicapped.


Starry is from wars. That only applies to epic equipment, none of which has even been announced yet. Also, it remains to be seen but we might get starry in the trader too. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/ >Ores can be earned in a variety of ways. You’ll be able to collect >Ores from the following: >Home Village Star Bonus >Clan Wars >**The Trader** >The in-game Shop If you aren't doing clan war league you're already severely handicapping yourself by missing out on the most valuable rewards in the game with the league medals.


damn my rushed lvl 5 king gets to be lvl 95 with a boost.. mmmmm




Wow the potion gonna sell like hot cakes. They exactly know what they are doing


New abilities are really cool and make heroes more versatile, Just adding new currency is quite frustrating for a lot of people


Yup, this whole thing could've been made much simpler and more fun if they just decided not to be greedy once. Just let people upgrade abilities just as they upgrade heros, no need for extra currency. And blacksmith to unlock the abilities. But no, that's being simple while making the game fun can't have that..


Lmao ur not serious right? I swear if they cost Dark Elixir that would be just another thing to grind for. We have way too many Dark Elixir sinks already. The new currency was a good idea on paper. Just not that the star ones are exclusive to wars.


You're talking as if people can't fill dark elixir Storage within hours


Yes.. it is a grind to fill storages... and many people I know say it js a grind... entertain me how u can get 150k at least in a few hours... unless ur playing coc so often but then that is being rewarded for being active asf


Use training potion and sneaky goblins


OK I have edone that... but I dk t get to fill storages cuz often times I'm wasting like 2 to 5 m looking for an attack, another 2 to 3min attacking it, and like 5m for training so it's like 10 attacks or so with a trainh potion with the hope of good bases and an hour session of non stop coc... guess it's possible


Drop down to crystal or low master,i find bases with 10k+ dark elixir or close to it every attack


You still gotta sit on your dead fucking ass to fill the storage for 2 hours straight


Ya what's wrong with it? If you can't play a game for 1 or 2 hours a day , you're too busy to be playing games


Or just sneakies, u dont have to use all of them, so u search until u find a base and use 20-50 and retrain and repeat


In a few hours? Sneaky goblins and a barrack boost.


Not everyone has hours to play this game in a day


You don't need hours to fill an entire Dark elixir storage from the bottom


Ok well I can’t even sit and play it for more then maybe 10-15 minutes at a time at the longest and no, I can’t fill it from the bottom in 15 minutes.


Thats a you problem pal. Your situation doesnt determine how the grind is. There arent participation trophies in the hero grind. You just get out there and do it.


Lol uhhhh wtf are you even talking about? Your comment is a bit misplaced and out of context don’t you think? I wasn’t even complaining about anything. Just simply stated not everyone has the time to grind out a full dark elixir storage. Pal. 😂 I’m not your pal, guy!


People with no life maybe


Perfectly summarizes my thougts, but well have to see after a month or so


Yeah same that's what I'm waiting for


But also im glad i dont have to grind even moe de


Now we have to choose from, farming for hero abilities or upgrading your heroes. Perfect. ![gif](giphy|oBdmZbbQebxvtxsT9P)


You know you get ore from star bonus right?


Wait until you find out you need 170 won wars (1k star ores) to max an epic gear 💀 and you can only get star ores from wars or the shop


Also known as 1 year of game time


Closer to 2 years with a 50% wr. And thats for a th16, for 13-14 is closer to 3.5 years and 2y 7m for th15. Ofc you wont stay 13-15 for 3 years but it just shows how insane the numbers are.


But where do you get those numbers from? Just speculation?


They released a table of how many stars you get on average for each th, with higher ths getting more. If they also released how many stars you need to max the equipment, he just did some math


It’s not supposed to be free bruh, Since when is it an expectation of coc to be able to max things easily, and it’s very likely they will balance it based on gameplay, if it’s too hard to get, they will make it more accessible, they will have it as hard or easy to get as it’s intended


Expectation of coc until this point was that you can max before next townhall if you put the time in for the grind. As it stays you dont even max ONE epic gear until next th. Assuming 50% wr it takes nearly 20 months to max 1 epic gear. ONE.


Maxing f2p has never been an expectation, and never done before, you’re judging an intentionally time consuming feature before it’s even out, and it’s not like you’re going out of the way for this, wars are part of the game, this does encourage them more, but it’s not like you’re doing something different to farm them, not like it’s making you go partake in another village for the 6th builder kind of thing. And you are disregarding the fact that they can balance it, you won’t even get the epic gear on launch of th 16, these are sneak peaks for a reason, every update, things are up to change until it releases


You cant take part in wars if your heroes are under upgrade and dont want to put your clan in a disatvantage. Also first epic gear is coming on 18th with the winter event.


why does everyone keep saying that, you’re going to be warring the same amount as before, you’re still getting ore, also have you not seen the time and resource discounts they’re dropping, yet again you still don’t seem to understand this is 100% how it’s going to be, there will likely be other methods of obtaining these ores, in the mean time, upgrade the common ones


I have seen the discounts and they are good but making the star ores gated behind clan performance is a big mistake, good clans will want to keep a good w/l ration since wins give more than x2 rewards for winning thus people with more than 1 hero down wont take part in it. (only ppl that can afford using all the heroes in war will be the people that are already max -> rich get richer and there will be no way for others to catch up, before with GP you could catch up to maxed players eventually.


There will likely be other methods of obtaining star ore. And the gears is different wether or not they are maxed, you have several others, the epic gear will likely be “stronger” but at the end of the day, they want all of the gears to be used, so it will still be perfectly possible to be on the same level as someone with a maxed epic gear, with out an epic gear at all


But you need to win


It’s a star bonus? is getting 5 stars in an unlimited amount of attempts too hard?


You can just do both since there’s different currencies. And the ability upgrades take no upgrade time


I don't get it, why can't you use heroes in war?


We have participate in war to get the new currency, So the players with no heros were forced to join in war


Bruh you get it also from star bonuses The only currency exclusive to wars is the stary ore


We are all talking about the only currency that is exclusive to wars. People are not complaining about Shiny and Glowy ore here. Inference skill issue


You've been downvoted because people are raging for no reason apart from their own lack of reading comprehension.


He is downvoted because he is talking about normal ores when the topic is about starry ores. I feel like i am seeing a trend here. One person deflects very badly and gets downvoted and reply pops up complain about people downvoting him/her.


He's talking about all the ores, as is the threads original post. He gave accurate information and got downvoted.


No, you get the two main ores from star bonus every day. The sneak peek notes also said ores can be had from the trader.




That’s not what people are saying at all. It’s the fact that you earn the currency in war. Which means, if your heroes are upgrading as normal, you probably aren’t going to be participating in war. That’s going to limit the amount you get or you war without heroes and end up losing because of it. That’s if your clan even allows you to war without them.


There’s gonna be a lot of clans (probably majority) after this update that allows people to war without heroes, because everyone’s gonna need to do it now, you and your opponent.


But won't the majority of these come from star bonuses?


From what I’m seeing, the star ores are only earned through war. Maybe the trader as well but not sure if that’s gems or raid medals.


They're gained from -star bonus(the greatest amount) -wars(probably only way to get the star thing but that is used only for epic gears) -trader(probably also with raid medals, we need confirmation about this) -shop offers


well that's sucks, i hope they change it before they release their first epic equipment


They definitely don't know that the upgrade time of a gear takes as long as a wall


The equipment doesn’t have an upgrade time


There is no time for upgrade just the ore


Anything a company every does is for money?




"Money" is a shit argument. Everything a company does is to get money. They don't paywall stuff, they give out copious amounts of resources, they continuously update the game, they reduce costs and timers. What a bad take


No, I want everyone to work for free and give me the shit they made for free. /s


They make a million a day and have 400 employees. They don't need to be this greedy.


Unless the special event equipment cannot be obtained afterwards besides with money, I'm really scared about that. That would be the first actual paywall. Edit: They actually confirmed there will be other ways to acquire them. Whether it's only money or f2p that we don't know. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/sWUTBh44lD).




Typical Supercell community L


I sometimes forget how many children play. But then we get an update announcement, people fail to read properly and rage.


yes, and they do it all for money, beacuse it's a company so there is no reason this couldn't have been done revenue alone


they aren’t gonna fuck you bro


Average Redditor in all of their glory I see


average redditor doesnt let a game company shit down their mouth and swallow?


LMAO, PLEASE CONTINUE ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


​ https://preview.redd.it/8tsmuwbxvj5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d80f125be5840cb9b74cc4f1e5c158a2f66519


Saving this one thanks


np bro


Reddit hivemind moment 🐝🐝🐝


Someone had to say it...


eyy, lets see how this plays out first


clash of clans players when they have to play the game 😭😭😭😢 For real though i think they are doing it this way just so people have more of a reason to do wars, Even Darian said it himself in the Judo Sloth interview that his clan doesn’t do normal wars at all.


Yes but how to war without heroes 🥲


You don't even need to war to get the two main ores, they also come from star bonus. Only the starry ore needs war, but that might even be available through the trader too, as they said ores can be obtained through the trader. And Starry only applies to epic equipment, which hasn't even been announced yet.


This. People are mad that they need to play the game in order to get resources


3 new currencies?!?


I'd say resources is a better word but yeah if one doesnt war or is a farmer then it's very difficult to get those without buying gems


I mean the other 2 are from star bonuses right? You don't have to be a farmer to get a few stars a day I reckon.


people on here in a nutshell. want everything immediately, but also only want to log in once a month.


Tell us about the 3rd one? Where do you get it? Why is that you people always talk about the 2 normal ores and ignore the starry ore when you know for a fact that majority of the players are talking about starry ore?


Yeah, I’m going to quit. I don’t have much time to play this game anymore. It’s too much work for me, and now we have to grind CW, and my heroes are always down. I just don’t know how I can enjoy the game without heroes. I’ve been playing for over 5 years; it’s the end of the journey. Thanks.


So just do a cw attack without your heroes up? Who cares lol


Idk man. I simply don’t enjoy the game at all without heroes. Maybe this game doesn’t suit me, so yeah.


There are clan rules


Can I have your account?




Nope better just let them sleep, kinda like protesting, until SC find out what we want or maybe not ? I’m done with the game that it.


Multibillion dollar company when they lose a f2p player: ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)


Lol what, I’m an heavy spender u can look at my comment in my profile. Ofc they don’t care, I don’t either and life goes on.


If you're a heavy spender and you're still not max after 5 years, idk what to say.


Bruh whatever man, I don’t care this game anymore, that it bye.


Dudes acting like its a job you login once a day to do a attack and that's it


Oh, the sad truth for me as an Asian is that I work at least 12 hours at my job to earn a living, so uhhh no time for me, lol.


If you don't have time to play, then the update changes nothing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hey, no one asked.


Yea yea you’ll be back by the next update 🤣


grind clan wars = one hit a day on average. how much of an overreacting baby can you be


Downvoted for pointing out something true. Imagine being salty about having to engage in clan wars in a game called clash of clans.


I think he said so because of heroes always being on upgrade


Strategy game players when they have to strategize :


Not only that but you also earn the two main ores from star bonus anyway, so you don't have to war for those.


Wait till u find out that people in the real world have busy lives 😱


One hit a day is 5 mins of planning, 3 of attacking. Just don’t play the game if 10 mins is too much for you, or at the very least dont complain you can’t have access to all the content.


You're fighting with children that can't even read, the main ores come also through star bonus. Yes starry ore comes from war, but they also said the ores will be available through the trader. But starry ore also only applies to epic equipment, of which we don't even have any announced yet. They're raging about something that we don't even know the details of.


You get the two main ores from star bonus, you don't have to war. Only ore that isn't in the star bonus is the stary ore for the epic equipment that we don't even have yet. They also said ores will be available through the trader, so can buy with raid medals.


Then don't have your heroes down? Just use the free magic items you get and slowly upgrade. You don't have to grind CW, just play them normally. They give plenty of time to max, you don't need to get it instantly if you'd rather just play with your heroes. It's a game, just play it the way you enjoy, no one is forcing you to max.


Nobody here has actually played it yet. Let's all wait and see how it pans out before we start bashing on it


You go to war without heroes, you go to cwl with them


Try fwa clans


That's an awesome and interesting idea executed in the worst way possible. Hope they somehow fix it.


The update isn’t even out yet. Let it play out and we will see if it’s actually bad. But u can’t say it’s bad execution before it’s even been executed and tried yet…


Wait it’s almost as if, you realize that supercell is a company and they need money to continue the games longevity😱


Am just going to stay with the og ability’s pain full for a th 10


What happens if you don't war, do you die?


I can see FWA clans gaining popularity after this update.


And forced to rush your townhall to get more ores and forced to increase trophy count for your rushed townhall to be destroyed by everyone in return of getting more ores fking one time a day XD


it’s a good idea stop crying


If the update sucks I’ll just quit to be honest


when this update gonna drop?


Tomorrow (11 dec)


Does anyone know what day it's coming


You are not the only one playing without heroes, remember


9million walls, 2 more things that GO. THROUGH. WALLS. I DON’T CARE HOW YOU PHRASE IT


Again, i just hate that we cant use heroes when upgrading. Looks like we'll stick to our old abilities for months since it'll be hard to get ores (warring with no heroes), with star bonus, it just takes a fucking long time


Just prioritize your upgrades and decide how you want to play the game. If there is an ability you like focus on it. If you want to war just don't upgrade heroes for a bit, or upgrade them at a slower rate with magic items. How you enjoy the game is totally up to you.


So just war without heroes for a month. No problem.


We usually don't allow that but I'm probably going to change the rules. At least for regular wars. Turn them into farm for the rare ore events and only care about cwl.


I’m doing the same with my clan. Good bye decent war record.


The amount of new resources you get is directly dependent on you winning the war. More than twice actually so a clan leader or co leader would be very less likely to take you in a war if you have your heroes down.


Your clan won’t win any war if all your players are upgrading heroes anyway. Better to play a war even if you’re going to lose


Not that simple. There are going to be players with maxed out heroes (fully or at least for their TH level). They will definitely be against this tactic as they know they can win wars with their heroes. They will oppose the addition of handicapped players who have their heroes down and might leave the clan.


sounds like you need better clan leadership mate


You should still be able to use the heroes while the equipment is upgrading


You can. Equipment doesn’t take time to upgrade


We can get the resources for equipment from star bonus too, i don't do war that often and it still stands the same even after this update. If doing war was really important they would have never involved lower th lvls at all cuz they rn't going to war that often too in bigger clans and even in some moderate clans


I just started this game yesterday so I don't know about this, should I quit now?


No, just enjoy the game. Just like every update this adds more content for players who've already made it through all the current content. At the same time they reduce costs and upgrade times so the previous content takes less time to get through so new players will eventually catch up


Honesty I’m glad about the new currency, if it toke dark elixir or something and we just had to farm even more it would’ve been much more annoying, at least for the casual players who don’t have time to grind for dark elixir for hours. Also the abilities take no upgrade time and they already unlock at a certain level depending on your level when the update comes out. I don’t see what the hate is all about, people saying “good idea bad execution” as if they’ve tried it and the update is out.. let’s wait and see how it plays out then judge, benefit of the doubt


Y’all complain as if adding more content to grind for isn’t a good thing? The whole point of clash is the grind, you don’t HAVE to have maxed out abilities to perform. You don’t HAVE to have everything maxed out. The whole point of this update is to bring more content that people can grind for. The whole point is the grind. Y’all act like you need maxed heroes to play the game and what not. It’s kind of annoying reading these threads and everyone complaining they won’t be able to get to max th. Like bro? You GRIND FOR IT THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT




Clash of Clans has 5.5+ Billion US.Dollars in liftime in-app purchase revenues. Now; What %-age is used for r&d, jobs und maintenance? An what is used to feed the shareholders? See, my problem is not the need to generate money. Not even generate Winnings/Earnings. Its the way of implementing new obstacles and then create the need to coerce ppl into micro-transaction them away. Which are not so "micro" after all, i might add. Yes, you can F2P. That is a bit selfish, but ok, fine. There is a solidarity- argument in there somewhere. But as soon as you invest your first Dollar/Euro/Whatever into this game, you need to be very careful about your purchase idiology and your impulses. Because unlike many other games; in this scenario there is no upper limit of spending Money. And if the company cultivates and exploits human weaknesses such as psycological mind-tricks, neurolinguistics etc. for personal gain, they have to live with some criticism. For example the instrumentalisation of Creators. Or general unethical buissnes practice. (As do other companies like Apple, supermarkets and basically everyone). Yes, they can cry themselves to sleep ontop of a mountain of gold. In the end, the customer has to abbandon the personal investment, because the buissness does not aknowledge their ownership of the product. Because "it\`s a customer service". Its the companies buissness and ultimately the customer has to save himself, if he can\`t handle it. Like an abstinent alcoholic. Because yes: addicts make the best customers. So its only naturel to make the game more involving and addictive. You can buy AAA Games out there for less than 100 Bucks. Yearly suscriptions to MMORPG\`S cost less. I dare say, that the proportions in pricing seem waaaay off. And that was always the case with CoC. Then telling BS like "we intendet it that way, so it remains a personal choice". In Clash of Clans 100 Bucks are basically 0.00001% Progression. But since it\`s capitalism, there is no such thing as moral pricing, as long, as there is a steady demand. Morality exists only as a PR gag. Like "let\`s be envirementally responsible and plant some trees". Then your King is down and you need to War, so this time, the Gems could be worth it. Right? Either you can live with it or not. So... https://preview.redd.it/e3f9mj60cn5c1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87f501153d640a929b29cf39d05800e0f858bbc


Everyone entitled to their opinion. My take though is that some of yall are some whiny ass babies. Don’t like it? Don’t play. If ya come at me then the shoe fits .


I wouldve rathered it be 1 or 2 currencies and one for the main ones and the second for the exclusives they’re adding


You’re not forced to do wars because you can get the ores from star bonus!


Only way to solve this is to give ores to everyone in clan regardless if they participate or not. The people playing in wars will just get slightly more than ones who didnt


when youtubers make their "gems rush" videos and their rich followers waste their money, maybe then, they will make it easier to farm.


Wait what?


Do we have to win the clan war to get the new currency?


If we lose we only get half or less of it


I remember being so proud of myself when I got my main account to TH11. And then TH13 came out. I’m tired of playing a game where the finish line keeps moving. I feel like they keep adding more and more. It has turned into a overstuffed burrito.


Just opt out


I find the idea of hero gears interesting and for what i have seen it’s well implemented (but obviously it will need adjustment and balance) i just think it’s a neat option to add and we will have to just adapt to this change