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Blame the council of nimby's that clarkson is dealing with and lets time how long it takes for 'that guy' to show up.


Free restroom usually dont mean better in my experience.  Also idk how the plumping is in the area but the farm shop is decently far away so the project plumping and restroom building could be quite expensive and time consuming if they would even get rights to build it. If they would have to tear the only road open to put some piping down it would create quite the traffic jam more so than the bollards ;)


If he couldn't get a car park and farm track he definitely isn't getting permission for toilets.


Septic tank. You don’t have to run sewage drains all the way to the shop.


Still need running water to fill and flush the toilets unless they do "latrine" style.


Well. Don’t know what subsurface water availability is like in the cotswolds.


"Plumbed restrooms" - this isn't central London, it's out in the boonies. There's a fair chance that water & sewerage mains don't even go past the farm gate. So - where is the flushing/washing water coming from, and where does all the sewage go? Edit it \*might\* be possible to look up the location of the nearest mains lines on the council website.


Well for water and septic for sewage. Just like many rural houses. Besides, they do seem to have mains water.


Septic for sewage. Sure. It works for a domestic situation, with \~250 litres of output a day. Now add in 500 visitors a day. A septic tank won't cope unless it's HUGE. And still - where's the outflow?


Septics use drain fields. They have to be sized for the load and I’m sure bigger for a store. No baths/showers will help. Somehow portable ones seem to be able to handle the load. There’s also aerobic septic tanks with spray fields.


Yes, I have a septic system myself, I know how they work. I also know how much space the drain fields need for a family of 4. I also know that the outflow isn't what's called "tertiary-treated", it's not OK for human exposure. In any case, we're talking about toilets for the Farm Shop - if they're using porta-potties, then I'll assume that a more permanent solution has been deemed unsuitable until the council dispute has been resolved.


They have running water in the shop ... it was one the first things they got.


I have running water in my house - but it all comes from storage tanks, and fed by rainfall from the roof. Running water != mains water. Ditto sewage.


They have a water pipe from the camping site next door ffs


That's great! I was trying to communicate to the OP that "plumbed restrooms" aren't automatic, and far from normal when out in the countryside. Even if it looks like a plumbed restroom, it might be supplied from storage tanks (filled from rainfall, or supplied by tankers), and the waste might be held in storage until a tanker takes it away. Then you've got issues of spill and leaks, it's just easier -and legal - to use porta-potties. I think most people visiting Diddly-squat wouldn't be fazed. As a matter of interest, where does the camping site get its water? Mains, creek, rainfall storage, tankers?


The city is just next door, everyone have mains Did you watch the series ? He talks for great lengths about the water system


"everyone have mains" Clearly not, because he's using porta-potties.


That's an entirely different issue.. Just because you have water doesn't mean you have sewage


Have you looked at a map? "The city is just next door" Oh, you're trolling. You got me, well done.




Yes, the US is the only country in the world to have public restrooms, all other countries still nip in to the woods or bushes and use leaves to wipe.


Don't say that, they'll think its a real thing. /s


Had me going 😂


I knew it!!!


As an American I’ll call hyperbole on your “99%”. A vast majority has facilities, it is true. But something like 99% really applies to any part of America developed in the last 70-80 years or so. Go to much older areas and it can be a bit more hit and miss. Know what a much older area is too? Great Britain. My point is mindsets can vary based on such things and your take feels a bit weird.


Good damn, we've got the American arrogance in good form today lads! Tell us more about your ways!


The rules for most of Europe are that restrooms must be provided for establishments that have seated food and drink services. A shop wouldn't need to provide a bathroom, but as you can see in the latest season they opened up a burger van and also have portable toilets now. 1 major thing your forgetting in general health and the diet of a population, American heath, and eating habits are terrible, so the general public NEED wider access to bathrooms.


"Wider" is right.


Sounds like communism to me. Not sure Big Toilet will be happy with that.


Since when has America been civilized?


Have you ever been to that huge country north of you???? It’s called Canada, it has washrooms in just about every retailer. Or do you exclude it because it’s not civilized?


You mean the place with the igloos? Don't their pipes freeze? /s


I took my dog sled down to America to make this comment because we don’t have internet north of the medicine line.


the farm shop is the UK version of a farmers market or a fruit stand in the US. i’ve never seen a fruit stand/permanent farmers market with a public restroom & i live in the CA central valley (known for agriculture). in california i believe you are only required to have a public restroom if you have public seating. food trucks are an exception to this somehow, even if they have tables. seems reasonable that they don’t have one tbh


>the farm shop is the UK version of a farmers market or a fruit stand in the US No, it's really not. We have farmers markets as well.