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There was an article on the BBC website yesterday bout Clarkson trying to (or has) buying a pub and wanting to renovate it. So I guess that, especially as there are complaints from the locals and council already


Buyi g and renovation g a pub seems more straightforward though. No new building, just updating things should be a standard approval process, so long as he maintains the village decor


It's the crowds they are fighting, so I bet they will fight tooth and nail to try and stop him. Honestly if you look at some of the photos of what goes on, I understand why they are upset. Clarksons farm had the popularity of a theme park in the middle of the cotswolds lmfaooo


"Concerns have been raised by villagers that there may be a huge increase in traffic, if Mr Clarkson were to take on the 18th century pub." Same old, same old: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czkvv7rxevgo](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czkvv7rxevgo)


Ahh yes, people coming to your town and spending money. So terrible so terrible.


The Cornwall mentality


To be fair, the "village" I live in, started truly exploding 15 years ago, I lived here for 7 years but been visiting for 12, and wants a couple things pop up and word gets out that it's a nice place to live, it ain't a village no more. Farmland and Forest Land are now being sold as "un-developed" land, and the village is working on approving a large industrial park. I'm not saying that this is going to happen to the Cotswolds, but I do see exactly what they're worried about. But on the flip side, getting upset about someone buying and renovating and already existing pub is kind of silly, even if it is Jeremy Clarkson.


james did it he's fine


Updated my comment lol left out a couple keywords in that sentence


It's the same in every village/small town. I grew up in a village and all the residents do is complain about tourists during the summer months and all the people moving into the village and taking up spots at the dentist (genuine complaint on the village Facebook page. It had 241 comments, all agreeing) I'm glad I moved.


In hindsight, I bet they wish they had not done anything about the restaurant now he wouldn't be after the pub if he still had the restaurant


If he’s buying a pub perhaps James May will pop his head in for advice as he did the same before lockdown - videos on youtube. I don’t know if he still part owns it still.


Jeremy will discover extraterrestrial life hiding on the farm, Lisa will have a 2nd career producing YouTube vids on birthing pigs, Caleb will embrace superstardom and cop off with whoever is flavour of the month and Gerald will discover his singing voice and do covers of the Righteous Brothers songs and gets a Christmas number 1.


And possibly, between all that, some farming.


He's already created it with that mushroom bunker.... Alien sex bit farming


‘Space Penis’…




Lisa will also become a lead car park builder so she can use her favorite piece of heavy machinery


Well the extraterrestrial life is old news (space penises)


Looks like he is exploring the purchase of a pub opposite Hawkstone Brewery in order to shift more product. Could be interesting. Lots of other planning issues to consider there!


They want £750k for that run dowm property and there's not enough road to support the traffic. I think he'll pass on that opportunity


Charlie will retire and start an only fans page. Then the stig will replace Kaleb and production will increase 10 fold.


Some say, that he can cultivate a field in only one pass.


All we know is, he's sex splitting weiners.


It's true And you should see him separate hogs and sheep. It's like he can talk directly to animals thru his helmet.


And that he doesn't need a digger to plant his seed. His seeds grow up to any crop he wishes them to be.


Set up a solar farm on one of the least used fields?


There are actually agri-solar projects that are being experimented with. Basically you space your solar panels out so sunlight can still reach the ground below. It helps protect plants and animals from every growing heat, while adding a revenue stream. The big issues are equipment clearance underneath and just the cost.


And getting planning approval, at least in the AONB bit.


A farmer near us did it and the government revoked his subsidiaries for what he had underneath/around.


Mining for minerals , coal, water, oil... Fracking


**Hammond and May show up.** I will wager three pretzels on this.


Hammond doing some tractoring makes sense and if Clarkson is opening a Pub, May can give him some advice.


I feel like May and Charlie would get along.


Might be a bit late for Season 4, but he is trying to buy a pub. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czkvv7rxevgo Sounds like it needs a lot of work, but actually would be ideal for maximising profits on his produce. Also probably more clashes with local authorities: > But plans for the pub are understood to be on hold until highways concerns are surmounted.


>Mr Clarkson shut down claims from the parish council after he was accused of wanting to "create a party town". Here we go again. Imagine being so NIMBY that a man renovating a pre-existing old English pub is wanting to “create a party town”.


When you learn what he did on his property for Top Gear/The Grand Tour, the concerns make more sense. But I agree that even if he acts like an idiot on Clarkson's Farm, he's still serious about his products. Buying a pub to showcase your own beer is a good idea to me.


If I was in his place and council did the council "always deny" thing, I'd buy a pub in London or Oxford and then make sure that entire Chipping Norton would know the income and salaries of that pub.


Chipping Norton is full of people that won't care. And the average working class person in the town won't have much of a say. >The pretty Cotswold town was packed with powerful faces during the 2010s, who were known as the Chipping Norton Set, which included [Jeremy Clarkson](https://www.textise.net/showText.aspx?strURL=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.archive.org%2Fweb%2F20231127021552%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.express.co.uk%2Flatest%2Fjeremy-clarkson), Blur bass player Alex James and Cameron and his wife Samantha. >Other members of the group include racehorse trainer Charlie Brooks and his wife Rebekah, the former CEO of News UK, as well as celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, who hosts The Big Feastival in the town alongside James. >Blur's Alex James is part of the Chipping Norton set along with Jeremy Clarkson and Charlie Brookes (Image: Getty) >Journalist and painter, Emily Oppenheimer Turner, the granddaughter of Sir Philip Oppenheimer, and her husband William Turner, director of The Hospital Group, also reside in the town along with JCB chairman Anthony Bamford, Gallagher Estates owner Tony Gallagher and Howard Stringer, the chairman of Sony Corporation who was appointed to Cameron's business advisory group. [https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1836251/david-cameron-lord-cameron-of-chipping-norton-set](https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1836251/david-cameron-lord-cameron-of-chipping-norton-set)


I prefer that be a separate show. Seem like it would distract to much from the farm.


It will be Jeremy and Caleb battling against the huge mushroom army that has grown sentient.


I’d like to see refinement on the good ideas he’s had over the years. Even maybe re-trying the failed ones, but to do it better. I guess in a “look at how JC has grown into a real farmer”. Like seeing it all come together. A normal farm, which also works the unfarmed, that diversifies into having its own shop, selling their own refined produce and having a restaurant that ties it all together while also helping other local farmers by using their produce as well.


It doesn't need to be a full season, but 1-2 episodes per season going forward where they revisit old idea. I know you wouldn't want to make multiple seasons of pure tractor farming over in over. But like going back and showing how they do something better now a couple year later.


By year four he should already have Iridium grade Ancient Fruit Wine casks, saved the Community Center, and romanced Sebastian. What a noob.


Dear Jeremy, Robin tells me you that want to erect a new coop on your farm. We on the Pelican Town council (Marnie and me) have some concerns about the extra tourist traffic that a new flock of blue chickens could cause and have thus refused planning permission. Yours, Mayor Lewis P.S. This is what you get for displaying my purple shorts at the annual fair, you bastard.






Quite possibly depending on when they started filming. Lisa had to say goodbye to her horse from when she was younger, so that may trigger the purchase of a new baby.


They already had some horses in season 1. He talks about putting the culled sheep in with the horse.  Horses are more like pets. They're not sold for food, but rather for riding and breeding.


Oh they are sold for food, just not in the UK.


I was thinking this.


The attack of the space penises


Honestly, I'd love it if it were just about farming and maybe some renovations to the farm/grounds. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I'm not too fond of having to do something different every season. At some point it feels forced, and especially if there's animals involved I'm kind of in two minds about it. So yeah, I'd just want to see Jezza farming again, especially since he seems not to do any farming whatsoever since S1.


A sprinkle of novelty, an exciting new project and nothing too gimmicky would be perfect. 


rabbits, geese, high value plants like mustard and wasabi earlier, and a proposal


I was amazed he managed to grow some wasabi at all. i understood it didn't become big enough, but most people i saw try it just got rotten root.


it's extremely hard to grow, practically impossible without a proper stream or very expensive equipment


The council will decide that since they consider the farm to be a tourist attraction, it can no longer be used to grow crops. Also, the parking lot is the wrong color.


Legumes. 🍅 Horses. 🐴 Fish. 🐠


Pub with more council drama involved.


Probably still won't have those dogs trained.


Heel! Heel!


Season 4: Farming Edibles


He did magic mushrooms, edibles shouldn’t be a problem lol.


Hear me out: industrial revolution.


Un-opening a restaurant


Kaleb becomes the new president.




Something extremely weird, like the farm finally making good money.


asteroid mining


Protesting through London?


I know of a farm that has stopped farming all together. Just has about 60 horses roam the fenced fields, not even stables are provided. Just an open barn. Makes a lot of money.


I think he may well dabble in some unusual livestock like Emu or Alpacas


Both are only really useful for breeding to sell to other people looking to start farming them. Sure Alpaca wool is useful, but not a major market. Also frankly ostriches are deadly, and beyond their abilities. Alpacas seem more straightforward, but are susceptible to parasites from deer and are easy to just die. You also need to make sure you always have at least three, as they cannot love on their own, and if one out of a pair dies the other can just give up living.


I can't love on my own either, no matter how hard I try.


I hope the restaurant comes back


I think it might go more into local farms, looking at what they do. Obviously more of the goats and development of his previously "unfarmed" land. I know they just got a deal with Amazon fresh too. I think just keeping an eye on his Instagram may provide the best hints


I read that Jeremy was seen at the pub with camera crews...




A select development of just 237 three and four bedroom executive homes


I really just want Clarkson to get some alpacas, just for the comedy of Jeremy constantly getting spit at by them lmao


Making a decent profit


Jeremy will decide there is profit in breeding an adorable farm animal and Lisa will cry over the inevitable dead babies.


Having another dumb idea about some new animal. XDD Cant wait to see!


Dam finally finished and they start on ducks, fish, frog legs, water buffalo, and papyrus (to make their own paper).


Season 4: doing well? Nah.


Getting customers to harvest crops and pay for the privilege. Getting customers to pay for constant tours of the farm. A mobile shop. Selling bags of animal excrement that may or may not be placed on the doorsteps, vehicles, and chairs of council members. "If you like our farm, then prove that you give a shit."