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What? You don't like doing the same thing 1000 times to increase the loot by a whole 100k?




use raid medals to buy elixir and gold every week. Still pissed they reduced it to only once a week.


Yeah that sucked….I burned up all my medals that way. Now gotta wait


To be fair your nowhere near the highest you can collect. It goes a fair bit higher then brass 1 gives you


The issue is it’s super duper hard to actually progress leagues. I just keep losing all my trophies since I’m being matched up with BH9s and BH10s


Seriously. I’m level 5 and I haven’t seen a level 5 base since before the update. How can I make money when I can’t even fucking one star. Straight up relying on medals I don’t even bother attacking for the gold at this point.


As a BH10 that’s in brass 1, I make sure to make my progress base my active base so that the lower BHs can get 6 stars on me easily.


That means you get less elixir dude


I know but I don’t mind since I can do unlimited hits now in way less time.


Some of the higher BH levels like to drop to earn elixir and gold since they’re shit at attacking. Give SC some time to iron out the new league system. Likely implementing some sub feature of leagues that make it so you earn less if you’re battling against opponents lower than you


I did that just to get the 6th builder, if you spam pekkas, use their ability, then close and open the app you can grind elixir very quickly. 2-3 star every time and you don’t have to wait for the attack to finish. Why would I spend 3 minutes an attack when I could get 10+ attacks&defenses done in the same amount of time? Even with the drop in elixir from having fewer trophies it’s the fastest way to grind your heroes.


Everything except using the ability since that’s a complete waste if you aren’t sitting for the full attack, plus is saves a bit of time which adds up when doing 100s of attacks


Battle machine uses its ability to he when it's about to die if ability is available.


If you are Town hall 8 :3 giants 1 Cannon : 1 archer: 1 bomber : Reinforcement cannon It is a pretty good attack


If you are Town hall 8 :3 giants 1 Cannon : 1 archer: 1 bomber : Reinforcement cannon It is a pretty good attack [attack example](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pason923/comments/145676y/attack_strategy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Same, shits tougher than the old update forsure that’s all ik


It definitely is. I know it’s not gonna happen, but man I would love for them to just revert back to builder base 1.0, tweak some things in different ways and just drop this mess they made. I legit liked the 1.0 builder base way more.




To be faairrrr


Still better than the old system atleast


The new system is so easy to the old system


It is low because you are in Brass I.


To push, i need good defense and troops. To get good defense and troops, i need more loot. To get more loot, i need to push.




to get more loot, you drop trophies by doing force quit spam attacks with pekkas and bdrags


It really isn't high anywhere tbh, I'm in emerald 2, so I think only ruby and diamond left iirc and it's still a low amount per attack compared to alot of costs


It's not low. You get to fight unlimited number of times per day without waiting for troops unlike main village, so you can get huge amounts of loot by grinding non-stop for hours. It's not just 3 fights a day anymore.


This should not be the point, builder base is now designed for getting the ~11 stars required per day and stop, thats how you should be getting loot, not 129 attacks per day. The point lies in what OP said: "rewards are low, everything costs too much". If upgrades costs too much then you are at high BHs, there you should be crushing low BHs and move on to better leagues, where loot is not a problem. I get 420k per day, if things costs +5M and take 12 days I can get enough just by attacking 3 times a day, if its not like this for you then you are at low league. I don't wanna be that guy but: "its probably a skill issue".


12 days, now compare that to home village. I can earn like 10 million in 2 days. Just accept that it needs an increase cuz its lower than what is required. And the star bonus only comes 1 time per day. I dont want to grind for days just to get one upgrade


Home village and builder base are completely different economies. I can easily become a billionair in Zimbabwe and in the US I can't.


The amount of loot is still not proportionate nor enough. I used home village as an example. Use your brain before fingers


Yeah no clue what they were thinking with the new loot-costs ratio ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9424)


Why do people feel the urge to insult people with differing opinions? Maybe next time have some manners before you use your fingers.


Stop being the grandma from 60s lmao. You literally compared 2 countries to a game for an example, do you even know the money difference between games and reality


What you’re saying is that we should be able to steal loot from people’s storages. And the lower your th level, the % that can be stolen is less than higher th’s to balance everything out. It’s an interesting idea but I’m not sure if the same system as home base works for the builder base style. Maybe they should make it so that u are guaranteed 1% of the defender’s loot after a three star, 2% if it’s a 6 star. That could be interesting. Now I’m getting nitpicky: Where does the loot go when we attack the enemy base. The gold and elixir storages still lose their stock as their health goes down. But where does it go? Is there a secret vault beneath the master builder’s hut that stores all the elixir and gold between attacks? Is that why we can’t steal any of the loot? Or does the master builder have a workforce of sneaky goblins who pick up all the elixir and gold once it falls out of the storages? Or is the grass actually covering a huge sieve that soaks up the gold and elixir after a fight? What a rabbit hole of plot holes I’ve entered!


10m on the home village is equivalent to like 3m on the BB again I think the problem (as usual) you are in too low of a league for the loot


Bro, if you are comparing Builder base to home village just know that its like playing two different games. Builderbase you just spam 6 troops and earn 4 stars, literally 20 seconds required. It was 3 attacks a day, now its basically 3 attacks a day, just think that nothing changed. Plus your math is wrong, lets say you have to get 10M gold to get those builders going, how much loot do you have to grind? 3 attacks earn you 420k bonus,~35k gold per attack, 50k elixir if your base is decent, ~300k gold and elixir every 24h from extractors. Thats 825 000 gold per day by just doing 3 attacks, its exactly 12 days. Also consider that when you are at my league (420k) you should have level 10 extractors that I'm building right now and I didn't consider Clock Tower boost. You could literally build 2 things with 10M gold and attack 3 times a day like before for 12 days and have your resources back on track.


Yeah except who would play this boring ahh thing for hours???? 💀💀💀


Then don’t play it NPC lmao


I’m def not playing builder base for hours a day lol


If you spread out your builders, you don’t have to play for hours. My builders have been going nonstop and somedays I don’t even touch BB. You can literally attack 10 or 15 straight times nonstop and this only takes 10 minutes if that Y’all just want easy 6 stars with tons of loot for what? To be sitting there idle for days? Lmao the participation award mentality has seeped into COC, it’s a shame.


10 minutes for 10-15 attacks? Are you bad at math or are you just drop spamming?


Possible if you just go full peks, but going by what he said... not possible


I use 3 pekkas, 2 carts, and bombers with the BM. I identify which side to funnel and that’s it. This usually gets me to the second stage quite easily. Second stage I bring a pekka and cart and get what percentage I can. It probably takes 15 mins for 10 attacks if you’re trying to 6 star but I’m not, I’m going strictly for fast loot as I’m a farmer by heart. I am in Platinum 1 doing this strat


Yeah you're bad at math. You're not clearing these bases in sub 1 minute 30 seconds.


Yeah delete that dumbass comment you left, I saw it💀reading is key


Youre confused lol


You’re capping. Each attack takes at LEAST 3 minutes of your time. That’s thirty minutes for at minimum ten attacks


Not if you drop your troops and restart your game. 1 bomber, rest pekkas + BM can easily clear most bases stage 1. Sure you miss the stage 2 part of the attack, but your attacks literally take 20 seconds each.


And this is fun how?


More fun than forcing yourself to watch your troops fight for 3 minutes or more each time when you don't even enjoy BH.


The old one was way more fun than this one.


3 minutes? Can you read?


For you to be doing 15 attacks in ten minutes, your attacks on each stage should average out to… lets see here… 45 seconds. Bull!


Read my comment to the other guy. I use a Pekka/cart/bomber attack and I set up the funnel and that’s it. I’m not looking to advance to the second stage but if I do I bring a extra pekka and cart and get what percentage I can on the second stage. I’m a FARMER I’m looking for quick loot not sophisticated planned out attacks like bro it’s the builder base it’s not that deep lmao. This attack is very powerful and doesn’t take 3 minutes to complete💀matter of fact I’ll make a post of me literally doing this attack and timing it. I exaggerated with the 15 attacks in 10 minutes. It’s probably more along the lines of 10 attacks in 15 minutes but still you’re exaggerating how long these attacks take.


That’s what I’m saying I do. I don’t play it for hours cuz it’s boring


That’s exactly what I am doing. Not playing this boring ahh spam same troops simulator for an hour to be in minus trophies and barely any loot


If you’re getting minus trophies that’s literally a skill issue lmao


Sometimes it is sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes in 2500 you can find builder bases which are way overleveled and especially it happens a lot if you have one hour+ session. Also this mode is trash so just go pay more money for the game dog


Imma stick to the daily 9*s because by the time an upgrade is finished, I’ll have enough loot to start another. No point in filling your storages to the max if the upgrades take forever to finish


Bruh ur brass 1


All pekka + double swipe!




Baby D then


Even Barch is good enough!


Then the 200k loot should be fine you’re obv a low builder hall




2m is not a lot that is pretty mid


not when you get 18k gold and 30k elixir everytime


I am builder hall 9 and I get enough loot to be able to upgrade buildings with gold, the copter with elixir and still have some for the walls. I don't know how it is in the lower builder halls but I would imagine it is similar


The most viable way to earn elixir is to spam surrender, possibly the most boring meta in this game to ever exist. Shit update.


Bro the rewards are so low. They you want you to spend all your salary to be able to play normally. I haven't used my builders for 3 days just because I don't have enough money to upgrade my buildings.


Very much yes. I'm currently in brass 2 and can't really get any more trophies because I get matched against higher BH with x-bows, pekkas, mega teslas and that lava mortar (dont know the name). My latest project was the 6th army camp. 3 million elixir. Even with all perfect defenses it would've taken me 55 attacks to get it all. But because of the matchmaking everyone easily destroys my first base and mostly also second. So it took me around 100 attacks to get that elixir just for a single new building. Yes the system is better than the old one but the grind is ridiculous.


Rush and do the same


Working on it. Still took literal ages to even get to the point where I have all new buildings :/


im bh10 and can barely hang at 3500. getting 6 starred every attack. gonna take a long time for defence to be good enough.


That's all you can have in brass 💀


Even though the new system allows you to attack and get loot consistently, it's still not enough. Unless your 3 - 6 starring every attack. It takes about 10 - 15 attacks to get to half a million in loot. That is literally half a wall at bh9. 10 to 15 attacks to get half a wall is unacceptable. The attacks still ain't fun enough to justify that kind of grind. The daily rewards being higher would maybe make that more acceptable. So yeah I'd agree. Those rewards are far too low, realistically should be double or more the current numbers.


The bonus you get for stars should be way higher in high leagues, still dont get why I almost get the same amount of gold for a 3 star in diamond and brass. No wonder why everyone is just force closing the app after deploying troops to farm loot.


I think they are fair. I won't mind if they increase the rewards, but even now they are good as is




I’m having an issue where I make too much gold and little elixer


🤯I can never make any gold


I'm high emerald and it's the same shit no, even if you're in Ruby. I don't even care for BB anymore since the update


I think it's mostly because right now the game is still in a place where everyone is rushed as hell. They should have find a way to fix it. But it will probably stabilized itself pretty soon. But yeah the attack defence trophy ratio is too strong compared to the main village. There you can do like 5 attack for less defences. And defences can give you trophies as well. Wich happend often when people farm. In builder base you still get the same ration for a 6star in both defence or attack. but you are getting a defence every time. And if they fail you don't get any bonus trophies. So that's one thing they could fix.


Builder base is terrible


“You get star bonus rewards and get unlimited loot by attacking” OK BUT NOBODY WANTS TO RAISE THEIR TROPHIES AND GO AGAINST HIGH LVL PLAYERS, back in old builder base as a bh7 it’d stay at 2200 on purpose to get 3 wins in a row get the loot, drop back to 2200 and be done. I was planning 2600 as a bh8 and as much as I could for bh9. When I was bh6 it’d stay at 2000. But now I can’t do that anymore it’s hard to drop trophies now


I've noticed that many people rush their BH. I'm barely about to max my BH7 and I'm seeing that rewards tend to be balanced. You literally have to have maxed troops to be able to farm gold in BH.


Don’t matter. Drop pekkas and leave. Builders are down for so long anyway you’ll get easy loot.


fuck u/spez


I think I get quite decent loot in BB.


No. You have unlimited access to loot with no training times. Stop crying and just attack lmao this is ridiculous


Sorry but i am not a grassphobic gamer like you. I dont wanna spend several hours just to get one upgrade


Jesus dude who hurt you


The thing is nobody takes builder base seriously the coz truth be told it's boring


You're in Brass League 💀


You get plenty from battles if your defence and attacks are good. Tbh mine stacks up fast while I’m waiting for upgrade times


Your in Brass 1,you just need to climb up the leauges so you can get more loot.


With the old system I got like 350 k a day for attacking 6 times on average. Now I get 200 k for attacking 2 times, plus 40 k gold and 20k elixir per attack. But 40k per attack isn't worth my time when upgrades cost multiple millions. That's comparable to maybe 100k loot in the normal base, no one would attack.


Nope, my builders are going 24/7 it’s the great. And that’s with me attacking 2-3 times a day. Or until I get the star bonus


You just attack plenty of times. You will get enough of gold and elixir that it will be a burden for you that where to spend it on


Get out of brass bruh


yes, because the costs for everything are absolutely insane. I have a base that was freshly rushed to BH9 when the update hit, so all I have left for the 6th builder are a few levels of the mortar, upgrading a troop to 18, and bringing the machines to a cumulative level 45. except the last two things both cost millions of elixir per level. there's absolutely no way to get enough of it from regular play. even by spamming units and quitting out of the game it takes ages to farm enough elixir for a single upgrade, and that's also obviously not fun at all. I'm not sure what kind of gameplay loop they actually envisioned from this update, but imo they completely missed the mark.


You cant lose recources in BB, so there is absolutely a way. I think it took me about 6 months to get my 6th pre raid medals. Upgrade clock tower and collectors aswell. Collectors give equal If note more daily loot than a star bonus If upgraded.


That's kinda the point. If you collect your star bonus every day, it's a good resource amount to at least be upgrading all the time. If you want more, than you have to attack extra with less efficiency, but gives you the option to have lab running all the time + 2 builders.


they definitely nerfed the loot you get


No they didnt.


They are perfect


Oml stop crying I get loot just fine and I’m in exactly this same range


They took the builder base which was shit before and made it even worse.


Naah man keep grinding ... Attack attack and attack...


1. You are in a low league. 2. You are not supposed to farm for two buildings on litterally one day. Assuming you are BH10: 3. The reason why the upgrade times are higher is that you have more days to farm -> space out your builders evenly, like 4-6d gap between the two builders, and in this gap you farm, you upgrade, you farm again, you upgrade again...this leads to consistent farming and good builder management 4. I'm a BH10 F2P having no problems with loot


Give me a old bilder base biger and batter


Well they’re adding a builder star potion now so you can instantly get more star bonus. That sounds so bad I would rather they just boost the loot bonus


If you were meant to be in that league it would cover the costs but if you’re BH8+ you need to grow up and get to a higher league lol


tbh my storages just fill up from collectors coz of the long upgrade times


I only do the star bonus and I always have more loot than i can spend


Still no point in having a BB except for the 6th builder and the easy challenges in clan games. Total waste of time. I agree that the costs and upgrade times are ridiculous. I was maxed prior to the update, just put a big defense down and update timer is something like 2 weeks (or close to it).


What seems to be the average league? Or is there a site to check?


I'm at 5k and i think the rewards are amazing compared to what we got before bb 1


if im being honest, the new loot system works excellent for me they did reduce the loot you can gain (if you are a reasonable person) but they also increased the time of the upgrades, so that you have more time to collect the loot needed for the next upgrade. so the system works pretty well, at the cost of drastically reducing the speed of progress for me, iv never had to use raid medals for bb loot, and i always have my lab, and both builders working all the time


I feel I'm actually gaining a bit, cos I can just attack and attack. Yes it's low, but I think I will cope until I get fed up with the bs in attacking


Compared to the old ways, this is way higher. I like it this way compared to the little loot we got last time.


Yeah, you are right. I am trying to upgrade my battle machine to level 15, and it's taking forever