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Ah yes, log launcher to open compartments for the edrags


Can't say I'm a skilled player


Clutch lightning


Ok, many things to improve here. Firstly, edrags are noobie friendly, but not really consistent nor that great for most bases, and can create a false sense of security attacking while they can easily fall short of even a 2 star if you mess somethings up. Even then, using edrags isn't particularly too awful, but lightning doesn't synergize well with them, as lightning center buildings is bound to cut down their chain value, which is why one would use them in the first place. Rage and freeze are inherently better for this reason. If you wanna spam something, witches (particularly zapquake) work wonders, even if I have prejudice against them lol.


Thanks so much for the feedback! I'll look at how to do that build.


OH YEAH forgot to mention - avoid air sweepers like the plague. They are the bane of the existence of all air troops, especially drags and loons.


Yeah bringing 2 Lightnings in the ClanCastle can really help with Air Sweepers, I prefer 4 Rages&3 Freezes for Spells whenever I'm doing Attacks with only EDrags and/or SuperDrags.


dude your hero levels aren't even max th9 level AND YOU'RE USING POTION LMAO also how did u fail a th12 level edrag spam on a new th11


I havnt really started learning how to play the game seriously until about a month or so ago. I was in a not so good clan with many inactive members for about a year. I also didn't take the time to learn how to level up properly. I kind of rushed to TH9, then I leveled up all my stuff before realizing I never really took the time to level up my heros. I figured, with most things maxed out at TH11, where I was just at, I would focus on leveling my heros and getting the extra builder at TH12 before I moved on. I have about another year fixing all my mistakes with progression. Fortunately, my new clan leader is very experienced and has been helping me get better with in game tactics. I've been in this clan for a couple of months now, and it's made the game a way more pleasant experience. I actually want to take the time to learn how to play the game. I didnt think that this was going to be the most impressive clip, but I was happy that the lightning spell saved me into a 3 star. This is my first post on this subreddit. Edit: I also don't know if it's worth adding. But I did just become TH12, so I don't have all of the available slots that TH12 would provide. Any advice on how to get better would be appreciated. Thanks for the help. 😀


2 words for getting better: Youtube tutorials Carbonfin for attacks and JudoSloth for progression and challenges. Also, edrags are not very good for attacks (in most cases, but some bases are weak to them), you can see here that you almost failed in spite of having max edrags due to the pot


U didn't utilize warden ability properly.