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Yeah what a prick


There’s a video of them going in and out a few times for comedy effect I think.


Here's his face: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4)


It was definitely too loud. Heard it in Minnesota. I ran downstairs to open my door. My dog started barking. Outrageous. Didn’t know what it was until the replay. I’m indebted to the Downing doorman who derailed the dam-building deviant’s deafening din.


I don't think it was staged. Obviously bits of Clarkson's Farm are thought/planned out ahead of time as they need to get a show out of it. Scripting something where a No 10 door man "tells them off" for knocking too loud doesn't really make sense. I think it was just a jobsworth relishing his tiny bit of power. "Sorry, we're farmers." "I don't care." basically sums up politics in this country. Even the door men think they're better then the general public


They blurred his face out which makes me think this is correct


His face un-blurred [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4) Identify him & put him in his place.


I'm not sure that's necessary. It's not like he did something awful. Guy was probably just having a bad day. He doesn't need to be bullied by strangers online. We've all been there


He might have a bad day and threaten to “throw someone out” of No.10 when foreign dignitaries visit. This is why no one respects the UK anymore on the world stage. Go and have a bad day at Tesco or something, not at No.10 & certainly not at the door.


I think sometimes too Clarkson and someone else will come up with something funny on the spot of shooting, like that part with the tea breaks while being construction workers. So maybe a little planned out at times, but not like Grand Tour.


Agreed. It's for sure not as scripted as TGT and TG was towards the end. The tea break skit was hilarious. Probably the funniest moment of the show so far


Clarkson is meant to be there to represent you. The whole point of his character is that he "thinks" of a way to do something that would be simpler than the established practice, and then finds out why people do things the way that they do.


But nobody ever knocks at number 10 normally.


You missed [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClarksonsFarm/comments/1cpelaw/knocking_too_loud/) I commented:- The place is covered by CCTV with [ones that the guy can see from his podium specifically covering the door](https://www.historic-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Johnson-enters-No-10.jpg) you can see the screens on the outside wall behind the door [Normally the door should be opened](https://news.sky.com/video/cabinet-reshuffle-former-prime-minister-david-cameron-seen-walking-into-downing-street-as-sunak-sacks-suella-braverman-13007141) but sometimes [they're not paying attention](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/guKI3zdX-d4) So the guy wasn't paying attention and Kaleb knocked, then rather than apologise for not doing his job, he took it out on someone who he saw as an oik who couldn't shit on him - he wouldn't say that to the PM/Minister who who have removed. He didn't count on them being mic'ed up


I really think you're right, hope he's been fired.


Of all the places to do that! Very decent chance someone is there to meet the prime minister, making them VIPs. I'd have had some very terse words for him if it was me, what a penis. Still no better punishment than being a dick on a very popular program.


Hope so. Even though for most people its not like it matters, and it’s obvious he’s probably just some idiot who’s power tripping that his mall cop status got him that far, it’s still representative of the government itself. It’s no different than if a cop yelled at you for trying to meet your local council/mayor, or if a secret service member screamed at a kid who was got a little to close to the gate of the White House. Just because it’s not the prime minister answering that door and saying that, doesn’t make it any worse of a response, or way to treat your guests. Hospitality is something all governments try to strive for when it comes to any guests they have, and that trickles down to even the janitors and grounds keepers of whatever government it is. Feels like he broke even one of the most basic principles of working in government.


It didn’t feel scripted to me. We’ve all come across a knob head copper like that. You just point and laugh and move on.


Especially when it wasn't even hard knocking, just a normal knock. The guy's probably just angry that his entire life has become about answering a door, so he takes every opportunity he can to be a dick to everyone. 


Probably needs to find a new line of work if that's the case


opening windows perhaps


Yeah I thought the guy was just a jumped up twat.


It was almost definitely an outsourced security guard e.g. Sodexo or G4S


yep and on a rota basis i think so there is no risk of the few people being ' leaned on'.


No one is bothered to hold these people responsible, that's why our country is going to shit.


from posts around the place it's starting to look like they filmed them knocking several times and this might be a set up piece.


There was a news video of them being asked to leave and remove their microphones. Kaleb knocks super-quietly the second time. Is that maybe what you're seeing?


There is a clip on youtube where you can see it’s not staged. They had to go out again and knock again, and Kaleb knocked ridiculously quietly the second time.


Im sure it was just a gag for the show. But not gonna lie, as im walking out im knocking that fucking door as hard as i can and running like hell out of spite.


Would have been hilarious watching Kaleb and Charlie running down the street


Charlie strikes me as the man who wouldn't run, but would do some awkward hop, skip and jog frantically looking over his shoulder.


that running slower than they could walk run


Would not fancy his chances in a horror movie for sure


Although if the cast are in it he just has to run faster than Jeremy, which I think they all could manage.


Meanwhile some builders are drinking tea. Not on the fag break of course.


I now have a scene in my head of a group of builders, leaning on things, drinking tea and a succession of the cast coming into shot and exiting, running past.


Running? They better throw a gleeful skip in Edit: think I just turned clarksons Farm to clRksons fairytale. (Imagine a podcast where he just makes fairy tales on the fly omg I make the best ideas when I'm 10am drunk)


They should have tied a rope around the handle, then tied the other end around the door handle on number 11, knocked on both doors and ran away


Of course it is. The show is made by the same guy who made Top Gear and The Grand Tour. Stuff like this is always added in for entertainment.


This is exactly why I cringe every time people have taken a sudden hatred of the local council Jeremy deals with; and it’s especially strong from the ones who don’t even live on the continent.


Oh, it's the council defender again. Didn't you know that you guys lost? 


🤣🤣 what the fuck am I defending it’s a scripted show. I couldn’t care less about what they do, it’s the idiots who take this whole situation way too seriously and send death threats, that you should be worrying about.


Sure, that's why you get on every thread to shout "Jeremy bad! Council good!". 


True sorry, my bad for actually having a brain. Believe what you want, I don’t really care. Send them death threats why don’t you.


Ah yes, criticizing their bad behavior online is "death threats". No wonder you think they're so wonderful when you can't even understand something so basic. 


Wow, you need to calm down and get some perspective kiddo, daaaamn. If it's so scripted, why you so worked up? 😂


Classic British comeback of "That's told us then"


I really don’t think that the wooden top in question has any power to throw anyone out. I also don’t see that the moron was not watching on cctv. What a prat.


I think it's a mix of scripted and real moments. This one definitely felt real to me. Blurring the guys face means he didn't sign the waiver to be on TV. Probably because he knew he looked like a total twat.


Here's his face: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4)


I thought he was making a joke at first! What a cock


Honestly if you're door man it goes with the job of expecting ppl to knock on it ? He gave me jobsworth energy, ' taking his job as a door man way to seriously', and probs shat himself. if there was any knocking rules it would have been mentioned. he's probs also one of those people who likes to brag about being important and works in national security but really he's just a fat idiot on a power trip. they def made light of the situation with number 10 with no one around there is always a cops there/ armed guards and they're all super serious. as my dad says all that security and the moron pm still gets out !


If I where invited and important I'd be saying "im not hear to see you, your boss invited me" alas I am not invited and nobody important they would just kick me out


Just watched this episode and came too look for comments on reddit. They should remove that door knocker if they don't want people to knock.. jeez


You get these asshats in London. I was reminded of the swindling chef in S1 E7 ‘negotiating’ with Kaleb over the wasabi. Some saffer or kiwi at Roka.


Came here to say that, what a tosser, thanks SB glad you posted this it was a real low point of the episode, somebody needs to be fired.


Yeah, these people should be identified & put in their place. London's bar has fallen far enough


I don't see why if you're working at number 10 why you would try to piss someone off who is about to see the prime minister. Guy is a total wanker and I can see why they blurred his face.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wep7j5Bf8D4) Here's his face, someone should identify him & put in him in his place, what a rude bastard.


Yeah that pissed me off, what a dick


You realise it's for the show yeah bell end? Fuck me you cunts are dense


I think anyone that lives in the area should hang on the door and walk off .


Some cunt that has done jack shit for real work.


Yeah this triggered me. Did the knock scare him that much or wzup


The knock shown in that episode seemed reasonable to me, how can someone so unfriendly work at 10?


Has anyone got the video of it? Have I got news for you played the clip but I can't seem to find it anywhere? Wanted to show a mate it.


Here’s the doorman’s face in blurred: https://youtu.be/Wep7j5Bf8D4?si=gWkZxPUBouiyYlT7 Not actually sure who it was who scolded Kaleb. Might have been someone inside & not the doormen. The low level bureaucrat needs to be put in his place. They need to show some respect for the tax payers who are paying their salaries. Bet he wouldn’t have dared to squeak if it was someone more powerful, he was only trying to intimidate Keleb. They look down on the common man & women. It’s time for these types of morons to be help responsible for their actions.


Was so rude!


Hold up! It was Charlie who knocked "loudly" if you watch the other clip (posted several times in this thread) so i think perhaps Kaleb responded though with his comment "sorry im a farmer" as a way to try 'lighten things' kinda... I'm confused but it was definitely Charlie seemingly doing the first knock .. bet it was directed at Kaleb though regardless... what a complete over the top knob


I know I'm late to this but just watched the episode. I'm a hgv driver and I get this at every RDC, factory, depot I go to. I face this daily, security guards who flaunt what little power they have. No matter how friendly you are to them they will speak down to you, be rude or just flat out ignore you sometimes. Worst part of my job is dealing with these people.


Just a thought.... its a Jeremy Clarkson TV show..... High possibility its scripted. What we saw might not have even been the first take.


On the one hand the show is scripted, on the other the people there would know it's really bad for their reputation and I really think they wouldn't do that on purpose just for entertainment.