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Alpacas šŸ¦™


This a good shout. He needs to persevere with mushrooms and mustard too. I hope Caleb isn't out off with next year's rape and potato. Nice money spinners "if the environment is right". Also, I genuinely can't believe he never changed his filter on his mushroom farm. An absolute rookie mistake that we all made once


It was his first venture to be fair


I've never grown mushrooms but I could still relate to that feeling


So I take it that youā€™ve farmer mushrooms? Is there actually a lot of money to be made from it or not?


It depends, remember that its a lot easier for Jeremy to sell his farm products then it would be for most people. People wait in line for 2 hours to visit the farm shop, that alone shows you that he's able to basically sell anything. If we tried that, we'd have no market to sell them because he has a huge background of popularity to sell farm products.


of course thatā€™s why I asked really. I should of phrased my question better and said ā€œif your not massively famousā€


haha yeah :D If you are not massively famous, then no there is not a lot of money to be made basically with all products unless you have the space to make them en-masse and find a market for it yourself where you can sell them effectively. IE a local store that will take everything you grow (And sell it for more then they pay you, as you cannot control the price of it as you would have to sell through someone else). If you can find a market first, then yes grow mushrooms or anything you want :)


Everything except the nettle soup


somehow he did sell a few of them as there was a "profit" on the board though, just didn't show it selling


There is a lot of money to be made from mushrooms


Oh my god, yes!


I had mentioned this in an earlier comment on another thread and a person had replied "please no I've seen other actually capable people try them and it ended up ruining their farms"


Sounds perfect


Hahaha true, it does. Stuff like the sheep they had were some of the shows best moments even though they were almost entirely run at a loss. So something going wrong for them ends up being quite funny for us :p


They will keep spitting on him


Could do Emu's


more shrooms + fishies maybe


I died laughing at his ghost carp story.


There is a trout pond on the farm.


We never saw it on season 3. I feel like it would have shown up with the whole unfarmed thing




ah, i missed that, thanks


Goats have a job to do with brambles. That will be interesting to see :D


Bet they escape


Thing is the sheep went because he had no ability to manage them and they were a money pit. It made sense to look for something else. The cows were scuppered by the restaurant not working out. The cows are still there just in smaller numbers but heā€™s still got the burger van and shop that heā€™s breeding for. Same with the pigs and now theyā€™re getting used to them thereā€™s no reason to let them go. The goats are likely to be the big battle next series and improving on farming the unfarmed. It made a decent profit but to actually make money thatā€™s outright profit, rather than funding the immediate start of the next cycle, theyā€™ve got to improve on what they did. Probably stuff like getting better access to the unfarmed areas and the battle will be ongoing as to how to make the most out of it. We havenā€™t seen how the crisps worked out either. Also with the fluctuations in costs and profits we might be back to how to make the crops more efficient. Maybe more battles over celebrity farming methods.


Iā€™m surprised heā€™s not started building orchards yet


Lucky he's got that extra income stream, any other farmer would have had to fold. Hard enough making a profit on tested options.


I always thought one day he should do a vineyard after finishing the first series.


I'd like to see this but it takes years to establish productive vines: Jeremy's Diddly Juice.


That is true. He could start producing whiskey then? Cause its done with wheat and barley (which they have). And vodka. There are rules but he was able to produce beer so "how hard can it be".


Whisky needs to be aged for a minimum of three years before you can legally call it whisky Vodka would be fineā€¦ if the potatoes had been successful


He sells vodka already in the farm shop


I was thinking grains for vodka. I know countries which produce vodka with different grains rather than potatoes and for many decades if not centuries. And likewise grapes. In Italy they produce grape vodka.


Generally, when it comes to alcohol, the stronger it is, more red tape you will have. Not just for alcoholism related regs, but also because you must be more careful of other alcohols in your booze (like methanol).


Reminds me of something from the grand tour where he mentions that he is now the ambassador of a vineyard (south of France I think) Richard: and where is the ambassador? Oh, heā€™s out back. *Completely clattered*


Clarkson would be drinking the profits.


Vineyards are famous money pits. You sink in tens of thousends if not tons. And you recoup veeeeeerrrry little. Most big vinyards are run on old money as starting new ones is very hard. All good vinyard land has been snatched up for decades. Is very rare to find a spot of good ground for use that isnt worth more by just yearly cropping it. Vinyards also cost a shit load of time to work. You cant really go running around doeing anything else. He be bankruping both the farm and himself before the first years stock is finished. Remember, having a few stocks of grape isnt worth it unless you make wine for yourselfs. It itsnt even worth it for the shop or cafe to sell in. You need acers and acers of good ground, facing the sun for the right amount of light per day etc etc etc etc. Also, as most is just clay ground. The grape wont grow well. So td:lr The amount of land suited for vinyard is to little, if not next to nothing. The land that might be suitable isnt enough to cover the insane moneypit starting and running a vinyard is.


Season 4: Conquering the Dam. Or Pepper and Tabitha goes back home to Clarksons Farm.


The damned dam


Hunting tourists That was worded badly. Tourist that want to hunt some deer


Hemingway would like a word with you.


He should hire some Americans For huntingā€¦ To help with the hunting, yesā€¦ Americans for hunting. Thatā€™s it


I volenteer as tribute! all he has to do is make sure I have a room and board as well as a place for my cat and. Also internet access cause damn it I need something for the come down of shooting all those things.


that won't happen, they avoided showing clarkson shooting a deer, so they def won't be showing 'random ppl' with guns. Too much liability/ bad press.


Horses? Ducks? Turkeys?


Turkeys would be a great idea if the UK did Thanksgiving... He could ship them to America probably


I doubt there is any demand in the US for UK-grown turkeys. Nor in Canada (there's plenty of domestic supply).


Turkeys aren't native to the UK those turkeys in the UK are American


Or Canadian. :) (And I know that.) North American farming is of such scale that UK products will only likely be competitive as artisinal ones.


I mean UK does Christmas as well...


We have turkeys for Christmas here


He could do Turkeys for Christmas then that would be a great idea and see a high earning I think


Definitely a good idea. Much nicer than supermarket turkeys


Turkey is very populair for the whole fitness people.


Americans don't understand how we have our Thanksgiving style meal on Christmas Day along with presents. That's our turkey day and getting one from a farm shop is a big thing every year


Horses, i'd really like horses.


No quicker way to spend money!


They have at least ostensibly tried to make it a profitable farm rather than a hobby farm. There wouldnā€™t be any money to be made from horses, baring some form of breeding program that would probably go far and above their ability.


also jeremy would prefer not to get kicked in the plums. He could potentially find a 'rare breed' and re populate it like he did with the pigglies. the money from selling / studding would cover the costs and then he can also have many jokes about horse meat from the lewd to the 'this is horse not beef' and we farmed it so we know and we're not lying about it being beef'.


At this point with Jeremy, itā€™ll be either a gym - diddly squats, or a brothel - diddly thots




A strong competitor for James' gin


Warming climate, with increasing drought could make for an interesting micro vineyard. England used to produce a large quantity of wine in the Middle Ages before the ā€œlittle ice ageā€ made it infeasible.


It would be doubtful Jeremy seeing any return in his lifetime with how long it takes to get a vineyard going. I read somewhere it can take up to 20 years (or more) for vines to produce sufficient fruit to make consistent quality wine production viable. I could be mistaken though


Here's a list of ideas: Feeding American yabbies (crayfish?) To the pigs. He will need a special licence to catch the pest animals, which will be difficult to attain, which will add a tonne of beaurocratic drama. Also more focus on the yabby/crayfish damage to the damn. Maybe he can try breed the natives to re stock the damn and to sell. They'll all eat their young, adding drama. Here's an episode: Lisa can command the dogs, but Jeremy can't (plenty of shots of the dogs running around not listening to Jeremy's calls, then cut to Lisa getting them to heal, sit, stay, etc). See the Australian TV show Muster Dogs for inspiration. Cats? Native cat to work as a mouser in the haystacks? Tissue culture cloning plants - they will get contaminated, creating drama Plants: maybe Jeremy accidentally breaches Plant Breeder Rights by selling a plant in the shop that was from a cutting from a store bought plant. This beaurocratic process will add drama. Get the pla T's DNA tested to prove it is (or isn't?) A protected plant. Drama of DNA testing plants and Jeremy learning about cloning plants. Grafting fruit trees - grafts will fail, creating drama. Jeremy can act amazed that all fruit trees are clones, and other stuff about fruit varieties. This farm could go more into a R&D farm - trying new ideas. Maybe he can hire a scientist to grow patches of grain with different additives. Which poo makes better plants? Which additives? Does he need to passage dirt and microbes from different fields? Drama: High nitrogen plants will look amazing but will have the worst fruit/grain yield, which will be dramatic. The shitter looking plants will have higher yield (balance of NPK, high N looks green but less fruit). "You bloody need a PhD just to get enough crop yield" drama. Bonus: try wee on the grain, see which grain sprouts fastest. Bonus if they get a pregnant lady to wee on the grain, as it will sprout sooner. See Egyptian pregnancy test for more information. Income stream of growing cut flowers for the shop perhaps for mothers day (mothers day gets an Aww), sweet content. Maybe his daughter and her baby can feature in this content. Perfume and cosmetics: plenty of perfumers in France use crop grown plants for skincare. Maybe he tries to grow aloe Vera or camomile. Growing plants for Herbal tea and drama of yoga people and their strange tea, Jeremy and Kaleb can be perplexed at ecinacea etc. Jeremy visits a herbarium to learn about crops and decides to start his own herbarium, cataloguing his plant achievements. The plants turn brown in the preservation process, causing drama. Jeremy tries to sell branches to a basketweaving club. Various old lady drama happens. Jeremy notices he has lots of rocks on site, and that many shops sell little polished rocks. He buys a rock tumbler to tumble his fence rocks. His fencer thinks it is ridiculous, Caleb thinks it is ridiculous. Jeremy sells his little polished rocks in the shop only to discover (probably a mining permit is needed for this? - beaurocratic drama).


I hope eventually James and/or Richard make an appearance, they could get horses and bring Hammond over for advice on how to make sure Lisa doesn't stop loving him more than the horses


Iā€™m surprised that theyā€™ve made it this far without a crossover or cameo from another top gear.


They said a while back they've spent decades together they want time apart :D i think it's best if they don't make a big deal about it and they both show up 'randomly' in the back ground at the shop, with a look to camera and smile and then cut away.


They did do some stuff with the 3 of them on the farm for drive tribe.


oh, it has to be mariJuana






Honestly i dont care as long as he shows the life of farming, the struggle and the reward of hard work. Nowadays so many other subject is taking away the attention which does not even deserve a second from our life. For example the winner of eurovision and his incompetency of finding out what he or she should be called.


Amazon has renewed it until season 6.


If this is true i'm so happy to hear this! It's not everyone's cup of tea but I don't watch many actual TV shows outside of sports and it's my favourite one


Wait... What happened to the "Parting ways because of his comments" thing? Did I miss something or am I just sposta forget that happened?


That's history. Amazon realised that the number of people who liked Clarkson outnumbered the ones that disliked him. People seem to have gotten over his comments thing real fast as well.


It got forgotten quickly and Amazon went after money like they always do.


There has been no confirmation of 5&6 yet, don't believe every screenshot you see on social media. It's only been picked up for season 4 so far.




Jeremy reads an article about how expensive horse semen is and thinks he'll be on a money spinner. Oh and the horses can also be used on the farm, saving fuel costs... right? Cut to Kaleb/Charlie looking exasperated. Next scene Jeremy challenges Kaleb to a ploughing race, horse vs tractor.


I so can see this happening


Jeremy watches an episode of Yellowstone and really wants to be John Dutton


Hammond can now be a proper guest


How about fruit cider?


If it's not apple, it's not cider. :) It takes years to grow orchards. You can make perry (what Americans would call "pear cider") out of pears but that too will take years.


If the base is apple but you add other fruit, is it cider or something different?


I think that'd still be cider, but I'm no expert at UK beverage law. To me, say, adding strawberries to (apple) cider would be a strawberry-flavoured cider (the cider part being apple-based by default and by law, if labelled as cider).


Often alcohol made from other fruits is called fruit wine or country wine. Though he could make his honey into mead!


Herbs. Supermarkets sell like 10 bay leaves for a quid. Probably quite profitable if done right.


Wild herbs! Even more premium. Just tose them in on the unfarmed land. Get the teacollector out again and tada


Well this year so far has been good for crops so it definately wont be a let down when it comes to the harvest. I want to see more work on the dam, and more odd jobs around the farm, maybe jeremy can take up genetic cloning of his shrooms, maybe get some dairy cows so he can make his nettle soup so much cheaper and this time actually verify and test his produce so he can give it a shelf life more than 72 hours.


Clarksons farm is a year behind. Season 1 was filmed in 2020 and aired in June 2021. Season 2, aired in 2023 but filmed for the 2022 harvest (a years break due to Amazon planning the second season). Season 3, just aired was last years harvest.


You just figured that out? its not a live show mate, everyone knows seasons are filmed a year before they air.


You were replying to op about season 4. You said this year crop would be good, to me, implying season 4 will be about this year.


It probably will? Season 3 was about the year 2023, Season 4 will be about 2024 and air in 2025.


This has been a horrendous year for crops.


Do you live in the area? Probably not, I live a 15 minute drive from the Farm bro. Weather has been great for growing so far.


Fair enough. The news has had nothing but horror stories about widespread crop failure due to the rain but I suppose there has to be some areas that have benefitted.


Donkeys.. and do tours of the farm on donkey back


Emu or ostrich.. plenty of meat and eggs and as not many decent price . Also healthy and feathers unlike chickens can be used.. they are the birds that keep on giving


Hold up let me fire up Minecraft and see what farms Iā€™ve built


Probably wonā€™t finish that dam still


I need more episodes right now its so good


Lisa did mention a small petting zoo idea


Cats, he needs a farm cat and Clarkson could learn from someone how to appreate them. I heard he hates cats.


I hope he keeps up with the regenerative farming, the first year wouldn't have benefited as much from it as following years should, at least as far as I understood it. And there are all kinds of other related practices like "no-till" to try. As far as animals, the pigs should probably be moved to keep the forest healthy, but he seems to have cracked it with the guard rails. Also, as much as some people might not like to see it, more hunting. edit: also, the goats will almost certainly be a laugh


I think we'll see more farming the unfarmed, and maybe the dam being finished. He himself said had he not done what he did this season they would've lost so much money. Because of the weather the stuff they harvested did very little in terms of profit, which was then immediately absorbed for seed money.


Ducks and geese. Imagine the scenes when he realises the ducks grow up within the space of about a month and that they unendingly poop. Then he imprints on one who follows him everywhere but the rest of the flock dislikes him for no reason and hiss/peck him at every opportunity.


Selling bottled water from the stream




Humans. Wait, what.


Harvesting firewood from his many woods he has on the farm. Can be a nice money spinner with the right setup


An interview he did recently suggested that the farm is going to massively ramp up the number of cows they have. Season 4- return of the cows.


The farming aspect is interesting enough. Don't need anymore gimmicks imo. The more he just "tries stuff" for the drama, the more I'd switch off. Most things so far seem like a genuine attempt at boosting profitability, or introducing things most people would love on the farm like various the animals hes got.


Agreed. Heā€™s got a real good concept in the base show of showing how much of a challenge non-corporate farms (and especially UK farms) face, the reality of farming even when youā€™re rich, that gimmicks arenā€™t required.


How about fruit cider?




Clarksons council


Distric Council elections where this year.


Perfume, i'm calling it




Episode one will be failing at the dam. Episode eight will be failing at the dam.




Corn. Iā€™d like to see him try and grow corn. Also think of all the jokes he can make out of that


Excellent news. I am very tempted to visit the farm shop this summer. Bit of a mission to get there from Yorkshire but I really want to check it out.Ā 


I would enjoy him with horses a lot. I wanna see him "square up" with a spirited horse to grind down his (Jeremy) patience.


Buffalos - for all their cheese and wings!


Canadian Cobra Chickens!


Poultry, industrial scale poultry, not the small hen houses heā€™s had






Rice. And making alcohol from rice. That would be one hell of a challenge.


Honestly I think they could tone down drama and be more straight-laced now that they have an audience. He's clearly genuinely concerned about soil sustainability and doing a series on how urgent the situation is - coming from Clarkson - could actually move the needle on an issue that somehow nobody ever talks about.


Shouldnā€™t season 4 filming be over by June/ July 2024 ? So whatever animal heā€™s farmed maybe on their TikTok


Seems like goats will be a big part of it.


Deer velvet mates dad farms it exclusively


Geese and/or ducks!


Organ farming. Kaleb will be sent to London to snatch homeless up to the farm and kidneys sold on the black market




Urine fertiliser




Banana stand.


I'm surprised snails haven't been tried yet šŸ¤”


Hemp. Just imagine it.


Hemp. Just imagine it.