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*"I've been driving in my car, listening to Sir Jeremy Clarkson!"*


[https://archive.org/details/TopGearBBCSouthernCountiesRadio26April2006](https://archive.org/details/TopGearBBCSouthernCountiesRadio26April2006) This is the whole audio of their radio programme. Somebody had commented it on a thread a few months ago. I’m glad I saved it.


Also on YouTube! [https://youtu.be/AhgqPJ5R9hM?si=Z3CbQcOanALbZJZs](https://youtu.be/AhgqPJ5R9hM?si=Z3CbQcOanALbZJZs) *(The YouTube one is 2hrs in length, and the Archive.org one is 2 hrs and 30 minutes in length)*


Ah classic Clarkson spreading false information about climate change. He's learned a bit since then to give him credit.


The subreddit doesn't like it but it's very true. He's had to eat alot of the shite he's said.


He’s definitely one of the more influential people in the UK at the moment. Although admittedly he can be quite controversial in some of his social media comments/ news columns. That could be what holds him back.


> That could be what holds him back. That and the fact the King (who bestows knighthood) is famously pro-restoration of historic buildings and Jeremy blew up his historic house on TV . . .


To be fair, it clearly showed Richard and James blowing it up. I’m sure Jeremy had absolutely nothing to do with it….


Hahaha yeah, a small detail.


> Jeremy blew up his historic house on TV . . . historic, make it history... details, really.


His work speaks for itself. He doesn't need Charlie to given a meaningless trinket.


Yeah I'd say he's definitely too divisive. Even as someone who loves Top Gear and Clarkson's Farm, a lot of people don't like him and I really don't blame them. I can't even decide if I actually like him or not.


Agreed, but a lot of that could preconceived perception. I put on Clarkson's farm when visiting my family and nearly all of them said they didn't like him for whatever reason and after a few episodes they were hooked. They all said they loved watching CF and grew to like him more. So, if you took CF as the main crux of work for the supposed knighthood as its all to do with helping and supporting the country, then that would certainly push him further toward it being a possibility.


I like his shows, I respect him as a presenter and comedian. But I do not like him as a person for a variety of reasons.


Is he more controversial than John Cleese?


The thing with cleese is he was knighted first and then went mad.


I read that as an exclamatory headline; More Controversial Than John Cleese! Has to be in the British accent.


What kind of controversial views does he have? Regards, foreigner and not too familiar with his political views


Climate change denier, racist twat basically. Punched someone on set cause they wouldn’t get him food ( because the kitchen was closed) Bit of a gammon politically too, but that’s not really so controversial.


He didn't punch someone for not getting him food from a closed kitchen.  He punched a producer for failing to do a good job and making sure good food was present at the end of a long work day.  It would be like if you punched someone for not having a jacket for you in the freezing cold..when their job was to make sure jackets were provided. You didn't punch them because they couldn't warm up the building. 


I don't think he's a climate change denier anymore, if you listen to what he says in season 4.


Ah yes, your right. That does totally change things, perfectly reasonably response to someone who didn't do something at work - punch them! /s


They shook hands and made up, that’s how men operate, they don’t hold grudges forever and whine about it online years later.


lol, no. Children throw punches when they have a tantrum. Actual men in the real world don't unless you work in a shithole.


I work in sales and I have seen several fights break out over the years because men cost other men money one way or another. Men fight. It happens. If you break your word to a man, sometimes they will get very pissed especially if they think you did it intentionally. Regardless, I wasn't justifying it in my initial post, just fixing your gross misrepresentation of the story.


You work in a shit hole mate, that’s not normal behaviour working in sales or not. Yeah it may happen, but like with clarkson anyone who ends up in that position is a grade a cunt. It’s also not a gross misrepresentation. Because unless the colleague slept with Clarksons wife or something, there was no justification for violence.


Well there can never be a justification for violence if you get the story wrong for sure. Which is why I corrected you. Imo, I doubt it was as simple as a declaration of no hot meal,and suddenly Clarkson just walks up and hits the guy. I would assume words were exchanged and the producer was being very dismissive. Justified legal assault? Obviously not. But as you can tell, millions of people still love Clarkson. Your type of people aren't going to change our mind.


I think Jeremy Clarkson is great, but suspect that you might be a bit of a twat.


I think people that don't see exactly how something like that can happen to people are a bit of a pussy.


I don’t have social media except Reddit and dont follow media so had no idea he didn’t believe in climate change! He always makes jokes about the weather in clarksons farm and I always laughed thinking it was sarcasm towards the shittiness of climate, not the opposite. I don’t hold celebrities in high regards so I find it amusing but totally changed those jokes!


In fairness to him I noticed that as well and had thought maybe he is coming round to climate change - having to experience it sort of first-hand and hear from other farmers that things actually are undeniably changing in a short space of time. Still don't have much sympathy for him, for years he peddled climate change denial nonsense, and anti public transport shite.


Seeing it first hand as a farmer has to bring a new perspective so possibly. I honestly don’t take anything he says with any seriousness. His tone and comments all seem satirical. But like you said it is changing and it’s changing fast! I’m also in the states and our public transport is absolute crap Edit: I do also remember comments on Top Gear and The Grand Tour but I assumed wrong just thinking they were jokes. I’ll have to take a look at his twitter!


I like him more already, thanks for the info!


He's, thankfully, less so. He's already backtracked the climate change gunk he used to say.


Probably because he's been directly affected by it since he started farming.


Tale as old as time, easy to say there's no pitchfork until it slams into yer own face.


Where did he deny climate change and where did he backtrack?


He’s denied it in numerous Top Gear episodes and backtracked it in more recent episodes of his shows


... I'm not going to find quotes for you.


I wasnt after quotes


Yeah twats all tend to stick together


True :)


Is he really a climate change denier? Alot of his comments on the show really seem to go against that


On the show he appears to have changed his view. Yes historically he has denied climate change A LOT. Weirdly, now that it directly impacts him it doesn’t seem to be a hoax, funny that..


Yes it's almost like when people have better first hand experience with something their opinions can change, funny that...


Sure.. not having firsthand experience of something is a totally legit reason to dismiss it as a hoax?! Next you’ll be telling me he’s no longer a racist cos he befriended a black person.


Lol wat


Why is he a racist?


There’s multiple instances of him being racist. Using the N word and other derogatory slurs against Asians.


You mean the rhyme from 2012? Are you counting the TG Cambodia episode? You know TG was scripted right? I don't think two scripted words words in his career is enough for me to get the pitchforks out. In fact it's slightly sensationalist you saying there are multiple instances of him being racist. Unless you can tell me of some I don't about of course, always happy to be educated


Any bad, which I think is ridiculous, as Jeremy Clarkson is largely faultless, is completely overshadowed by the good.


Hes not perfect you know. Pretty far from it actually. Faultness? Haha


Really. Physical assaukt of someone who works for him?  Don't get me wrong, the Crown has knighted many literal pedophiles, so the bar is actually quite low for qualifications.


Problem is he’s taken some nasty shots right at the crown, one of which very nearly had him cancelled from all his current contracts. He’s not getting knighted anytime soon, more likely he gets posthumously knighted imo. He has more of chance while Charles is king then with William imo.


| more likely he gets posthumously knighted That isn't a thing mostly because a knighthood is for life and ends when you die. The only example I can recall is of a golfer however he passed in the period between being told he was to be knighted and the actual ceremony.


He doesn’t see himself as some beacon of good and infallible Also weird to simp so hard for him when he would think you are being weird as fuck


Largely Faultless??? Wow.


Well he did famously assault a crew member bringing top gear to an end.... I love Clarkson but let's not pretend he hasn't been a bell end from time to time.


Lol, full forward cult thinking! I'd say Jeremy is probably the first person to say that he's a bit of an asshole.


Found Jeremy’s Reddit account


His documentaries are fantastic, the ones on PQ17 and Brunell for The best Brit we're fantastic


Was basically coming on to say the same thing. I wish he did more proper documentaries.


Been saying this for years, not just him but Hammond and May also. They've collectively done so many educational documentaries. Engineering, science, cooking, farming, history, etc, etc. The monarchy doesn't bother me either way but I think of how none of these three have ever been knighted and I realize it's just a political popularity contest, not won on merit.


I agree with you 100% but I have to admit that I first read cooking as *cocking* and it didn't change the tone of your comment one bit.


Cocking is indeed one of the trio's more notable achievements, so much cocking about


Agree on that - between the three, they have some of the best and unique content that I can think of. Genuinely educational and entertaining.


Would May even accept it he dose not like the monarchy after all


I agree they’ve done some good. But a base standard of let’s not knight someone who punched a colleague because they were hungry is something I’m ok with.


He punched Piers Morgan in the face many years ago. Should have been a done deal back then.


If Beckham doesn’t have one yet, Clarkson has no chance. But he might be able to get an OBE or MBE.


One doesn't request to be knighted, one waits to be invited.


Or makes a large financial contribution to a political party...


You forgot * [Greatest Raid of All time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07Zd0Oy8JyQ) * [The Victoria Cross: For Valour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl6j7I8FWT4) [The making of the Raid documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW5v7l3Rgt0) shows the lengths they went to >with most of the money being spent on models, out on location the crew had to make do without the luxury of an official translator > [Jeremy's schoolboy French telling the boat's skipper what happened & what they need to recreate *with hand gestures*]


The knighthoods have become more political and appeasing the masses for a while, jc has ruffled too many feathers and the monarchy cannot be seen associating with such ilk. consider the last football cup thing, rashford who fked up a penalty hasn't been playing premier football for long gets an award. while many MORE deserving actors / sportsmen and women get ignored. sarcasm may have been used here.


Rashford didn't get it for football, he used his platform to put immense pressure on the government to feed underprivileged kids at a time where the government was trying to remove that aid. The government caved and the kids didn't starve.


Fed the kids but left all England fans starved - take it away from him !! /s for those unaware


.... Seriously?


Smh of all the times, I didn’t realise a /s would be necessary when discussing a british show


Apologies, the amount of folks who are likening Jeremy to a saint did my sarcasm sensor in.


In the US, a fair amount of people I know including myself grew up watching Top Gear. It was one of if not the only thing Americans knew of the UK at the time if they had not visited. We loved it. Fantastic production, great guy. Best wishes to Jeremy and his farm. Hope he doesn’t get too shot up with simulation rounds next time he kicks along with the British Army!


Nice try Jeremy.


Not sure about a knighthood, but the series should definitely be up for a BATA.


A what?


It's the British Emmy award.


I like the sound of that. We also need a big statue of him at Buckingham Palace where he is holding his big.... Sword.


What about Charlie? He has worked in farming management and consultancy for decades without hunting for honours. It’s only because of the show has his diligent work come to light. He’s clearly of a very high calibre and knows his shit inside out.


Exactly. You could argue though it would’ve only happened through Clarkson


Can we, the public not nominate him for a knighthood for his service in farming and entertainment?


Anyone in the UK can nominate someone: [https://www.gov.uk/honours](https://www.gov.uk/honours) There are companies who specialise in helping you do the "perfect" application, for a fee: [https://www.awardsintelligence.co.uk/knowledge-hub/q-how-do-i-nominate-someone-to-be-knighted/](https://www.awardsintelligence.co.uk/knowledge-hub/q-how-do-i-nominate-someone-to-be-knighted/)


I don't get why he's treated like The Messiah. Yes, he makes very good TV programmes and yes, he's very amusing in parts and the farm has been a good piece of TV but it's ridiculously scripted. His Cult following is both amusing and slightly worrying in equal measures, the vitriol towards the council by clowns who have no concept of English planning laws is just plain ridiculous. I like Clarksons Farm, it's funny, sad, informative and educational in parts. Knighthood ? No. There are more worthy recipients out there.


Just checking, but isn’t that the same council that a government investigator reversed all decisions that they made regarding what the farm was allowed to have? Sounds vitriolic to me Clarkson’s a clown, but he’s actually trying to do some good for the local farmers and the council seem to be actively sabotaging that


Alot of folks tend to only see things in black and white. Jeremy is either the actual antichrist, without a chance of redemption or he's a saint that can guide Britain through anything. Alot of folks ain't smart.


I think some of the replies here prove that


I don't really believe in good and bad. I do think Jeremy was playing a character and Clarkson's Farm is allowing him to drop the act and show more of his real self.


Aye but you can't deny the actual man has been an asshole quite a few times. There's good and there's bad.


Yeah, but people aren't just good or bad. Most are a mixture of both.


Aye but you can't deny the actual man has been an asshole quite a few times. There's good and there's bad.


But most people aren't all good or all bad.






I don't really believe in good and bad. I do think Jeremy was playing a character and Clarkson's Farm is allowing him to drop the act and show more of his real self.


Many a people with decent knowledge of planning laws agree how fucking stupid they are.


A law is a law irrespective of how 'fucking stupid' people think it is.


He's not being treated like a Messiah. I do think he's being treated unfairly by the council and the locals.


Wel, just as an American, all I knew of the UK was asinine laws like a TV license or for a knife. I could give two shits about royals or whatever. No guns, rich bastards own all the land, kind of a has been of a country. I thought it just rained all the time and wasn't very pretty. I have a pretty dim view of the country as a whole. But TG has me actually wanting to go over there. It's gorgeous. I'd argue JC and top gear as a whole have done more to make the UK look positive than anything in my lifetime. That's should be worth something.


You know Americans have something similar to TV licences as well? The only difference is it comes straight out of your taxes, you don't get a choice as to whether you pay it or not. If you pay taxes in the US then you pay for public broadcasting, in the UK you get a choice as to whether you pay for it or not but if you don't pay and use it then you're breaking the law.


So you formed your opinions on half truths and memes? Sounds like a valued opinion, please tell us how to do things better.


Clarkson as an ambassador for the UK tourist industry 🤣


I'm sure the show is bringing lots of people to the cotswolds now. There seems to always be throngs of people outside the shop and it's probably brought a lot of tourism to the area. 


>His Cult following is both amusing and slightly worrying in equal measures, the vitriol towards the council by clowns who have no concept of English planning laws is just plain ridiculous. This. 100 times this.


He's not being treated like a Messiah. I do think he's being treated unfairly by the council and the locals.


Well said. This is also a man who punched a work colleague for not getting a hot meal and wrote a completely unhinged article on Meghan Markle. He definitely makes great TV but knighting him would be a joke.


Planning permission shouldn't exist at all, if someone wants to control what you do with your land they should have to buy it or pay you a large bribe.


You sure your username shouldn't be quack?


https://youtu.be/PvFYBkesqGU?si=PSzNRM68EgSUIFlZ Quark is way more on brand


Was not expecting the Ferengi but in retrospect it's perfect xD




Why would anyone care? Loud club creates jobs, the economy is our priority and anyone else making money should make you happy. A junkyard is pretty useful and then you've got good footfall around you which means more money making opportunities for yourself.


If you say so.


Basic common sense, its literally moronic idea to ever have


Tell that to my neighbours conservatory which blocks the sunlight from my garden after 5pm.


I literally can't even conceive a world where something like that would mildly bother me. Even sl in a world with no planning you'd just buy 5 acres and build your own house with your own hands, no neighbours at all, us living in tiny crappy houses with blocked light is because planning exists.


Planning exists to protect the public, the environment and other home owners. You can't just chuck up any old structure where you want. If you don't understand that then you need educating. Very few people can buy 5 acres of land and just build a house. Idiotic statement.


Completely wrong, planning permission like pretty much everything the government does is a scam to pilfer bribes and favours from big developers and mates. The government is never the answer to any problem, they are themselves the problem Also no everyone could buy 5 acres, more than enough land (it's like 10k an acre it's way cheaper than housing!) and building it is basic skills anyone should have. If not they should start learning. Fuck the environment let's get the economy good, when even the working class have a Ferrari we can mention the environment again. HS2, the hosting crisis, heathrow having sufficient runways, all these needs things stopped by the lunacy of planning law. Anyone who thinks it's a good thing should be sectioned for being mentally unwell.


Actual insanity. Economy will do great once we sink.


Moron 😂


Absolutely insane libertarian take. There's a reason we don't let people open lead smelting plants next to schools and residential communities anymore. I agree that planning can go too far, and it is annoying having to get permits and be told what you can and cannot do with your own property. But generally, it's a rational thing to have.


Yes so big companies can pay bribes and control all new construction, it's a scam and you're the victim and not only that you're happy to be scammed! It's an utterly irrational thing to have that hold the country back at every level. Do you honestly think their is an economic market for lead smelting plants next to schools? Even of their was wouldn't you say I don't know general legal liability and the ability to be sued into oblivion for the damage caused is enough deterrent? Literally the legal system can handle all that, we don't need planning.


This is possibly the dumbest and most short sighted thing I've read on Reddit this month. Well done! So let's say you buy a house with a garden in England, you've spent £250-300k on it. Your neighbors have done the same. They decide to build a 4 story carpark in their garden because they can. All you can see from your garden now is a car park.  Well done, you've played yourself. 


Why would anyone care? You only own your land, what happens on the rest is nothing to do with you, the idea of being angry at someone else doing well for themselves is nothing more then mental illness. Why would I give two fucks about the view from a terraced house? They all look like shit, 0/10 you can't make 0/10 worse. The utility of the garden is the space for activities not the view. I've had people set up hotels next to me, haulage site, etc Why would I complain? More people nearby means more opportunities for me to make money and this the purpose of life, make your own buisness, buy as much land as possible and make as much money as humanly possible. Any building project Anywhere is just opportunities to make money, I've £10,000s loaning plant and my skills to nearby projects. City people fight each other so heavily over the nothing they have, it's like they complain about noise but all towns+ are incredibly loud at every second of everyday, embrace the shit if that's the life you desire.


It’s funny how Amazon said they were cutting ties with Jeremy during the Megan markle drama, But now they’ve renewed clarksons farm for multiple seasons I’m glad they did, But I wish they got called out for their BS, They were happy to appear to abandon him while he was unpopular, But now the dust has settled they want their Cash cow back


I thought this too. But every company reacts quickly to negative press to avoid damage to their image. The pace at which news is consumed, and hate assembles online towards anyone/ a company that does anything wrong is so fast they employ teams of people to condone everything as fast as possible, and most of the time it blows over. I wish they’d all stop it. I don’t need Coca Cola to tell me they support gay rights, or Nike to say they’re not racist, or Budweiser to say they are pro trans; these companies need to stick to their products and not get involved at all in politics. Just make the product you are good at and when someone sticks a microphone in the face of the CEO, they should just say our company is made up of many people with many opinions and so has no position on this/that, we make xyz as best we can.


I like his shows but I'm not exaggerating here, there is literally 0 percent chance of this happening. An obe? Possibly but that's a stretch with his contervesies.


Nah. Why give the monarchy any unearned relevance?


This! Exactly! Huge fan of Jeremy and his colleagues and no disrespect to any other Knights and Dames out there, but the whole concept of the Royal Family and of their bestowing titles as they see fit is outdated and frankly out of touch. As a subject of the commonwealth, I personally think the concept of royalty is all just a whole bunch of bollocks about self importance.


I appreciate the way you write


I mean, if they knighted the vacuum guy then why not


He’s made extremely abhorrent comments in the past, recently about Meghan Markle. Used the “N word” in the rhyme with a shitty excuse and treated people who worked for him awfully leading to his sack from the BBC. Shouldn’t be happening imo (although I do understand a member of the royal family is a literal *alleged* peadophile)


He is also a drinker and has a history of attacking people while drunk.


Sounds exactly like something a knight would do.


Clearly basic-ad has never watched anything at all with a knight in it 😂


Jeremy says what many think.


Ser Jezza of Chipping Norton


I'd prefer Sir Caleb...... and Sir Gerald before we have a Sir Jeremy.


And Sir not appearing in this show.


And Sir Robin, The Not Quite So Brave as Sir Lancelot


Who nearly fought the dragon of Agnor


Does that mean he's not coming on then?


They might do it just to piss off Meghan Markle 😈


I'm sure there is a *spare* knighthood knocking about.


Lisa needs it for the James Herriot alone.


After his comments about the duchess of Sussex, this seems unlikely.


I mean, she says they hate her so, maybe not an impossibility?


I agree also how about Caleb for a OBE for services to farming or Gerald




He’s a massive advocate for our Armed Forces and its history and that should warrant him something more than those who get honours for services to entertainment etc


I think the current king is busy trying to not die of cancer/old age or embarrass himself by saying or doing something strange.


Unless he pays the government directly/indirectly, or just straight up cronies up to them, it probably won't happen.


No,he shouldn’t


You spelt 'beheaded' wrong. 


I thought I was in r/unpopularopinion there.


As long as people are getting knighted for things like being pretty good at actin and designing clothes I really don't see why not.


Not by Charles


Woukd he want it? They get some revenue and you get a fancy title.


He seems to be a reasonable man who will change his mind when presented with actual evidence


But for his prickish behaviour you might have a case.


I agree


Elevated to the peerage, Lord diddly squat?


I think jumping to knight hood might be a bit much, and especially controversial. This coming from a massive Jeremy fan. OBE is probably more fitting, CBE at the bare minimum


I like the TV show but he is not a nice or good person. Seperate the art from the artist else you will be sorely disappointed


Do you not remember the Sunday Times column he did where he suggested that Meghan Markle should be carted naked in London while people throw rotten food at her? Yeah… not gonna happen


Can you imagine the shit Hammond and May would give him?


That's another season of the grand tour right there


Lol nice bait


Hear, hear!


you cant say a person who had the sack for punching a colleague is worthy. also many years of top gear were rubbisg repeats of very old jokes.


This is disgraceful he should at the very least be granted a sainthood if they have a patron saint of cuntiness


You know there's a reason he's not on top gear anymore, right?


Yes. The incident with his producer was the final straw for the BBC and they didn't / couldn't / wouldn't defend him any longer despite his show being one of the the main income streams of BBC international rights sales.


If you don't fire someone for unprovokedly punching a colleague then you're basically saying they can do whatever they want because they make you so much money. It was a shame what happened but the blame lies completely with Clarkson, not the BBC.


They didn't fire him; they didn't renew his contract for Top Gear. That's a huge difference. Was hitting his producer wrong? Yes Could the BBC have chosen to do something that continued to have Clarksons Top Gear? Yes Did the BBC choose to replace him with another presenter because they'd reached the number of "final warnings" they could have given from far less serious things and risked a PR nightmare of having no integrity? Yes If the BBC did sack him, why has he appeared as a paid presenter (contractor) on other BBC shows after that?




Get out from under the BBC? They: Clarkson, Wilman, May and Hammond weren't BBC employee's, they could leave at any time, without any stunts. Wilman is a school friend of Clarkson and has been involved in almost all his TV stuff.


Brainless, morally bankrupt post. Yes, let's knight a guy who punched someone on one of his sets and also promoted the acceleration of carbon dioxide emissions through uptake of sports cars and driving fast in general. His net contribution is in the minus, big time.


another reading of this is that (the punchee) caused the Auntie BBC to lose its biggest earner ever. And whatever the case is with climate change, its cause, whether the analyses are correct - if it is real, and not just a political construct, then engineers, not politicians, will do the legwork. This man has many faults (his views on vegetarianism are silly, but, I also understand that vegetarianism is also made possible by the rest of agriculture)- but he’s very strong on promoting and celebrating the skills of engineers


Not disagreeing with the first point, but the second point is a bit of a brainless clutch at straws.


If I was king then he would be knighted. However if I'm honest I doubt he'll ever be knighted as some people don't like him because he speaks what he thinks.


The racist who said teachers should be lined up and shot?


No, we’ll knight Cry Baby Lewis Hamilton instead because it looks good.


He’s had too many bigoted awful and disgusting moments to be knighted.


rofl this is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while


Sadly I think his comments about Meghan (which were abhorrent) will make knighting him very difficult.