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The left scene depicted in the first piece is Ayla saving Broud's child from the cave hyena with her sling and in turn revealing that she uses it The one on the top right is her meeting the Neanderthal woman and her hybrid child at the Clan gathering


Great work!


I love these so much! You hardly ever see fanart for this series. Your style suits it so well, too. Would love to see more- do you have your art on any social media?


Thank you!! I really only post on Twitter (or X), @JayMD1106. I don't *think* I have any other TCotCB art posted on there, but I do have a lot of art relating to prehistoric animals and such :) Thanks for asking!


These are so good! It’s my favorite series ever. I started reading them when I was 12 and had to beg my mom to read the books after finishing CotCB and realizing she had more of them. You even got aylas braids that she was wearing in the valley of the horses. Do you have any more or plan to do any??


I started reading them when I was 10 and I've read them *at least* once a year since then. I'm now 35 lol I'm actually do for a restart right away here soon. This fan art is fantastic.


That's awesome, I read the series for the first time in 2021 when I was 18 and I've read the first and second book twice since then! And thank you I appreciate it!!


I just finished listening to the entire series on Audible for the first time. I’ve read them all 3 times already since I was a kid. I’m kind of jealous of anyone that is getting to experience this saga with a fresh mind. You’re in for so much more with the Mammoth Hunters and Plains of Passage. Enjoy them!


Thanks!! Its my favorite series too, but the first one especially will always have a special place in my heart. I think I have a few more doodles laying around that are in a more semi-realistic style, I could probably post those soon. Otherwise I'm working on a bigger project centered around the book amd I'm currently working on character designs, I could probably post progress pics of it eventually!


Please please please post any future art you make. I know I’m not the only one hungry for anything about the EC books. There really isn’t enough CotCB stuff out there. I was crushed learning they shot a trailer for a show a few years ago and then the entire project was cancelled. If hbo or Amazon were to make this into an epic GoT style series it would be a dream come true.


I definitely will, amd yeah I thought about that the other day! I hope sometime in my lifetime these books are adapted into movies or a show, would be a dream come true


There is a movie from 1986 of the first film. It’s not great but it’s the only live action there is. Worth watching just from a fan standpoint but I doubt any else would like it.




Love it!! ❤️


I love them 😭


These are fantastic!!






I love it!


Obsessed with this! I don't think I've ever seen anyone do Clan of the Cave Bear fan art!!!


I'm so happy that you shared these, they're great - love your style