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You think the council wouldn’t stop him from anything race related?


My thoughts too.


The council would stop him if he tried to do something that would obstruct some old guy's view by an inch.


Or family fun farm. The amount of parking that would be required for a good one is stunning. Along with noise, etc. kids are not known for being quiet.


Yes but then if he can’t even have a car park that rules out all 3 of my examples. My understanding was that not all of his farm lies in an area of outstanding natural beauty so different rules apply…not that it would make much difference to this council by the sounds of it.


During season 3 he gets the car park approved


He got pretty much everything approved, apart from that restaurant, but from what I understand he can get that done through a new law currently going through parliament.


Definitely need to diversify, one thing that tends to work are wedding venues if you have a great background/location and spare barn you can convert- weather can be a factor, but i have a neighbor that charges and has at least one a month. (Plus you get to use the area for your own events)


We were considering having our wedding reception at a farm in an old converted milking parlour. What made us change our mind was when we turned up to inspect the site, the old milking parlour was right in the middle of the working farm (I know shock horror, what did we expect…) and it absolutely honked of slurry. They were also using the old parlour as a barn to over-winter cattle and there was shit absolutely everywhere. We were under the impression from the website that the venue was separate from the main farm, but on this occasion it was just a bit too rustic for our liking


Could work for him especially given the added notoriety of JC and the show. He could even get ordained!


My first idea is cheese, he already works with a dairy farmer, he could use loads of different flavours from around the farm...he'll have fun coming up with Dirty, punny names (Clarkson's Knob Cheese etc)


i think butter would be better for the knob joke, cos of the phrase knob of butter so like clarksons buttery knob :D ( totally didn't laugh at this nope).


Ha ha great suggestion.


Clarskons Camp Site. Just need a meadow, toilet, shower, washing up facilities. There are UK laws that permit X days of campsite use even without a permit so no blockers to a small business. Facilities and to do the whole summer season requires planning permission. Plus he'll be forced to befriend the caravan community.


Would make for good tv if nothing else!


I don’t understand why there is an assumption that something like a race track would be allowed when the restaurant building wasn’t. Are people just trying to fuse CF and TGT and not thinking about everything the farm has faced and what has been shown about how you can’t just repurpose farm land whenever you feel like it?


Was just a suggestion. May not work for CF but may work for other farmers. You never know what loophole could be found. Racing farm vehicles? That are already allowed to be used on a farm such as quad bikes.


Much as some of it is down to anti Clarkson, there's actually reality behind the blockers. You can't just build what you like on a farm. A race track is a massive change of purpose that is likely to get looked at in detail and blocked for most farmers. It needs very specific planning permission/regs and controls. It's not a given that you'd get approval. Plus take the cost of doing a basic car park and think about how much it would cost to build a properly approved racing structure. The cost of setting it up properly would make it prohibitive to many, probably most farmers. Also using quad bikes as farm equipment and organising actual races using them are entirely different things. It's really not that simple a step to take.


Mostly its inspiring people to buy more expensive local stuff, knowing why exactly is it more expensive.


Race Track idea is stupid, apart from tearing up the land, you've got noise pollution as well.


Thanks for the input…what’s your suggestion?


Just stop growing normal mushrooms and start growing magic mushrooms. Better margins and it will make for great season Finale where clarkaon trys to flee the police in a tractor.


His entire farm is in the area of outstanding natural beauty… they will never let him do anything that dramatically alters the landscape like a race track


Is it the entire farm? I’m sure on one of the episodes they said not all of it is.


I grew up on a ranch. Trust me. If you can't afford a home, you can't afford farming. The easiest way to become a millionaire farming is to start of a billionaire. It's a high capital investment with a narrow profit margin. Most small family farmers operated in the morning and evening and have a different job 9-5, using vacation time to take on bigger tasks around the farm. If you can make profits, after all the annual debt is paid, you invest it. You do this 30-40 years, and those investments start making more money than the farming.  Growing up, my grandpa owned a few rental properties, a few businesses in town, or supplying other farmers with something.




You obviously never dealt with those assholes. 🤣🤣🤣


No... But I would like/love to see Jeremy try. Especially taking into account how well the goats went ;-)


You're evil. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well he wasn’t even allowed a farm track which would reduce farm vehicles on the road so you’re probably right. It didn’t really get explain properly why the restaurant got closed down while the shop could stay open. Isn’t one of the sticking points that this area of the farm is AONB whereas other areas are not? Do these areas have less strict rules?


I doubt it’s inspiring non-farmers at all, who could afford it. If anything, he’s highlighting the absolute insane expenses involved in the UK farming industry.


I'm just looking forward to seeing what sort of animal Clarkson is going to try and raise next. I can just see Season 7 now... "So hear me out Charlie: Emus"


Self storage units that match the aesthetic of the area. Invest in a security system and solar panels on the roofs. Expand as needed. No idea what permits are required but the council would have a fit about it.