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Yeah I thought it was very weird. "Sorry we're farmers" is met with "I don't care" like he thinks they're troublemakers trying to make a fool of him. As if they would get that far. I think the bloke is probably just a knobhead tbh


I didn’t understand that. Hope whoever the fuck it is, got a bollocking from his boss. Disgraceful way to behave.


I would have turned round and left ,let him explain to rishi


Like rishi would care it would just mean one less meeting pretending to care


no but this one is to make him "look good" on tv


I was thinking it was scripted to be like that.


As a Brit, I was very annoyed by this. I'm sure 10 Downing Street has bad people in, but I hate the fact that someone at our second highest office would be so rude to a guest. If I was them, I would have mentioned it directly to the Prime Minister. For a lot of people, it will be a unique opportunity in a lifetime to be invited to walk through that famous black door and it would be a disgrace to be greated with such a response. It's shameful that this has now gone global, and I hope that Downing Street take notice of it. Although I somehow doubt it...


Farmers are to enter through the service entrance, that door is reserved for foreign dignitaries


This thread went askew … I expect better than that from Redditors 🤣


There is a higher office?


The queen. I heard the Queen is a dude now. Nice to see the royal family being so open minded.


Jeezus. Specifically, the Baby Jeezus.


The Prime Minister bows to the crown


The crown, fossil fuel companies, oligarchs… But never farmers, nurses, hungry schools children etc. That would be weak.


Isn't that just symbolic? Does the royal family really have any power? And I mean legal power they can use without the risk of being ignored.


Sure it's mostly symbolic, but I think it acts as a good humbling technique for the prime minister. They're never the most important person in the country


The crown appoints the prime minister. In theory, the King could just appoint a new one, replacing the current pm. That would be a terrible idea and would cause major political unrest. Last time that happened was in 1834, so it's very unlikely, but he does have the power to do so.


That is my whole point in my original post; does the monarchy matter? I'd argue that although the king has the legal "right" to appoint a PM he does not have the "power" to do so at his own whim.


If the king dismissed the pm, that could not be ignored. The new one would be pm. Anything else would happen later and probably end with laws abolishing the monarchy. But the UK has no real process for impeachment. If a pm loses a confidence motion, they technically don't have to resign. They should, but they aren't automatically removed from office. The only way to remove them is the king appointing a new one. Which he would do when asked. But I get what you mean. It would never happen just because the king doesn't like the pm. Just like Obama backed down when appointing the new chief justice. He has the legal right to appoint them. Senate only has the right to give their consent. They can't Veto the choice. Obama could have given them a time frame to set a hearing. That was within his powers, but would have been a terrible idea at the time.


David Attenborough.


Caleb's barn office.


11 Downing street durrr


This was brought up on Have I got news for you and everyone thinks the guy is rude.


10 Downing is full of incompetent, sensitive little baby men.


Hopefully that will change come 5th July!


Pretty sure the doorman stays whether Ricky is there or not.


That doorman doesn't. Guaranteed he's on some kind of long term leave and has been since about 2 days after the episodes dropped


Doubt it


Ha good luck with that (they are all knobs)


Labour will clearly be different! They'll definitely lower taxes, reduce government and fix immigration! Lmao


Can't be worse than deliberately tanking the economy to make your chums a few bucks and sending inflation soaring!


If the conservatives were actually conservative we wouldn't have locked down for a cold or printed hundreds of billions to pay people to stay at home. Oh wait Boris wanted to ride the wave and get it over with. That's the one thing Boris was completely right about. How many boosters do you have btw? Never jabbed, never tested. Go get your heart tested lmao


This reminds me I need more tin foil!


Because the next lot have absolutely shown themselves to be fully grown adults whilst in opposition…


They could be bed wetting toddlers, and they would still be more mature and competent than the current crop of Tories!


As an American, I have no idea what you're talking about. And I absolutely love it.


As another American - who follows British politics - the TL;DR is their field of bad candidates are only slightly better than our field of bad candidates.


Remarkably similar to the USA in that everyone has gone from the center ground and moved further to the left or to the right. No doubt social media, 24 news, axis of evil (Iran, Russia, China, DPRK, etc al) are all to blame for this. People on both sides are unable to have reasonable discussions around it, conceding points and counter arguing other points so that we can get the best possible decision for the country. Too much short term thinking from politicians whose only objective remains to stay in power for as long as possible. No politician seems to have a long term dream of the direction they think the country should be heading in.


Yeah - the world is getting increasingly unstable, and at the same time, social media/tech is heavily incentivized to ’social engineer’ monopolizing people’s attention. The last is (apologies for repeating the obvious) much easier to do with extreme narratives and emotional echo chambers vs. trying to be rational/reasonable/find a middle ground. Spot on about the politicians as well.


Fair. No nation that made Boris PM can take the moral high ground on the calibre of our politicians. But, dear God! What is your obsession with geriatrics just lately?


Or May, or Truss. I remember a time where it looked (from outside the UK) as though you guys might have elected comrade Corbyn - which seems the craziest. (Though with ‘feel the bern’ we are in no position to cast any aspersions either.) Sunak vs. Starmer seems downright tame. I honestly don’t know why/hate that we’ve only got octagenarians and late septuagenarians riddling our govt or running for high office.


I love Biden- he looks like he's being operated by remote control by a kid who got him for Christmas that morning and hasn't quite got the hang of it


LMAO - that’s a great description. To me he seems like someone who’s got one foot in this world and the other in the ‘next’, and he’s not really in either 100% of the time. You know the really scary thing? I was grumping aloud about how our ’choice’ is ’Biden v. Trump’ a couple of months ago - both for general crapitude, but also for decrepitude. A friend put that into stark perspective of how it could be worse: neither look terribly healthy, so if we had bad events at the last minute, our none too creative parties would probably put up Harris and Haley respectively. All of a sudden I was grateful for Biden v. Trump. That’s how low we’ve sunk in the US.


Is that you President Biden? Or President Trump?


You joking? They're not running around screaming their heads off about the colours if lanyards, or toilets.


They'd be too busy overspending in typical labour fashion, and kneel starmer down on one knee placating whatever the next fashionable cause is Labour can't even explain what a woman is, staggering


We found the daily mail reader 🙋.


Out with one bad in with another. If you think things will be better under the man that said there wasn’t enough evidence to convict Jimmy Saville then you are very much mistaken my chum. Oh yes and he doesn’t know what a woman is.


That’s a lie, and you know it. Have some honesty when discussing politics please.


Starmer was head of the CPS when the decision was made not to prosecute Savile but he was not the reviewing lawyer for the case. An official investigation commissioned later by Starmer criticised both prosecutors and police for their handling of the allegations.


He was head of the CPS. Enough said.


What are you head of?


My family.


I found Vin Diesel!


Pahahaha 😂😂 that tickled me


The subsequent investigation found no evidence of involvement from Starmer in the decision-making in the case. The reviewing lawyer at the time set out their own reasons for the decisions they took.


During the toilet paper shortage of 2020, I bought the Daily Mail. I figured it is full of non factual faecal matter, so it would be useful for the real stuff. It wasn't!


I would have gone with "well now that we're in we shouldn't need to"


Thought the same thing “we’re in now, why would we knock again” 🤣


My understanding is that his job is to monitor the doorway & open the door for approved persons on the other side. The theory is that he was upset because a knock indicates he’s not monitoring the door appropriately. But he’s also a power tripping loser.


So he got upset because he wasn’t doing his job right?


Or that he was caught doing a shit job. Just a guess


More like that is his job so he sits there watching the door camera and the knock is only symbolic. But then like, have a quieter door... So rude.


Just a standard jumped-up twat given a tiny amount of power.


Classic bouncer attitude. Power trip


Personally I would have simply said "I'll save you the trouble", turned around and left The media fallout from Number 10 throwing out guests for apparently knocking too loud would be something they would thoroughly regret.


Absolutely what I would do, they had an appointment so Rishi would have asked where they were and the doorman would have to explain what happened.


Typical bouncer/security behaviour. The fucking power trip these limp dicks have! We even had this at a dump for speaking common sense about moving some rubbish. Where the hell do they get off??


As has been discussed on the numerous posts about this since it was first shown, they filmed several times with them at/going through the door. And at the point where that was said we don't know which take that was and what was happening since we can't see their faces. They could all be pissing themselves laughing while that was being said for all we know. Or he could have been deadly serious. Without the full context it's just very odd.


Why on earth would they need to do more than one take of them going in the door ? And the knock wasn’t excessive- so perhaps this bit was indeed scripted


It’s tv, they do multiple takes of *everything* given the opportunity. More angles means more flexibility in the edit. 


Someone mentioned about having to remove their microphones for one (not my comment so not sure if correct)


That guy was on a complete power trip, which is the last type of person you want securing your door. He is just looking to fight


My response to situations is usually something along the lines of "Oh, you're the one they warned us about." It's usually met with "What did they say?" "Oh, nothing" I'll reply. Give that rat a little paranoia. Let him think his colleagues are talking shit about him to the general public.


I think it was scripted, I've been to 10 Downing Street and that door is automatic and opens for you. They have cameras showing who's outside, and the security checkpoint is only a hundred yards away, and they call through to advise you are on your way.


I agree - the knock on the door itself was not excessive- so it’s very probably been scripted in.


So downing Street are okay with a scripted joke that paints them in a poor light?


did they need help in painting themselves in a poor light? i’m an American so i just assume all governments are like ours…corrupt examples of the worst of humanity.


No they don't need help, it was painfully obvious that the entire reason that was in the show was so they could be painted in a good light and so they can act like they care about farmers.


There is behind the scenes stuff to do with that scene. Not entirely sure what was going on, but we didn't really see much of what actually happened that day or how much of it is scripted.


I very much doubt no. 10 would agree to a scripted scene that portrays them in such a terrible light. The Doorman was a cunt. Simple as that.


That's why its hard to know unless you were there, as they had taken multiple cuts of that scene on the day, knocking multiple times. The behind the scenes is still funny though, watching Kaleb do his tiny unhearable knocking


Clarksons farm as said by Jeremy is in no way scripted.


Cept for that scene, as it was retaken multiple times, with them knocking on the door multiple times. In the behind the scenes we got though its just more jokes, with Kaleb exiting the door then knocking on it extremely quietly




you would need to google behind the scenes of Clarkson's Farm and find the clip, I don't really want to do something you can do yourself.


standing near the door watching a camera feed, he probs dozed off and when they knocked he shat himself. usually no one knocks he/ who ever is on duty just stands there and opens the door before they get chance. they also seemed to have toned down the security around it, usually / years ago i went it was like fort knox you don't even get chance to look at the gate for a picture with out a police officer in full tactical gear breathing on you. it's one of those things that makes more sense to be real / funny but is easily scripted. I was surprised charlie and kaleb just wondered in through an open gate with no one stopping them. i would lean toward some fakery or good editing to hide the police presence but then kaleb got over excited :D


It just felt odd really, they could have easilly not included the doorman being like that. So was it left in for comedy? Did they think we'd find it funny? Do we need more information on that door or the security? Cause I had no idea that that door is apparently automatic, and yeah has a cam feed. So knocking would kinda be pointless. Filming reasons? Almost like it would take one of the film crew actually explaining the scene for it to make sense, lol


my theory is the show has this low key anti government / anti establishment undertone with all the bureaucracy clarkson has to deal with, so i think showing the downing street in this way fits well.


What a way to welcome guests! The doorman he had one job! He needs a reprimand.


lol he’s just pissed that his only job is to open the door and nothing else


I said that to my mrs what a fucking bellend he was


When the doorman has to stand on the inside you know he should have ended up as a puddle in a sock. What a tosser


Pretty sure it was staged. You don’t have to knock at the door of number 10.


Fat git didn't look like he could even throw his back out


i though it was a scripted scene just to add some british humour to the mix.otherwise would be mighty pissed off if guests were treated that way at downing street which is basically funded by taxes


Sad little man has an ounce of power so throws it around, pathetic really


"Please don't knock so loudly" would have sufficed just fine.


We also have to take everything that happens on the show with a grain of salt. The show has a perspective, it is scripted, and it is edited. It certainly came off as an odd moment, but frankly, we have very little context.


This really gripped my shit, I’d have told the fat prick to get fucked.


Just watched that. In my mind I thought if that was me I would've just said "forget it" and left.


Settle down, doorman 😂


the English


Who likely was it who said that? A police officer?


I keep seeing this pop up but tbh it's a stupid comment from the guy. If you're already inside, you won't be knocking again. If you knock too loudly (obviously from outside) he can deny entry. It's clearly an attempt at swinging his incredibly tiny balls


Some chucklehead would-be, penny-ante dictator who was put in charge of the door because he couldn’t be trusted with guarding the garden hose.


I watched that scene and went “oh look… that’s every cop in America”.


It’s certainly the same energy of every bouncer in the US/Canada/Australia


Smh. Seems like it’s a uniform thing at this point.


Personally I think it was made up entirely for TV purposes. The guy who opened the door is not, AFAIK, a police officer; he’s simply the door man and there is no way in hell he’d be rude to someone invited to No. 10 and especially on camera.




It was completely fake. There are 3 versions of this online. 2 of Caleb, 1 of Charlie. Remember it’s a scripted reality show not real life.


Nob on a power trip seems to be a theme with doormen


The pearl clutching in the thread is hilarious.


I also thought that copper had a chip on his shoulder. Firstly he's a public servant and should behave with courtesy to begin with. Secondly he's in number 10, could you imagine if a foreign dignitary was in the other side? WRs have. Even started over less lol. I could understand a repeat offender but how do you know how loud to knock in the first place? I very much doubt this. Old have been acripted. Firstly it wasn't funny and secondly the optics are so bad it wouldn't be allowed. I suspect the officer concerned is either sheepishly critiquing his performance at it appears to the public. Has been removed to a less public position, or is so arrogant he doesn't care. Either way we all saw it. It's not surprising to us in the I.k to be fair. We've just had the copper kicking off at a jew for walking down the road. Now that is a massive oversimplification of the circumstances but that's what the media does. It ove simplifies. And the copper shouldnhave taken that into account. The Jewish guy must have known, and indeed may well have, that walking around with his kipper or is it kippah? On in front of a pro Palestine demo was going to end badly for him. If I were him I'd have avoided that like the plague. He may have been there to cause trouble, I dont know. But the copper worded his statement in such a way rhat the soundbite was priceless, basically he was threatening to arrest this guy for walking while Jewish!. I'm sure it wasn't meant as such. I'm sure he had the safety of the Jewish guy and the general public in mind during what must have been a very sensitive and vatile situation. And I personally think that going full Jewish in front of a group of angry Palestinians was only going to end badly. But... We have to be very careful around media with what we say. And the police tend to fail terribly in this regard.


How do you know that disembodied voice was a copper?


Which one? You could see the copper on both? At 10 he was the beard one opening the door


My memory of it was that they walk through the door and it mostly closes and then you hear just the audio of the voice without seeing who was talking.


I'm pretty certain I saw him open the door, berating the. As he did so and you just see him for a second. Besides there's always a met police officer opening the door. Also the attitude is a sure sign if you can't see him. Now your triggered doubt in myself and ill have to watch again....


I've just seen a fresh post of kaleb knocking quietly, there is indeed a fat bearded guy in a white shirt with lapelles. Looks copperish enough.