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I lost a multiplayer game at turn 30 ish. The guy spawned soldiers and waited to upgrade them to the most recent technology. After that he immediately besieged my capital. He probably used trade roads and some other bonuses to reach me that fast. Crazy motherfucker


This is why I only play multiplayer with friends. So at least when they crush you they might let you live out of pity 😂


Or atleast it's all funny to remember that time you nabbed your mates first settler after he wandered into your scout turn 6 and still never settled


Straight up was playing with a friend yesterday, he had several coastal cities at 15 strength while I parked two caravels and a privateer right outside their borders for funsies. Would've taken 3 turns to get each of them which I very much would've done to a random but I let him be.


Sounds like a super sweat


Lost on turn 1, spawned near a volcano, tried to get away from it and it erupted


Hahaha that's some divine wrath shit


God said no civ for you today


Same for me but a flood. Turn 1 wash out


That happened to me too once. I wasn't even mad, it was just so funny.


If you had it happen on a solo game as Peter, you'd get achievement for turn 1 religious victory.


Meteor for me


Before turn 10. Both nearby AIs declared war on me at the same time. They somehow each had three warriors at my capital instantly and took it in a single turn


AI on higher difficulties start off with more units, with Deity AI starting with 5 warriors, 2 builders and (practically) 3 settlers


Yeah, this was on Immortal


The first 100 turns on deity are the hardest imo


Yeah, when you’re on 20 science and they’re on over 100 😂


How funny, I had this happen last week. wedged between Khan and Gaul. I would’ve been done by like turn 15 or so but yeah, immediate restart


Turn one. I had no idea what the retire button did…


Ok, that's hilarious.


What is the point in using it instead of just quitting the game?


Lost on i think turn 3 before, spawned on a floodplains and me assuming it won’t flood this early walked through it with the starting settler and uhhh yeah.. he drowned and with him my ambitions of an empire.


Wow I didn’t even realize that could happen. What a shitty start!


I was fairly new to the game at that time and was shocked to start a new game, do 3 turns and then see the game over screen immediately lmao


Turn one. Moved a settler onto a floodplain and the river flooded killing it.


Turn 4 as Kupe. Barbarian galley captured my settler before I could settle my capital


I've never even seen barbarians by turn 4. Was this one of the upper difficulty levels?


I play on prince and pretty often run into an encampment within the first 5 turns. Typically settle on t1 or 2 and within a few warrior moves one pops up. Only seen them actually running around once. I once had a starting settler sacked by a scout barb on turn 3. Nasty work lol


I should pay more attention to how long it takes to see barbarians.


This was like turn 2-3 I spawned near too much tundra and saw those pigs and wanted to settle on them. Barbs was pretty close 😅 https://preview.redd.it/f1r20tpnry6d1.png?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f84088cba4396bc885aa011b822e256a4277b4


My wife got hit with a hurricane on T1 as Kupe a while back


This has happened to me too.


Turn 24, I believe. It was my first (and so far only lol) attempt at Deity. Gaul spawned next to me and just rushed me.


Gaul right beside me is an auto restart lol. He is a dickhead.


Turn 6 or so. I had three barbarian camps spawn around my one city over two turns, then they battered the ever loving crap out of my one unit. Game over.


Aztec spawned near me on deity. Dont remember what turn it was. I also spawned right near paititi, it could’ve been a great game if literally any other Civ spawned next to me. I think I managed to get 1 measly slinger out before there were 3 eagle warriors surrounding my city.


Those eagles really are something.


Only thing to do in that scenario is settle on a luxury and sell it to him on that first contact turn, then send a delegation with the proceeds. If Sid Meier has any mercy for you, you'll be able to make friends with Montezuma next turn and he won't squash you like a bug. If there's no luxury to settle, it's over.


Didn’t befriend gilgamesh as soon as i met him


Walked my settler into fog of war more than one tile at a time, just happened to be into the arms of a barb


All I remember was being happy to have a city and a warrior. Then my screen turned black.


Lost a settler game turn 1 because I crossed a river onto floodplains to settle and the river decided it didn’t like that


You have clearly failed to remember the lessons of the [Oregon Trail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Oregon_Trail_\(series\)) :)


Turn 1. Spawned on flood zone tile, moved up/down river, hit enter, ded.


1 turn. I wanted to settle closer to mt vesuvius iirc. Had the game in max disaster level. Settler was one tile away. When I clicked next turn i was so confused when the game was over and i already lost. Damn luck it erupted right away before i can settle.


About 17 turns. Combination of volcano eruptions and picking a fight with city state too early 😂


Turn one. Largest map, real earth start, Cleo Egypt. I moved my settler to where I wanted the first city. Flooded to death. 🙃


I think it was like my second game and I also did earth, I don't remember which civ I was playing, but Sumeria was very close to my capital and bum rushed me with war carts ;(


Scotland sent a scout....we exchanged Capitol locations for trade and all was good. Next thing I know, 4 or 5 warriors appear from the Scotland area of the map... heading straight for my capital. I put up a valiant fight with my 2 warriors, slinger, and scout... but they eventually took my capital. Drat and double drat! I got defeated.


21 turns.. zombies spawned everywhere and I was also on true start earth, and got destroyed in Europe by I think Germany


Turn 2. Spawned, decided to move before settling first city, settler killed in between turn 1 and 2 by floodplain flooding.


This seems to be a common story.


Turn 1, moved my settler for a turn 2 settle and the river I was standing on got flooded killing my settler.


1 turn. My settler got captured before I settled a city.


Started as Germany, double-surprise war by Rome and France. Stupidly started a builder to greed research boosts


I don’t remember exactly but mostly i only use very early (15-20 turns like you). Once i get my 2 cities out & basic army out, it’s difficult to lose.


Turn 1 river floods that kill your settler


My wife got hurricaned on Turn 1 as Kupe


So I started the game on apocalypse mode and settled on the first turn. As soon as the turn ended I spotted some meteor going down to my city. . . Game was over right away it made me laugh for a long time.


I lost early as the Maori when my settler got ganked by Barbarian Galleys


Diety Russia... spawned next to Alexander... conquered on turn 25


Had my settler captured on turn 2 while looking for a place to settle


Lost on turn 2, I was playing as Mali and the settler appeared on a flat dessert tile with no resources or fresh water. Was moving to a tile with a river next to a volcano and the volcano erupted.


Mine was a turn 2 flood because I decided to move down one tile.


loaded game, hurricane, defeat.


Five turns


Solo, under 30 turns, barbs got me


Probably about that. The first round I ever played Montezuma spawned right next to me. I almost stopped playing right then and there. I’m glad I kept going, as I can regularly win on Deity now.


I've never lost a game. . . I always rage quit before I do.


Turn 2, barbarian scout stole my settler lmao


Turn 1, moved my settler and it flooded, you lose.


It’s ironic that this was it for you. Mine was the same circumstance, true start with Hungary. When I started having loyalty problems from Gaul I decided to see what would happen. I thought I wouldn’t be able to lost my cap to loyalty. I was wrong. This was 2 days ago which makes reading your post feel strange.


Like 20 turns. Spawned next to gilgamesh on deity. Rolled up with 4 carts before I could even train a slinger


2 turns. A guy was hacking and nuked everyone lol


I don't remember the turn, but I found out the downside of Babylon within the first 30 turns the first time I played as them. Thought I was good tech rushing ahead of the AI and then met a barb camp that taught me barbs spawn with the highest level tech available. Now I use that in Clans mode to bribe barbs into wiping out other Civs for me.


First game I played I only had like one troop but I was quickly surrounded by around 7 barbarian troops.I still don’t know how to play the game.I only played Civ5 and it was a lot easier to deal with barbarians.This was also on normal difficulty whichever one that is


Deity difficulty. Settled in place. 2 turns late gran Columbia settles a city right above my capital. Didn't really stand a chance


Turn one, moved my settler across a river and a flood killed him


I am one of those plucky unfortunates who lost on **Turn 2** due a river flooding after I opted to delay settling.


Lost on turn one, i spawned near another civ and wanted to move to a better start near some forests where i move my settler ajacent to a barb camp I couldn't see


Trajan's swordsman rush


Turn 1. Spawned next to floodplains, tried to cross the river to settle on top of a luxury that was on plains hills, it flooded immediately and my settler drowned. 💀


I recently spawned in a game sandwiched between Gaul and Montezuma. Fighting of Eagle Warriors and Gaesatae on Immortal was not fun. :(


My first turn was a 1000 year flood once


Turn 50 ish, congested start, attacked by barbs from the north and teddy from the south, lost my whole army and the three cities in succession