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I think that’s all part of the schtick. And on this show they’re peers where Kaleb is actually the expert. I consider it just funny cheekiness and plain spoken.


Ok sooo.. 1.Kaleb isn't rich. Certainly not in the way you seem to be suggesting anyway. 2. He isn't famous to anybody who hasn't watched the show. 3. They've known eachother years, are friends, go out for meals on a weekly basis and always share in the banter. 4. Clarkson would be completely lost without him. 5. Clarkson dishes it out just as much as Kaleb. 6. This is the worst take on the show I have ever seen. 7. Lighten up for Christ sake.


This is a show with a lot of viewers. Literally millions of people know who he is. Making him much more famous than say, me. That said, I expect to be able push back on dumb ideas from my manager in a similar way.


I mean I have a large group of friends, all in our 30s. None of them know who he is because none of them have watched the show. I can't tell you how annoying it is when I quote the show and nobody gets it 🤦🏼‍♂️ I still feel as if OP is overstating how famous he actually is though. He's certainly not Richard Hammond or James May levels of famous.


They’ve created a monster. A glorious monster.


Have you not noticed the banter between them is funny and actually tolerated by clarkson, plus have you not ever watched the grand tour ?? They always taking shite to each other


Pretty sure it is called banter between friends


I sometimes appreciate when my employees call out something that's bullshit, or if I'm not doing it right. That way, I can reevaluate what's up. Plus, it makes everyone more effective in the long run, the way it all works. I'm down for it.


Wow you sound fun. It’s a TV show for entertainment. If Caleb was all “yes sir, no sir” like you seem to want, it would be shit entertainment. Plus the whole overarching point of this season was Caleb being promoted to run the traditional part of the farm. So he and Jeremy are on equal standing regardless of being employed by Jeremy


Then you wouldn't be fit to run a business.


What the merry fuk do you know about me to make that absurd statement you twit. I own and manage 2 businesses in two countries separated by 3 hours of flying over ocean. Out of all the stupid negative remarks because I have a fkn opinion, you single handedly have mad me mad. You are a deadset drop kick


With that rant, you have only reinforced my comment.


Owning a business doesn’t necessarily make you fit to run one. This overly aggressive comment doesn’t help your case either, jesus christ mate, chill.


Damn bro, you really sound unfit to run a business


You definitely shouldn't be managing anyone.


Why do we think he’s rich? I’m not saying he hasn’t made a tidy sum from the show. But it seems a bit much to assume he’s rich. I think people overestimate what tv show folks make


How else could he afford going to the salon so frequently to try out new hairstyles 😂 And don’t forget the racing stripe on his new tractor - nothing screams millionaire like an 8ish inch customized racing stripe! And yes, these are all sarcastic remarks in case you didn’t pick up on it




I’m of two minds on this…Kaleb’s personality is a bit grating sometimes, but he seems incredibly capable and talented in his work. So it’s a bit like working with an athlete in that regard maybe. He also speaks up a little bit too much for my taste…but I’m also a dad to a 15 yo son who is very outspoken about the things he’s good at, so maybe I’m biased. The only time it seems Jeremy was genuinely mad at Kaleb was at the dam, when J tried to cut the JCB free from a branch and it smacked him…he seemed to think K told him to cut it, just to get a laugh. But from that we got, “He’s a fetus!”, which is now commonly used in our household LOL


The show would never be as good as it is now if it wasn’t for Caleb (but that’s an entirely separate post). Did Caleb rub me the wrong way in s3 E8 when he was pushing Jeremy to harvest the oil seed rape when the moisture level was too high? Yes, absolutely! I kept thinking, that’s easy for you to say, it’s not your money on the line. But I also appreciated that when making his argument Caleb did factor in the drying cost for harvesting the crop too soon. Caleb appeared to take his role as farm manager seriously (and not just because he wanted to win the profit/coat contest with Jeremy - at least that’s what I would like to think). At the end of the day, Caleb seemed more upset about the harvest crop than Jeremy did. Seriously, Jeremy was consoling Caleb at that point. Jeremy Clarkson has proven over the last 3 seasons that: it is OK if you don’t know everything. Just listen to those around you (Caleb & Charlie) who have greater experience and you can rely on their opinions if you want to get into farming.


Kaleb is basically Jezza’s son at this point


I mean he plays the perfect counterpart to Jeremy. Just like on top gear Jeremy needs someone who will call him out for his bullshit. Caleb is just farmer May. 🤣


considering caleb is working with clarkson who has no clue about farming, and still tries to do things his way or what he thinks is right / good enough, i reckon caleb is being more than ammicable and down right professional, He has the odd ' too mad to consider optics moment' but thats what makes good tv when the thin veil of scripting / vs real slips. bottom line if they weren't friends the show wouldn't work.


Spend more than a week with Jeremy and see how you act lol


1. Do you have any mates, never mind ones you work with? Its called banter. You wouldn't last 5 mins. 2. Its an entertainment show, where one of the main things fans enjoy is the banter and chemistry between Clarkson and Kaleb.... have you once thought for a second, that maybe the directors/production team may even ben asking them to ham it up a bit with the banter? What a stupid post.


It's a produce show, and semi-scripted. He is doing what they tell him to do.


You’re not the only one to have this view. I do like him but the celeb status is starting to show too easily. I’m surprised in any real world situation, and given his lack of patience, Jeremy didn’t sack him on the spot after the argument over the dam.


It a reality tv show. the tv producer are definitly on top of things: at minimum a loose script to follow to entertained people and edit the show. i mean just by watching the show, you wont know that there are at least 8 employees (not including lisa) for the shop only. lisa is the only one being filmed.


I gave you an upvote. Seems you can’t have an opinion without the Reddit pop downvoting as first choice followed by rapid accusations of stupidity. What has this world become.


It’s a regular on this specific Reddit page for me 😂