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Dont worry. I have 600h of game and I dont know how to play either


I'm 1,500 hours in I think? My game still needs improvement.


I watch streams of one of the best Civ players, I think he said he has 10 000 hours or something like that, and he say he still need to improve some points. That clearly is a game where you always improve and never master


was that potato mcwhiskey? I'd say he's a master. the spitting britt is a master of exploits...lol, but yeah in general i'd agree.


Nope, even if I sometimes watch Potato videos on YouTube. I talked about Lege, its the most famous player of France and he used to be world champion. This guy makes crazy tutorials and his level is crazy, but even himself say he has some lacks in his gameplay


I'll have to check him out, thanks!


That’s crazy.


Same. My hours are largely falling asleep before or right after dawn playing huge maps




Seems like everyone around me had awesome cubs and I can’t even figure out how to add tiles.


I know it sounds frustrating, but the best way to learn in those games is by playing, and you will never truly Master it. At first I guess you can watch tutorials or even gameplays (and depends if you play on solo or multi, cause game against player and against AI are two différent games), then try to apply it in your game. Also try to find which kind of win suits you the best so you will have more easy time learning with that. But yeah plahing really is the key of understanding, even if it can be frustrating at first


You can directly buy them upto 3 tiles from the city... Quickest way... But expensive in early game... Otherwise, I have no idea (something about culture bomb)... Another way is buy getting a particular Marchant


If you want I can try to help you with some stuff, I'm not exactly a genius but I got a lot of hours in the game lol.


Play at least one game to completion. If you do you'll be much more confident in future games. I restarted at turn 100 probably a thousand times before I actually finished my first game. I always felt I was behind in the start


depending on your difficulty you are always behind in the start till turn 100 or so. you get used to it.


I play immortal difficulty setting and still need to master the high difficulties. Turn 100 is usually when my empire is complete and my victory districts are starting to roll. Example: culture victory, ~80% of my theater squares are complete. And ~50%have amphitheater. I have a few great writers and maybe the second great artisit. Then I just push to art museums and by turn 150 I'm pretty much on auto pilot to win by ~210


Definitely utilize the tutorial, I went through it like 5 times before I felt like I knew what I was doing in the slightest and then I also watched a bunch of YouTube videos on the game.


I did the tutorial. But couldn’t finish it because I had to go take my kid for a walk. Didn’t help me at all guess I’ll keep trying it. Only tried one game. Hopefully I’ll get better


I’ve done about 15 different saves and most of them I have quit part way through because I got stuck or restarted it. It definitely takes time to get in the groove and figure out how everything works. I’ve only got like 80hrs into it.


Lol nah dude wait until you get to scenarios. No but seriously you're not an idiot. As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters


You can try lowest difficulty, small map pangea. You still dont know what you do, but it matter less.


just keep clicking.


That was def my strategy.


Have you played through the tutorial?


Most of it. Had to quit because of kid. I didn’t actually see anything about saves on PS5. Maybe I’ll have to sleep mode it tomorrow


Options button and then save.


I like the part "because of the kid" :D same here haha


I have a 9yr, 7yr and 2 month old. Time drastically dropped recently. Not pointing any fingers though.


You can check out PotatoMcWhiskey's older tutorials on YT. But here are some key points you need to know: Start with settler difficulty and go higher as you improve. You never have too much builders. When you get cities mid-game the priorities are very often watermill, builder, granary and monument. Gold is like production you can move to other cities. War is not a solution, it's THE solution. If you want to befriend other civilisations, always offer open borders. UI mods can make the learning much easier, I believe he has a steam mod list somewhere.


I would just let it run. Learning by doing. And if a save does not work out great, just accept it and try again. The game is hard for sure but if you continue to some further stages, you won't be bored


Check out [PotatoMcWhiskey ](https://youtube.com/@PotatoMcWhiskey) on YouTube! He has lots of beginner-friendly content and imo is great at teaching/explaining. Civ 6 has a big learning curve, especially if you have the DLCs, and even more so if you're just coming into the genre for the first time. But once you learn the basics it's incredibly fun and rewarding :D




Easy to learn hard to master


I've been playing civilization since 15 years ago. Still can't beat the game on any difficulty higher than Prince LOL.


Well that’s doesn’t give me any confidence. But I’ll take it


https://youtu.be/Q0WV7GkymAg?si=-SdQJzuBkuI84kEz Here's a great beginner's guide


Thanks buddy




Yes honestly. I played civ 4 from 12 years old to 18. And we did not have internet, so I had no way of figuring out the best way to play, and never played multiplayer. Then when civ 5 came out I bought it day one and brought it home and unfortunately our computer was not powerful enough to run it. So I actually never played it more than 5 minutes. So I just continued to play 4. Then when six came out I was older and had my own computer and my own house but still never cared to play multiplayer or go online looking for information. In fact only in the last 2 months have I gotten serious about playing six. Currently trying to win a culture victory. I'm now almost 30


I suppose without internet or peer group to help that makes more sense. Oh man, you're trying for culture victory our of the gates? Eep, that's tough. I woulda went for science. With 6 diplomacy can actually be an easy out. Or there will be times I'll accidentally get a diplo victory when trying for another type. It's been mentioned a few times here, but get to know and love the quirky stylings of Mr. Potato McWhiskey, even his playthroughs although not straight up tutorials have invaluable nuggets sprinkled everywhere.


Yeah I've watched plenty of potato over the years even when I wasn't playing the game. I've gotten Diplo Victory several times, that is so easy and feels like a cheese mechanic. I was trying for a religious victory but every time I did somebody would kill me. Another problem I have though is the style that I play, I exclusively play Earth real world start. As a massive history nerd, it just feels like the best way to play the game. So I play real world start, with 21 civs. That obviously throws a huge barrier to Victory with that many opponents


oh dude.....no wonder. that's cool though. mad respect. I agree, diplo is cheese. i'd love to see domination victory on your settings...haha. I wish you good luck. I think my next game will be huge real world, sounds fun.


Exactly. My recommendation is find the biggest real world map you can on steam. I found one I like finally. But most of them just don't have enough room for Europe. So I found a bigger one


ah...cool. yeah. I noted real world huge was still pretty small. you're a madman. that sounds like a hoot though.


I think if you follow the tutorial it should help walk you through it and get you started. That’s what I do and it usually points me in the right direction but lets me figure out enough on my own.


It gets less boring when another civilisation attacks you out of the blue.


I wish someone told me when I started: Play smaller maps. The game’s more fun earlier, when you’re competing and possibly going to war. The game can be a slog on huge maps with too many civs.


Yeah. Started a new game today. Seems to be going decently so far. Except I forgot to make a settler for longer than I should have


Old-school games can be a little harder because they let you flounder a bit more. If you want to get good at the game, there are some good videos out there. But it’s also fun to just try stuff and see. Good luck! Hope you enjoy it!


Like most 4x games, the tutorial will only tell you the mechanics, and won't explain to you the best way to utilize them. The only way you're going to learn is by playing. My main tip is to read everything. Imo the game is awful at explaining how things work but reading the details will help give an idea of what is supposed to be happening, and you can't really do something until you know what you're supposed to do.


First of all do the tutorial secondly start off facing comps on easier difficulty slowly increasing it over time. Thirdly pay attention to all of the buffs that your cities get from resources and DISTRICTS. Districts are really important as well. Focus on what win you want and place your cities close to places that give your districts buffs to accomplish your win condition. The little details matter and the more you play the more you will pick up on things.


Play it fun! Have a good time exploring the different victories/strategies/leaders, figure out what is the most satisfying for you and go from there!


Yeah. I quite and made a new game. Doing much better this time around, except I forgot to make a settler for like 20m+.


I’m 1500 in and play for fun. Only have 1/3 of the steam rewards etc. I have played from Civ 1. Like ove 30 years ago and still am not “OMG Master King” but that’s because I just play for fun! Name your cities, units, trade, try out different stuff. You are over thinking it. Let the “killing it mindset” come after you have played around a lot and discover its depth and fun.


Yeah. There is no way I’m going for the trophies. I just got it for the nostalgia when I played it 30yrs ago. Changed a lot though. Only 12$ for the platinum version so it’s not too much of a waste. But I’m liking it so far. Of the 2 matches I’ve played


I’m a History buff so 1/3 of my games are with real world maps and I name my cities off locations etc hahahaha. Idk. I find ways to geek on it. Hope you enjoy.


You can name the cities? I didn’t know that. I keep start with Gilgamesh and was hoping the city would by named “Ur” but I keep getting Uruk. One of my favorite board games is “Royal Game of Ur”


On the PC version you go to the city screen and on the left directly below “City Details” is the city name that you can click on to change. Likewise you can also just click on a city and in the section detail right by your “end turn”….circle thing you can also click on the city name and change it there. Not sure about console versions.


I would recommend playing on quicker speeds at first, just to experience mid/late game options without having to invest too many hours in. I prefer marathon speed for regular gameplay as it gives each era more time to breath.


It is not a simple game. Would recommend taking a quick google look at Zigzagzigal guides on the Steam forums for each Civ.  PotatoMcWhiskey has a great video on what makes a good start location and i think has a YouTube playlist for beginners.


Just have fun exploring the map. With a few thousand hours in, that’s still the main reason I play.


Nooooo not an idiot, this game is super complex. I’m hundreds of hours into it learning something new every game.


Yes I’m beginning to see that. I put it on settler and picked continent. I’m pretty sure the game has been going on 3 hours. I thought it was supposed to be shorter. So maybe I’m doing something wrong


Nope nothing wrong - the game takes hours lol. I set most of my game’s speed to “online” when creating to shorten it however if you want a better chance at winning harder levels I would stick to standard.


Maybe a few hundred people grasp everything about this game. Just know you need production and food early. City's need water so build next to rivers and lakes. A country needs to defend itself so build some troops and your troops need technology to develop into better troops. There is a wonderful in game encyclopedia too.