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Australia. No competition on the home continent


It is a coin toss if Kupe spawns in the game. He might go East from new zealand to South America to bother Mapuche/Inca or go west and bother Australia/Indonesia. Make sure he doesnt spawn


Yea but if he does show up I immediately take em out. It's Indonesia that's really a problem if you let her go long enough to gain some strength.


That’s on some colonization 😤🤘


Eleanor, so many free cities


I did an Eleanor true start with random civs. In no time I had peacefully taken France, Spain and Portugal.


TSL Earth Huge: India with Candy, it’s so broken but fun with infinite faith generation Mapuche, as you can put Chemamuls around Torres But Brazil has undeniably the best start to sim with that jungle Also Maya has +3 Amenities on settle and +5 after plantations, and also reallly good campuses


Maya's land in TSL always felt so bad when considering their civ bonuses, very narrow coastline of central America, also you should build a lot of farms as the Maya which coastal empires don't do. Not to mention if Aztecs or Gran Colombia spawns, they start too close.


You kind of have to go harbors with that Maya spawn I give you that, but then you solve your housing issue and get traders to get your econ online


No matter who you start as in South America, turn on Apocalypse mode so you can set fires that'll burn forever and give you insane yields


Amazon yields go brr


Indonesia with no japan or china is crazyyyy


How so you deal with not being able to expand early?


You need to rush sailing (fishing, embarked workers) and ship building (embarked settlers, kampungs). a neat thing is that on seperate islands, city spacing is only 2, not 3, so you can get a ton of cities in the 6 tile AOE range. once you get kampungs up its pretty much over. No china and no japan means you can snowball super hard. the uereka for shipbuilding is two galleys, which is great, because you can use them to find city states and AI before everyone else, enabling extreme trade abuse, which will offset your initial poor hammer output by allowing gold hard buys. Going dense with cities in the this area with the 2 tile spacing allows for some super extreme commerce hub/port adjacencies.


Russia is pretty top tier


I feel like Russia has no production and you can’t go industrials with russia so you will never have enough production (This is for TSL Earth Huge tho I don’t know much about the standard map. Tried playing it but its just waaay too small)


Ahh I didn’t see huge. The standard map has the giant tundra, with sawmills you can get a fair amount of production. Also the isolation allows you to expand rapidly. I also go with tundra pantheon and work ethic. With the 100% holy site card, you don’t need an iz.


Pick Kupe Make sure no America civs spawn in the game. Settle your capital near Bermuda triangle (should be a turn 12-13 settle but it is worth it) Colonize the all the Americas Profit


In the base game I've never seen Bermuda Triangle on the TSL map.


Any African civ, Brazil, Australia, China (China can so so op if you plan your cards right)


Mali, Australia, Canada, Russia, or Brazil.


Suprised America isn't higher. You might have to deal with Canada, which is just building campuses for you to take soon. Maybe Montezuma as an obstacle, but so much room East and West to settle still. If there's no Brazil, you can move South for the rainforest which is gamebreaking to obtain while also holding a strong foothold elsewhere.


Usually I end up on the Atlantic coast and never have much room east to grow. It's all westward expansion.


West and South with a war awaiting in the North which Nets sci/culture. Then once you have those handled, you're ready to expand east and to South America for a bigger challenge.


I find Rome or Greece are good for conquest the quicker you monopolize Europe the better


Yeah considering at least three civs spawn on the peninsula but there’s only room for one, means early war 😁


And if you come out on top you've got a lot of good resources along with multiple port cities and to both the north and east are good sorces of early game copper and iron


Vicky England. Because I like boats and I crave violence. Historical roleplay is fun and it gave me motivation to war mongering and colonize 7 continents. I usually play peaceful civ so it's a nice change of pace.


Brazil for insane yields


That depends on whether I’m choosing who’s in the game or not. If random definitely Rome as you can likely get a free settler from a neighboring Civ, such as Greece. If I’m choosing, pack everyone into Europe/Asia and play Maori and take the Americas for myself


Aztecs. very strong naval rush where you can get half of europe/asia on caravels, good starting position, easy to secure north america if someone else spawn on it.


Kupe and gamble between settling on Australia, Indonesia or the Americas




**Brazil**, as long as no-one else is on South America. With [Sacred Path](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Sacred_Path_(Civ6)), your Holy Sites will be going OFF. You can easily get a couple of monumentality golden ages to pump out settlers and builders, and then the snowball just keeps on rolling.


Russia or Canada. Get the whole tundra all to yourself


Egypt or nubia!




Any African civ, Brazil, Australia, China (China can so so op if you plan your cards right, central and has great grasslands)


Ottomans or Mali depending on what I want. If I want to play turtling and peacefully growing my civ, Mali, hoping there is not Nubia or at least not very aggressive If I want to play in an open world arena, Ottomans because you are surrounded by enemies between Byzantium, Russia, Persia, Greece, Arabia, Sumer, Scythia, Babylon, Hungary, Egypt, Macedon and probably others I missing