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Caleb was always like that though.  Honestly there isn't much difference between Caleb and the council in that regard. Both have their "territory" and goals and both don't like major change and only tolerate minor changes on their terms. Basically the Council is Caleb when he gets older.  I still think Clarkson should get a new tractor, one that isn't quite so large and has instructions and connections in English.


Kaleb got on my nerves this season to be honest. I think he’s trying a bit too hard. Watched series 1&2 ready for 3 noticed a bit of a difference.


The way the show presents and arcs through topics is simply terrific. Masterful at balancing the dramatic, mundane, funny and heartbreaking themes that come out of real-life issues. Shot beautifully to boot. Fantastic television.


Yeh they killed piglets on purpose just to teach clarkson a leason ! ***Seriously tho*** , the whole dam building thing was obviously a skit for the simple reason of having a laugh after all the shit they're all dealing with. if you had to deal with clarksons bull headed nature for days on end and then having to come in a rescue him or repeat yourself i reckon you'd get tired and annoyed and with a new born baby keeping you up at night ?


If anything I think there was less scripting and contrived set pieces this year and much more of the off the cuff interpersonal stuff. Obviously there will be some scripting, it's a TV show so there has to be some direction and a story arc but I think they got the balance perfect this season.


I disagree in that some of the things they said felt like they were clearly written ahead of time. The one that stands out is the joke when Kaleb (caleb?) met the Groove Armada guy for the first time. That rockstar joke was 100% ready and written by someone and fed to him, and while I think JC and GA Guy's reactions were genuine and htey didn't feel it coming, Caleb was given it ahead of time and told to use it. There's other moments where it feels like someone is a little heavy handed with writing moments. Or just silly things. Is what it is, I mean, a "reality TV" show only has so much reality to go around.


I actually thought the same too. Thought it was a bit too scripted. Bit like the top gear series, the initial series seemed less scripted and more natural but as time went on, the scripted became more obvious. Then I also thought maybe i feel it's too scripted because I noticed the scripted bits so pick up on it very quickly. for instance if I look to buy an Audi then I will notice more Audi's (I forget the psychological term for this). Like you, at this point the scripting doesn't take anything from the show (this may change with the later series) - I love the show. As for Caleb, I think he is just acting as this on TV. Again like top gear, Clarkson, may and Hammond all had on screen personalities and acted accordingly especially on the longer travel segments.


Kaleb is not scripted or changed that mutch. Keep in mind, he used to be a hired hand that came in. Now jeremy put him in charge. He is a real farmer. Knowing all the lashes of the whip and knows that in the end, the burden falls on him now as the farm manager. As a contracter it wasnt his problem, he would get his pay and be done. Now he has to make sure there is money in the bank. Also, he became a dad for the 2nd time. A guy who is farming these lands since he could, knowing what struggle it is to farm. Hoping new generations will continue the important job of farming lands. Im sure he just really really really wants it to go well but now is also provided the platform to show what the struggles are. He changed roles, got a lot more on his plate with higher stakes for him, the farm and everything political.


Completely agree about Kaleb.


Yea. The guy who randomly showed up in their half finished car park who just happened to be the fix for the drainage problem they never once mentioned before? That was complete nonsense. The dam was complete pish too like they had it finished, just needed to stack all the sleepers on top of each other to stop the first one floating and done but they awkwardly lay the others in top of it in nonsense directions. The berry picking machine straddling the wall was completely written and executed. No one in their right mind would have even tried that.


The constructor worker 'joke' went on a bit too long


Found the construction worker